Somewhat like a lobster being slowly boiled as opposed to one dropped straight into boiling water, we have learned to co-exist with and ignore a Perfect Killing Machine in our midst which takes far more lives than the Covid pandemic – without it featuring anywhere in the news.
This is a second post about Stephen O’Neill, after last weeks The Death of Stephen O’Neill and You. These and the following posts will also feature on Stephen’s Voice Facebook page and on
There are related posts from last year in the Spotlight on the Suicides series looking at the role of Politicians, and the gallant Knights who we figure are there to defend us but are mostly defending the powers that be.
Here is a link to the Perfect Killing Machine video and the text is below.
The Text
I was an expert at Stephen O’Neill’s inquest, where I hoped the coroner, a decent man I’d been told, might help me with a problem he and his family risk having, just like you and your family risk, and Stephen had, which is that his doctors didn’t hear or see him, just like they won’t hear or see you if something goes wrong on a medicine, they give you.
They won’t hear or see you because they are listening to and looking at something else. The something else is called evidence.
The problem is this so-called evidence is largely Fake and certainly not half as good as the evidence you can provide them from your own experience on treatment. Donald Trump is wrong in thinking that the worst Fake news on earth is directed at him – it centres, in fact, on the drugs a doctor might give you.
Fake is a strong word. But no-one who knows what is going on ever argues with me when I use the word. The regulators who approve drugs – like FDA in the USA or EMA in Europe or MHRA in Britain don’t argue but they say it’s not their job to police this problem.
The makers of the Guidelines that recommend what treatments you and I should be on – almost always the latest and most expensive treatments with no mention of the problems these treatments might cause – don’t argue either. They also say its not their job to police the problem.
Nor do Departments of Health or Chief Medical Officers speaking on behalf of Governments. This is the system they say, what can we do?
Many of these people in government, regulation or guidelines are honourable people. What do I mean by honourable – Well in the UK it means they have Sir or Lady before their names. Even Britain’s famous Spiderwoman – Lady Brenda Hale – isn’t willing to go near this issue.
Doctors, who are probably the best people to police the issue, look at someone like me like they are fit to kill. They don’t want to hear the message even one that is crucial to them staying in a job. If drugs work wonderfully well and are completely safe, we aren’t going to need the expensive pill-dispensing machines that most doctors have become.
What do I mean by Fake? Well close to the entire literature on drugs that are on patent, even in the very best journals like the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA or the Lancet, apparently written by academic doctors from Harvard or Yale, Oxford or London, Paris or Berlin, are in fact written by ghost-writers who work to the pharmaceutical companies who’ve run the trials these articles claim to report on.
Neither the ghosts, nor the academics – some of them distinguished – have seen the data behind these trials. Data that form the basis for Guidelines telling doctors like Stephen O’Neill’s doctors that Sertraline is a marvellous and problem free treatment – even though it can cause homicide, suicide, permanent sexual dysfunction, wreck your vision and your cognitive function and cause a severe withdrawal problem.
The regulators don’t get to see the data either. No-one does. How do I know this – because I’m one of the few people who has seen clinical trial data. If you’re an expert witness in a legal action against a pharmaceutical company – in the US- you see things no-one else gets to see.
In some cases, the data has been entirely made up – the patients don’t exist. One of the handy things about non-existent patients is they never die or have side effects on treatment. The other thing you see is that the problems you report to doctors that companies totally deny could be happening are there in their data that no-one sees.
If you brought a problem to me, I would likely use a drug to treat you rather than offer you non-drug treatments. I’m not anti drugs. But I also think you don’t want to go near a doctor who isn’t a little bit anti-drugs – one who has forgotten that drugs are poisons. Great good can be done with these poisons – just as it can be done with germs – if you have a serious problem but the poisons are generally more dangerous even than germs like the coronavirus that has scared us so silly.
We used to know drugs were poisons and doctors used to use them with care and believe you when you told them about some poisonous effect your treatment had had.
But now doctors can no long report on a poisoning a drug causes to medical journals because the journals are too scared to publish their reports. Doctors are still encouraged to report things to regulators but they only report even serious problems in about 1 in 100 cases. Lately we have also been encouraged to do so too – but regulators essentially bin our reports for all the heed they pay to them.
Doctors have been told your reports are anecdotes – this is exactly the same message that the pedophile liberation front used when faced with claims that the sexual abuse of minors might cause irreparable harm. Anecdotes we were told.
If they had any spine left, doctors could easily change everything by refusing to give you treatments without the full datasets behind these treatments being in the public domain.
But don’t hold your breath that doctors are likely to do anything like this soon – especially now that they are holding themselves out as saving us all from coronavirus when in fact the often ineffective poisons that they have been dishing out by the bucket-load may turn out to have been a major factor in these coronavirus deaths – those dying are those who are on the most meds.
Following Stephen O’Neill’s inquest, I have written to a lot of honourable people hoping to make a difference. I will make the correspondence available on this website and I hope you will use it to help the O’Neill family make a difference.
This is not a matter of holding someone to account – it’s a matter of getting honourable people to realise they can and should change the system.
After I fired my old doctor and got a new one then told my new doctor I wanted to file a complaint to several bodies regarding what the medical profession had put me through including filing adverse reactions report. And that these poisons are harmful. The new doctor raised his voice at me and said rather arrogantly, what can you do? (as if I was a nobody). My heart sank when he told me that he has many men on an ssri. I left that day thinking to myself I hope I never get to see you ever again. (in a nice way of course). (That was in about 2013 and I have not been back or seen a doctor since and fingers crossed I hope to not see one again).
Yes it is sad that its all hands on deck to fight this external covid attack on society yet we let a much worse attack on society from within continue and no one can make a difference stopping it. I really hope the honourable people you have written to can make a difference.
Thank you Dr Healy for all you do.
” the often ineffective poisons that they have been dishing out by the bucket-load may turn out to have been a major factor in these coronavirus deaths – those dying are those who are on the most meds.”
wow, scary!
I have heard, that you shouldn’t be taking Prednisone at this outbreak time of COVID-19. Found out my son’s doctor wanted to rush my 12 yr old son onto Humira because he couldn’t prescribe drugs with Prednisone at this time…check out my timeline for more of what I’ve found out about Humira. I will not put my son on Humira!!!
Kiwi: well said! The arrogance of someone you want to trust
Ploughing the ‘Archives’ …
“But it is not appropriate to invoke a non-existent mental illness in order to avoid blaming decent staff.”
“The response needed was more on the lines of “something doesn’t add up here”. If we get to the point of making all of Northern Ireland mentally ill, then someone needs to point out that the train has come off the tracks.”
“as it leaves prescribers open to lawsuits, even though the amendment states ‘without apportioning blame’. The verdict they wanted is covered under medical misadventure, they were told.”
“It was also suggested that if it was money the family were after, they could take a civil case.”
Ploughing the Archives
The reason to chase these files was that it had shortly before become clear to me from a study conducted in north Wales on healthy volunteers taking sertraline, another SSRI, and from looking through the healthy volunteer archives held by Pfizer on sertraline, that SSRIs could trigger suicidality in even healthy volunteers.
Access to primary data from trials has important implications for both clinical practice and research, including that published conclusions about efficacy and safety should not be read as authoritative. The reanalysis of Study 329 illustrates the necessity of making primary trial data and protocols available to increase the rigour of the evidence base.
“It needs the Dr Brannigans of this world, who prescribed to Jake McGill Lynch, Shane Clancy and Stephen O’Neill to agree at inquests and elsewhere that it looks like the drug they put their patients on caused a death – and a horrible one at that – and that these deaths in great part stemmed from the fact that critical information was withheld from the doctor and patient – information that might have made all the difference.”
Stephen’s Vice – Honesty – was ‘his’ best policy …
I have benefitted from an amazing piece of luck this week, I have been treated by one of these ‘honourable people’ and I am still reeling from the shock and relief.
I commented on the previous Stephen O’Neill post, that I was freewheeling towards a terrible (to me and mine) dilemma.
I’m 80, slim, fit, normally optimistic, grateful for a brain and body that still work pretty well, and I put a lot of that down to never having had to take medication except very rarely once or twice very short term and probably effectively for specific issues, like a short course of Doxycycline for a tic bite to ward off Lyme disease, and the occasional antibiotic very very rarely. I do not have the ‘flu vaccine. I did once and it made me feel unwell. I take vitamin C and multivitamins, in low balanced doses, and I accept that this may be medically frowned upon, but I believe in it and in the end, belief is everything. I’ve never smoked, I rarely drink, I love the outdoors, I love walking, but I’m no academic. I’ve had a load of stress in my life, lost a son because of prescribed medication, have had ups and downs in my career as a surveyor due to recessions in the economy affecting building work. I’ve tried to be philosophical about these things and muddle through.
I did believe this week, from what several doctors, who must have been following NICE guidelines, had told me, that I needed medication FOR LIFE for heart problems including ectopic beats, or I was quite likely to die at any moment. I was offered betablockers by one, Amlodipine by another, whilst we waited for further test results. I was threatened on the phone that the outcome would be dire if I didn’t take this stuff at once. However, I was eventually offered a telephone consultation with a cardiologist from my local hospital, the hospital where I had had a successful hernia operation in January, but had fainted after getting up from the trolley too soon afterwards. I had had a pre-op in November, ready for this operation, and no concerns had been raised about my heart, ectopic beats etc. It’s my belief that my reaction to the Fentanyl used at the operation was the reason for my dizziness, sweating, confusion, fainting, change in heart rate, low blood pressure immediately afterwards, knowing what I’ve since researched.but again, what do I know, mere anecdotal patient that I am?
Anyway, the night before my booked telephone conversation with the cardiologist, I felt like a condemned man on his way to prison, if not execution. Pills for life seemed unavoidable. At the appointed time I sat by the phone with my test results in front of me, my list of questions, Clearing my throat, ready for a battle of wills. He asked a number of things about my life, how I’m feeling, what I can do, what worries me, etc etc. He then said that looking at my results, he was not worried about me. My heart was working well. He sees ectopic beat graphs like mine all the time. I said I’d been told that 3 close ectopics meant something serious, by the GP. I only regularly had 2 but even so, the GP had insisted I take Amlodipine. (I didn’t).
No, said the cardiologist, that’s nonsense, these GPs don’t understand, and you don’t need medication at all. If the beats were worrying me, he could offer betablockers but they’d only make me feel tired and that could affect my qualify of life. So, he’d do a nuclear heart test for me when Covid is over, but as a routine thing as he didn’t expect it to show anything of concern. His words were, go on being sensible, if limiting caffeine and taking vitamin C helps, carry on, till the Covid panic is over. Maybe let my son mow the lawn or let it go to hay till after Covid. . But, and these were his comforting words, ‘nothing nasty is likely to happen.’
He listened, he looked at results, he calmly explained his thinking. My wife and I could not believe it. We felt like prisoners who’d been given a reprieve on the scaffold.
An honourable well qualified man, who knew what drugs could do, and when not to insist on their use.
After I had interacted over a span of 4 weeks with four doctors, two in hospital and two GPs, who all saw ECG results and heart scans but threatened me with dire outcomes if I didn’t at once swallow their drugs. All having said that too once I started on their drug, I couldn’t stop it.
Phew. I consider myself a very fortunate man, having finally found, purely by chance, a sensible doctor.
great story. tnx foHyr sharing. Hypocratic Oath is very foggy.
In my mid-30s I was prescribed Propeia (finesteride) for male pattern baldness. Within weeks I developed erectile dysfunction. I went to a different doctor (hormone specialist) who was unfamiliar with this side effect, which purportedly affected only 3.8% of the trial population. Although I drew his attention to the issue he felt that it was unlikely to be affecting me and instead recommended Cialis. Instead I discontinued Propecia — today I am old and bald and happy. Webmd reports, c. 2012, that ” The baldness drug Propecia and the BPH drug Proscar may cause infertility and more sexual problems than previously thought, the FDA warns.”
I am currently writing another book, this one titled “How to Prevent Premature Death or Worse & How to Survive in the 21st Century.”
I quote you and Dr Peter Breggin, on the antidepressant issue, which in my view is part of a much bigger problem–that is, in my view, the pathological nature of the pharmaceutical industry. More than that, it is about the pathological state of unrestrained corporate activity that is not held responsible, nor any of its executives, and of course its investors.
Whilst this state of affairs continues to exist supported by a legal system that is skewed to favour corporate interests it will continue.
I will happily publish anything you need on my website. I love your work. People like you give me hope in humanity.
My heart breaks for Stephen and his family. My tale is similar – yet I am still here and suffering still from the after effects of inappropriate prescribing that I believe was wholly negligent. I’m in the UK.
After being plunged into surgical menopause after my ovaries were removed and having been given no HRT despite no contraindications, I went sent by my GP to a psychiatrist for ‘evaluation’, even though I had never suffered depression or anxiety before. I explained that the lack of sleep, crippling panicky hot flushes and depressive moods and anxiety had happened after my surgery, and he asked me about my childhood, which I thought rather odd. My Mother had died from cancer when I was 19, and I admitted that I found this very traumatic.
He then diagnosed me with a somatoform disorder – and what followed was a nightmare. I was placed on Sertraline, and had a similar reaction to Stephen which I now believe was akathisia. I was taken abruptly off this after becoming suicidal, and still the hideous inner restlessness continued. I was then put on Fluoxetine- and told I must stay on it for it to work properly. I endured 6 weeks of hell, and don’t know how I survived. I was then taken straight off this and put on Quetiapine – by this time, I had to be admitted to a psychiatric ward. The Quetiapine induced severe sweating – this was stopped cold turkey and I literally felt like my brain was being electrocuted, especially each time I had a hot flush for some reason. I was also hallucinating and vomiting. Straight away I was put on Pregabalin – my legs swelled alarmingly and I was taken off this. I was then discharged and sent home for a ‘wash out period’. In reality, I wanted to die as my brain was so messed up along with my nervous system that I was filled with terror constantly.
I was then placed on and off Venlafaxine twice as an outpatient – this was the horror of all horrors. The withdrawal both times after only a week to 10 days of being on it both times was indescribable. Finally I was put on Epilim – this ‘calmed’ me into a zombie but I came off it myself as I knew if I didn’t, that I would kill myself as my my mind knew no joy or feeling of wanting to live whatsoever.
I have now refused drugs and do not and will not see the psychiatrist who prescribed all of these drugs ever again. All during my ‘treatment’, I was a voluntary patient.
It is now 5 years since my surgery, and 6 monyths since I was last poisoned. I feel I will never get well. I still suffer severe anxiety and panic – much worse than the anxiety and panicky flushes I had that were my main complaint initially. I cannot concentrate, I cannot walk in a straight line, I barely sleep. I having hideous periods of shaking and I cannot control my hand to write easily for tremors. I believe my nervous system has been permanently damaged.
I still have the panicky hot flushes. I have now finally – 5 years later – been given HRT but am finding it hard to tolerate even a small dose as it makes the shaking worse (I’m on estrogen only).
I still hope that I might recover. My family and I know for sure that my treatment was negligent. I felt as if I were a prisoner of this psychiatrist from day one – but at first I trusted him as I just needed help, but I know that what I should have had was help for iatrogenic menopause, which is often very severe for a premenopausal woman such as I was at the time of surgery.
Dear Editor (rapid response to thebmj 17 april 2020 from Marion Brown therapist/campaigner)
Rhiann Johns writes sensitively about her experience of eventually being diagnosed as suffering functional neurological disorder (1) She says:
“One of the most difficult aspects of living with functional symptoms is the unknowns. Why did it start? How should it be treated? Will I ever feel better? Sometimes I think of my condition as a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece that I can’t find. If only I could complete the puzzle I might find some answers.”
We are hearing of more and more people who are experiencing similar collections of seemingly unrelated and bewildering ‘functional’ symptoms – which we are discovering DO have a cause!
There are indeed missing pieces of the puzzle – which we are finding.
There may be a variety of reasons why people may initially develop ‘functional symptoms’, and can include various manifestations of extreme ‘stress’ such as illness, infection, injury, psychological distress &/or exhaustion, ‘burnout’ and so on. One question that is NOT currently fully explored is the lifetime ‘medication history’ of the patient. Especially the question: “What happened between the time you were last well and the time that you first began to experience these symptoms”. AND, IMPORTANTLY, “what medicine/s were you prescribed?”.
THE EFFECTS OF MEDICATION – and especially medication designed to target the (previously normal/healthy) functioning of the central nervous system (and including the autonomic system) – need to be much better researched and understood. These medicines include very widely prescribed ‘safe and effective’ [sic] anti-depressants, sleep and anti-anxiety medications.
These medicines are designed to cross the blood-brain-barrier and to tinker crudely with the functioning of the brain/nervous system. So perhaps it is NO WONDER that so many people are developing all manner of ‘functional neurological symptoms’?
Whenever we have tried to raise this with prescribers – and ‘experts’ – we have found ourselves side-lined, ignored or ‘blocked’. The BMJ and BJGP have published some of our writing on the topic, such as this “Unexplained physical symptoms: what is being missed?” (2).
“The actual suffering experienced could more accurately be described as severe homeostatic disruption caused by the prescribed drugs – and can wreck people’s physical health, sense of self, self-esteem, work, social lives and relationships.”
Our efforts to raise these questions to continue to be met with silence – or deliberate willful blindness? – from the medical profession and the ‘experts’.
It is interesting to see the footnote to Rhiann’s article – given as the link to This is precisely where people suffering prescribed harm are being directed, as more fully described in this BMJ rapid response. “Is the BMJ – and the medical profession that it represents – really ‘listening to patients’ and the public?”(3)
“ time elapses it is becoming abundantly clear that ‘the evidence’ of prescribed harm is being actively attributed to vague psychiatric diagnoses such as ‘medically unexplained’, ‘functional’ and ‘somatic’ disorders. Patients suffering complex, serious and disabling symptoms – from prescribed drug damage and neurotoxicity – are being directed to websites such as and encouraged to engage in (perhaps online) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and acceptance of their mysteriously acquired disability. There is emphasis on locating problems in the patients’ own early life experiences – and socio-economic circumstances – without any reference whatsoever to the all-important life-time ‘medication history’ and its own trail of havoc in the life and health of the patient.”
Is the BMJ – and the medical profession that it represents – really ‘listening to patients’ and the public?”
I have been systematically poisoned with psychiatric drugs for fifty four years, starting at age fourteen.My life has been a horror story of twenty years in mental hospitals, sectioned around fifty times, much abuse from medical professionals, including sexual and physical.I have spent the last seven years coming off these and other prescription drugs, being sectioned again twice and forcibly injected with antipsychotics, the real problem being the withdrawals and affects of a lifetime of hellish irrational psychiatric treatments,including ECT, which destroyed me and my family ,and have left me disabled and housebound, with several health conditions.I also experienced Serotonin Syndrome, which wasn’t diagnosed at the time, and had near disastrous consequences.But, my doctor thinks it was all my fault, even threatening to section me again recently because l would not accept medical attention, what does she expect, l no longer trust any doctor and try to keep well away from them, although she has just put another DNR on me, she lifted the first one, but the impression l get is that now l refuse medication, she wants to hasten my demise, even though l don’t have anything terminal.But l do have a fear of hospitals, and l think l would rather die at home than be put through the trauma of going into a hospital.
Back around 2003, Marcia Angell, the executive editor of NEJM, gave a presentation in the NIH auditorium on over-medicating the elderly to an early demise. She started her presentation with this profound observation:
“All drugs are neurotoxic.”
At the time, I was directing national programs of research at the National Institute on Drug Abuse where addiction and ways to prevent/treat it was our focus. Our new director, Nora Volkow, got me reading work by George Koob and Michel LeMoal regarding their neurological theory of addiction. Dr. Angel’s opening remark snapped on that metaphorical lightbulb called insight. Not only did Koob & LeMoal’s theory make sense, but it also explained why grandma was losing her marbles.
It all links to the fact that stopping long-term daily use of a drug will change brain metabolism and this will manifest in what we in addiction medicine call “withdrawal.” So, when at 80, I stopped granny’s Coumadin, she started getting senile. So her physician gave her a new neurotoxin to blunt her senility symptoms. But as her body started to react to the new drug, it caused tremors, so her physician gave her some medication for Parkinsonian tremors. Of course, that medication had side effects, and, parallel to Angel’s presentation – granny, like most elderly people, wind up overdosing on a cocktail of toxic drugs chasing withdrawal symptoms of an earlier drug thereby hastening death.
So, absolutely, find a new doctor whose cure for everything is not a drug prescription.
Clap -clap trap
All the named orgs. in this piece including the Guardian have been sent the Covid Document (prev blog)with detailed information about other drugs used in care homes which may have compromised the illness and hastened deaths. Not one reply. In the countless numbers of progs over the media not one has talked to a ‘resident’ Why? Are they being obstructed from speaking? Many are quite capable of doing so and can , unless they are blocked,access what is happening, on their smart phones, radios and TVs. Those with families or anybody to look after their interests – maybe some have solicitors – should be making sure their records are not being destroyed.
UK care home Covid-19 deaths ‘may be five times government estimate’
Charity estimates 7,500 fatalities so far but says precise figure difficult to gauge
A care home resident. Photograph: Andy Bullock/Getty Images (Have deleted this -Any disembodied image of older people showing wrinkled hands and zimmers will do)
Care England, Britain’s largest representative body for care homes, told the Daily Telegraph that up to 7,500 care home residents may have died of the virus.
This is significantly higher than the figure of 1,400 people estimated to have died by the government earlier this week.
“Without testing, it is very difficult to give an absolute figure,” Martin Green, the chief executive of Care England, said. “However, if we look at some of the death rates since 1 April and compare them with previous years’ rates, we estimate a figure of about 7,500 people may have died as a result of Covid-
The official death toll in Britain topped 15,000 on Saturday, but this only includes data recorded in hospitals. This data can take some days to register, and does not include deaths in the community, such as those occurring in care ho
The ONS said this week that its data indicated that deaths in hospital accounted for approximately 85% of all coronavirus fatalities in the country, a figure cast in doubt by Care England’s estimation.
Care England has not published the data behind its estimation, but the health secretary, Matt Hancock, told the health and social care committee on Friday that figures for care home deaths would be published “very shortly”.
Earlier this week, the head of Public Health England, Prof Yvonne Doyle, said agencies were working towards producing “much more rapid data, preferably on a daily basis”.
Caroline Abrahams, the director of Age UK, described the new estimation as “heartbreaking”.
“This is a shocking and utterly heartbreaking estimate that will send a chill down the spine of anyone with a loved one living in a care home,” she said. ”As we have feared for some time, what’s going on in care homes – not only here but in many other countries too – is a tragedy in the making.”
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said “every death from this virus is a tragedy”, and said people were “working around the clock to give the social care sector the equipment and support they need”
He added: “As a government, we have a duty to report verified information. It is important that we have the best possible reliable data to know how many deaths there are, wherever they occur.
“In an important step forward, ONS are now providing a breakdown of deaths by place of occurrence. We are currently working with CQC [Care Quality Commission] and other organisations to understand how to best to provide up to date information about deaths in care homes and elsewhere.”
In the midst of a global crisis…more clapping
… the truth is a powerful tool. The news has rarely been so relentless, so bewildering. Which is why we at the Guardian dedicate time for every story we publish to checking and double-checking what is true and what is not. With so much misinformation out there, this already-disorientating crisis can be difficult to navigate. As an independent news organisation, we make it our mission to deliver honest, unbiased, accurate journal
Our journalism is free from commercial and political bias – never influenced by billionaire owners or shareholders. This makes us different. It means we can challenge the powerful without fear and give a voice to those less heard
Prescription Drugs Predisposing to Increased Risk of Pneumonia – to Respiratory Function Impairment.
These preliminary care home “figures” were anticipated with trepidation when I read and re-read D.H.’s joint paper.
I am now finding publications reporting ‘Antipsychotic Induced Respiratory Dyskinesia’, going back over some two decades.
The same was found with the published medical literature on SSRI/SNRI/AD induced AKATHISIA.
Were those who prescribe antipsychotics, – (and other drugs which have the potential to impair respiratory function) – to vulnerable elderly people, to begin to discuss this problem, then I might feel able to join all those applauding the NHS, Carers and all other “Front Line” staff, outside our houses on Thursday evenings.
Last week I clapped, and thanked those truly deserving, selected groups, from inside our house, whilst verbally identifying those ADR deniers whom I have to specifically exclude.
recovery&renewal Retweeted
Stephen’s Voice
It was agreed at Stephen’s inquest that he suffered Akathisia. How is it some doctors, mental health teams etc still don’t even know this word?! How many lives could be saved if Akathisia was recognised & treated appropriately instead of being misdiagnosed as worsening anxiety 🙁
Replying to
Written on a subway wall:
On Twitter, advocate Bob Fiddaman (right) wrote: “Because the psychiatric profession won’t do it, the regulators won’t do it, suicide prevention organisations won’t do it, it has to be done by those who have suffered. Bravo,
@MISSDFoundation and all who sail in her.”
I was mentally Ill for twenty years.
My symptoms spiraled out of control.
I had no choice other than to search online forums.
I tapered over a 2 year period.
My mental health symptoms subsided.
I have now been given an autism diagnosis.