This post is in part two of the Cause and Effect Forum and it, with other posts centred on the New England Journal of Misinformation, will feature under NEJM-GATE. The third part will focus on RCTs. Once all Ten Cases are in place, it should be possible to print the forum off to support medical exemptions and to ask medical registration boards why they are trying to put … [Read more...] about Eric Rubin Boston Strangler
Politics of Care
007 and the Spy who came in from the Cold
This post has Cases 4, Nina, and Case 5 BB. It links to a Brain Fog post on RxISK. Case 4 Nina Otulakowski Nina was referred by her doctor for review of vaccine related problems. He had previously referred her for a possible myocarditis. The reference came with her medical history, prior treatments and some of the letters from other consults. When she made contact, her … [Read more...] about 007 and the Spy who came in from the Cold
Karunya Come Home
Case 3 Karunya Venugopalan This is the third case in the Cause and Effect Forum that looks at how we establish if a vaccine or a drug has caused a harm. On January 7, 2022, there was an extraordinary article in the BMJ by Priyanka Pulla - How Covid-19 vaccines exposed India's adverse event reporting systems. This outlined a series of injuries and deaths on Covid vaccines … [Read more...] about Karunya Come Home
Disappeared in Argentina
Cause and Effect Case 2: Augusto Roux This post will have breaking news featured below. See entry for March 2, Augusto is a fit 36-year-old man from Buenos Aires. He doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol. He runs frequently and does Cross-Fit. He wanted to get vaccinated because his mother has emphysema, a lung disease, and he was worried about making things worse for her. He … [Read more...] about Disappeared in Argentina
Injuries in Vaccine Trials
A Fine Balance © Nina Otulakowski February 2022 Brianne Dressen's case below is the first of 10 clinical scenarios which will be laid out on Cause and Effect over the next few weeks. The credentials of those interviewing Bri and others can also be found there, along this week with Maddie De Garay's case. The publication of these cases challenges anyone who thinks the … [Read more...] about Injuries in Vaccine Trials
The Crack through which the Science Gets In
Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering... © Billiam James 2022 This post inaugurates a new Cause and Effect Forum which can now be found as a Tab on Some of the Forum pieces will appear here also but the Cases at its heart will primarily appear there. When a little more complete, roughly four sections in, the Forum can be … [Read more...] about The Crack through which the Science Gets In
The Evidence that Counts for Us
This post follows last weeks The Evidence that Counts for FDA. The image of dog or bear in a burning house with an untested fire extinguisher is one that many medical managers have used when referring to the Covid crisis and vaccines - the vaccines may not be perfect but we are in a burning house and even if untested they are better than nothing. Thanks to the College of … [Read more...] about The Evidence that Counts for Us
The Evidence that Counts for FDA
This is part one of a two part post. The image is from the opening sequence of Raiders of the Lost Arc and shows Indiana Jones being chased by angry natives with the shakiest of means of escape - like trying to escape in a Ford Pinto which risked bursting into flames. A Fireser 747 Max 8 might have been more up to date option. Part two next week. When vaccines and drugs … [Read more...] about The Evidence that Counts for FDA
I Am the Alpha and the Omicron
The one good thing about the Pandemic is that its given rise to some good cartoons - more on the side of the Resistance I think but am open to being persuaded if anyone wants to send me Clever Cartoons from the Empire's side. I hope this post doesn't offend anyone's sensibilities - it should be read as an amusement. The next section is most of an article that appeared in … [Read more...] about I Am the Alpha and the Omicron
Invalidating Indigenous Immunity
Rock, Stone, Crack - Disappear was supposed to be the last post of 2021. But this post forced itself forward, partly triggered by Marc Casañas, who with Alex Oncina translated El Naufragio - see Chronicle of a Tyranny Foretold. May We Never Forget One of the stories of 2021 in the English speaking world was the discovery of over a thousand unmarked graves linked to several … [Read more...] about Invalidating Indigenous Immunity