Linguas Bifidas © Nina Otulakowski July 2022
An Adverse Event is anything that happens while a trial is happening – even a nuclear war. There were lots of traffic accidents and broken bones in Buenos Aires during the Pfizer trial – mostly on placebo. Maybe Covid vaccines prevent fractures or accidents. Not impossible if you are too sick to get out and about.
An Adverse Reaction is something caused by a drug. Very few Events are Reactions or so the powers that be would have you think.
Then there are side effects of drugs or vaccines, many of which are far more common than the so-called main effect – the thing companies blaze from rooftops is going to save you even transport you onto a new plane. To translate – you not supposed to be aware that there are common effects that get in the way of us making money, like the obliteration of your ability to make love on SSRIs, and there are rarer ones we want you to focus on because we make money while you’re looking where we want you to look.
Harmatology outlined how a scheme has been carefully crafted over decades to make it close to impossible for any investigator to link a treatment induced harm or death to a drug or vaccine. The one thing trial investigators do not now do is investigate. The word has become an oxymoron.
The Covid Vaccine trials mark the finest achievement of this scheme to create a set of Medical Admirable Nelsons, fit for twenty-first century clinical trials. In the Pfizer trial, there were deaths from myocarditis and other problems we now accept the vaccine causes. These were reported to FDA and EMA. But in no case did the ‘investigator’ link the deaths or harms to treatment. The regulators did not take issue with the visual problems these Nelsons were having.
January 6 Storming Pfizer Day
On January 6, 2022, Justice Mark Pittman ruled that FDA and Pfizer’s efforts to block access to the documents behind the Pfizer vaccine trial for 75 years were inappropriate and the paperwork would have to be released at a rate of 90,000 pages per month.
Efforts to get the documents out were initiated by Aaron Siri and a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The story was told by Michelle Moluske last March.
Several hundred thousand pages of documents are now available on the PHMPT site with more to come. Most readers will likely feel intimidated by all this – I’ve waded through hundreds of thousands of pages before and I feel intimidated. But there are ways in to the material and even people with no background in any of this stuff can make a huge difference.
For those of you who are good with gadgets and geekery, unlike me, there is what appears to be an amazing gadget – Abstractor. The gadget folk I know drool about this. It allows anyone to search hundreds of thousands of pages all in one go for things you are interested in – deaths, heart attacks etc.
I am more a pull a piece to thread person rather than an overview person who likes big data. Augusto Roux has for nearly two years been shouting out to anyone else willing to listen – I’m the piece of thread you want, pull me. See also So Long and Thanks for all the Fish.
If you’re like me, rather than the data documents you are more likely to migrate to documents called Narratives, especially if they have the word sensitive linked to them.
In the 3600 page Narrative document, linked above, there are narratives from all trial sites including site 1231 and site 4444 which are strikingly different even though both are in Buenos Aires, in the Hospital Militar and run by the same people – Fernando Polack and Gonzalo Perez Marc.
You can guess you are on to something if you are having fun. In the case of subject 44441979, the narrative outlines a woman who has an issue that was then and still is a big problem for Pfizer. She has become pregnant. After outlining everything, the investigator has to assess causality and does. Pfizer also have to give a view and do:
You gotta laugh at this example of how stupid an algorithm can be, and how even more ridiculous Pfizer manage to look.
If you let your mind stray, it might conjure up things like maybe Fernando was trying to tell them he was gay – not a crime and certainly doesn’t rule out a pregnancy so possibly not that message. It’s more likely to be mindless.
Not So Mindless
So having had a good laugh, you might decide like me to go pull on the thread that keeps giving – Augusto’s record. All traces of him are missing in most places they should be, but here we strike Narrative Gold. The Narrative reads as follows.
Subject C4591001 1231 12312982 (Augusto), a 36-year-old white male with no reported medical history, received Dose 1 on 21 Aug 2020 and Dose 2 on 09 Sep 2020 (Day 20). The subject reported severe anxiety on 23 Sep 2020, 14 days after receiving Dose 2.
On 09 Sep 2020 (Day 20), the subject presented to the emergency room (ER) with fever (body temperature of 39.3 ̊centigrade [C]), malaise, myalgias, headache and nausea.
The subject had a serious adverse event of suspected COVID-19 reported on 09 Sep 2020 (Day 20) and was treated with clonixin lysinate/pargeverine hydrochloride 10 mg/125 mg for nausea since 09 Sep 2020 (Day 20).
On the same day night (Day 20), the subject presented again to the ER afebrile (body temperature of 39 ̊C), eupneic and had normal oxygen saturation with persistent moderate malaise, nausea and headache.
On 10 Sep 2020 (Day 21), the subject remained subfebrile, with nausea and reported dizziness and darker urine colour.
In the context of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) CoV2 pandemic, the physician decided to evaluate whether these symptoms were associated with SARS CoV2 infection and requested a SARS CoV2 reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test, which was negative; laboratory tests results were normal and unremarkable except for mild incrase in creatinine of 1.21 (unit and normal range not reported), abdominal ultrasound showed no significant findings and was unremarkable, and chest x-ray showed right paracardiac opacity and a possible right lung consolidation.
On 12 Sep 2020 (Day 23), a chest x-ray there was only one showed bilateral pneumonia and the subject was hospitalized. A chest computerized tomogram scan was unremarkable and urine analysis reports were normal. On 13 Sep 2020 (Day 24), the symptoms fever, myalgia, headache, fatigue and nausea resolved during hospitalization. The COVID disease and pneumonia were ruled out and there were no other etiological causes identified for the symptoms that the subject had. The subject remained isolated in-house for suspected COVID-19 despite presenting no further fever and improving symptoms. On 14 Sep 2020 (Day 25), the suspected COVID-19 resolved and the subject was discharged from the hospital.
The anxiety occurred after this hospitalization. On 14 Oct 2020 (Day 55), the anxiety resolved. The subject requested withdrawal from the study on 23 Sep 2020.
In the opinion of the investigator, there was no reasonable possibility that the anxiety and suspected COVID-19 were related to the study intervention; anxiety was considered related to constitutive features and COVID-19 was suspected as a reactogenic systemic event. Pfizer concurred with the investigator’s causality assessment for suspected COVID-19
Almost all of this is fictitious. There were no ER visits on September 9.
The account gives the impression a physician in the ER did a SARS-COv-2 test. No one did at that point.
Someone noted dark urine. This can only have come from Augusto telling the doctor in the Hospital Aleman where he was admitted three days later or Diego Wapner or Fernando Polack in phone calls on September 23, or through conversations when he visited the Research HQ offering to share all test results, scans and other details with them and be followed up – for your sake and mine – not realising he was dealing with people who were only likely listening in order to use anything he said against him.
Dark urine and a fever and a raised creatinine level noted here is consistent with rhabdomyolysis, a potentially lethal disorder that the Hospital Aleman did not investigate properly when Augusto arrived there. Luckily for him it cleared.
If you can work out what you think Fernando’s team thought the X-Rays or other radiological investigations show, you’re doing better than me. They note and then ignore a right paracardiac opacity.
The two biggest features in this narrative are a Suspected Covid Disorder and Augusto’s Anxiety.
Covid was suspected at one point, so including a coding of Suspected Covid is not inappropriate. It is like the person in a Pfizer Geodon trial who dies of Burns but this death happened five days after, driven by Geodon induced agitation, this patient poured petrol on himself intending to kill himself but only died five days later.
Burns should be coded as one of 20 or more things that should have been coded in this case. But the diagnosis in this case is Suicide and the narrative to FDA about this Reaction should not have been headed Burns (which suggests an Event). But it is possible for Pfizer who know nothing about what is going on to concur that deaths by burns are not an adverse reaction to Geodon. See Clinical Trials are Unsafe. And People are the Data in Clinical Trials.
Finally the official record has Augusto apparently saying he is anxious on September 23. This firmly held, perhaps delusional, belief seems to arise in the mind of Fernando Polack on September 23. It is not difficult to see why Fernando might have been on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Hombres al borde de un ataque de nervios. Or perhaps time for a new version of El secreto de sus ojos?
Cutting Polack Loose?
The causality assessment is where things come truly bizarre:
In the opinion of the investigator, there was no reasonable possibility that the anxiety and suspected COVID-19 were related to the study intervention; anxiety was considered related to constitutive features and COVID-19 was suspected as a reactogenic systemic event. Pfizer concurred with the investigator’s causality assessment for suspected COVID-19.
Augusto according to Polack apparently had a suspected Covid-19. This is semi-consistent with how things happened later when he went to hospital. Thinking he might have Covid was not unreasonable. When a test came back negative and it became clear there were other ways to explain the problem, it is no longer reasonable to hang onto a Suspected Covid-19 diagnosis.
But Fernando Polack appears to develop a belief in a new illness – Suspected Covid-19 disorder. This has an onset, like any illness does, and clears up which illnesses do, letting Augusto get out of hospital. In the classification of what Augusto has, he is recorded in other documents as having Suspected Covid Disorder. Maybe he had Suspected Martian Disorder and a few other conditions too – none of which can be linked to the vaccine – which were missed.
Except, the Covid-19 becomes real and not suspected – maybe just rushed writing – and is then characterized as a reactogenic systemic event. The only thing around the place that people were reacting to at the time was the vaccine.
A reactogenic systemic event can only mean a severe reaction to a vaccine – but severe reaction to a vaccine or even reactogenic systemic event is not recorded as an Adverse Reaction Augusto has had.
It’s severe because it’s systemic, not local like a sore vaccinated arm, and because it leads to hospitalization. FDA should but do not know about this.
As the narrative stands, Augusto had a vaccine induced injury and Pfizer concur with this but FDA know nothing about it.
Then we get into really interesting country. Fernando says the anxiety was considered related to constitutive features.
Constitutive, medically speaking, means Augusto was born with this disposition. It’s part and parcel of who he is. It’s not caused by the vaccine or being refused medical help by Fernando, it’s just who he is.
There should be clear evidence of prior Anxiety Episodes over the years before using this word and of course a constitutive disorder is not going to clear up a few weeks later.
No mention here that the consent form for the trial gave Augusto Fernando’s daytime and evening phone number and told him, and others in the trial, to call Dr Polack immediately if he had any injuries linked to the trial and that Pfizer would cover all medical expenses.
- What happens if I am injured during this study?
Sponsor Pfizer agrees that in the event that you suffer any harm, understood as an injury or adverse effects or consequences to your health, related to the study vaccine or procedures performed as part of this clinical trial, you will immediately receive the necessary medical attention and treatment.
Pfizer will cover costs for medical care and treatment.
To that end, you must communicate (in person or by telephone 24 hours a day) with:
Dr. Femando Polack, (011) 15 3036 6350. Phone 24hs (011) 4776-8084
What happens when he calls instead is Fernando calls Augusto Mad. The coding for this event that goes to FDA is not just Anxiety but Severe Anxiety.
It’s very tempting to think it was Fernando who was having a case of Very Very Severe Anxiety – perhaps even a Holy Fuck moment.
Covering Augusto’s medical expenses for a vaccine induced event could cost – well how about $30 billion?
Covering Augusto’s medical expenses means accepting the vaccine caused the problem and reporting this through to FDA. Neither the ‘Nelsons’ running the trial, nor Pfizer, can afford to do this – it might threaten approval or other problems.
So the consent form is lying. Pfizer and Fernando are speaking with Forked Tongues. The assurance that we will cover your expenses for an injury is bogus. And unethical? And illegal?
Lengua Bifida in Spanish. Alberto and Fernando hablan con lenguas bifidas.
There is one other fascinating detail here that readers of this post can help with. Unfortunately Abstractor is too algorithmic to help us out (I think). There are a few hundred patient narratives in this Narrative document. Are there any others, not just in Buenos Aires, where Pfizer don’t simply agree with the Admirable Nelson view?
Why? Look back at the conclusion. Having explicitly agreed that Augusto has a reaction to the vaccine, although phrased in a way that might fool a lot of people, Pfizer take a pass on committing a crime.
They say absolutely nothing about what they think about someone who has no background in mental health diagnosing someone with a mental condition he does not have and committing it to his medical record and spreading it across the entire world. This is criminal behaviour.
If we can find any more trial volunteers whose injuries have led to a split in views like this, these cases would likely be all worth exploring.
As Augusto’s case makes clear, no one in Pfizer or FDA or CDC or ANMAT or EMA who doesn’t talk to Augusto can even begin to know what has happened in his case. The same holds true for all the cases among the 44,000 other people in this trial, where things went wrong. There are hundreds of people who went missing or were disappeared. We need your help to track them down and then invite the bureaucrats to meet with them.
Adverse Event or Adverse Reaction?
When Augusto met Fernando, things happened. Were these Events or Reactions?
A vaccine or a drug is a chemical plus information plus the potential for making money beyond the dreams of avarice. Events like a nuclear war might have nothing to do with any of these three. Reactions can stem from the chemical, the information or the pursuit of lucre.
What causes tongues to fork?
Forked Tongues
Frankie says we can’t turn a blind eye to XXXX but in this case, he too manages to miss the obvious.
There is a growing trend for Forked Tongues as a Body Modification.
Dr Pedro
See Dr Pedro comment in the comment section.
To substantiate this comment, Dr Pedro sent a file he got from his friend Augusto Roux, which he has carefully translated from Spanish. The comment is important but the entire file is as well because all of a sudden we have not only:
- Augusto’s medical records
- Augusto’s clinical research record
- Augusto’s report by Pfizer to FDA
- But also
- Another record of comments and emails held by Dr Polack and colleagues
Not surprisingly, none of the first three agree with each other. In this case and perhaps uniquely we now have a fourth record, which agrees with none of the above. Augusto got hold of this by making a Freedom of Information request to the Hospital Militar.
For whatever reason, the Hospital Militar seems to have gotten almost everything wrong despite repeated efforts by Augusto to call them and answer all questions and offer to make all tests available and be followed up as part of the study.
His interest was to know what he had been given in order to be treated properly rather than to withdraw from the study but they refused this – even though the consent form he signed guaranteed he would get the best possible treatment if injured.
Additional notes to visit 2 Date: 24/09/2020 00:24
On September 23, we communicated with the volunteer, since he had previously communicated with the emergency telephone to inform them that he was going to abandon the investigation protocol.
As reported on this date he received an Email from the Infectology service of the Hospital Alemán (for outpatient follow-up) where reference was made to the fact that the volunteer cannot have antibodies measured since they compromise the blind of the study.
It is clarified to the volunteer that he can carry out any complementary study that is necessary for the control of his health, be it both blood determinations of any kind and any complementary study that he requires for his management, diagnosis or treatment.
The volunteer confirms his desire to leave the study.
Diego Wappner (Mat. 87.448) (dwappner) 24SEP2020 00:27
Last night, following a call from Dr. Wappner reporting that the volunteer had decided to withdraw from the study, I contacted the former participant to inform him of the advisability of staying in the monitoring program and confirm that he could leave, should he wish, the study at will. When asked if there was any doubt that we could solve for him, the volunteer read me an email where a medical professional from the Hospital Alemán celebrated that he is well and informed him that his laboratory analyzes were normal, with some other test still pending. Then he expressed annoyance at not being able to check these results by himself and added that he expressed his displeasure and suspicion for not being able to access his results via the web, to the Director of the Hospital Alemán. After this, he reported that he was unhappy with not being able to know if he had received a vaccine or placebo in our study. I proceeded to remind him that participation in the study is voluntary and that it is endorsed through the signing of the informed consent, and I explained that he did not have the power in this case to know neither I nor he himself said information. The volunteer was dissatisfied with not being informed of the branch of research product that was assigned to him and ratified his decision to leave the study for the fourth time (0-800, then to Dr. Name, then to Dr. Wappner and then me).
Fernando Polack (fpolack) 24SEP2020 13:03
Additional notes to visit 2 Date: 25/09/2020 02:12
Telephone contact was made with the volunteer on 23SEP2020. The volunteer refers to his decision to withdraw consent to participate inthe study. He was offered space for doubts and questions. Upholds his decision
Sabrina Beatriz Dulce (Mat. 148,731) (sdulce) 25SEP2020 02:14
Additional notes to visit 2 Date 08/10/2020 16:10
On this date I communicated with the representatives of the sponsor, Alejandra Di Lorenzo, Ignacio Romano and Alejandra Gurtman to convey my recommendation on the non-maintenance of the blind in the ex-volunteer, who affirmed and made use of his power to leave the studio and withdraw consent to his participation some days before in four independent communications with our team. The ex-volunteer previously presented initially a period of 48 hours after the second inoculation of the research product compatible with reactogenicity and a subsequent EAS linked to a hospitalization being afebrile to investigate a possible COVID-19 that resulted in laboratory studies, computed tomography of the chest and ultrasound of the abdomen carried out at the Hospital Alemán. The doctor of that institution then communicated with the emergency room of the Military Hospital to discuss the case, and talked with a doctor who, as stated in the ER book, did not participate in the research study. That is, he conversed with a professional outside the research study and, therefore, incurred an involuntary confusion in his subsequent communications with the ex-volunteer (to whom he mistakenly wrote that he had spoken to our team). The following conversations with the participant by Dr. Wappner and I, in which we found him in a considerable degree of exaltation, suspicion, intense anxiety, and anger that led him to withdraw from the study and refuse our invitation to stay in it, were reflected in my notes of previous evolution. The ex-volunteer requests to know the branch of randomization to which he was assigned, manifesting in the communications with me and Dr. Wappner a high degree of anxiety, concern about an alleged conspiracy hatched between the Hospital Alemán and the Military Hospital with the sponsor, and distrust towards the health providers of the Hospital Alemán and the Military Hospital (linked to the confusion of the Hospital Alemán doctor that communicated with the duty emergency doctor and not with a member of the study). This occurs despite having no known current findings (as of the time of their dropping out of the study) of clinical significance.
Likewise, the former volunteer has made complaints to the regulatory authority and demanded to be informed of his randomization branch. I have recommended to the sponsor in the three conversations described in this note to accede to the volunteer’s request, not because – in my clinical opinion – his physical health has shown to be at risk allegedly associated with the administration of the research product during his participation in the study (and therefore while we had access to its evolution), but considering that his degree of anguish and concern are considerable; Doing so would allow to reveal the branch of randomization in order to improve the link and dialogue with the ex-participant, and offer to monitor him clinically again for his safety and access -through his authorization- to the records of the Hospital Alemán that detail his previous hospitalization.
Fernando Polack (fpolack) 080CT2020 16:11
Additional notes to visit 2 Date 09/10/2020 1208
After maintaining communication with Drs. Gurtman and Kitchin, detailing that knowledge of the allocation may be necessary to properly manage the patient’s condition, I proceeded to lift the blind in the volunteer. The volunteer received 30 mcg of BNT162b2. We will then proceed to inform the volunteer of this.
Fernando Polack (fpolack) 090CT2020 12:13
Additional notes to visit 2 Date: 09/10/2020 14:19
Given the opening of the blind, we proceeded to communicate with the volunteer through the sub-investigator Dr. Gonzalo Perez Marc and tell the volunteer his association with the vaccine group with two doses of 30 mcg of BNT162b2, request his authorization to continue in contact monitoring his safety, and access the information of his hospitalization in the Hospital Alemán. Simultaneously, we will send the volunteer the randomization information to the vaccine group by registered letter.
Fernando Polack (fpolack) 090CT2020 14:24
Additional notes to visit 2 Date: 09/10/2020 15:33
On this date (13:30 hours) I contacted the volunteer to notify him of his assignment to the vaccine group in the study with two doses of 30 mcg of the BNT162b2 vaccine and inform him that we will send the notification of his randomization also by registered letter. I also expressed to the volunteer our interest in continuing to contact him to monitor his clinical safety, since he voluntarily left the study previously, and requested his authorization to access the telephone number of the doctor of the German Hospital who was in contact with him after his hospitalization. The volunteer received the notification with satisfaction and expressed his intention to send me an email to my mailbox authorizing contact with the doctor of the German Hospital to request the medical history of his hospitalization.
Gonzalo Pérez Marc (Mat. 1 10.813) (gperezmarc) 090CT2020 15:34
Additional notes to visit 2 Date: 12/10/2020 16:45
(here is where Dr Pedro comments come from)
On this date, through our coordinator of studies Virgina Braem, we answered by mail the request for a certificate of illness of the ex-volunteer Augusto Germán Roux (made when contacted for the withdrawal of the electronic diary after his voluntary abandonment of the study) and we reiterate the request for authorization to communicate with the doctor of the Hospital Alemán, previously discussed between the participant and Dr. Perez Marc, for follow-up. The text of the email, available in the volunteer’s folder, states:
‘Dear Augusto,
My name is Virginia Braem, I am the General Coordinator of the COVID-19 Study. In relation to the query about the delivery of a certificate, we have sent to your home the information shared by Dr. Pérez Marc by telephone about the randomization branch assigned as a registered letter for presentation at your work if necessary.
Also, in follow-up to your conversation with Dr. Perez Marc, we remind you that we would appreciate it if you want to authorize us and provide us with the telephone number of Dr. of the German Hospital to monitor your symptoms.
Please notify me in case of any questions about these issues.
Best regards,
Virginia Braem’
Fernando Polack (fpolack) 120CT2020 16:50
Additional notes to visit 2 Date: 13/10/2020 16:40
Yesterday, the volunteer responded in an email to the Study Coordinator Virginia Braem expressing that he missed the email of Dr. Perez Marc and, therefore, had delayed the sending of the authorization to collect his information at the Hospital Alemán. In yesterday’s email, the volunteer writes authorizing with the following words
“I authorize you to initiate all the checks of the medical history and other data that are necessary for the clarification of the facts that occurred in the study.”.
Also, we have arranged for tomorrow afternoon the meeting at the Central Military Hospital where we will give you a copy of the letter that certifies your random allocation to the vaccine group and you can return your mobile.
Fernando Polack (fpolack) 130CT2020 16:44
Additional notes to visit 2 Secha: 14/10/2020 19:28
On this date at 2 p.m. the volunteer went to this center to deliver the electronic diary (without its corresponding charger) and to sign the receipt of tracking of the registered letter sent in a timely manner to his home, in order to inform him of the result of his de-blinding. He was given a faithful copy of that same letter. He met briefly with the undersigned, and expressed regret for the situation and offered his apologies. The treatment was pleasant, and he retired in excellent spirits from the institution after approx. 35 minutes. No other developments.
Gonzalo Pérez Marc (Mat. 1 10.813) (gperezmarc) 140CT2020 1 9:33
Visit probable Covid-19 disease Date of visit 23/10/2020
On 13Sep2020 11:30 hrs, the Sub-investigator Dr Name, communicated by telephone with the patient who informs that he is hospitalized in the Hospital Alemán with suspicion of COVID-19 disease The interrogation shows that, the second dose of the vaccine was applied on SEP 09, 2020 and that the same day of the application at approximately 20:00 hrs began with hyperthermia 39.3°C, discomfort, myalgia, nausea and headache. The volunteer contacted his GP who instructed him to take a tablet of Sertal compound (Propinox hydrochloride 10 mg + Lysine clonixinate 125 mg). On 10 SEP 2020 the temperature was maintained between 37 and 38° C, nausea decreases and the patient additionally reports dark urine. 11 SEP 2020 continues with nausea and for adding dizziness, he consulted again his family doctor who suggests consulting the emergency service.
On 12 SEP 2020 he attends the emergency service of the hospital Alemán, where a nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-COV-2 and chest XR is performed.
On the 13Sep2020, the subject was evaluated by telephone for having reported a symptom compatible with probable Covid-19 disease (fever 39.3 ‘C) and nausea
Contact was made with the subject on 13Sep2020
Signs and symptoms of probable Covid-19 disease
The subject was initially assessed on 13Sep2020
Reports that the first symptom began on 09Sep2020
At the time of assessment the subject does not persist with the symptoms. The last symptom resolved on day 12Sep2020.
The subject reports current or past presence of: fever (T 39.3°), nausea, malaise, myalgia and headache
The subject denies current or past presence of: new or increased cough, new or increased dyspnea, dysgeusia or anosmia, new or increased odynophagia, diarrhea or vomiting.
Home visit
No home visit was made since the patient was hospitalized
Microbiological analysis
Sampling was taken for microbiological analysis on day 12Sep2020 at the Hospital Alemán. The sample was taken from the nasopharynx.
Commercial kit used is unknown.
At the moment, a specific diagnosis for his probable COVID disease was not obtained.
Has a moderate degree of intensity
The volunteer required care from the health system for his illness. He needed assistance by on-call room making a visit.
The subject required whether he required hospitalization,
Characteristics of hospitalization
The subject was admitted to the Hospital Alemán on 12Sep2020
The hospitalization ended on 13Sep2020
The subject did not need to be admitted to an Intensive Care Unit.
He was instructed to set alarm guidelines, to contact his health system, he was reminded to complete the diary, and telephone follow-up was scheduled. He was informed about the convalescent visit to the Central Military Hospital within a month.
Severe Covid-19 disease
The subject showed no signs of severe Covid-1 9 disease (significant acute renal dysfunction or significant acute hepatic dysfunction or significant acute neurological dysfunction) during the course of their illness
Respiratory treatment:
During hospitalization the subject did not require respiratory support.
Laboratory analysis – chemical:
During the course of his probable Covid-19 illness, the participant underwent physical-chemical laboratory analysis in the laboratory of the Hospital Alemán on 12Sep2020.
- C-reactive protein: Unknown
- Alanine aminotrasfcrase (ALT) Unknown
- Aspartate aminotrasferase (AST) Unknown
- Unknown alkaline phosphatase
- Bilirubin: Unknown
- Urea: Unknown
- Creatinine: 1.21 mg/dL
Comments: The results are reported as without particularities.
Laboratory analysis – blood count:
During the course of his probable Covid-19 illness the subject underwent laboratory analysis of blood count in the laboratory Hospital Alemán on day 12Sep2020.
- Unknown Hemoglobin
- Unknown Hematocrit
- Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Unknown
- Unknown Platelets
- Neutrophils (absolute value) Unknown
- Eosinophils (absolute value) Unknown
- Monocytes (absolute value) Unknown
- Basophils (absolute value) Unknown
- Lymphocytes (absolute value) Unknown
Comments: They are reported as without particularities.
Vital signs of COVID disease
The subject did not present during his probable Covid-19 illness clinical signs at rest of severe systemic disease (respiratory rate > = 30/minutes, heart rate > = 125/minute) or evidence of shock
(Systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg, Diastolic blood pressure <60 mm Hg).
Vital Signs – Pulse-to-Ambient Air Oximetry
The subject did not present during his Covid-19 disease probable clinical signs at rest of severe systemic disease (pulse oximetry < = 93% at ambient air at sea level).
Oxygenation parameters (oxygen)
The subject had no resting clinical signs of severe systemic disease (PaO2/FiO2 <300 mm Hg) as part of his probable COVID-19 disease.
Concomitant medication – Vasopressors
The subject presented no evidence of shock (vasopressor requirement) as part of his disease
COVID-19 probable.
Images made
The subject underwent an imaging study(s) as part of their probable COVID-19 disease.
Date of completion: date unknown
Anatomical region evaluated: Thorax
Type of image study performed:
- Computed tomography
- X-ray
Interpretation: XR thorax
- Abnormal
Chest CT interpretation
- Normal
Comments: XR thorax shows right paracardiac radiopacity- Chest CT: No evidence of acute alterations.
Other information:
18Sep2020: The Deputy Investigator Dr Name states: A 36-year-old male patient with a previous history of 48 hours of fever (Tmax 39°C), malaise, myalgia and headache, followed by nausea, who consults afebrile, eupneic and with normal oxygen saturation during the night of 12 SEP 2020 to the emergency room of the Hospital Alemán, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The subject approaches the institution by his own means and reports a previous history of fever (afebrile at the time of consultation) with persistence of general malaise of moderate degree, nausea and headache. None of these symptoms—malaise, headache, nausea, and myalgia—were severe. In the context of the SARSCoV2 pandemic, the institution’s medical team decides to evaluate these symptoms (associated with SARSCoV2 infection) and requests a swab, blood tests, abdominal ultrasound and a chest X-ray. Both the ultrasound and the laboratory showed no alterations to highlight except a slight increase in the creatinine value of 1.21, and the chest x-ray was interpreted as with the presence of a probable right lung consolidation. The patient remained isolated, in hospitalization, despite not presenting more fever and improving symptoms. A chest CT scan was performed without evidence of alterations and the next day the subject is discharged.
Maria Alejandra Neira (Matt. 126,934) (aneira) 230CT2020 12:39
“When a test came back negative”
Covid PCR and RAT tests have a large percent of false negatives. Covid can be confirmed as a diagnosis if anosmia occurs (in the mild case) or silent hypoxia occurs (after covid has progressed).
I got anosmia recently after contracting covid, so I’m sure the disease was covid. I don’t bother with PCR or RAT.
There have been multiple tests – not just PCR but antibodies to spike and N proteints etc – all negative. He didn’t have anosmia. It started within hours of the second does – so on the balance of probabilities what do you think he had. Do you think everyone has Covid?
I think that everyone has been exposed to covid and likely has antibodies, even if RATs say ‘no.’ RATs are notoriously unreliable.
Anosmia is a strong indicator of covid, but its absence is not a strong indicator that an ILI isn’t covid.
The temporal indicator is a strong indicator that the problems were caused by a vaccine dose.
What an interesting post. Will take a few readings to get my head around it all I suspect.
I do not have information about someone who took part in a trial but have something of interest, sort of along the same lines, to share here.
As stated in earlier comments, a member of our withdrawal group is suffering from suspected vaccine damage. Recently, he needed a copy of his medical notes to send to a London doctor who was privately assessing his situation.
When reading through his medical notes, he came across a sentence ” reported suspected Covid 19″, with a date 4 days following his second jab. He was astounded – he hadn’t been in touch with his GP on that date and hasn’t ever suspected that he had Covid. At that point, he was still working and was regularly tested there – all being clearly negatives.
He thought that the ‘suspected covid’ comment must have been filed for the wrong person.
Now, he thinks that he can see things in a much clearer light. His solicitor has told him that the included information will most probably have been added so that all of his present problems can be attributed to the ‘suspected covid’ rather than to a vaccine injury. Apparently doctors are being rewarded for this trickery – anyone else heard of this carry-on? (As we are in the UK, we are well versed in ‘carry ons’ at present!)
This story is very interesting, it is exactly the same thing that happened to me, could we maintain some kind of contact? Obviously it was an identical mechanism in all cases.
Hi Augusto, I can certainly share your comment with the individual mentioned. He is very, very unwell at the moment so may be unable to correspond with you – his energy levels and eyesight are affected but I can get his permission to share any developments with you.
Should he feel that he could share emails with you – would that be a route that you’d like or just in comments here?
to Mary H
Apparently it is a growing trend in various countries
Twitter search “vaccine claims insurance”
@liketephlon @henseljim1
“Funny you say that. The life insurance companies are seeing a 40% increase in payouts due to the vaccinated who got blood clots etc. Many companies are denying payout due to the vaccine being experimental with known risks
@doey_ann @2222minutes
“Happening in Europe too.
French Court Ruled,
No life insurance payout on grounds that taking an experimental vaccine was akin to suicide.
Data 40%increase in death. Globally.
Nothing to see, just a global “coincidence”.
Leaving “experts” baffled.
Wes Dorman
Replying to
White Medicine Man speak with forked tongue about vaccine effectiveness!
Chief Nerd
ALARMING: Dr. Paul Offit Says He “Felt Like the Fix Was In” by the WHO/FDA on Omicron Boosters During the 6/28 FDA Advisory Committee Meeting “I felt like we were being led here with a critical lack of information”
@DrNaomiRWolf @EdwardDowd @MaajidNawaz @rwmalonemd
Edward Dowd
Folks are catching on…UK excess mortality. Excellent!
Israeli academic Josh Guetzkow notes that he is also one of the directors of i-trials, the site management organisation ‘paid handsomely by Pfizer to run the trial in Argentina (the largest site of the trial by far)’. Guetzkow adds: ‘If he raised an alarm about the vaccine safety, his company would have lost a ton of money and would be an unlikely choice by any company to run any trials in the future. So to say that he had an interest in achieving a positive trial outcome would be quite an understatement. There may be other conflicts we’re not aware of.’
The evidence of malpractice and possible fraud in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trials is certainly stacking up now.
‘The Secret in Their Eyes’ …
I thought I should point out some of the “errors” in the “narrative”.
The subject reported severe anxiety on 23 Sep 2020, 14 days after receiving Dose 2.
Not true -there are NO symptoms of anxiety described in Augusto’s Pfizer records. It is noted that on that date he requested to be informed whether he was in the active vaccine or placebo group of the study.
On 09 Sep 2020 (Day 20), the subject presented to the emergency room (ER) with fever (body temperature of 39.3 ̊centigrade [C]), malaise, myalgias, headache and nausea.
Not true – he remained at home until 12 Sep>.
On the same day night (Day 20), the subject presented again to the ER afebrile (body temperature of 39 ̊C)
Not true – he did not report to the ER a second time. A temperature of 39 ̊C does not correspond with “afebrile”.
In the context of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) CoV2 pandemic, the physician decided to evaluate whether these symptoms were associated with SARS CoV2 infection and requested a SARS CoV2 reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction test, which was negative
No PCR test was done prior to his admission.
Laboratory tests results were normal and unremarkable except for mild increase in creatinine of 1.21
No laboratory tests were done before his admission .
A chest computerized tomogram scan was unremarkable
Incorrect. The CAT scan on 12 September was reported as showing a pericardial effusion.
The COVID disease and pneumonia were ruled out and there were no other etiological causes identified for the symptoms that the subject had.
Not true – Augusto Roux’s discharge summary gave a diagnosis of an adverse reaction to coronavirus vaccine (high probability). This was written by Gisela di Stilio – a senior specialist at the Hospital Alemán.
The final irony is that there is a note in his Pfizer file dated 12 August 2021 (sic) – almost a year after this adverse reaction/side effect – saying that the anxiety should not be included in the CRF as it started on the day Augusto withdrew from the trial.
Two questions remain
Who is responsible for all these errors that have found there way into the “data” that was presented to the FDA? Was it iTRIALS in Buenos Aires? Was it ICON in Ireland? Was it Pfizer in UK? or was it an AI bot?
How many other erroneous reports are there?
“I thought I should point out some of the “errors” in the “narrative”.
Not true -there are NO symptoms of anxiety described in Augusto’s Pfizer records.”
Pfizer subcontractor manufactures “facts.”
“On 09 Sep 2020 (Day 20), the subject presented to the emergency room (ER) with fever (body temperature of 39.3 ̊centigrade [C]), malaise, myalgias, headache and nausea.
Not true – he remained at home until 12 Sep>”
Looks like the report author was careless. Perhaps rushed.
“On the same day night (Day 20), the subject presented again to the ER afebrile (body temperature of 39 ̊C)
Not true – he did not report to the ER a second time. A temperature of 39 ̊C does not correspond with “afebrile”.”
MSU. Someone (perhaps the report author) was “making shit up”. Or perhaps confused the facts.
“A chest computerized tomogram scan was unremarkable
Incorrect. The CAT scan on 12 September was reported as showing a pericardial effusion.”
This looks especially bad on top of all the other errors in the report.
“The COVID disease and pneumonia were ruled out and there were no other etiological causes identified for the symptoms that the subject had.
Not true – Augusto Roux’s discharge summary gave a diagnosis of an adverse reaction to coronavirus vaccine (high probability). This was written by Gisela di Stilio – a senior specialist at the Hospital Alemán.”
The only reasonable conclusion is that the Pfizer subcontractor was engaged in a coverup.
“ALARMING: Dr. Paul Offit Says He “Felt Like the Fix Was In” by the WHO/FDA on Omicron Boosters During the 6/28 FDA Advisory Committee Meeting “I felt like we were being led here with a critical lack of information”
Reads and sounds like Dr. Paul Offit is feeling the heat from Naomi Wolf her team, Robert Malone and Co. Am beginning to think the Americans could really get some where with making relevant people face up to what is happening. As far as I’m aware this is not happening in psychiatry.
“Who is responsible for all these errors that have found there way into the “data” that was presented to the FDA? Was it iTRIALS in Buenos Aires? Was it ICON in Ireland? Was it Pfizer in UK? or was it an AI bot?
How many other erroneous reports are there? ”
Probably all
Yuval Noah Harari – “Science isn’t about truth it’s about power”
lying in psychiatric patients records in psych hospitals and in reply to complaints is a way of dealing with those who make complaints and have akathisia and other SADR’s as a result of the psychiatrists coercive and forced ‘treatments’. They get away with it because there is no real oversight and the historical harms done so terrible the truth must not be allowed to get out. So the patient has to be all but trashed and given a life long serious mental illness label. They are certainly harmed and disabled, mostly not from ‘mental illness’, but from fraud to make massive profit.
“Sociologist Donald Light of Rowan University in New Jersey, US, who has spent decades studying drug regulation, says, “Like the FDA, the TGA was founded to be an independent institute. However, being largely funded by fees from the companies whose products it is charged to evaluate is a fundamental conflict of interest and a prime example of institutional corruption.”
Light says the problem with drug regulators is widespread. Even the FDA—the most well funded regulator—reports 65% of its funding for the evaluation of drugs comes from industry user fees, and over the years user fees have expanded to generic drugs, biosimilars, and medical devices.
“It’s the opposite of having a trustworthy organization independently and rigorously assessing medicines. They’re not rigorous, they’re not independent, they are selective, and they withhold data. Doctors and patients must appreciate how deeply and extensively drug regulators can’t be trusted so long as they are captured by industry funding.”
Juan Gérvas
El excesivo poder de Pfizer [con dos productos de baja calidad, vacuna covid19 y Paxlovid] Pfizer.
The company’s power worries some vaccinologists [with two products of low quality (covid19 vaccine and Paxlovid]
How Pfizer Won the Pandemic, Reaping Outsize Profit and Influence
Now its mRNA vaccine holds 70% of the U.S. and European markets. And its antiviral Paxlovid is the pill of choice to treat early symptoms of covid. This year, the company expects to rake in more than $50 billion in global revenue from the two medications alone.
“Hopefully, we could be giving it annually and maybe for some groups that are high-risk more often,” CEO Albert Bourla told investors this year. “Then you have the treatment [Paxlovid] that will, let’s say, resolve the issues of those that are getting the disease.”
Pfizer was calling the tune.
“We are a household name right now to billions of people,” Bourla said in January. “People are trusting the Pfizer vaccines.”
Policies on booster recommendations for different groups are complex and shifting, Offit said, but the CDC, rather than Bourla and Pfizer, should be making them.
“We’re being pushed along,” he said. “The pharmaceutical companies are acting like public health agencies.”
Uruguayan Judge Demands Government, Pfizer Turn Over Documents as Court Considers Request to Halt COVID Vaccines for Kids
Uruguayan government officials and Pfizer were ordered to appear in court Wednesday to provide documents for review regarding vaccine ingredients, adverse effects and contracts shielding the pharma giant from liability.
The order also required Pfizer to state within 48 hours whether it has “admitted, in any area, internal or external to it and its partners, the verification of adverse effects” of its COVID-19 vaccines in children.
“I applaud Uruguayan judge Recarey for posing many tough questions to Pfizer over its COVID shots and the contracts it imposed on Uruguay,” Mary Holland, president of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), told The Defender in an email.
“From the beginning, Pfizer has hidden its data and liability-free contracts to avoid liability from the shots,” Holland said.
She explained:
“Many countries, including those in Latin America, have relied on U.S. regulatory agencies in the past to guide health policy. But the U.S. regulatory bodies have failed regarding COVID.
“There is no scientific or ethical justification to authorize COVID shots for children, as some countries, including Denmark, now acknowledge. We know that children are at almost zero risk of dying from COVID. The FDA has extended Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine while illegitimately ‘approving’ Comirnaty, thus engaging in a fraudulent ‘bait-and-switch’ scheme to avoid all liability while hawking ‘approved’ vaccines.”
Holland said CHD is currently pursuing two lawsuits against the FDA for its arbitrary and capricious decisions on COVID-19 shots, and she is “pleased to see that other countries are stepping into the scientific and legal breach.”
“I hope Pfizer complies with the judge’s order, but given its long criminal rap sheet, it remains to be seen,” Holland added.
Rap Sheet…
BBC The Today Programme at 51.22
Item on Antidepressants at 22.45
Edward Dowd
I concur with Steve… the propaganda momentum has had a second derivative change and soon a tipping point where it’s in free fall.
Steve Kirsch
The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart
Here is my list of 22 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I’d be surprised if the narrative doesn’t fall apart soon. It’s now unravelling quickly in the UK.
“People are at risk of having their rights removed under the guise of ‘mental capacity’ then shipped to some ‘care facility’ where they’ll be placed on ‘end of life pathways’ and be sedated with midazolam and other dangerous respiratory depressants.”
I agree – now it only takes one psychiatrist
Already been going on
An “independent” inquiry into the deaths of mental health inpatients in Essex between 2000 and 2020.
“independent” because the truth about psych drugs will not be allowed to come out
Hope the vaccine harm people clock this because as things fall apart from them the above is what will happen.
Covid vaccines: Canada to dispose of 13.6 million AstraZeneca doses owing to lack of demand
BMJ 2022; 378 doi: (Published 08 July 2022)
(Or put another way 13.6 million people avoided potential harms from these vaccines and ‘poorer countries said stuff them , They weren’t as easily manipulated)
Canada is in the process of destroying 13.6 million expired doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, more than half of all the doses it has ever bought, because it was unable to find foreign countries willing to take the vaccines, despite pledging to donate them.
“Due to limited demand for the vaccine and recipient country challenges with distribution and absorption, they were not accepted,” Health Canada said in a statement. Almost all of the vaccines now being thrown away were previously announced as being donated to Covax, the international vaccine access programme set up by the World Health Organization, or to individual countries. But the governments they were intended for chose not to take them.
The expiration of 13.6 million doses follows the expiration of 1.2 million AstraZeneca doses reported in April and May. Most of the expired doses never left the manufacturers’ warehouses. An unknown but smaller number of doses also expired after distribution to provincial governments.
But, without manufacturing facilities on its own territory, Canada found itself third in line as the UK and European Union argued over the early production of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The first few shots of Pfizer’s vaccine arrived in Canada four months before the first doses of AstraZeneca’s.
In March 2021 Canada drew further criticism when it became the only G7 country to draw vaccines from Covax, a system primarily designed to get vaccines to poorer countries. Canada’s government argued that it was one of the biggest relative contributors to Covax and had paid in far more than it had taken out. Any excess doses it ended up with would be donated, the Canadian government said.
Over four million AstraZeneca doses arrived in Canada from Covax in spring 2021, but at the same time reports began to circulate in Europe of rare blood clotting events after its administration. This led Norway and Denmark to pause and ultimately halt the vaccine’s use.
Other countries soon followed, and Canada halted the vaccine’s use in under-55s just as it began to arrive in large numbers. Public confidence in the shot collapsed, and its fate in Canada was sealed by the large scale arrival of Pfizer’s vaccine weeks later. Even as covid cases in his province soared, Ontario premier Doug Ford said, “I’d rather wait a month or two for Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson than roll the dice on AstraZeneca.”
Ultimately only about 2.3 million Canadians ever received an AstraZeneca shot. Canada donated most of its doses from Covax back to the programme, part of a total of 17.7 million AstraZeneca doses it would pledge to donate abroad.
But there was a glut of the vaccine in the Covax system, and the same fears of blood clotting events depressed demand in poor countries. Subsequent research—most recently a large Scandinavian study last month—has shown an increased risk of cerebral venous thrombosis and thrombocytopenia,1 although the absolute risk is small.
Bruce Aylward, a Canadian specialist in infectious diseases who advises WHO, told the Canadian Press that the country’s handling of AstraZeneca’s vaccine contributed to vaccine hesitancy worldwide. He said that countries like Canada first hoarded all vaccines, then stopped using AstraZeneca and offered it to lower income nations to fulfil their donation promises, fuelling a perception that it was second rate. Often vaccines were donated close to their expiry dates.
I understand from my friend Augusto that he emailed Señora Virginia Braem – the Pfizer study coordinator at Hospital Militar – on October 12 2020 stating:
‘Les autorizo a iniciar todos los chequeos de la historia clínica y demás datos que sean de necesidad para el esclarecimiento de los hechos ocurridos en el estudio.’
Roughly translated this means
‘I authorize you to initiate all the checks of the medical history and other data that are necessary for the clarification of the facts that occurred in the study.’
Why then didn’t Dr Polack obtain the full records of Augusto’s illness and investigations during his admission to Hospital Alemán?
The document from which this comment comes has been provided in full by Dr Pedro and has now been added to the post.
The affect and consequence of lies in medical records, here documented by the victim and a really tragic life story
This woman was – with an MA in art from the RA – doing yoga in a psych hospital which she found helped her in those terrible circumstances
What was put in her records: “keeps getting into strange positions ” and “they had it down as a psychotic symptom”
Sian Whitehead who made the film said in the comments after she had ended her life on Christmas day 2013:
“This lady’s name is Jean Cozens. In May 2014 I attended the inquest into her death and the Coroner declared it an open verdict not suicide. Jean’s psychiatrists was at the inquest and her evidence was that she put Jean on the medication with her welfare in mind. When the verdict was announced she smiled as it meant she did not have to worry that she had a suicide on her record. The inquest was more of a cover up as to how Jean died. She was found hanging but the psychiatrist and the mental health Trust South London and Maudsley did what they could to persuade the coroner that she did not mean to take her own life. I was disgusted with what I heard at the inquest and I have sent a complaint to S.L.A.M. They did not bother to reply to my complaint after the inquest. Yet.”
Hat tip to you Dr Pedro
This seems like a red-hot question with this new information now uploaded to Forked Tongues
“The following conversations with the participant by Dr. Wappner and I, in which we found him in a considerable degree of exaltation, suspicion, intense anxiety, and anger that led him to withdraw from the study and refuse our invitation to stay in it, were reflected in my notes of previous evolution.
a high degree of anxiety, concern about an alleged conspiracy hatched between the Hospital Alemán and the Military Hospital with the sponsor, and distrust towards the health providers of the Hospital Alemán and the Military Hospital (linked to the confusion of the Hospital Alemán doctor that communicated with the duty emergency doctor and not with a member of the study). This occurs despite having no known current findings (as of the time of their dropping out of the study) of clinical significance.
but considering that his degree of anguish and concern are considerable; Doing so would allow to reveal the branch of randomization in order to improve the link and dialogue with the ex-participant, and offer to monitor him clinically again for his safety and access -through his authorization- to the records of the Hospital Alemán that detail his previous hospitalization.”
the volunteer writes authorizing with the following words
“I authorize you to initiate all the checks of the medical history and other data that are necessary for the clarification of the facts that occurred in the study.”.
Fernando Polack (fpolack) 130CT2020 16:44
Visit probable Covid-19 disease Date of visit 23/10/2020
On 13Sep2020 11:30 hrs, the Sub-investigator Dr Name, communicated by telephone with the patient who informs that he is hospitalized in the Hospital Alemán with suspicion of COVID-19 disease The interrogation shows that, the second dose of the vaccine was applied on SEP 09, 2020
Augusto was discharged on the September 14 with a diagnosis of adverse reaction to coronavirus vaccine (high probability) – See Discharge Summary. This was written by Gisela di Stilio – a senior specialist, not a junior doctor.
– and that for Dr Polack this concludes the adverse event (the mental disorder).
Perseverance Personified – too hot to handle
Josh Guetzkow Retweeted
Prof Martin Neil
Matt Hancock resists proper cross examination AFTER he asked the audience for critical questions. Watch the video to see him challenged, by Heiko Khoo, on unsupported claims about asymptomatic transmission and covid modelling.
“in this video Matt demonstrates his belief that something not happening is proof something else works….junk science 101.”
11 minutes of ‘lasting’ entertainment…right until the end…’a real art form’
BMJ article 13 July
“The presentation and clinical course of more than 8000 reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis is described and some initial reports of longer term outcomes; further, many possible mechanisms are outlined and discussed.
Incidence of myocarditis is probably the highest in males aged 12-29 years and more likely with Moderna than with Pfizer mRNA vaccines; longer dosing intervals might be beneficial.
Most cases of myocarditis are mild and self-limiting, but data on children and some severe cases are limited.”
“longer dosing intervals might be beneficial.”
And perhaps run labs looking for cardiac damage.
Myocarditis from covid isn’t all that rare in the elderly, with higher risk in the vaccinated.
Clare Craig showed that myocarditis due to covid was 370 per million in the unvaccinated and 580 per million in the vaccinated in elderly VA patients, based on her review of the supplementary data in an article about the risk of myocarditis from covid.
The absolute risk of myocarditis from covid in the elderly is 0.00037 for the unvaccinated and 0.00058 for the vaccinated. 1 per 2700 in the unvaccinated and 1 per 1700 in the vaccinated.