This post is twinned with No Room at the Inn.
In Secula Seculorum are Latin words that resonate for anyone of a certain age with a Catholic background. Intoned in a sonorous and rhythmic way at ceremonies, they conjured up the sacred and holy. Looked at rather than listened to, they conjure up the opposite – secularism. The words mean forever and ever.
Worlds Collide
These words and worlds collided on December 8 when Emmanuel Macron attended a Hanukkah candle lighting in the Élysée Palace. A firestorm of criticism followed. Many delighted in saying that for a century secularism has been the national religion of France, and factional religious symbols should not have defiled the Holy of Holies.
Nicolas Sarkozy, eight years earlier, had stood on the steps of the Élysée Palace after 2 brothers burst into the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and shot 12 people dead after Charlie had published a cartoon of the Prophet. This was a War on Civilization, Sarkozy said.
Sarkozy and Macron appeal to the Enlightenment, the moment in history when we supposedly liberated ourselves from religion and superstition and began to think for ourselves. The moment when we and our States embraced science.
For decades most of my closest colleagues and friends have claimed to be secular and progressive. They hear the words but not the message when I say it seems to me they are as religious as the next person. Many of them are linked to healthcare, which is where in recent years the religious aspect to secularism can be seen most clearly.
Secular Religion
If you think of religion as people on their knees praying. or clerics wearing ornate vestments and using thuribles to waft incense over an altar, you might find it hard to spot the similarities between secularism and religion. But this misses a central aspect to religion. Religions are a group matter primarily; individuals occupy a secondary role. From time immemorial, religions have functioned to keep the herd together. Ascetic individuals and even miracle-workers are useful symbols in so far as they help group cohesion; they are not the main thing.
The theocratic stamp to early religions makes this clear – the ruler, the leader of the herd was a God or descended from Gods with a mission to keep the people together. Developing social complexity led to specialization and a separation of clerical and pragmatic classes with the clerics focusing on the connection to the divine, otherworldly holiness, and the pragmatists on this world.
Pragmatism underpinned a development of technologies which organized (note the word) religions endorsed and supported, none more so than Xtianity, as David Noble argued – see Religion and Technology. Religion and Technology was Noble’s last book before his premature death. It has an Old Testament prophetic character to it. Written nearly 3 decades ago, it extraordinarily maps Old and New Testament visions of a human future onto technological developments enabling a chosen elite to ‘fly mother nature’s silver seed to a new home in the sun’ – in a way only a few imagined when it was written but is increasingly plausible now.
Far from being anti-science, organized religion supported science. A few celebrated Galilean episodes marked ecclesiastical concerns to avoid creating a popular panic rather than a hostility to science. The universal church endorsed a hard-headed interpretation of sacred books in the light of current realities and shunned Reformation ‘enthusiasms’ and fundamentalism.
But Luther’s ‘Here I Stand I can do no other’ moment, ultimately led to the formal separation of Church and State that recently landed Macron in trouble. It also put a new premium on individual salvation as against the good of the people.
Holy to Healthy
Shipwreck of the Singular charts a shift over three centuries from the good of the people to public health and from individual holiness to health. Perhaps no surprise, after the cataclysmic events of mid-century, a gradual tectonic shift has gathered pace. Existentialism came to the fore in philosophy. Authenticity became the word of the 1960s. Where the 1960s gave us Children of God, and the Moonies, we now have neurodiversity, gender diversity and other health movements calling on each of us to choose our futures now, and to reject as phobic anyone who calls for reflection.
Less noticed, so far, has been a transition of medicines from poisons to sacraments. Until recently, medicines were hazardous substances out of which human ingenuity and great care could bring some good. Now like sacraments they can only do good and the more we participate the better – See Has HealthCare Gone Mad.
Cautious about allowing people to think for themselves, the Catholic Church had a Magisterium, whose job was to flag certain claims as illegitimate. The role of FDA and EMA now maps onto just this. As once with the Magisterium, the faithful now delegate their narcissism to the regulators of medicines and accept what they are told.
Transubstantiation – the claim that consecration transforms a wafer and wine into the actual body and blood of Christ, not a symbol – was a remarkable Catholic doctrine. The wafer is often called the Host. You might think this means it was Hosting Christ but the Latin that gave rise to Host is Hostia which means a sacrificial victim.
The gluten found in wafers has recently faced the Church with some earthy realities. They’ve had to negotiate very carefully with the wafer makers to reduce the gluten to homeopathic amounts – there apparently has to be a trace amount for whatever reason.
No such problems for makers of our modern sacraments. Randomization plays the same role here as transubstantiation does during a Mass. It completely eliminates all earthly traces of side effects. These sacraments can only do you good. You’d better believe it – you will be in trouble if you don’t.
Healthy Ghosts write the Good News of Modern Salvation up in Sacred (cannot be questioned) Texts like the New England Journal of Misinformation No one is able to check the integrity of the texts.
Where some organized religions have viewed representations of the Holy as idolatrous, our new Religion doesn’t – it bombards us daily with images of the Sacred Hosts.
Questioning the Salvific News is regarded as blasphemous. The system once tolerated a certain amount of blasphemy, but an increasing pushback led to questioners being branded as pill-shamers or worse.
There is no better symbol of this than Charlie Hebdo’s abject capitulation to the new hegemony. They don’t even have the decency to respond to a polite enquiry about enlightenment values. Where did the War on Civilization go Nic?
France is among the countries leading a desertion Enlightenment values. A decade ago, it was possible to debate the value of psychotropic drugs and describe their side effects – today this is almost impossible. See Qu’ils Mangent des Medicaments.
The advent of Covid Vaccines, and likely all new vaccines, has made it possible to penalize and punish blasphemy and be cheered by society for doing so. Punishing blasphemers is becoming a public spectacle once again. Vaccination with unproven agents is mandatory on pain of losing a job – even if you are a pregnant woman. There is now No Room at the Inn for you if you are not vaccinated.
This is especially the case in those institutions that Macron and Sarkozy view as the homes of the Enlightenment – universities. Along with health, education was once the home of progressives. The guiding vision was that people trained to think for themselves would shun superstition and myth. This view held for two centuries but in the last two decades educational institutions, from preschool to universities, have hired thought police and turned to inquisitors to ensure adherence to approved doctrines,
The fall from grace of our former ecclesiastical leaders has been total. The selective serotonin reuptake inhibiting (SSRIs) drugs can cause miscarriages, voluntary terminations among women, with dramatic reductions in sperm counts in men. These effects combined with a libido killing central mode of action make these drugs, now taken by close to 15% of Western populations, almost certain contributors to declining fertility rates among people formerly called Judeo-Xtian – Pharmageddon and Fertility.
Having as many souls as possible enter Heaven was once the core mission of Judaeo-Xtian religions, and anything that might get in the way of this was amongst the greatest crimes/sins. But it is pointless to draw the effects of our new sacraments to the attention of Cardinals or Popes. They beetle behind the need to keep Church and State separate – their ethic requires them to support publicly the dictates of our new Shepherds.
The Bible paints homicide as the primal sin – disobeying God was just minor stupidity in comparison. Many of our modern sacraments can cause homicide. An increasing number of folk touched by this sacrament induced homicide wonder, especially at news of mass killings like in Prague, whether a sacrament was involved. Where can we find leaders willing to tackle this?
Who can save us from the Winter’s Face? The Pope seems bent on ensuring our Summers are not too hot but is unwilling to countenance a link with falling Life Expectancies, falling Fertility Rates, rising Mass Homicide Rates and Rising Temperatures.
E Pluribus Unum
The execution of Britain’s Charles 1 in 1649 made a separation of Church and State almost inevitable. In 1776, the nascent United States took the first step to do so.
The front of the Great Seal of the new country declares – E Pluribus Unum. One Body from Many. A sentiment close to prior Xtian views about the people of God being one people or the Muslim Ummah. The word Secular appears on the reverse side of the seal (see blog contents page) in this case just meaning forever.
Health and education have been more important and more fought over in the US than anywhere. Health in particular now consumes 20% of US Gross Domestic Product but despite spending more than anywhere else on health. perhaps because of spending much more than anywhere else on health, Life Expectancies and Fertility Rates in the US have been falling for over a decade in parallel with increasing numbers of daily communicants and consumptions of the sacraments – See Pharmageddon and Fertility.
Could something be going wrong with the transubstantiation/randomization miracle?
There is a ghost in the machine and its not a Holy Ghost. Can you imagine how various Popes down the ages would have reacted if rather than the Host hosting or being the actual body of Christ, it was hosting an average of a set of deities?
This is what Randomization does – it creates a non-existent being, an average. No doctor giving a drug transformed by randomization into a sacrament is ever giving something proven to have a salvific or sacramental effect on a known human being.
It’s as if the Seal of the United States read E Pluribus Mediocris – From the Many, An Average/ a Non-Existent Unity. Or perhaps, From the Talents of Many. Mediocrity.
The Stone the Builders Rejected
Psalm 118 captures another strand to Biblical prophecy. No charting here of the fortunes of an elect. The downtrodden, the stone the builders rejected, have become the cornerstone.
Those who are injured by medicines or vaccines, whose very existence is increasingly denied in our day, above all by the corporations busy making modern sacraments, are the stone on which is built. See Has Healthcare gone Mad – for an explanation of why building on those who have been injured is the way to do good Science and create good Healthcare.
See the Cause and Effect forum for examples of the injured who, to quote Leonard Cohen, a man with a prophetic feel to him, are The Crack through which the Light gets In.
Biblical prophesy was not about seeing the future – it was about diagnosing the present. Guys, we have a problem that is not going to get solved continuing to do what we are doing now – it will require something more like this. Not a recipe for a prophet getting honored in their own country or even family.
Luther’s prophetic Here I Stand I Can Do No Other succeeded where many others failed perhaps because the Printing Press put possibly incorrect but genuinely held and well thought out ideas in people’s hands, supporting them to think for themselves. It became possible for us to point out the conflicts between authorities – not everyone agreed with Aquinas’ ideas about transubstantiation. This created a new space in which to agree with and even coalesce around a Luther.
The printing press and internet are now part of the problem. Medical science operates in a Post-Truth era. Even more so than in Luther’s day, the bulk of what is churned out about the sacraments is plain wrong, is churned out precisely for that reason, and like indulgences is linked to making money.
The Here I Stand I Can Do No Other moment for our times involves those who have been injured holding firm to their belief in what has happened to them in the face of doctors and others claiming the Hearsay (usually called Evidence) doesn’t support them.
It also needs a firm belief that in pushing for a consensus about their sacrament-induced injuries, they are doing science and ultimately Science Will Win.
Consensus is key. Science Builds Communities – Religion at its best can do so also but often focuses more on managing the herd.
Science calls for close observation of experiments taking place in front of observers who may be Xtian, Hindu, Muslim, Atheist or Jew. From the restoration of Charles II in 1660, these observers have had to leave their religious authorities outside the room and with sacrament induced injuries today must also leave the New England Journal of Misinformation and The British Medical Journalism Journal outside the room. Observers are constrained to come to a consensus about what they have seen and if possible come to an on-the-balance-of-probabilities best way to explain it.
Assessing a sacrament-induced injury offers a supreme opportunity to do science. The person who consults is the experimental apparatus – an extraordinary apparatus that can communicate and assembles information in multiple dimensions that cannot be reduced to the binary bits ChatGPT or other A.I. systems work on.
There is scope to alter the dose, run tests, invite others in, explore whether others are having similar problems and more. The injured party in addition to being supremely motivated to find answers can research what is known about the drug or the effect to the point where they are increasingly likely to end up educating their doctors. See Medical Triumph.
Explaining what the doctor and patient see in this case is not about pharmacological or physiological details but about coming to a view as to whether the sacrament caused the problem or not. Everything else is secondary to that.
In this new sacramental era, Medicine has become a grim job, with all doctors having books full of heart-sink patients, when they could have so many free research assistants and the gratification of seeing them work out how to let the force be with them.
Philip K Dick was another prophet – his Electric Androids, Minority Report and other work seems to prefigure our dilemmas as we stand on the brink of A.I.? How will we far with some future iteration of ChatGPT poised to intervene in our treatment?
It may well be our Savior. Even with scope to learn and a license to kill a few of us en route, an intelligent computer must operate in a binary fashion. The only binary option it has is to choose between an Evidence Based Mediocrity, which can only offer one robotic outcome, and a doctor-patient dyad with a demonstrable ability to distinguish between when a drug is suiting this patient and not that one and act accordingly.
E Mediocris Sano Populo – a healthy public body from averages – does not compute. The sooner we abandon it the better.
E Pluribus Sano Populo is our only option.
It’s time to Separate Pharma and State.
Do Religious Bodies count enough any more to say we also need to Separate Pharma and Religion (including Secularism)?
Written by Dr. David Healy MD
DH and RxISK traditionally run end of year posts. Some of them are listed below. They typically tackle Religious ideas and people. Xtian Religions are supposed to offer something at this time of the year but instead the contrast between their aspiration and reality can be most apparent.
Thank you for these fascinating twin posts. The reference to the tragedy of mass killings in Prague is so relevant.
Most who comment here will have experienced the overwhelming changes in thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviours that were imposed upon our love ones via injudicious and ill-informed prescribing of psychotropic drugs. Given without warnings of involuntary intoxication and the risk of violence against self or others – (or any other ADRs).
We had been denied the opportunity to be aware of akathisia and the writhing, tormented agitation that drives violence against self and/or others in the most gentle and peaceful pre-poisoned souls.
This prescription drug-induced state is beyond belief, and beyond anticipation unless forewarned.
Once observed; it could never be missed in future.
Hence, every mass shooting leaves us repeatedly asking: ‘what drugs were prescribed/being taken’.
The phrases: ‘lone shooter’, ‘not looking for anyone one else’, ‘terrorism ruled out’, ‘completely out of character,’
‘unable to identify a motive’: – inevitably follow, and add to our longing for “Something to be Learned”.
We are not believing that every murder/suicide or act of extreme/mass violence will be due to drug induced disinhibition, emotional detachment and akathisia related involuntary intoxication.
However, we are not being unreasonable to demand that the possibility is questioned at each and every dreadful event.
If we are wrong, it would afford comfort to know that.
If, on occasion we are correct; then the failure to address this possibility is unforgivable.
You make the point very well. A related point is how many deaths like this will it take for the Churches to intervene. To switch from Leonard Cohen to Bob Dylan – how many times can a prelate(vicar rabbi) turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see. Unfortunately the answer seems to be Blowing in the Wind
Arlene, Arlene
My son, the mass murderer
‘The Dark Knight Rises’.
She doesn’t know how to prove or disprove that anti-depressants prompted James’s actions.
We will never know for sure what turned James Holmes into a mass murderer. This sort of adverse reaction to antidepressants is extremely rare and people should not change or give up their medication without taking medical advice. But, with SSRI prescriptions more than doubling over the last 10 years, perhaps it’s time to ask whether in a few, rare cases, they might do more harm than good.
Aurora Theater Shooting: Suspect James Holmes’s Mother Speaks Out in New Book
In a new book titled When the Focus Shifts: The Prayer Book of Arlene Holmes 2013-2014, she journals her feelings after the shooting that killed 12 people and injured 70 others in Aurora, Colorado, in July 2012.
“she prays her way through the pretrial court proceedings.”
‘Forever and ever amen’ the message being -that’s it! no questioning.the content of a prayer (the lord’s prayer) taught to infants in every school in the UK until a few decades ago Some dared to mouth it without speaking out loud even at that age.. Hallowed be thy name – really? Why? get outside the door! and a perverted preaching of the potential loss of love even to infants for those outside the fold. What ‘for yours is the power the kingdom and the glory’ has morphed into is less transparent, no one identifiable god of whatever religion but the power is more diffuse less obvious , regulators politicians …The tiny counter revolution of 60’s and 70’s has changed nothing We are sliding back into the Victorian age of those who suffer and those who close their eyes or write voyeuristiclly about ‘them.’ We have deliberate ploys used to control us – eg right now the new antibiotic claiming to potentially save babies lives when no evidence is given to what are still often patronisingly referred to as ‘mums’ Blatantly being covered up ,with collusion of the media, the initial story of the day regarding a serious health warning – that 3/4 of maternity services in England have been deemed unsafe leading to huge increases in injury and death and avoidance of health workers. Denying the truth is no sin in the world we live in while refusing to bow down to something labelled ‘science’ is the new sin. For theirs, (how, they coalesce is a bit of a mystery for now, is the ‘kingdom, the power and the glory’ (lord’s prayer) Many of those who do know what they are doing should metaphorically of course, burn in hell.
Thanks Susanne for this. It’s getting harder to see the stone the builders rejected ever becoming the cornerstone. There was a great sense of anticipation with the early internet that it might enable ordinary folk to get together and push for change that made life and medicine generally better but things look very different now.
Without the Religion of the Internet (WWW) we would know nothing.
As we traipse around, there is a huge cohort, an international outcry, scientists, academics, researchers, politicians, statisticians, tv stations, and the like, with millions of followers who listen to them.
These followers are the everyday folk who are backing up those they believe in.
The whole New Religion of Communication has grown like mushrooms on a boggy log.
Every day, relentlessly, so many well-qualified to speak do so, and in their wake are thousands upon thousands clutching on to their coat-tails.
It is an enormous responsibility to go against the Religion of Pharma, the religion of doctors, the religions which divides nations, and there is a howling cacophony which if you travel around it can blast your eardrums out.
Millions upon millions of ordinary people are supporting the incessant rallying cry against a tyranny of bad drugs, bad science, bad regulators and some pretty bad people.
There are legions of supporters, following, like a religion, Robert Kenned, Jr., Edward Dowd, John Campbell, Norman Fenton, Dr. Clare Craig, Naomi Wolf, Mark Steyn all with bucket loads of clout, all with pot loads of evidence.
Some view their antidepressant, or adhd, like a religion, it saved my life. The jibby jab, it saved my life. The RSV maternal vaccine, it saved my baby’s life. The boosters, they saved my life.
The truth bombs that Pharma is not out to save your life, but to trick you in to being diseased has not hit them – yet.
For all supporting the Religion of Pharma; hold tight, there is a ton of stuff coming out of the woodwork –
Excess Deaths from the Vaccine is dribbling out on the silenced news agenda, the WHO treaty on Pandemic sovereignty, the Astra-Zeneca and Pfizer Court Cases, and so on.
All being seen off by ordinary folk facing off the Religion.
The PO scandal had a priest at the top.
The GSK UK Seroxat Litigation scandal had a judge at the top, who was a bit like a priest…
Adele Farmer of Surviving Antidepressants is stepping back to set up a Not for Profit Charity to tackle the issues highlighted by contributors to her and other networks A F anticipates a wide inclusion of health workers with the same aims. Hopefully there will be no attempts at sabotaging the independence of the Charity in future.
Thousands of contributors and readers have been educated by Rxisk and David Healy blogs which have discovered new areas of research as well as being a source of reassurance when trialling things without the obstruction of health workers. Yet despite the massive expansion of ‘user’ led projects I guess that the majority of citizens don’t even know they have rights to fully informed consent to accepting drugs.They can’t know if they aren’t made aware by prescribers and haven’t had the benefit of owning computers or been made aware somehow otherwise.. Prescribers won’t have the information themselves or deliberately withhold it leaving the majority making impossible decisions.
The situation won’t change for everyone just by somehow finding their way to activist groups either of health worker inclusion or more challenging ‘user’ independent groups. The opposition is too massive. Until rights are normalised so that pharma ,regulators prescribers have real legal obligations to fully inform those they expose to potential harm or benefit the accounts recorded by sites on the web will rack up. The enormous benefit to thousands who have accessed the web is incalculable but there needs something else to happen within the health services which many people cannot do without . I’ve just been sent the following by a group on the same wavelength It needs to be circulated in all ways not just via the web which can ignore the many who have no access to it,
I have snipped out a few bits to make it shorter but the full article is on ‘Consent Matters’ It does show how the issue has moved on a lot from earlier times activating for consent to our records to wider concerns than individual rights to greater awareness of use of health issues for political needs constant observation from committed groups
Informed Consent Matters,
What can we expect as we enter 2024?
This is not because we possess any particular prophetic abilities, but rather, because the inevitable consequence of the mass poisoning of a population is mass illness.
For the past two years, Informed Consent Matters has been warning of the cumulative health risks of the Covid vaccines, and other seasonal injections, such as the flu vaccine.
We cautioned back in July that the planned extension of the children’s flu nasal spray programme, to include three million additional children, would inevitably lead to more illness amongst children and their families, whilst the progressive risks of repeat Covid vaccines are well documented.
The Covid and flu vaccination programmes ran simultaneously throughout the last quarter of 2023 (with many receiving these injections at the same time, despite the known increased risks associated with joint administration), and officially concluded on December 15th. That means it was predictable that poor health would peak around Christmas time, and in the subsequent weeks, as the injections took full effect.
Please note the latest Covid booster has not been tested on any human beings at all. Therefore, there is no known data on what the short, medium, or long-term effects on health might be.
Whilst the “official” explanation for the current increased burden of illness in the population points to a “new Covid variant”, there is no evidence to support this claim, given that a) testing methods for Covid are ineffective and unreliable, and b) those who are completely unvaccinated are reporting far less illness, and less severe illness, than those who have received repeat vaccinations (simply speak to your unvaccinated versus vaccinated family and friends to confirm this).
It is our contention at Informed Consent Matters that this “new variant” (e.g., the poor health being experienced by the many-times vaccinated) is in fact a planned and orchestrated attack on the population, devised by high-level social engineers, who wish to increase their dominance and control over the population.
Sounds far-fetched?
It is well-documented throughout history that governments use fear to control populations, and that they are certainly not above intentionally inducing illness in order to maximise fear – see the British government’s extensive history of using biological and chemical warfare.
Whilst evidence clearly shows there was no rise in serious illness in 2020 (rather, respiratory illnesses that would in any other year have been labelled flu or pneumonia, were instead labelled “Covid”), this year, there is a demonstrable increase in serious illness, hospitalisations and deaths, which evidence appears to clearly suggest, has been intentionally created and induced via injection.
We can therefore expect one of the first orders of business ministers address to be “the new health crisis” – and what action they will take to contain it.
Given the recent “Covid enquiry” concluded that the UK’s pandemic response in 2020 was insufficient as it was too slow and too lax, our concern at Informed Consent Matters is that 2020 and 2021 were merely “test runs” for something much more severe. We fear that the world’s governments will attempt to plunge us into even more draconian lockdowns and authoritarian mandates this year, in a bid to further curtail our freedoms and increase their own power – all under the guise of supposedly “protecting our health”.
Yet it is not the job of governments to “protect our health”. It is their job to protect our rights – so that we are able to freely choose what measures we take to protect our health, as well as exercising similar autonomy in all other aspects of our lives.
As such – and just as we did throughout “pandemic 1” – Informed Consent Matters will vigorously oppose any suggestion of lockdowns or other state-imposed restrictions, by challenging unlawful and immoral mandates; holding corrupt authority to account; and ensuring you have the resources and information you need to continue to make the right life choices for you – knowledgeably, confidently, and freely.
Please take a few minutes to explore our website, and share our resources with your family and friends (including our guide to detoxing from Covid vaccines), to help us spread the word that, when it comes to all important life choices, informed consent really does matter.
For the past two years, Informed Consent Matters has been warning of the cumulative health risks of the Covid vaccines, and other seasonal injections, such as the flu vaccine
Please note the latest Covid booster has not been tested on any human beings at all. Therefore, there is no known data on what the short, medium, or long-term effects on health might be.
It is our contention at Informed Consent Matters that this “new variant” (e.g., the poor health being experienced by the many-times vaccinated) is in fact a planned and orchestrated attack on the population, devised by high-level social engineers, who wish to increase their dominance and control over the population.
Whilst evidence clearly shows there was no rise in serious illness in 2020 (rather, respiratory illnesses that would in any other year have been labelled flu or pneumonia, were instead labelled “Covid”), this year, there is a demonstrable increase in serious illness, hospitalisations and deaths, which evidence appears to clearly suggest, has been intentionally created and induced via injection.
Given the recent “Covid enquiry” concluded that the UK’s pandemic response in 2020 was insufficient as it was too slow and too lax, our concern at Informed Consent Matters is that 2020 and 2021 were merely “test runs” for something much more severe. We fear that the world’s governments will attempt to plunge us into even more draconian lockdowns and authoritarian mandates this year, in a bid to further curtail our freedoms and increase their own power – all under the guise of supposedly “protecting our health”.
Yet it is not the job of governments to “protect our health”. It is their job to protect our rights – so that we are able to freely choose what measures we take to protect our health, as well as exercising similar autonomy in all other aspects of our lives.
As such – and just as we did throughout “pandemic 1” – Informed Consent Matters will vigorously oppose any suggestion of lockdowns or other state-imposed restrictions, by challenging unlawful and immoral mandates; holding corrupt authority to account; and ensuring you have the resources and information you need to continue to make the right life choices for you – knowledgeably, confidently, and freely.
Please take a few minutes to explore our website, and share our resources with your family and friends (including our guide to detoxing from Covid vaccines), to help us spread the word that, when it comes to all important life choices, informed consent really does matter.
Thanks for reading. Informed Consent Matters is a completely independent health resource with no corporate or pharmaceutical funding, meaning your
This is not because we possess any particular prophetic abilities, but rather, because the inevitable consequence of the mass poisoning of a population is mass illness.
For the past two years, Informed Consent Matters has been warning of the cumulative health risks of the Covid vaccines, and other seasonal injections, such as the flu vaccine.
We cautioned back in July that the planned extension of the children’s flu nasal spray programme, to include three million additional children, would inevitably lead to more illness amongst children and their families, whilst the progressive risks of repeat Covid vaccines are well documented.
The Covid and flu vaccination programmes ran simultaneously throughout the last quarter of 2023 (with many receiving these injections at the same time, despite the known increased risks associated with joint administration), and officially concluded on December 15th. That means it was predictable that poor health would peak around Christmas time, and in the subsequent weeks, as the injections took full effect.
Please note the latest Covid booster has not been tested on any human beings at all. Therefore, there is no known data on what the short, medium, or long-term effects on health might be.
Whilst the “official” explanation for the current increased burden of illness in the population points to a “new Covid variant”, there is no evidence to support this claim, given that a) testing methods for Covid are ineffective and unreliable, and b) those who are completely unvaccinated are reporting far less illness, and less severe illness, than those who have received repeat vaccinations (simply speak to your unvaccinated versus vaccinated family and friends to confirm this).
Sounds far-fetched?
It is well-documented throughout history that governments use fear to control populations, and that they are certainly not above intentionally inducing illness in order to maximise fear – see the British government’s extensive history of using biological and chemical warfare.
As such – and just as we did throughout “pandemic 1” – Informed Consent Matters will vigorously oppose any suggestion of lockdowns or other state-imposed restrictions, by challenging unlawful and immoral mandates; holding corrupt authority to account; and ensuring you have the resources and information you need to continue to make the right life choices for you – knowledgeably, confidently, and freely.