I am not enthusiastic about advertising books that sing the praises of Operation Warp Speed but it is difficult not to read them if you want to find out what the last three years has been all about. I’ve even donated money to Albert Bourla or Pfizer or his ghostwriter for a copy of Moonshot which was very boring but worth it for insights on how ‘Albert’ sees things. The hope is to spot things that are now normal for Albert but might come as a shock to you or me such as in the near future clinical trials will be all run and written up by A.I. and be done and dusted in a matter of weeks.
A Shot was also boring in its relentlessly triumphant narrative but I knew immediately there was someone whose views would be worth getting – Aditi Bhargava. See Boosters or Boosterism.
In a world of conspiracy theories, Aditi sticks to the cock-ups that can sabotage both good intentions and conspiracies alike. This Podcast takes us through some of these as linked to mRNA vaccines.
Happiness: The world is so full of a number of things
I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings. Robert Louis Stevenson
A Shot to Save the World chronicles a number of events that contributed to the rapid deployment of COVID-19 vaccines under FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA). Its author, Greg Zuckerman is a business journalist. He expertly covers the investment, business and economic impacts of mRNA technology and COVID vaccines. He starts this book by telling us his own COVID story and suffering, setting a stage “for those who gave of themselves to help others”.
As a trained molecular biologist with a patent filed on RNA therapeutics and delivery platforms and an active researcher in this field with understanding of the literature as well as familiar with the publications of individuals mentioned in this book prior to them becoming household names, the cherry-picking of information and biased presentation of facts throughout the book are evident. While it is apparent that the author has researched the subjects and subject matter to great depths, Zuckerman falls in the same trap as many mainstream media writers and glorifies a few select individuals rather than focusing on science/scientific methods or healthcare virtues.
Although he clearly lays out the challenges and acrimony that plagues the scientific community at large, the book falls short on enlightening readers as to how an mRNA technology that was riddled with problems, had never been scaled up, was suddenly a faultless, safe, and effective methodology that could be given to healthy people at a scale that no other prophylactic drug has ever been given at the population level.
The book can be divided into 3 major parts with business and economics deeply entwined with science. The first part sets the stage about the importance of vaccines in curbing infectious diseases and challenges faced in the early 1980s and 90s due to the AIDS epidemic. The second part deals with mRNA technology and challenges it faced right up to August of 2019 in being translated into clinical use and the economic and business impact on Moderna and BioNTech, with both companies ready to fold. The third part deals with the business, politics, and economics of COVID-19 pandemic and the eagerness to find treatments to curb the spread of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, at all costs. We learn about the enormous power that the pharmaceutical industry wield, the merger, collusion, and corruption of government agencies with Pharma, and how they have become too big to fail.
At any given moment, public opinion is a chaos of superstitions,
misinformation and prejudice. Gore Vidal.
The Beginning
The first four chapters outline some background on the AIDS epidemic from the 1980s and the race to develop vaccines for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the pathogen that causes AIDS, a feat that has yet to be accomplished. While the author painstakingly details the contribution of a few individuals in the identification of HIV, he curiously omits the paramount contributions of French Scientists in the discovery of HIV – Dr. Luc Montagnier and Dr. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi of Pasteur Institute, who went on to win the Nobel prize in Physiology/Medicine for the discovery of HIV. This cherry-picking of facts to suit a certain narrative is highly troubling and sets the stage for what follows.
The Difficulties with RNA Technologies
Chapters 5-13 walk the readers through several decades of challenges facing the development of mRNA technology for vaccines. These chapters nicely outline the complexity of biological systems, problems with cell culture and animal models, failed clinical trials for mRNA and other therapeutics for cancer and many infectious diseases caused by several viruses. The book details the adversities faced by academicians and start-ups, the secrecy and arm-twisting by a few individuals to get funding, and the great desire of a few individuals to save the world from future epidemics. The author focuses on the contributions of a select few individuals from Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, MicroGenSys and from academia as well as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) involved in the development of COVID-19 vaccines.
The tricks used by these companies to obtain funding and the toxic work environment are at times compared to Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. The vaccine makers behaviour is overlooked were justified because they delivered, in the author’s opinion, whereas Theranos failed, and its founder is now in jail.
These chapters walk readers through key methodological advances in vaccinology and does a good job of building excitement surrounding many key steps in refining mRNA technology. The author describes disappointment as despite many refinements, the mRNA methodology was not successful in clinical trials for any of the indications tested – influenza, Zika, HIV. Even flu vaccines sold by Sanofi were barely efficacious.
By the end of chapter 13, we are in year 2019, with Moderna and BioNTech in serious trouble, both financially and with no success with their mRNA products in clinical trials. I waited with bated breath to find out what thaumaturgy was used by these players to turn their serially failed technology into a spectacular success. A feat that they couldn’t accomplish in over 2 decades was accomplished in just over 2 months, or was it?
Non-Ending and Epilogue
Unfortunately, there is no denouement in this book. The readers are left wondering how the problem of translating mRNA from a serially failed clinical trial to a spectacular success was achieved. There is no validation how the mRNA technology was improved or modified before being adapted at such mass scale.
The author jumps to an epilogue in Chapters 14-19, which cover the global events that led to declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic, rapid speed identification of the virus behind COVID-19 disease, the panic and chaos created by politicians, news/social media, and creation of Operation Warp Speed with billions of tax-payers dollars given to a select few companies.
Messenger RNA (mRNA) as superhero and savior
All efforts to get mRNA to work in pre-clinical models and in complex biological systems hit some roadblock or the other until as late as 2019 and then, suddenly, in-silico modifications of this failed technology worked wonders!
Zuckerman describes some challenges faced by researchers in refining mRNA technology, both expression and delivery.
Page 54:
“In March 1990, Wolff and several colleagues published their work in Science. In 1995, they started a company to package mRNA, sold it for $100 million dolars, though the company never managed to produce any mRNA drugs”.
We learn about key contributions of Luigi Warren- a computer programmer turned researcher in Rossi’s lab who was instrumental in getting modified mRNAs to work in the Rossi lab. Despite using cutting edge technology, surprisingly, Warren and Rossi were not aware of Karikó and Weissman’s work on modified mRNAs until a colleague at Stanford made them aware of that literature. Rossi co-founded Moderna and Warren left Moderna because of the toxic work environment.
Page 110:
“Schrum’s mRNA lasted longer than either unmodified or modified mRNA,…startling the young researcher”.
These modified mRNAs used in the vaccines stick around for a long time in cells, but in blatant obfuscation of data, the documents submitted to the FDA note that the mRNA are short-lived! Short-lived relative to what? Human life? Or natural mRNA turnover? Were these modified mRNAs really able to make full length spike protein in vivo as touted? How long does the spike protein stick around? What is the biodistribution of mRNA/protein? Can these mRNA be integrated in our genome by DNA theta polymerases? No hint that the author is aware of or investigated these issues.
Any “non-self” RNA, DNA or protein will trigger an immune response and production of antibodies. But does the spike mRNA really provide protection or reduce hospitalization compared with these non-specific non-self mRNA? Why are controlled studies on this issue not even performed in pre-clinical models? None of these questions or others that might arise for readers get answered in this book.
Some other incidents in the book caught my eye:
- Page 121, Dr. Rossi, founder of Moderna had this to say about Moderna’s CEO: “The work is their property, he was asking me to steal from a hospital… “Stephane is someone without a moral compass”.
- Page 128: “Rossi and others had never tested repeat dosing”.
- Page 150: Kerry Benenato- “LNP were toxic and repeat dosing caused toxicity..… The body wasn’t tolerating the microscoping encasements, especially upon redosing”.
Yet here we are, repeatedly dosing millions of people with boosters in LNPs whose tolerability is questionable. Moderna has been openly criticized for its transparency with research called unfit for publication.
Uğur Şahin of BioNTech has 44 publications listed on PubMed between 1992-2022. Of those, 40 are review articles and only 4 original research articles. In contrast, Katalin Karikó has 98 peer-reviewed publications listed on PubMed between 1985-2022 and of those 93 are original research.
In 2014, Şahin, Karikó, and Türeci published a review article in Nat Rev Drug Discovery on mRNA-based therapeutics. This discussed various aspects of mRNA technology, including how it was first shown to work in cultured cells in Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA in 1989 by Drs. Malone, Felgner and Verma, followed by a publication in the journal Science in 1990 by Dr. Wolff, whose work is highlighted in the book, whereas the former group’s contribution is ignored. Şahin et. al. write: “Early mRNA research was performed with IVT (in vitro transcription) mRNAs generated with a m7GpppG cap analogue1,34, and most of the ongoing clinical trials still use this type of mRNA”, referring to two publications from Wolff and Verma, respectively.
The founders of BioNTech, Uğur Şahin and Özlem Türeci were equally opaque as Moderna about their research results.
- Page 169: “Labmates enjoyed discussing projects but Şahin and Türeci rarely shared details of their own work, sparking resentment…. Şahin exhibited similar impulses outside the lab”.
Zuckerman normalizes behaviors exhibited by these select individuals that in others would be considered unsuitable. Being secretive about technology is not new, but in science, reproducibility matters. If others cannot reproduce your methods or data, then either the data are artifact or made up.
- Page 156: “By 2017, Moderna had produced an early version of an mRNA flu vaccine that looked promising. But the company struggled in its attempt to produce an effective Zika vaccine, suggesting it might need some help.….The government scientists would design the genetic code at the heart of the shots, while Moderna would produce the mRNA molecules….But before testing in humans, the MERS epidemic died out…”
- Page 167: “A patient once asked Şahin to explain the benefits of joining a clinical trial… He couldn’t”.
We now know that healthy people enrolled in Phase I/II clinical trials for BioNTech vaccine who suffered serious adverse events, were either not included in the data analysis, or their symptoms deliberately listed as mild. Some were eventually dropped from the trials and have no good way to get treated for their injuries.
The author fails to enlighten the readers about what magic potion was used and what methodological advancements were made between August of 2019 and October of 2020 to make mRNA and LNPs work wonders. It is also curious that NIH gave the sequence for a COVID mRNA vaccine to Moderna, yet Moderna did not name the NIH scientist on the patent whereas Bancel, a salesman, is named on every Moderna patent. What intellectual contribution could Mr. Bancel have made that trumped the contributions of NIH scientists?
We learn about how Dr. Fauci forced FDA’s hand in developing a parallel track for approval of AIDS drugs in the 1980s – the academicians were up in arms about the validity of clinical trials back then. But 30 years later, the process has been much more corrupted. A book by the title Biomedical Politics is a must read and the chapter on “Unproven AIDS Therapies” by Jeffery Levi walks the readers through the bureaucratic processes that led to degradation of scientific process and methods.
- Page 76: “Weismann watched as NIH scientists, frustrated that their grant proposals had been rejected…. Asked Fauci to use his clout to get them the necessary funding. Each time, Fauci refused”. Or did he? Why did the author think it is necessary to bring this issue about Fauci being “uncorruptable”? It is unusual for an NIH-funded scientist to contact the Director of NIH branch to which their grant proposal(s) is submitted. It is common to approach one’s Program Officer (PO), but the Director of NIH branch (NIAID being one of them) is rarely ever directly contacted by principal investigators (PIs). Hence it is curious that these PIs were directly approaching Fauci, Director of NIAID. The process that NIH study section to evaluate merits of grants before they are funded, is deeply flawed and “you pat my back and I pat yours” is rampant.
- Page 170: “Charismatic and well connected, Huber became mentor to the scientists, teaching Şahin and Türeci how close connections to politicians and financial support from investors could enable breakthrough”.
The scenario at J&J and Oxford University appears to be no better. Adrian Hill of Oxford “had a bad temper and was disliked by many”.
- Page 196: “what bothered Hill’s peer most was that he seemed far more critical of the work of others than he was of his own research”. Hill often challenged his peers at meetings and didn’t hesitate from using insulting or degrading language, as per Zuckerman. Here are some examples of Hill’s insults thrown at others: “That’s a really dumb idea, or Your data sucks, or That’s the most ignorant thing I’ve ever heard”.
Players in the field of vaccine development have systematically laid the groundwork to discredit any dissenter. Here is an excerpt from the book.
- Page 187-189: “But there was something a bit too perfect about his work, rivals said. They coined a term.. “Barouchian” by which they meant fast and nearly flawless… In 2010, Hildegund Ertl, the adenovirus expert .. helped write a paper in Journal of Virology that raised questions about Barouch’s approach….As such, the adenovirus might not be an optimal vaccine carrier, the paper argued”. Ertl published that AdHu26 antibodies were very common in sub-Saharan Africa and that this approach wouldn’t work either. “In an email in October 2010, Borouch told Ertl that her research represented “an aggressive attack on our program” ….It has caused substantial problems that will take some time to resolve”. It took a decade to resolve but come 2020, adenovirus vectors that failed as carriers for other viruses and for gene therapy, were deployed in millions of people to deliver COVID vaccines.
If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad,
then Muhammad must go to the mountain- A Turkish proverb.
Because billions of dollars have been spent on vaccine development and because prior epidemics disappeared/subsided (within a year or two) before vaccines could be developed and deployed, this time around, the players and stakeholders had to ensure that they acted fast to deploy their vaccines before the pandemic disappeared naturally.
A perfect storm was created! Fear and chaos were generated under the guise of saving humanity from the novel coronavirus. A “war” was declared against the virus. In a war killing humans is justifiable and acceptable as collateral damage. Under the guise of emergency, a war and a pandemic, previously failed and potentially dangerous/harmful vaccine technology was approved to prove to the world that billions invested in science haven’t been a waste. People were dying anyways. Was there an element of so what if they died from a failed vaccine? A similar rationale was used to approve AZT for AIDS patients back in the 1980s; AZT is highly toxic and was a failed cancer drug.
Curiously, the previous epidemics disappeared just as mysteriously as they appeared, dying a natural death and in some cases have not reappeared to-date, suggesting vaccines have limited use in combating some of these seasonal diseases. Some of the pathogens causing previous epidemics were deadlier than SARS-CoV-2, yet the numbers of people that died from those viruses were far less than CoV-2. Ever wonder why? Ever question why SARS-CoV-2 was a pandemic and not SARS-CoV and MERS?
The Novavax story is telling. Novavax’s vaccine was going to save the world from RSV. In 2016, Novavax conducted a Phase 3 clinical trial for their RSV vaccine. Early Phase trials had gone really well. When results for Phase 3 started to come in, the data showed that the vaccine was a complete failure.
“It turned out that the vaccine worked pretty well fighting off RSV’s most severe symptoms, but an unusually tame RSV season had undermined the trial, reducing the “attack rate” or number of new cases that could be used to test the shots”.
Incidentally, RSV has reemerged now (winter of 2022) with a vengeance, so perhaps Novavax gets another shot!
For COVID vaccines to work, the SARS-CoV-2 strains had to more virulent and pathogenic and strains that caused mild diseases like Delta and Omicron would be disastrous as were earlier strains causing mild disease in 90% of the people. The hype about lethality was necessary to ensure that mistakes with prior vaccines were not repeated. If the pandemic subsided before they could mass deploy the vaccines and recover their costs, it would be catastrophic for Moderna and BioNTech as these dying companies would not have survived the blow. And as we know, prior epidemics disappeared before vaccines were even tested in Phase 1 clinical trials.
In November/December 2019, a mystery illness was spreading in Wuhan, China. By January, the pathogen behind this illness was identified as SARS-CoV-2 and the sequence published in journals including Nature. The publication was accepted within a week of submission and published online within a week after acceptance. Highly unusual for papers to be peer-reviewed with such rapidity but given the “emergency” bypassing normal review process was justified. The politics of identification of the virus and publication is described in Chapter 14. In contrast to CoV-2, it took scientists nearly a decade to identify the first SARS virus!
By April 2020, the virus had spread globally. Major newspapers and TV outlets were covering COVID news 24/7 month-after-month. News on vaccine progress and results from Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials were being relayed via press releases by the company’s executives without the data having been peer-reviewed! This time the mistakes were not to be repeated; the fear of a pandemic had to be maintained, the perception that the viral variants were deadly had to be maintained, and natural immunity had to downplayed before the masses would embrace this vaccine. The stage had to be set right. On May 15, 2020, President Trump announced the formation of Operation Warp Speed (OWS), to hasten vaccine development process and with an aim to deploy over 300 million doses of vaccines by January 2021.
In April 2020, Sarah Gilbert of Oxford/Astra Zeneca announced to The London Times that she was “80% confident” that their vaccine was going to work and in May 2020, Adrian Hill told Reuters that their vaccine was the best option and that mRNA shots were “total unknowns” and “wild cards”. In Hill’s words
“why would you take a vaccine technology that is new, unproven, maybe quick to manufacture, but expensive to manufacture and has never been scaled up- and has never been shown to protect against anything in humans, and prioritize that in a global emergency? It is very odd”.
Hill, as was usual for him, was very critical of others while ignoring the flaws of the Oxford adenovirus-based technology. Neither the mRNA nor the Oxford technology was proven, yet we have billions of doses administered to a large number of healthy people. Oxford/Astra Zeneca received 1.2 billion US$ from Operation Warp Speed to deliver 300 million doses.
How was mRNA technology scaled up in such a short time? Vaccine manufacturing operations were being supervised from home offices as executives were scared of getting infected! What about safety of people working on-site at these manufacturing units? It is strange that for a technique that had never been scaled, no one questioned the quality of the product being manufactured at such large scale? How and from where were all the raw materials obtained at such rapid speed? China was shut down and still is, logistics was a nightmare, but magically, all ingredients and raw materials for making the mRNA and adenovirus-based vaccines were available? Whereas raw materials for making old-fashioned vaccines were in short supply? Curiouser and curiouser the situation gets.
In May, Moderna announced results of its trial via another press release based on a meager 8 people – a study that had not been peer-reviewed and based on very small number of participants. Moderna’s stock climbed, Bancel and other Moderna executives expressed optimism. “They also sold their stocks by bushelful”! Why did they dump their stocks? Moderna negotiated to received 1.5 billion US$ from Operation Warp Speed to deliver 100 million doses!
- Page 301: “Moderna continued to work closely with Tony Fauci, Barney Grahams, and other government scientists. If the company dug in its heels and rejected a request from the government after getting all that help, the resulting publicity would surely be ugly”.
Şahin and his colleagues had 20 potential mRNA candidates. Come July 2020, BioNTech had only two potentially viable mRNA candidates for vaccine- the results from both were nebulous and equivocal. But given the emergency, ineffective clinical trials were designed and conducted by Moderna, AstraZeneca/Oxford, J&J, Pfizer and BioNTech, with primary outcome to reduce hospitalization.
“widespread deployment of a weakly effective COVID-19 vaccine could result in more harm than good by- providing a false sense of security that interferes with measures to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission. It would “interfere with development and evaluation of potentially better vaccines that could have a greater impact on the COVID-19 pandemic, and potentially allowing for even less effective vaccines to be deployed based on meeting non-inferiority criteria for relative effectiveness (bio-creep)”.
Just like the banks were too big to fail, this vaccine enterprise has become too big to fail. There was too much at stake. Any scientist who dared to question the technology was discredited. The definition of vaccine was changed, the definition of gain-of-function was changed. Natural immunity, which had been the gold standard for all past vaccines and vaccinologists, was suddenly not good enough. In June 2021, Adrian Hill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth and Sarah Gilbert was made a Dame. Ungur Şahin, Türeci, Bancel, Hoge- all became Billionaires overnight.
Happy is the land that has no need of heroes.
Bertolt Brecht.
The book ends with the drama around approval of COVID vaccines. Şahin, Türeci, Bancel, Hoge, Hill and others had validated Huber’s advice- close connections to politicians and financial support from investors enables breakthrough”; substance is irrelevant.
While Oxford/AstraZenca and J&J were ahead in the game, the last chapter (19) describes the end of J&J vaccines, at least in the USA, due to people suffering from blood clots described as vaccine-associated events. Yet again, Zuckerman fails to mention the controversies about adverse events that plagued mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech, such as pericarditis/myocarditis and other neurological symptoms. Some countries stopped administering mRNA vaccines to children and young adults, yet the US doubled down and approved these vaccines for children over 5 years of age. In summary, this non-fiction book presents incomplete facts and thus should be treated as glamorized story of a few who succeeded in gaming the system. Historical facts should be stated and documented, regardless of opinions; there is no right or left for facts.
Vaccines are the only therapeutic that are administered as prophylactic to otherwise healthy people at population level. If the scientific and medical community fails to acknowledge and recognize debilitating adverse events caused by these vaccines, they are marginalizing a significant section of the population. Why is the suffering of these otherwise healthy people from vaccine injuries any less than those who got COVID naturally or how is such phenomenon even justified at any level?
Science and research used to be about discovery and innovation and medicine about helping us to alleviate pain and suffering and use scientific discovery for bettering lives. But when people who know nothing about science, scientific methods, or complex biological problems, such as politicians, sales- and businessmen/women are at the helm, and more intent on meeting numbers for the investors and Wall Street evaluations of companies are at stake, then we have a “wag the dog-like” scenarios.
Elizabeth Holmes journey in creating Theranos and the deployment of COVID vaccines epitomize our times. A Shot to Save the World celebrates people like this.
Great Hole-Picking and Background Blog –
COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries
Senator Ron Johnson
Published December 7, 2022
WATCH LIVE: Roundtable discussion with global medical experts on what federal health officials have not told the American public. COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work and Possible Causes of Injuries starts at Noon ET.
This is the sort of reply, Doo Doo Ron Ron gets, and this is one of the politer ones
Replying to
Can you just focus on Wisconsin. Stop the wacko conspiracy stuff.
Albert Bourla
As RSV cases continue to rise, I’m thrilled to share that @US_FDA has accepted for priority review our RSV vaccine candidate for adults 60yo and over, shortening the review period by 4 mos for what we hope is a new option to help tackle this disease: https://on.pfizer.com/3P90HW7
Pfizer is currently the only company with an investigational vaccine being prepared for regulatory applications for both infants through maternal immunization and older adults to help protect against RSV. In November 2022, Pfizer announced a positive interim analysis of its Phase 3 clinical trial (NCT04424316) MATISSE (MATernal Immunization Study for Safety and Efficacy) investigating its bivalent RSV prefusion vaccine candidate, RSVpreF or PF-06928316, when administered to pregnant participants to help protect their infants from RSV disease after birth.
At it again –
‘Ripple of Hope’ – Hot Gun, Cold Gun…
Albert Bourla
Good news for parents of young children. @US_FDA has granted Emergency Use Authorization of our Omicron BA.4/BA.5-adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine as the third dose in the three-dose primary series for children 6 months through 4 years of age: https://on.pfizer.com/3VY909e
Pfizer’s Nov. 30 Statement
“Pfizer received communication from…..
Brook Jackson
Maryanne Demasi, PhD
Dec 8
Leaked email by former FDA criminal investigator says FDA “turned a blind eye” to Pfizer’s “knowing submission of fraudulent data” involving the pivotal #mRNA trial. @pfizer & @US_FDA respond to allegations
@iambrookjackson @akheriaty @TheJikky
Show this thread
FDA ‘Turned a Blind Eye’ to ‘Submission of Fraudulent Data’ on COVID Vaccine, Says Former Criminal Investigator
Pfizer and FDA respond to leaked OCI email
Maryanne Demasi
On Nov. 2, 2021, The BMJ broke the story of Brook Jackson, the regional director who blew the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s pivotal COVID-19 vaccine trial. Weeks later, documents were leaked supporting Jackson’s complaint about “falsified data.”
Among the leaked documents was an email, authored by a former federal agent in the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI), claiming Pfizer knowingly submitted fraudulent data to the FDA, and the agency responded by turning a blind eye.
To grasp the gravity of what is written in the email, it’s important to understand the role of OCI.
What Is OCI?
OCI is the FDA’s criminal law enforcement arm. Much like a police force, it conducts criminal investigations of illegal activities involving FDA-regulated products and brings them before the Department of Justice for prosecution.
OCI consists of about 200 federal agents, hired from the US Secret Service, the FBI, or the Internal Revenue Service Criminal investigations unit. The agents are stationed throughout the US, as well as attachés in overseas posts, and have the same type of arrest authority as other federal law enforcement agents.
The unit was established by former FDA Commissioner David Kessler, off the back of the generic drug scandal in the late 80s. Kessler was determined to crack down on fraud after FDA employees were found guilty of accepting bribes from generic drug makers.
“What I care about most is restoring the credibility and the integrity of the Food and Drug Administration,” said Kessler at the time,” and the only way to do that is to focus on strong enforcement. We are going to enforce the law.”
Since then, many OCI investigations have led to arrests, hefty fines, and imprisonment such as the recent sentencing of two clinical trial researchers in Florida for conspiracy to falsify data by making it appear as though subjects were participating in the trials when, in truth, they were not.
The Leaked Email
The email, dated March 26, 2021, obtained by this reporter details the OCI officer’s observations about the FDA’s handling of Jackson’s complaint.
“Having worked at FDA, I see it as surprising, for many reasons, that the agency turned a blind eye to a company’s knowing submission of fraudulent data,” wrote the OCI officer, whose identity is suppressed after signing a non-disclosure agreement.
The FDA “likely feared the criticism they undoubtedly would have received for holding up a vaccine (which they knew they would eventually approve anyway) at the expense of untold lives lost,” added the OCI officer, acknowledging the FDA’s dilemma in “weighing the risk/benefit ratio.”
According to the email, the FDA had to decide if it served the public better to just approve a vaccine that had much greater efficacy than expected amid the emergency, or make a public issue of Pfizer’s data integrity problems and damage public confidence in the vaccine.
Notably, at the time, AstraZeneca had egg on its face after it released data from an “interim analysis” of its rival adenovirus vector COVID-19 vaccine, claiming 79 percent efficacy.
The trial’s own Data and Safety Monitoring Board called out AstraZeneca for deliberately releasing “outdated and potentially misleading data” and overstating the effectiveness of its vaccine, forcing AstraZeneca to post updated (and less impressive) results.
Reflecting on AstraZeneca’s actions at the time, the OCI officer still thought it was “a far cry” from the company “knowingly submitting false data” but remained concerned that this type of deception would only sow public doubt.
“The general public must be able to trust that the clinical results are valid to sell, approve or take medication,” wrote the OCI officer, quoting a Wall Street Journal article on the AstraZeneca event, adding that it was likely the vaccines were “still extremely likely to be safe and effective.”
“My point here is that instead of the regulators protecting the public, in our case, they were complicit in a fraud. At the time, they may have been doing what they believed to be the right thing under extraordinary circumstances. But now they may soon have some explaining to do,” added the OCI officer, who did not respond to requests for an interview.
Response to Leaked Email?
This reporter reached out to the FDA for comment on claims that it turned a blind eye to fraudulent data, and what, if anything, had been investigated by OCI regarding Jackson’s complaint. The agency said, “The FDA does not comment on possible criminal investigations as a general policy.”
The FDA has consistently underplayed Jackson’s complaint. It has not made a public statement except to say that it had “full confidence in the data that were used to support the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine authorization and the Comirnaty approval.”
Those defending the FDA believe that even if there were data integrity issues at the three trial sites at the center of Jackson’s complaint, it would be unlikely to impact Pfizer’s overall trial results.
To be sure, I asked the FDA if it had performed a “sensitivity analysis” to determine if excluding data from the three trial sites would impact the overall trial results, but the agency would not comment.
In response to the leaked email, Pfizer made a statement which is published below in full.
Pfizer’s Nov. 30 Statement
“Pfizer received communication from an anonymous complainant in September 2020 relating to a single clinical investigator site in Texas, USA. We conducted a thorough investigation into the issues raised in accordance with Pfizer’s quality management process related to clinical research. Actions were taken to correct and remediate where necessary. Pfizer’s investigation did not identify any issues or concerns that would invalidate the data or jeopardize the integrity of the study.
The company proactively notified the US Food and Drug Administration of the matter and informed the Institutional Review Board for the study.
The Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b vaccine was subsequently approved by the FDA, EMA and other regulatory authorities based on the robust data submitted from the clinical program. The vaccine has been given to hundreds of millions of people worldwide following approval. Pfizer has a robust quality management system in place for all aspects of our clinical trials, as they are the foundation of our commitment to patient safety and the integrity of our trials. We take all concerns raised very seriously and thoroughly investigate them, and when necessary taking swift action to address challenges or issues.”
Thanks Annie
The BMJ currently has a news article pointing out that since July it has a policy of not reporting on press releases from Pharma unless supported by published clinical trial data.
One of the casualties of this was Pfizer’s press release for their RSV Vaccine, mentioned in the link above, but see also https://davidhealy.org/yellow-and-other-virus-and-vaccine-perils/
This conventional vaccine is earmarked for the elderly and for pregnant mothers, to transfer immunity to their babies.
A large trial by GSK of a similar vaccine given to pregnant women was terminated earlier this year on safety grounds…
“That’s strike two” …
Vaccine wars: Pfizer countersues rival Moderna after being accused of stealing its mRNA technology to create Covid vaccine — amid multi-billion-dollar legal battle
Moderna is suing its competitors Pfizer and BioNTech over the Covid vaccine
The firm alleged the two companies copied its technology patented 2010-2016
Pfizer has most recently dubbed Moderna’s lawsuit as ‘revisionist history’
Brook Jackson
Why the U.S. Statement of Interest is absurd.
They’re lying to you!!!
These 170 Pfizer Clinical Trial Participants Changed the World!
Dr Clare Craig (not one of her impersonators)
The more the trial data is examined the worse it looks.
170 patients that changed everything
Brook Jackson Retweeted
Paul D. Thacker
The BMJ’s report on Pfizer’s lack of COVID vaccine clinical data https://ebm.bmj.com/content/27/4/199
is bookended by Pfizer CEO’s refusal to share information with Parliament’s COVID committee.
Anymore questions?
‘In her zeal to help the mRNA technology industry…..
Doctors’ urgent warnings ignored as monstrous MHRA authorises unnecessary Covid vaccine for infants
COMPLETELY ignoring the urgent request sent to them earlier this week by the Children’s Covid Vaccine Advisory Council (CCVAC) not to authorise Covid vaccines for infants down to the age of six months, (a principle that applies to all the brands of vaccine) the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) yesterday did just that. They authorised the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for use in babies and infants aged six months to four years. It is an astonishingly defiant move even by MHRA standards, one which flies in the face of all the evidence – or lack of it when it comes to safety.
In her zeal to help the mRNA technology industry, it appears that MHRA chief Dr June Raine has thrown any residual precautionary principle to the winds – and quite literally the baby out with the bath water. The MHRA decision, remarkably, comes at a time when increasing numbers of doctors and scientists are daring to express reservations about the Covid vaccine project as a whole and, in particular, to join in arguing emphatically against this vaccine for children.
Here is the CCVAC letter, once against setting out why children’s health must not be risked for a novel vaccine for which children, in particular, have no need. Attracting more signatures than ever, it was sent earlier this week by Dr Ros Jones and CCVAC. Please note who has been cc’d. If they disregard this, they are culpable too.
Dame June Raine, CEO, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority
Cc: Professor Lim Wei Shen, Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation;
Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed, Chair, Commission on Human Medicines; Rt Hon Stephen Barclay, Secretary of State, Department of Health and Social Care
4th December 2022
Dear Dame June,
Re: Conditional Marketing Authorisation for Covid-19 vaccines for 6 months-5 years
We understand that Moderna has applied for an extension of its CMA down to infancy, following agreement by the European Medicines Agency.
We are writing to strongly recommend against such an action and also against the possibility of introducing Covid-19 vaccines into the routine children’s immunisation programme, for the following reasons, many of which have already been shared with the FDA:
Firstly, as for other paediatric age-groups, the risks from SARS-CoV-2 infection is extremely low, with only 6 deaths in England in the 1-4s age group from Covid-19 in the whole of 2020 and 2021. Most infected toddlers remained asymptomatic or with trivial upper respiratory symptoms, even prior to the arrival of the much milder omicron variants. This alone makes it incomprehensible as to why any medical body would decide that a vaccine would be indicated.
Secondly, it is clear that the currently available vaccines have a very poor efficacy over time. For adults, this lack of durable efficacy has resulted in the need to recommend ongoing boosters, given every few months, with efficacy apparently reducing further for each new variant. This was largely predictable, since these are not sterilising vaccines, and provide no upper airway immunity, necessary to provide effective immunity against respiratory viruses. Vaccine efficacy also wanes more quickly after the paediatric dose (which is lower than the adult dose), with negative efficacy in 5-11s within only 6 weeks of the second dose of Pfizer. This weakness and brevity of protection negates any notion that adults will be protected by the vaccination of children. Adults will be better protected if children have natural infection, thereby deriving longer-lasting and broader immunity.
Thirdly, it is well established that young children have a much more effective innate immune system than adults and at this point the vast majority of under 5-year-olds have already been immunologically exposed to SARS-CoV-2 repeatedly, whether or not actively infected. Meeting these viruses early in life will allow protective immunity to develop for the decades ahead. A degree of immune imprinting has been recognised with the adult vaccines, rendering vaccine escape inevitable. Observed alterations in IgG responses with repeated doses have unknown implications for the developing immune system. Due to the lack of long-term data, concerns about antibody dependant enhancement (ADE) remain unanswered, making this an unacceptable future risk for children.
Fourthly, the safety profile of the novel, gene-based mRNA vaccines is very far from perfect. The balance of benefit and risk, used to support the rollout of mRNA vaccines to the elderly and vulnerable in 2021, is inappropriate and inapplicable for healthy children in 2022, especially given the negligible hazard that the virus poses to them. In adults, adverse event reports in all official safety surveillance systems, eg VAERS, Yellow Card and EudraVigilance, have reached unprecedented levels, with the VAERS reporting systems showing reported fatalities after Covid-19 vaccines several-fold higher than any previous vaccine. Reports of myocarditis in adolescents have been shrugged off as ‘mild and settle quickly’, despite reports to the contrary.
No evidence is available to support the confident assertion that the inevitable heart tissue scarring resulting from myocarditis will not lead to serious heart problems and dysfunction 5-10 years down the line. Indeed, Pfizer and Moderna are only now embarking on 5-year follow-up studies which should have been required from the outset. Adverse event reports in the US, where vaccination has already begun in the pre-school age-group, have tragically included 11 deaths in this cohort to date, likely to be an underestimate. There is evidence of a complex functional reprogramming of the innate immune response. Most concerning for a children’s vaccine is the total lack of any long-term safety data to rule out any unexpected negative impact on long-term health or fertility, which should make it unethical to even consider administration to healthy children.
Fifthly, these novel-technology gene products were given an exemption from standard reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity animal studies before being rolled out to humans, and indeed have not even had published biodistribution and pharmacokinetic studies. The manufacturers have provided no data on how much spike protein is produced by different people and for how long – this is of great concern as the dose of and duration of exposure to the spike protein may differ by orders of magnitude between individuals, resulting in huge variance in individual susceptibility to adverse events and harm. The initial claim that the vaccine would remain at the injection site is also, clearly, totally without foundation, which raises the concern that the mRNA lipid nanoparticles or the subsequently produced spike protein may cross the blood-brain barrier or placenta, resulting in inflammation and cell destruction in the brain or fetus by the host immune system. Also of concern, published studies have clearly shown that these products negatively affect T-cell function, and hence the ability of the body to fight not only infections but also to clear cancerous cells. At this point, there is far too much evidence of harm to multiple systems and organs to ignore, and we have an ethical duty of care to protect our healthy children from iatrogenic harm.
Finally, the research basis for the toddler vaccines was woefully inadequate. Follow-up was for a median of 70 days after the second dose; this is contrary to international guidelines which recommend at least one year follow-up. Efficacy was estimated at only 37% for 2-4-year-olds, bringing it far below what is usually considered an acceptable efficacy to justify use of a vaccine, and in the younger group prevention of asymptomatic infection at a mere 3.8% with confidence intervals from -111 to +53% should have made this vaccine a complete non-starter for this cohort. The use of ‘immuno-bridging’ (presence of an antibody response) was relied upon as a proxy for preventing symptomatic disease and gives no real-world data to ascertain true effectiveness. Local and systemic side effects were common, especially after the second dose, with post-vaccine fever more common in those with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. Shockingly, several severe adverse events including a case of Type 1 diabetes, a lifelong, life-limiting disease, were hidden in the supplementary appendix, which brings into question the transparency of the data.
There has been a stated concern from public health bodies about an increase in vaccine hesitancy. Rolling out a rushed pharmaceutical product with known short-term risks and unknown long-term risks to an age group that cannot benefit in any meaningful way can only fuel public doubt in the scientific rigour of the authorisation process. This could undermine the entire childhood immunisation programme and lead to further vaccine hesitancy. It can already be seen in the US that uptake for this young age is extremely low – parents are voting with their feet.
Until all these short- and long-term safety concerns have been rigorously investigated and ruled out, and a significant need and benefit for the vaccine in this cohort has been demonstrated, the precautionary principle and fundamental ethical principles of science and medicine must preclude any further authorisations.
Dr Rosamond Jones, MBBS, MD, FRCPCH, retired consultant paediatrician, on behalf of members of CCVAC (Children’s Covid Vaccines Advisory Council) and many others, including:
Professor Anthony J Brookes, Professor of Genomics & Health Data Science, University of Leicester
Professor Angus Dalgleish, MD, FRCP, FRACP, FRCPath, FMedSci, Professor of Oncology, St George’s Hospital, London
Professor Richard Ennos, MA, PhD. Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh
Professor John A Fairclough, BM BS, BMed Sci, FRCS, FFSEM(UK), Professor Emeritus, Honorary Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Professor Norman Fenton, CEng, CMath, PhD, FBCS, MIET, Professor of Risk Information Management, Queen Mary University of London
Professor David Livermore, BSc, PhD, retired Professor of Medical Microbiology
Professor Dennis McGonagle, PhD, FRCPI, Consultant Rheumatologist, University of Leeds
Professor Roger Watson, FRCP Edin, FRCN, FAAN, Professor of Nursing
Professor Keith Willison, PhD, Professor of Chemical Biology, Imperial, London
Lord Moonie, MBChB, MRCPsych, MFCM, MSc, House of Lords, former parliamentary under-secretary of state 2001-2003, former consultant in Public Health Medicine
Dr Najmiah K Ahmad, BM MRCA FCARCSI, Consultant Anaesthetist
Dr Shiraz Akram, BDS, Dental surgeon
Dr Victoria Anderson, MBChB, MRCGP, MRCPCH, DRCOG, General Practitioner
Julie Annakin, RN, Immunisation Specialist Nurse
Helen Auburn, Dip ION MBANT NTCC CNHC RNT, registered Nutritional Therapist
Dr Ian Barros D’Sa, BM, MRCS, FRCR, PGCMEd, Consultant Radiologist
Dr David Bell, MBBS, PhD, FRCP(UK)
Dr Michael D Bell, MBChB, MRCGP, retired General Practitioner
Dr Mark A Bell, MBChB, MRCP(UK), FRCEM, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, UK
Dr Alan Black, MBBS, MSc, DipPharmMed, Retired Pharmaceutical Physician
Dr Gillian Breese, BSc, MB ChB, DFFP, DTM&H, General Practitioner
Dr Emma Brierly, MBBS, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Mr John Bunni, MBChB (Hons), DipLapSurg, FRCS, Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon
Dr Elizabeth Burton, MB ChB, Retired General Practitioner
Dr David Cartland, MBChB, BMedSci, General practitioner
Dr Peter Chan, BM, MRCS, MRCGP, NLP, General Practitioner, Functional Medicine Practitioner
Dr Marco Chiesa, MD, FRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist, Visiting Professor
Michael Cockayne MSc, PG Dip, SCPHNOH, BA, RN Occupational Health Practitioner
Mr Ian F Comaish, MA, BM BCh, FRCOphth, FRANZCO, Consultant ophthalmologist
James Cook, NHS Registered Nurse, Bachelor of Nursing (Hons), Master of Public Health (MPH)
Dr Clare Craig, BM BCh FRCPath
Dr David Critchley, BSc, PhD, 32 years in pharmaceutical R&D as a clinical research scientist
Dr Jayne LM Donegan, MBBS, DRCOG, DCH, DFFP, MRCGP, Homeopathic Practitioner
Dr Jonathan Eastwood, BSc, MBChB, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Dr Jonathan Engler, MBChB, LlB (hons), DipPharmMed
Dr Elizabeth Evans, MA(Cantab), MBBS, DRCOG, Retired Doctor, Director UKMFA
Dr Chris Exley, PhD FRSB, retired professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry
Dr John Flack, BPharm, PhD. Retired Director of Safety Evaluation at Beecham Pharmaceuticals
1980-1989 and Senior Vice-president for Drug Discovery 1990-92 SmithKline Beecham
Sophie Gidet, RM, Midwife
Dr Ali Haggett, Mental health community work, 3rd sector, former lecturer in the history of medicine
Mr David Halpin, MBBS, FRCS, Orthopaedic and trauma surgeon, retired
Mr Anthony Hinton, MBChB, FRCS, Consultant ENT surgeon, London
Dr Renee Hoenderkamp, General Practitioner
Dr Andrew Isaac, MB BCh, Physician, retired
Dr Keith Johnson, BA, D.Phil (Oxon), IP Consultant for Diagnostic Testing
Dr Pauline Jones MB BS retired general practitioner
Ancha Bala Joof, MBChB, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Dr Timothy Kelly, MB BCh BSc, NHS doctor
Dr Gemma Kemp, MBBS FRCPath, Consultant Forensic Pathologist
Dr Tanya Klymenko, PhD, FHEA, FIBMS, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences
Dr Sheena Fraser, MBChB, MRCGP (2003), Dip BSLM, General Practitioner
Dr Caroline Lapworth, MB ChB, General Practitioner
Dr Branko Latinkic, BSc, PhD, Molecular Biologist
Dr Theresa Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD, Director, Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, Bath
Dr Felicity Lillingstone, IMD DHS PhD ANP, Doctor, Urgent Care, Research Fellow
Katherine MacGilchrist, BSc (Hons) Pharmacology, MSc Epidemiology, CEO, Systematic Review
Director, Epidemica Ltd
Dr C Geoffrey Maidment, MD, FRCP, retired consultant physician
Mr Ahmad K Malik, FRCS (Tr & Orth), Dip Med Sport, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr Ayiesha Malik, MBChB, General Practitioner
Dr Imran Malik, MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Dr Kulvinder S. Manik MBChB, MRCGP, MA(Cantab), LLM, Gray’s Inn
Dr Fiona Martindale, MBChB, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Mr Ian McDermott, MBBS, MS, FRCS(Tr&Orth), FFSEM(UK), Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr Graham Milne, MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG, General Practitioner
Dr Scott Mitchell, MBChB, MRCS, Associate Specialist, Emergency Medicine
Dr Alan Mordue, MBChB, FFPH (ret). Retired Consultant in Public Health Medicine & Epidemiology
Margaret Moss, MA(Cantab), CBiol, MRSB, Director, The Nutrition and Allergy Clinic, Cheshire
Dr Claire Mottram, BSc Hons, MBChB, Doctor in General Practice
Dr Greta Mushet, retired Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy. MBChB, MRCPsych
Dr Angela Musso, MD, MRCGP, DRCOG, FRACGP, MFPC, General Practitioner
Dr Sarah Myhill, MBBS, Dip NM, Retired GP, Independent Naturopathic Physician
Dr Rachel Nicholl, PhD, Medical researcher
Dr Christina Peers, MBBS, DRCOG, DFSRH, FFSRH, Menopause Specialist
Rev Dr William J U Philip MB ChB, MRCP, BD, Senior Minister The Tron Church, Glasgow, formerly physician specialising in cardiology
Anna Phillips, RSCN, BSc Hons, Clinical Lead Trainer Clinical Systems (Paediatric Intensive Care)
Dr Angharad Powell, MBChB, BSc (hons), DFRSH, DCP (Ireland), DRCOG, DipOccMed, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Dr Gerry Quinn, PhD, Microbiologist
Jessica Righart, MSc, MIBMS, Senior Biomedical Scientist
Mr Angus Robertson, BSc, MBChB, FRCSEd (Tr & Orth), Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr Susannah Robinson, MBBS, BSc, MRCP, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Dr Jon Rogers, MB ChB (Bristol), Retired General Practitioner
Mr James Royle, MBChB, FRCS, MMedEd, Colorectal Surgeon
Dr Salmaan Saleem, MBBS, BMedSci, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Dr Alia Sarwar, MBChB, General Practitioner
Sorrel Scott, Grad Dip Phys, Specialist Physiotherapist in Neurology, 30 years in NHS
Dr Rohaan Seth, Bsc (Hons), MBChB (Hons), MRCGP, Retired General Practitioner
Dr Haleema Sheikh, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Dr Magdalena Stasiak-Horkan MBBS, MRCGP (2017), DCH, General Practitioner
Natalie Stephenson, BSc (Hons) Paediatric Audiologist
Marco Tullio Suadoni, RN, BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing, MSc, Specialist Palliative Care Lead
Dr Mashhood Syed, MBChB, DRCOG, MRCGP(2018), LFHom(Med)
Dr Noel Thomas, MA, MBChB, DObsRCOG, DTM&H, MFHom, Retired Doctor
Dr Stephen Ting, MBChB, MRCP, PhD, Consultant Physician
Dr Livia Tossici-Bolt, PhD, NHS Clinical Scientist
Dr Fodhla Treacy, MBBS, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Dr Helen Westwood, MBChB (Hons), MRCGP, DCH, DRCOG, General Practitioner
Dr Carmen Wheatley, DPhil, Orthomolecular Oncology
Mr Lasantha Wijesinghe, FRCS, Consultant vascular surgeon
Dr Ruth Wilde, MBBCh, MRCEM, AFMCP, Integrative & Functional Medicine Doctor
Dr Lucie Wilk, MD, MRCP, Rheumatologist
Dr Julia Wilkens, FRCOG, MD, Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dr Ruqia Zafar, MBChB, MRCGP, General Practitioner
Reigning in June…
“I’m the guy” …
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
U.S. House of Representatives will vote later this week to rescind the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, after Republican lawmakers threatened to withhold votes for the $858 billion National Defense Authorization Act.
Congress Set to End Military COVID Vaccine Mandate, No Sign Biden Will Veto
The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote later this week to rescind the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, after Republican lawmakers threatened to withhold votes for the $858 billion National Defense Authorization Act.
The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote later this week to rescind the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, after Republican lawmakers threatened to withhold votes for the $858 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) unless the bill included removal of the mandate.
The news was confirmed Tuesday night, according to The Washington Post, which also reported that Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, said the removal of the vaccination requirement “was essential for the defense policy bill to move forward.”
The legislation must pass the U.S. Senate before heading to President Biden. Biden, who along with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin opposes repealing the mandate, has not indicated that he will veto the bill, Politico reported.
The Pentagon would have 30 days to rescind the mandate of the bill passes as is.
Thousands of active duty service members have been discharged for refusing the shots since the Pentagon instituted the mandate in August 2021. The proposed legislation will not reinstate discharged service members or compensate those who lost benefits for refusing vaccination.
According to The Hill’s “Rising,” Tulsi Gabbard, a politician and U.S. Army Reserve officer, slammed the mandate:
“I know people personally who have been kicked out of the military, some who have served 10 years, 20 years, 25 years, all because of this mandate that makes no sense and frankly is based on a lie that [Dr. Anthony] Fauci and others continue to propagate as they have throughout this whole thing, which is these vaccines will prevent you from catching COVID, that it will prevent you from spreading COVID.
“The fact that it is even a question at this point whether or not to lift this DOD [Department of Defense] mandate, and that Secretary Austin is opposing it is just absolute madness.”
The policy became a point of contention between Democratic and Republican lawmakers during NDAA negotiations, but in a joint statement Sens. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), and Reps. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), said they were “pleased to announce we’ve come to a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on this year’s National Defense Authorization Act,” The Epoch Times Reported.
This bipartisan group made up of top members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services and the House Armed Services Committee, urged Congress to quickly pass the bill and Biden to sign it afterward.
‘Make no mistake: this is a win for our military’
Republicans celebrated the victory, but cautioned it is only “a first step,” and called on the Biden administration to reenlist the service members discharged under the policy, according to the Washington Post.
“Make no mistake: this is a win for our military,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said in a statement late Tuesday night.
“The end of the vaccine mandate for troops will be a big win, and it’s happening because conservatives stood strong for what we believe in and didn’t back down,” Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) said.
The Democrats’ decision to compromise on the bill comes just days after the White House and Austin reiterated their support for the vaccine mandate.
“We lost a million people to this virus,” Austin told reporters Saturday, according to The Associated Press. “A million people died in the United States of America. We lost hundreds in the DOD. So this mandate has kept people healthy.”
John Kirby, White House National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications told reporters Tuesday, “The president actually concurs with the secretary that we need to continue to believe that all Americans, including those in the armed forces, should be vaccinated and boosted for COVID-19.”
But some Democrats agreed it may be time for the mandate to end. House Armed Services Chair Adam Smith told Politico last week that he was open to discussing an end to the mandate.
“I was a very strong supporter of the vaccine mandate when we did it, but at this point in time, does it make sense to have that policy from August 2021?” Smith asked.
“The politics on that have changed,” said Rep. Marc Veasey (D-Texas), another member of the Armed Services panel, according to The Hill. “If this were 2020, it would be a different story.”
The struggle isn’t over: ‘You can’t repeal without repair’
Republicans have called for an end to the military vaccine mandate since it was implemented in August 2021, citing concerns it would harm retention and recruitment of service members and negatively impact the readiness of the U.S. Armed Forces.
In September, a group of 47 Congress members wrote to Austin, urging the Pentagon to revoke the mandate, stating:
“The vaccine provides negligible benefit to the young, fit members of our Armed Forces, and the mandate’s imposition is clearly affecting the Department’s ability to sustain combat formations and recruit future talent.”
Last week, a group of 21 Republican governors wrote to congressional leaders again calling for immediate action to end the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all members of the U.S. Armed Forces.
The letter summarized reports by military officials confirming that thousands of service members were discharged following the mandate and the National Guard and the Army missed their recruiting targets by 10% and 25% respectively.
A bloc of GOP senators, led by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced on Nov. 30 that they would stall the defense spending bill in the Senate if there was no vote to end the mandate and reinstate troops.
Paul said the mandate didn’t make sense because the vaccine doesn’t stop virus transmission and it creates an elevated risk of heart inflammation for young people. Many service members have also already had COVID-19, granting them a form of protection against reinfection and severe disease.
Some Republican lawmakers said just repealing the mandate doesn’t go far enough.
“You can’t repeal without repair,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) told Fox News Digital on Tuesday. “The repair has to be reinstating individuals who want to come back, correcting their records, allowing these individuals who have served honorably to be recognized that way.”
He said this issue will be a primary focus for the Republican House in January.
McCarthy also promised in a statement on Tuesday that when the GOP takes over the House next year, Republicans will “work to finally hold the Biden administration accountable and assist the men and women in uniform who were unfairly targeted.”
“We lost a million people to this virus,” Austin told reporters traveling with him Saturday. “A million people died in the United States of America. We lost hundreds in DOD. So this mandate has kept people healthy.”
“I’m the guy” who ordered the military to require the vaccine, Austin added. “I support continuation of vaccinating the troops.”
It looks like books celebrating the Covid-19 vaccine and its corporate heroes are becoming a cottage industry. Amazon served me up the following:
The Messenger: Moderna, the Vaccine and the Business Gamble that Changed the World:
“With deep access to all of the major players, Peter Loftus weaves a tale of science and business that brings to life Moderna’s monumental feat of creating a vaccine that beat back a deadly virus and changed the business of medicine forever.”
The Vaccine: Inside the Race to Conquer the Covid-19 Pandemic. By Ozlem Tureci and Ugur Sahin of BioNTech, as told to Joe Miller: “The Vaccine explains the science behind the breakthrough, at a time when public confidence in vaccine safety and efficacy is crucial to bringing an end to this pandemic.”
As for The Shot that Saved the World, Amazon hails it as “a story of courage, genius, and heroism … A Shot to Save the World is the story of how science saved the world.”
Funny thing: All three are by business reporters. Gary Zuckerman and Peter Loftus both work for the Wall Street Journal; Joe Miller is with the Financial Times. (A fourth, Moonshot, is by the CEO of Pfizer himself.) Not a Health or Science reporter in the bunch. I guess the real hardcore mRNA fans are the corporations and their stockholders.
“ It’s only in rare instances—like the race for the COVID-19 vaccine—that the public peeks in at the inner-workings of our industry.”
Dr Clare Craig (not one of her impersonators)
Frightening portrayal of unchecked power coupled with an ideological zeal. Reading this made me want to hear all the rest.
are you going to write your own book on it now?
Andrew Neil
Dec 8
Fascinating insights from the co-author of his diaries. Must read on the pandemic. The truth about Matt Hancock https://spectator.co.uk/article/the-truth-about-matt-hancock/… via @spectator
Albert Bourla
At @Pfizer , compliance means operating with integrity & ethics so patients never have to wonder about the quality of their medicines & vaccines. Want to know more? Chief Compliance, Quality & Risk Officer Rady Johnson details our process & culture: https://on.pfizer.com/3FkfjgS
Albert Bourla
Thrilled that @US_FDA has granted Fast Track Designation for our mRNA-based combo vaccine candidate for influenza and #COVID19, expediting the review time so we hopefully can bring this potential: https://on.pfizer.com/3FbIXop
“Even so, most patients don’t give any thought to compliance, and they shouldn’t have to. But as a company, we should, and we do.”
“In the pharmaceutical industry, “compliance” is the name of those stringent rules and regulations that guide the process in the development of new therapeutics. But for companies like Pfizer, there’s so much more at stake than simple rule-following. When it comes to compliance, what drives us in the pursuit of breakthroughs that change patients’ lives is Pfizer’s commitment to integrity, quality, and trust.” https://on.pfizer.com/3FkfjgS
In 2020, as pharmaceutical companies raced to develop a vaccine in record time, the public got a rare and exciting glimpse into an area of science that’s not usually in the spotlight: drug development. Clinical trials recruited hundreds of thousands of patients, while families in lockdown waited, hoping for regulatory approval of a COVID-19 vaccine that would change the course of the pandemic. Along the way, those who watched learned a lot about the technical processes involved in creating, testing, and manufacturing new therapeutics.
Even so, most patients don’t give any thought to compliance, and they shouldn’t have to. But as a company, we should, and we do.
In the pharmaceutical industry, “compliance” is the name of those stringent rules and regulations that guide the process in the development of new therapeutics.
But for companies like Pfizer, there’s so much more at stake than simple rule-following. When it comes to compliance, what drives us in the pursuit of breakthroughs that change patients’ lives is Pfizer’s commitment to integrity, quality, and trust.
The evolution of compliance
Compliance has evolved significantly over the past three decades. When I began working at Pfizer in 1994 as an attorney focused on regulatory law, there weren’t yet compliance officers and compliance departments at pharmaceutical companies. It wasn’t until 2003 that the U.S. government introduced basic guidelines for pharmaceutical manufacturer compliance programs. Over the next few years compliance would grow to become the norm in the industry—a way of demanding transparency, quality, and integrity. By 2013, when my official role shifted to the compliance division, Pfizer was ahead of the curve.
And for good reasons. What really distinguishes this industry is who we serve: patients.
As a patient myself, when a doctor prescribes a medication or vaccine, I never wonder about its quality. I never consider whether there are questionable ingredients in there. I get vaccinated and/or take the medicine on faith. That’s critical. We need to be able to have confidence that the medicines doctors prescribe are safe. We need to believe in the integrity of information about side effects and effectiveness. We need to trust that a business isn’t hiding negative findings. Compliance allows us to do that.
Guided by ethics and integrity
The truth is compliance is a word I don’t like to use. Without context, it’s scary and confusing. People don’t get it; they roll their eyes thinking compliance just means following the rules and online training.
The words I prefer to focus on are ethics and integrity because compliance is a blueprint or a tool we use to pursue those loftier goals. Today, our compliance program is structured around eight fundamental elements forming our framework for effective risk management. Our compliance division is fundamentally a proactive function versus a reactive function. This is especially important when you consider the fast pace of medical innovation and the increasingly complex environment in which we operate. We anticipate where risks are in areas such as manufacturing, enforcement, and clinical trials. And that allows us to ensure our patients receive the highest quality products. It means that we champion integrity in all that we do.
At every level of the business, this program enables innovation and keeps us accountable. But when we’re talking about a new idea, a new breakthrough, the first questions aren’t about compliance. The first questions we ask ourselves are “What is it?” “Is it a good thing?” “Will people be glad we’re doing it?” “Will they trust us to be the people who do it?” From there, we start to talk about what rules we need in place to make sure we do it right.
It’s what gives us the confidence to say that if a product bears Pfizer’s name, then patients and prescribers can be sure it was thoroughly researched, carefully developed, and painstakingly produced without any compromises in quality.
COVID-19 and Compliance 101
The fact that patients usually don’t think about compliance is a good thing. It means we’re doing our jobs. It’s only in rare instances—like the race for the COVID-19 vaccine—that the public peeks in at the inner-workings of our industry.
This was particularly evident in 2020, when we were all social distancing in our backyards, I clearly remember having encounters with my neighbors. When I talked about my work at Pfizer, they were intrigued. They wanted to hear everything about the vaccine development process. Inevitably, the conversation would turn to speed, and a concern that we might be cutting corners.
I relished the opportunity to educate friends and family on what we were doing, and what we’ve always done. I talked about the policies and procedures and quality controls for every product and development—including the COVID-19 vaccine. And I emphasized that you can do this fast; there’s nothing wrong with speed when you have a culture that is deeply committed to quality and integrity.
While I may have bored my friends and family to tears explaining those inner workings, I believe they walked away with a deeper understanding of the laborious processes, oversight, and decisions that guide every aspect of our business.
Now, of course, everyone is better informed about COVID-19 and the development and authorization processes. The public intrigue has largely passed, and the world’s attention is elsewhere. But we’re going to continue to do what we’ve always done: making responsible and ethical decisions to develop quality products for patients and society. That’s something that’s just in our DNA.
Compliance is more than just not breaking rules. It is an affirmative, pro-active, robust, uncompromising effort to ensure the integrity of every product we make. The mere absence of violations is not enough.
The fact that patients and healthcare providers trust us and trust our medicines speaks volumes about the meaning of our reputation—and the value of compliance, by any name.
“The crusade to vaccinate the entire population against a disease with a low mortality rate among all but the very elderly is one of the most extraordinary cases of mission creep in political history.” Isabel Oakeshott , Pandemic Diaries
‘must-reads on the pandemic’
Public, Peeks-in…
What do you think about this article?
Its a great and important article
These issues have been covered in a number of earlier posts – about 4 posts back
Hitting on Statistics from Norman, with previously seen footage included :
Where are the Numbers?
Norman, Stats, Mountain Kings and Marathon Runners…
Prof Norman Fenton
3 mins
1. Lots of people talking about the new Rasmussen poll of 1000 adult Americans surveyed on attitudes to the vaxx. But commentators have missed something very significant which I discuss in the 2-minute video
This Rasmussen poll of 1000 adult Americans recently surveyed reveals significant concerns about covid vaccine efficacy. The thing that caught most people’s eye was that it found 7% suffered a major adverse reaction, because if the poll was accurate that would extrapolate to 11 million Americans in total. However, there was something else that especially interested me in the poll that nobody is talking about. It found that 32% of respondents were unvaccinated. Why is this important?
Too far? Elon Musk calls for Anthony Fauci to be ‘prosecuted’
Earlier this week, Dr. Fauci told the BBC that ‘low-life trolls’ had started harassing his family:
Listen to the full interview with Dr Anthony Fauci on Americast on BBC Sounds
What are the Twitter Files?
Albert Bourla
Thank you Dr. Fauci for sharing such a poignant message to future scientists! Like so many, you have inspired my own scientific career, and as I help shape future scientists at @Pfizer , I know I will continue to draw from lessons you have shared.
Opinion | Anthony Fauci: A Message to the Next Generation of Scientists
As he prepares to retire, “America’s doctor” reflects on his long career.
Albert Bourla
One of those lessons you have imparted is maintaining dignity in the face of harassment and abuse, even when it impacts family and loved ones. Thank you for your tireless courage to always do what is right and honest. I wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
Anthony Fauci: A Message to the Next Generation of Scientists
By Anthony Fauci
Dr. Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health.
Dec. 10, 2022
Although I hesitate to use the hackneyed expression “It seems like just yesterday,” it does feel that way as I prepare to leave the National Institutes of Health after over five decades. As I look back at my career, I see lessons that may be useful to the next generation of scientists and health workers who will be called on to address the unexpected public health challenges that will inevitably emerge.
At 81, I still can clearly recall the first time I drove onto the bucolic N.I.H. campus in Bethesda, Md., in June of 1968 as a 27-year-old newly minted physician who had just completed residency training in New York City. My motivation and consuming passion at the time were to become the most highly skilled physician I could, devoted to delivering the best possible care to my patients. This remains integral to my identity, but I did not realize how unexpected circumstances would profoundly influence the direction of my career and my life. I would soon learn to expect the unexpected.
I share my story, one of love of science and discovery, in hopes of inspiring the next generation to enter health-related careers — and to stay the course, regardless of challenges and surprises that might arise.
It was during my residency training that I became fascinated with the interface between infectious diseases and the relatively nascent but burgeoning field of human immunology. As I cared for many patients with commonplace as well as esoteric infections, it became clear that physicians and other health care providers needed more tools to diagnose, prevent and treat diseases.
To merge these interests, I accepted a fellowship at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the N.I.H. to learn the complex ways cells and other components of the immune system protect us against infectious diseases. In doing so, I would follow the N.I.H. tradition of bench-to-bedside research by translating laboratory findings into the care of patients and, in turn, taking insights from the clinic back to the laboratory to improve the science.
Despite having no prior training in basic science research, I unexpectedly became captivated by the potential it had for making discoveries that would benefit not only my patients but also countless other people I might never meet, much less care for as their physician. My newfound love for this work posed a major conflict to my well-laid plans for practicing medicine. Ultimately, I chose to follow both paths: to become a research scientist and a physician caring for patients at the N.I.H., where I have been ever since.
There is so much discovery that can happen inside a laboratory and in the clinic — even when you least expect it. Early in my career, I was able to develop highly effective therapies for a group of fatal diseases of blood vessels called vasculitis syndromes. Patients who otherwise would have died instead experienced long-term remissions because of the treatment protocols I developed. My foreseeable future seemed well charted: I would spend my life working on conditions related to abnormal immune system activity.
Then, in the summer of 1981, doctors and researchers became aware of a mysterious disease spreading predominantly among young men who have sex with men. I became fascinated with this unusual disorder, which would become known as H.I.V./AIDS. The hallmark was the destruction or impairment of the very immune system cells the body needed to defend against it. I also felt a strong empathy for the mostly young gay men who were already stigmatized and now were doubly so as the disease wasted their bodies, stealing their lives and dreams.
Much to the dismay of friends and mentors who felt that I would be short-circuiting an ascendant career, and against their advice, I decided to completely change the direction of my research. I would thereafter devote myself to AIDS research, by caring for these young men at the N.I.H. hospital while probing and uncovering the mysteries of this new disease in my laboratory — something I have now been doing for more than 40 years.
I never aspired to a major administrative position and relished my identity as a hands-on physician and clinical researcher. But I was frustrated with the relative lack of attention and resources directed to the study of H.I.V./AIDS in the early 1980s. And once again an unexpected opportunity arose when I was asked to lead N.I.A.I.D., and I accepted, on the condition that I could continue to care for patients as well as lead my research laboratory. This decision transformed my career and opened opportunities to positively influence medicine and global health in ways that I had not imagined.
Beginning with President Ronald Reagan, I have had the opportunity to personally advise seven presidents over my 38 years as N.I.A.I.D. director. Our discussions included how to respond to H.I.V./AIDS, as well as other threats such as bird flu, the anthrax attacks, pandemic influenza in 2009, Ebola, Zika and Covid-19. I always speak the unvarnished truth to presidents and other senior government officials, even when such truths may be uncomfortable or politically inconvenient, because extraordinary things can happen when science and politics work hand in hand.
In the mid-1990s, lifesaving antivirals for H.I.V. were proven safe and effective, largely through studies supported by N.I.A.I.D. They were made available in the United States in 1996. By the turn of the 21st century, people with access to these drugs could expect an almost normal life span. But access for people living in sub-Saharan Africa and other low- and middle-income regions was virtually nonexistent.
Driven by his deep-seated compassion and desire for global health equity, President George W. Bush directed me, together with members of his staff, to develop a program that could deliver these drugs and other care to people in resource-poor countries with high levels of H.I.V. It was the privilege and honor of my lifetime to be an architect of what would become the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief program, which has saved 20 million lives globally. PEPFAR is an example of what can be accomplished when policymakers aspire to bold goals, underpinned by science.
If the far bookend of my N.I.H. career is H.I.V./AIDS, the near bookend is Covid-19. This pandemic was not completely unexpected, since emerging infectious diseases have challenged humanity throughout history, but some diseases can transform civilizations, and Covid-19 is the most devastating pandemic of a respiratory illness to afflict humankind since the 1918 influenza pandemic. And there is much to be learned from this ongoing experience with Covid-19.
The United States is reminded of the importance of continued investments in basic and clinical biomedical research. The major successes of the Covid-19 pandemic have been driven by scientific advances, particularly lifesaving vaccines that were developed, proven safe and effective in clinical trials and made available to the public within one year — an unprecedented feat.
Other lessons are painful, such as the failures of certain public health responses domestically and globally. We also must acknowledge that our fight against Covid-19 has been hindered by the profound political divisiveness in our society. In a way that we have never seen before, decisions about public health measures such as wearing masks and being vaccinated with highly effective and safe vaccines have been influenced by disinformation and political ideology.
It is our collective responsibility to ensure that public health policy decisions are driven by the best available data. Scientists and health workers can do their part by speaking up, including to new and old media sources, to share and explain in plain language the latest scientific findings as well as what remains to be learned.
As I think of that 27-year-old who arrived on the N.I.H. campus in 1968, I am humbled by the enormous privilege and honor I have had serving the American and global public.
I have experienced enormous joy and benefit from training and learning from the hundreds of brilliant and dedicated physicians, scientists and support staff members working in my laboratory, in the N.I.H. clinics and in the N.I.A.I.D. research divisions and from domestic and international research collaborators.
Looking ahead, I am confident that the next generations of young physicians, scientists and public health practitioners will experience the same excitement and sense of fulfillment I have felt as they meet the immense need for their expertise to maintain, restore and protect the health of people around the world and rise to the continual unexpected challenges they will inevitably face in doing so.
Anthony Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical adviser to President Biden.
The Bare-Bones…
Now the irresponsible MHRA seems to be covering up suspected child vaccine deaths
ByKathy Gyngell
December 12, 2022
Meanwhile the Prime Minister’s response to Andrew Bridgen’s question at PMQs last Wednesday about vaccines being given to infants was to parrot the ‘safe and effective’ meme.
Bridgen had boldly and correctly highlighted the number of deaths and adverse reactions following mRNA vaccinations and called on the PM to overturn the Big Pharma-funded MHRA’s recommendation that the vaccines be administered to children as young as six months.
You can watch him and the PM’s response here.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
During a roundtable discussion on COVID, led by
concluded that in order to prevent future harm, all COVID-19 vaccines need to be immediately withdrawn from the market.
‘All These Vaccines Need to Be Withdrawn From the Market’: COVID Roundtable Part 2
During a roundtable discussion on COVID-19, led by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Wednesday, Dr. Peter McCullough concluded that in order to prevent future harm, all COVID-19 vaccines need to be immediately withdrawn from the market.
McCullough concluded:
“In order to prevent future harm, all these vaccines need to be withdrawn from the market. That needs to happen immediately. All the vaccine mandates should be dropped. We need requests for applications and immediate funding for vaccine injury. Centers of excellence across the United States for screening, detection, and diagnosing of vaccine injuries. We need a massive shift in our healthcare system towards managing this large number of vaccine-injured people. What is at stake here is increased risk of death.”
Senator Ron Johnson
Dec 9
Other nations have banned the COVID-19 vaccines because they are too dangerous for children. Why does the mainstream media not talk about this? Dr. Ranata Moon: “We are being asked to inject this product into our nation’s kids who have essentially a 0% risk of harm.”
Dr Clare Craig (not one of her impersonators)
Yesterday! Still pretending vaccination stops infection and uses the word ‘tsunami’ to describe what would have happened without lockdown. See thread below for why that is nonsense.
Justin Hart
Dr. Fauci decimated the lives of millions of children – consigning them to unsupported lockdown and quarantine policies that STILL exist in some areas. He CONTINUES to deny the impacts of these terrible decisions. This from yesterday:
Yes to day …
US for THEM from
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Pfizer CEO Bourla stung by UK’s pharma marketing regulator over kids’ COVID vax claims: report
By Ben Adams
Nov 28, 2022 09:55am
PfizerComirnatyCOVID-19adult vaccines
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
Pfizer’s chief executive Albert Bourla, Ph.D., is in hot water. (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)
Pfizer’s chief executive Albert Bourla, Ph.D., is in hot water for claims he made during a BBC interview late last year about the company’s then-unapproved COVID vaccine for younger kids. The claims have reportedly been branded “misleading” and “overly promotional.”
That’s the latest finding in an ongoing case at the British pharmaceutical marketing regulator the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA), The Telegraph reports.
In an interview with the BBC on Dec. 2, 2021, Bourla said “there is no doubt in my mind that the benefits, completely, are in favour of” vaccinating youngsters ages 5 to 11 against COVID.
He added that: “COVID in schools is thriving […] This is disturbing, significantly, the educational system, and there are kids that will have severe symptoms.”
Bourla gave the interview before the shot had been given the OK for kids in this setting, meaning anything deemed promotional about the vaccine could be seen as in breach of the strict drug marketing rules in the country.
It was, in fact, not until February of this year that the U.K. government ruled children ages 5 to 11 could be offered the vaccine. The government also left the decision on whether to vaccinate children in the hands of parents.
In a complaint brought by UsForThem, a parent campaign group in the U.K. that aims to highlight the harms done to children during the pandemic, the group said Bourla’s comments were “disgracefully misleading” and “extremely promotional in nature.” The organization argued Bourla’s interview breached several clauses of the code of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).
Amid scrutiny around Europe’s vaccine purchase, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla pulls out of committee hearing
According to The Telegraph’s reporting, PMCPA, which enforces ABPI code, ruled that Pfizer breached the rules in a number of different ways, including by misleading the public, making unsubstantiated claims and by failing to present information in a factual and balanced way.
In an earlier finding, PMCPA also concluded that Pfizer brought discredit to the industry, encouraged irrational use of a medicine and failed to maintain high standards, the more serious end of the rule breaches.
But Pfizer hit back and had appealed against the rulings. In the end, the PMCPA overturned most of the serious breaches, according to The Telegraph.
The way this news has come out is unusual. The PMCPA is self-regulatory body set up by the pharma industry, but it can and does enact some strict punishments if companies are found in breach of its marketing rules. In more serious cases, the findings are published in medical journals.
These cases are always uploaded onto the PMCPA’s site and, when completed, are available for the public to read. But the Pfizer cases—officially titled: AUTH/3591/12/21 – A complaint on behalf of UsForThem v Pfizer—is as yet not completed.
Pfizer CEO Bourla, ‘disappointed’ by COVID vaccine rhetoric, warns politics could threaten uptake
It appears as if the details have been shared with The Telegraph ahead of time but with no one else, which is not usual practice. The PMCPA told Fierce Pharma Marketing it could not say how or why this information had been seen by The Telegraph but a spokesperson said that they “anticipate that the case report will be published on our website before Christmas.”
“We are pleased the UK’s PMCPA Appeal Board found Pfizer to have maintained high standards and upheld confidence in our industry, the two most serious rulings in this complaint from a UK campaign group,” a Pfizer spokesman told Fierce Pharma Marketing.
“In the U.K., we have always endeavoured to follow the principles and letter of our industry Code of Practice throughout. We will review the case report in detail when we receive it, to inform future activity.”
“Serious harms of the COVID-19 vaccines: a systematic review” – New pre-print from Peter Gøtzsche and Maryanne Demasi, please see:
Are we supposed to feel grateful to Elon Musk now. Another meglomaniac
The Epoch Times
Elon Musk Targets Fauci in Viral Posts: ‘Just One More Lockdown, My King…’
By Tom Ozimek December 12, 2022 Updated: December 12, 2022
Twitter owner Elon Musk has targeted former White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci in a pair of viral tweets on Sunday, including one that appears to call for legal action against the man who has been a lightning rod of criticism over COVID-19 lockdowns.
The new Twitter chief wrote this weekend that he would release more Twitter Files on the previous management’s communications with federal health officials over how to deal with claims about COVID-19 rules and vaccines.
Some time after Musk took over Twitter, the company announced it would no longer enforce its policy against so-called COVID-19 misinformation.
The social media giant has faced criticism over its suppression of voices in the COVID-19 response debate who questioned the need for widespread lockdowns and other non-targeted measures.
Fauci, who is preparing to step down from his government posts in December, faces the prospect of being asked to testify in a potential Republican probe into the origins of the COVID-19 virus and pandemic restrictions in the United States, including lockdowns.
At the height of the outbreak, Fauci repeatedly backed harsh measures that were believed to help contain COVID-19, including lockdowns.
That study’s authors also said that what deserves a “special and urgent analysis” is the question of “to what extent, why, and how the dissenting (disapproved by healthcare officials) scientific opinions were suppressed during COVID-19.”
“Suppression of ‘misleading’ opinions causes not only grave consequences for scientists’ moral compass; it prevents the scientific community from correcting mistakes and jeopardizes (with a good reason) public trust in science,” they wrote.
Musk’s forthcoming Twitter Files release on COVID-19, which is expected to include information on suspensions of doctors and scientists who posted content that challenged the prevailing narrative, should offer some insight into suppressing viewpoints that may have been critical in the public debate on restrictions, including lockdowns.
Republicans said in August that, if they retake the House in the mid-term election, they will pursue a COVID-19-related investigation, which Fauci indicated he’d be willing to testify at.
In August, around the time Republicans vowed to launch investigations, Fauci announced he would be stepping down from his government posts by the end of the year.
A week before Fauci’s appearances on CBS and NBC, the White House rolled out a campaign to convince more Americans to get boosted.
“Even when there’s nothing to hide, they act in a suspicious, nontransparent way,” Fauci said of China’s communist regime. (So is Faucci a communist then?)
Jack Phillips and Zachary Stieber contributed to this report.
Tom Ozimek
A short-dive in to the ‘meticulous research’ by the Daily Mail
‘I’m back!’: Accounts for vaccine creator Dr Robert Malone and cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough are the latest to be reinstated to Twitter
The pair have shared Covid-19 conspiracies that have been widely discredited
Like Malone, McCullough has contributed to the spread of Covid-19 misinformation,
He has also falsely claimed that there have been huge numbers of fatalities attributed to Covid-19 vaccines, a popular conspiracy theory with not basis.
Like Malone, McCullough’s Twitter feed is full of examples of Covid misinformation.
Just ‘reporting’ …
“Having written many articles for the Daily Mail…
Other cancer specialists agree with me about vaccine harm, but the authorities still won’t listen
By Angus Dalgleish
December 19, 2022
FOLLOWING my recent communication about my very real concern over the recurrence of cancer in many of my melanoma patients who have been stable for long periods, at least five years and in one case 18 years, other oncologists have contacted me to say they are seeing the same phenomenon.
Seeing the recurrence of these cancers after all this time naturally makes me wonder if there is a common cause? I had previously noted that relapse in stable cancer is often associated with severe long-term stress, such as bankruptcy, divorce, etc. I found that none of my patients had any such extra stress during this time but they had all had booster vaccines and, indeed, a couple of them noted that they had a very bad reaction to the booster which they did not have to the first two injections.
I then noted that some of these patients were not having a normal pattern of relapse but rather an explosive relapse, with metastases occurring at the same time in several sites. Obviously, I began to wonder whether the booster vaccines could be causing these relapses and werenot just coincidence, as my colleagues were willingto suggest.
However, within a three-month period I have been able to identify eight people who have developed B-cell malignancies following the booster, with two reporting that they instantly felt very unwell after the booster, having had no problem with the first two vaccines; then describing the symptoms of extreme exhaustion and long Covid before being investigated and finding out that they had a B-cell leukaemia in two cases, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in five and a very aggressive myeloma in the other case.
Scientifically, I was reading reports that the booster was leading to a big excess of antibodies at the expense of the T-cell response and that this T-cell suppression could last for three weeks, if not more. To me, this could be causal as the immune system is being asked to make an excessive response through the humoral inflammatory part of the immune response against a virus (the alpha-delta variant) which is no longer in existence in the community. This exertion leads to immune exhaustion, which is why these patients are reporting up to a 50 per cent greater increase in Omicron, or other variations, than the non-vaccinated.
Having communicated these observations I was rapidly reminded that I had written an article, published in the Daily Mail in the middle of 2021, which encouraged people to get vaccinated, particularly younger people. This was a very thorough article, written under my name but essentially conducted by interview for the purpose of condoning the vaccine rollout at the time. Although I had started to have concerns, the overwhelming push by the Government and the medical community was that this would be in everyone’s best interest. So the environment at that time was completely different to what it is now.
Indeed, my own take on this was soon to changevery dramatically shortly when my own son developed myocarditis after having a jab he did not want but that he needed for work and travel purposes. I then found out that one of his friends in his early thirties had suffered a stroke and that a niece of my close colleague had a fatal heart attack at the age of 34, having had the vaccine for her occupation as a nurse! I beganto be highly alarmed that it was the vaccines causing these symptoms, just as we had written right at the very beginning of the pandemic, that a genetically engineered virus had serious implications for vaccine design. Although this paper was suppressed and did not appear in print for many months, it reported that the sequence of the virus was completely consistent with having been genetically engineered, with a furin cleavage site and six inserts at places that would make the virus very infectious, and the reason this had such tremendous implications for vaccine design was that 80 per cent of these sequences had homology to human epitopes. In particular, we had noticed a homology with platelet factor 4 and myelin. The former is also certainly associated with what is known as VITT (low platelets and clotting issues) and the latter associated with all the neurological problems, such as transverse myelitis, both of which are now recognised as side effects of the vaccine even by the MHRA.
Although it took some time to get these findings out into press, they were delivered to and widely circulated to the Cabinet and various medical committees as we thought these observations were crucially important. Unfortunately, they were ignored.
However, the cases of myocarditis did not even need this trigger as young hearts over-express the ACE-receptor, which the virus had been trained in the laboratory to bind to with very high affinity and it is this that sets off the inflammatory response, which leads to myocarditis, pericarditis, stroke and deaths, which it is now clear are far more common in the under-40s than caused by the virus infection itself.
It was also shortly after this time that it became evident that the virus was attenuating, as all viruses do. In addition treatment was improving so the virus was leading to fewer hospitalisations and deaths. I believe this is a very important factor to take into account as it was clear at the end of the first year that the pandemic was reducing and the virus becoming less aggressive, with the emergence of the Omicron variant, just as large sections of the population were being vaccinated.
In late 2021 it was becoming evident that the vaccines were anything but safe and effective and that the disease was not nearly as problematic as it was at the beginning of 2020 when it was being rendered much worse with what I believed at the time to be ludicrous responses. These include both lockdown and the refusal to treat Covid as a respiratory airborne virus with consensus mechanisms but instead pushing patients on to a randomised trial, known as RECOVERY, which ended up showing what everyone knew: that if there is an acute inflammation in the lungs patients need dexamethasone. The early responses also included putting patients on ventilation, which now is known to be the last thing that should have been done as it seemed to encourage early death.
When the facts change, or new facts emerge, the position of all those in authority directing mandates should change but unfortunately, they did not.
I tried desperately to point out that all the evidence that vaccines might have been useful in helping to curtail the pandemic was changing; that it was becoming very clear that there were highly significant side effects to the vaccine programme that Pfizer had gone to great lengths to cover up, and that it was only a court case in the US that led to them becoming available. At this stage the whole vaccine programme should have been stopped but nobody seemed to want to address this, neither the Government, the medical authorities or the media.
Having written many articles for the Daily Mail arguing against lockdown and for it never to be used again, I was extremely keen to address my change of opinion on the vaccines and to warn people of their dangers particularly to younger people, and to point out there were no grounds at all for giving it to children. Unfortunately, all my efforts and approaches to the mainstream media on this subject have been rejected.
This, I believe, is something that will come back to haunt all those who introduced an Orwellian kind of suppression to the emerging truth, which labelled doctors trying to save their patients along the lines of ‘first do no harm’ as outcasts or villains.
Dr Aseem Malhotra
Conservative MP @Abridgen nailed it in UK parliament tonight calling for a complete suspension of mRNA jab because of unprecedented harm & close to ‘non existent’ benefit. He also quoted @richardhorton1‘science has taken a turn towards darkness’ -time to clean up the system
john campbell
UK Parliament debate https://youtu.be/-MSKzoI72eU via
Analysis of covid vaccine safety, or otherwise.
Andrew Bridgen
Thank you all so much for your supportive comments about my debate on vaccine harms last night, they have been truly moving. I will, of course, continue raising awareness of vaccine harms and the emerging – and often alarming – evidence linked to them.
Brook Jackson
I’LL REPEAT— 170 very special clinical trial subjects is how Pfizer was able to show that their mRNA shot was 95% effective in the clinical trial from 2020.
Pfizer FDA CDC DoD DOJ HHS OIG – all knew 810 days ago.
Do you want this to stop? TALK ABOUT THAT!
‘The basis upon which the EUA was issued needs to be revisited. So many scientific norms have fallen in this pandemic, the conduct of clinical trials being one of them…
Jeremy Farrar Promoted to be WHO’s Chief Scientist After Acting as Lead UK Lockdown Advisor
Michael P Senger from The New Normal
12:04 AM (2 hours ago)
Jeremy Farrar Promoted to be WHO’s Chief Scientist After Acting as Lead UK Lockdown Advisor
DEC 15
Former SAGE member Jeremy Farrar, one of the most influential pro-lockdown advisors in the United Kingdom and considered by some to be akin to the UK’s Anthony Fauci, has been given a major promotion to become Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization, one of the most powerful positions at the WHO alongside its director Tedros Adhanom. Farrar is currently director of the Wellcome Trust, one of the world’s most influential non-profits and largest investors in vaccines, with countless billions in offshore funding and close ties to the Gates Foundation.
Farrar is the second former SAGE member who’s been rewarded by the WHO with a major promotion for their performance in advising the UK Government to enact lockdowns that were as long and strict as possible in 2020, the first being 40-year British Communist Party member Susan Michie, a behavioural psychologist with no background in epidemiology or infectious disease who earlier this year was promoted to lead the WHO’s nudge unit.
Shortly after Xi Jinping enacted the strictest lockdown in history in Wuhan, China, and long before that lockdown produced any results, Farrar echoed his new boss, Tedros, in praising China for “setting a new standard for outbreak response.”
Like Former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx, one of the three most influential officials behind lockdowns in the United States, Farrar later wrote a book going into tremendous depth about his scorched-earth crusade to convince the UK Government to enact lockdowns that were as long and strict as possible:
Social distancing measures should be mandatory, not optional. A prime minister cannot ask people to lock down if they feel like it… that is not the way these sorts of public health measures work.
Farrar recalls his glee when he first managed to convince Boris Johnson’s Government to enact a lockdown in the UK.
The new restrictions meant people would be unable to leave home except for one of four reasons: to travel to and from work if work could not be done from home; to exercise once a day; to buy food and medicines; and to seek medical care. Shops selling non-essential goods would shut and gatherings of more than two people who did not live together would be banned. People were warned to keep two metres away from people they did not live with. Weddings, parties, religious services would stop, but funerals could still go ahead. SAGE, like so many other working groups around the world, switched to using Zoom.”
Yet, just like Deborah Birx, despite spending hundreds of pages describing his maneuvers to convince the UK Government to prolong and tighten restrictions, Farrar never gives any clear indication as to why he felt this was justifiable, necessary, or what the endpoint was supposed to be. And, just like Deborah Birx and his Italian counterpart Roberto Speranza, this is all despite readily admitting that lockdown had no precedent in public health in the modern western world prior to Xi Jinping’s lockdown of Wuhan.
Deciding to close an economy is unbelievably tough, Other than during wars, Western economies had never had a lockdown since the Middle Ages, to my knowledge; this is just not something governments do.
Mainstream reports about Farrar tend to focus on his role in the “cover-up” the lab leak theory in February 2020. To be sure, Farrar was one of several counterparts around the world who recalled secretly discussing the possibility of a lab leak with Fauci and others in early 2020:
By the second week of January, I was beginning to realise the scale of what was happening… In those weeks, I became exhausted and scared. I felt as if I was living a different person’s life. During that period, I would do things I had never done before: acquire a burner phone, hold clandestine meetings, keep difficult secrets… In the last week of January 2020, I saw email chatter from scientists in the US suggesting the virus looked almost engineered to infect human cells. These were credible scientists proposing an incredible, and terrifying, possibility of either an accidental leak from a laboratory or a deliberate release… This issue needed urgent attention from scientists—but it was also the territory of the security and intelligence services… The next day, I contacted Tony Fauci about the rumours over the origins of the virus … Depending on what the experts thought, Tony added, the FBI and MI5 would need to be told… Patrick Vallance informed the intelligence agencies of the suspicions; Eddie [Holmes] did the same in Australia. Tony Fauci copied in Francis Collins, who heads the US National Institutes of Health.
Yet the idea that these actions by Farrar and his counterparts represent a “cover-up” is belied by the fact that they immediately reported the possibility of a lab leak to all the major western intelligence services—exactly the opposite of what one would do in a cover-up. In light of evidence that the lab leak theory is biologically impossible and may be being used as a controlled opposition narrative to justify the biosecurity state in perpetuity, Farrar’s informing intelligence agencies of the possibility of a lab leak may be better viewed as setting off a false alarm among national security officials to get them to buy into lockdowns.
Just weeks after informing intelligence services of the possibility of a lab leak, Farrar’s counterparts published a paper claiming to show the virus came from the Wuhan wet market, setting off the false dichotomy between the lab leak theory and the wet market theory which, absurdly, continues to this day despite overwhelming evidence that COVID began spreading undetected all over the world by fall 2019 at the latest.
Ultimately, the lockdowns that Farrar worked so hard for failed to meaningfully slow the spread of the coronavirus and led to the excess deaths of tens of thousands of young people in the United Kingdom and every other country in which they were tried. Yet few can say they did more to successfully bring totalitarianism to the UK than Jeremy Farrar. Perhaps for this reason, the WHO has gone out of his way to take Farrar under its wing and make sure he gets his due for his truly extraordinary performance.
Michael P Senger is an attorney and author of Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World. Want to support my work? Get the book. Already got the book? Leave a quick review.
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Further to comment about J Farrah’s promotion to the WHO. It became obvious that countries were co-ordinating policies in an undercover way without public information or alerting citizens early on about any proposals to Update the WHO Pandemic Treaty The history of meetings can be found on the WHO website The loss of freedom and shocking level of authoritarianism promoted by such as J F throughout doesn’t encourage trust that this lot have our safety as a priority. Not while their buddies like this lot are still lurking around
from Fierce PHARMA
COVID-19 tracker: Roche, Pfizer team up on awareness campaign
By Zoey Becker, Kevin Dunleavy, Fraiser Kansteiner, Angus Liu
Dec 14, 2022 09:10am
Pharma giants Roche and Pfizer have teamed up to highlight the importance of timely COVID-19 testing and treatment.
UPDATED: Wednesday, Dec. 14 at 9:10 a.m. ET
Roche and Pfizer are teaming up to help patients access information about COVID-19. On a Pfizer website, covid19knowmore.com, people can learn about risk factors for severe COVID-19 and the importance of timely testing. Roche markets an at-home test for the infection, while Pfizer sells the popular antiviral Paxlovid.
Speaking of Pfizer, the company’s proposed commercial price tag for Comirnaty has drawn the ire of Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Peter Welch. The lawmakers recently penned a letter to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla singling out the company for its “pure and deadly greed.” Pfizer has suggested it could sell its COVID shot for $110-$130 per dose on the private market, likely starting sometime in 2023.
As cases continue to climb in China, Pfizer said it is working on boosting Paxlovid supplies there.
UPDATED: Tuesday, Dec. 13 at 10:05 a.m. ET
Lower COVID revenues? No problem. That’s the word according to Pfizer executives, who said at an investor event Monday that annual sales of the company’s mRNA vaccines could reach $10 billion to $15 billion by 2030.1 of 2
14 December 2022 Your key COVID-19 report
COVID-19 Reports Update
See all reports
Shenanigans –
Blog of the European Journal of International Law
May 18, 2022
The far-reaching US proposals to amend the International Health Regulations at the upcoming 75th World Health Assembly: A call for attention
Written by Dr Silvia Behrendt and Dr Amrei Müller
The upcoming 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) to be held in Geneva from 22-28th May 2022 will potentially adopt far-reaching amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR). The IHR is currently the most important multilateral treaty regulating the global architecture for health emergency, preparedness, response and resilience (HEPR architecture). The extensive amendments to the IHR have been initiated by the United States (US), listed as agenda item WHA75/18 for the 75th WHA. The amendments are already backed by 19 co-sponsor states and the EU.
As of yet, there has been almost no public awareness or debate of the substantial amendments to the IHR although the WHO Secretariat circulated the US initiative first in January 2022 to state parties. The US initiative contradicts the gist of a report by the WHO Director-General issued in November 2021 which sketched out some of the amendments now tabled by the US, but which also indicated that the IHR will not be renegotiated, raising a number of concerns about amending the IHR. Attention to the US amendments was further drowned by the stir made around the launch of the negotiations to draft a new treaty on pandemic preparedness and response by 2024 with a hitherto uncertain scope, content and outcome, as well as an uncertain relationship to the existing legal framework of the IHR. The scope of the proposed US amendments might therefore come as a surprise to a number of delegations to the 75th WHA.
Home/News/WHO Member States agree to develop zero draft of legally binding pandemic accord in early 2023
7 December 2022 News release Geneva Reading time: 2 min (475 words)
Countries meet for three days to agree next steps toward historic legal instrument, rooted in the WHO Constitution, designed to protect world from future pandemics.
…… This “zero draft” of the pandemic accord, rooted in the WHO Constitution, will be discussed by Member States in February 2023.
The INB gathered at WHO headquarters in Geneva from 5-7 December for its third meeting since its establishment in December 2021, following a special session of the World Health Assembly.
Bit of Tosh from :-President of the European Council, Charles Michel, at the Paris Peace Forum in November 2020.
The proposal for an international treaty on pandemics was first announced by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, at the Paris Peace Forum in November 2020.
We need to go further and learn the lessons of the pandemic. We see that it is absolutely crucial to be able to act more quickly and in a more coordinated way,
In UK Visit the UK Parliament website Anybody been consulted yet?
The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty (183 KB , PDF)
Download full reportDownload ‘The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty’ report (183 KB , PDF)
The WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty
In March 2021, a group of world leaders, including UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, announced an initiative for a new treaty on pandemic preparedness and response. This initiative was taken to the World Health Organization (WHO) and will be negotiated, drafted, and debated by a newly-established Intergovernmental Negotiation Body.
A petition on the UK Parliament website is calling for the Government “to commit to not signing any international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness established by the WHO, unless this is approved through a public referendum”. At the time of writing, it had gathered over 120,000 signatures. Then Boris ‘resigned’ of course.
Pfizer – the Grinch who stole my Christmas…
“I don’t have a clue, Kate, what he’s asking for. I mean, we have a vaccine that unequivocally is highly effective and safe, and has saved literally millions of lives. The Commonwealth Fund has come out with a report just this past week, that vaccinations that have been administered over this period of time, this last year and a half to two years, has saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations, and approximately $1 trillion in costs. So what’s the problem with vaccines? I mean, vaccines are lifesaving. So quite frankly, Kate, I’m not sure what — what they’re trying to do down there,” Fauci said.
DeSantis urging COVID investigation puts Fauci on defensive: ‘What’s the problem with vaccines?’
Story by Lindsay Kornick • 3h ago
CNN Video
Jack Last: Coroner rules blood clot death was ‘direct result’ of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine
Tuesday 13 December 2022
Covid vaccine concerns were overblown, says AstraZeneca boss as he is knighted
Story by Rebecca Speare-Cole • Yesterday 14:51
Asked about concerns surrounding rare blood clots liked to the vaccine, he said: “There is no medicine or vaccine without issues.
“This concern was overblown unfortunately by the media. It’s extremely rare, extremely rare.
“Since then, new concerns have emerged with other vaccines – heart inflammation, etcetera.
Pfizer – the Grinch who stole my Christmas
By Anonymous
December 15, 2022
This is the latest in our occasional series giving a voice to the Covid vaccine-injured, charting the terrible impact on their lives which the Government so cruelly still refuses to acknowledge. Here, Maureen, who wishes to remain anonymous, tells of the shattering effect the vaccine has had on her health and happiness and how her misery is heightened as Christmas draws near.
CHRISTMAS – a time of tradition and ritual, deck the halls, eat, drink and be merry. Whilst this may be true for the majority, spare a thought for those unfortunates like me, who used to be able to celebrate with carefree abandon, until that touted as our saviour and passport to normality irrevocably changed our lives for the worse.
Had anyone told me 22 months ago, when I ‘did the right thing’ by taking that shot in the arm, I’d be facing this Yuletide as a shadow of my former self, I’d have scarcely believed it.
I was a 62-year-old, physically and mentally fit, early retiree, who had not seen a doctor in over six years. Since that fateful day, I’m on first-name terms with my GP, running the gamut of creaking NHS services and those I’ve been forced to self-fund. I find myself a good £3,000 poorer this year for consultations, scans and expensive supplements.
February 18, 2021, will for ever be my blackest day. I’d been assured by the Government’s propaganda with its calls to ‘Save the NHS’ that severe side-effects were limited to an unlucky few in a million. Lies, damned lies and statistics, as it turned out, when I developed my first cardio symptoms within three weeks.
It was a time when patients were flooding back to surgeries and so, not wanting to burden mine, I held off, hoping this would time-resolve. Never once did I link it to Pfizer’s experimental mNRA vaccine because we’d never been told this was remotely a possibility, had we? Then came that invitation to the second jab, which earned me a trip to A&E with a vaccine-induced heart muscle reaction diagnosis.
I soon discovered that cardio problems were the least of my worries, as I tipped into a multi-symptom autoimmune reaction to the invader within, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome to be exact. I won’t list the total devastation this wreaks on one’s body, it’s there in Google if you care to look it up, for example here.
I’m now a seven-stone weakling, for gut malabsorption and the weight loss continues, despite eating for England. I’m falling between the cracks whilst the NHS argues among itself over gastroenterology referral, as well as several others in the pipeline.
This festive season won’t see me at any social gatherings. The Covid vaccine has sapped my natural immunity and physical strength to fight infection. There won’t be any presents under my tree, having acquired environmental and dietary intolerances.
My Christmas dinner will consist of bland, gluten-free, low-histamine fare and no alcohol. I will see out 2022 as a sadder, wiser and highly mistrustful of the Establishment individual, having had first-hand experience of vaccine injury censorship and denial.
For me, Pfizer will always be the Grinch who stole Christmas, along with my former happy, healthy life and, as I remarked to one consultant, it’s hard not to be bitter about that.
“unequivocally is highly effective and safe”
Sir Pascal said: “It means a lot. It means that the King and country have recognised that personally…..
“In response to DeSantis’ petition for a grand jury, Dr Anthony Fauci appeared befuddled on CNN.”
UK ‘well off the pace’ …
“The fact that a large number of especially younger adults and children remain unprotected by vaccines, the offer has been withdrawn from children turning 5 since September, and the MHRA-approved vaccines for under 5s remain to be reviewed, speaks to the UK yet again being well off the pace in terms of vaccine coverage. The level of reinfections and prevalence amongst younger people is shocking as a result.”
An Advisor to Pfizer
Brook Jackson
Turns out the independent Data Safety Monitoring Board in Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID vaccine clinical trial (C4591001) was not so independent after all.
@barnes_law @CovidLawCast
Florida governor seeks accountability for COVID response ‘blunders and falsehoods’
This week, Florida governor Ron DeSantis announced the establishment of a “Public Health Integrity Committee.”
The committee will be tasked with making critical assessments of the health policies issued by the CDC, the FDA and other public health agencies, as well as conducting surveillance into sudden deaths of individuals that received the covid-19 vaccine in Florida, based on autopsy results.
In part, it’s borne out of the escalating distrust of Federal health agencies and the collusion between the Federal government and Big Tech to censor the views of doctors who contradict the scientific narrative.
The committee, led by Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, will include eminent doctors and scientists such as Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kuldorff, Tracy Beth Høeg, Joseph Fraiman, Christine Stabell Benn, and more.
“People feel like they’re beholden to the CDC,” Ladapo said during a roundtable discussion this week. “We will be issuing recommendations that make sense and are scientifically valid.”
DeSantis also announced he would petition Florida’s Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury to investigate any “crimes and wrongs” regarding covid-19 vaccines.
“I think people want the truth … I think people want accountability,” said DeSantis. “You need to have a thorough investigation into what’s happened with the shots,” he added.
If the court agrees, the grand jury would be given 12 to 18 months to investigate criminal or wrongful activity in Florida relating to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent covid-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission.
The Petition in more detail
The 20-page grand jury petition, dated December 13, 2022, provides multiple citations of public health claims, where the accuracy of those claims is now being questioned.
For example, Dr Anthony Fauci unequivocally asserted in May 2021, that vaccinated people were “dead ends” to the virus because the vaccines prevented transmission.
And the White House issued a press briefing prior to Christmas last year, threatening “a winter of severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated.
The petition states that the CDC also promoted the belief that the covid-19 vaccines prevented transmission. In turn, President Joe Biden imposed vaccine mandates on the American people, including healthcare workers and members of the military.
President Biden said it was because “unvaccinated people spread the virus” and “the best way to slow the spread of covid-19 and to prevent infection by the Delta variant or other variants, is to be vaccinated.”
In addition, the Federal government, medical associations, and other experts suggested that it was “an ethical or civic duty” to be vaccinated and that failing to do so would be “selfish and harmful” to others.
The petition suggests that much of the understanding about the benefits and harms of covid-19 vaccines was driven by manufacturers issuing their own press releases.
The Chief Executive Officers of Moderna and Pfizer actively promoted impressive efficacy statistics via media statements and used their websites to promote the theory that vaccines could help end the pandemic by achieving “herd immunity.”
In January 2021, just as the rollout of the vaccines was underway, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel stated that his company’s vaccine could produce antibodies to provide “protection potentially for a couple of years.”
It only took 6 months before breakthrough infections became rampant and people were told they would need boosters to see them through.
In October, the Florida Department of Health issued guidance that healthy children may not benefit from the covid-19 vaccine and recognised that the harms of vaccine-induced myocarditis, particularly for adolescents 16 to 17 years of age, may outweigh the benefits.
The petition suggests that vaccine manufacturers exaggerated the risk of covid-19 in young people, citing the example of when Pfizer’s CEO Anthony Bourla claimed the delta variant posed a “substantial threat” to children.
In addition, vaccine manufacturers downplayed the harms of myocarditis in young people, claiming it was an “extremely” or “very” rare adverse event that was “typically mild.”
This contradicted an analysis by Florida’s own Department of Health, which found an increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related deaths among males 18-39 years old within 28 days of receiving an mRNA vaccine.
The petition also states that countries like France, Canada and Switzerland have found a connection between covid-19 vaccines and increased rates of myocarditis or pericarditis and points to a German study of autopsies performed on people who died unexpectedly at home within 20 days of receiving an mRNA vaccine, indicating that myocarditis “can be a potentially lethal complication.”
One of the concerning aspects, is the excess mortality from heart attacks that rose significantly during the pandemic, especially among individuals ages 25 to 44.
Did the pharmaceutical industry make fair and accurate representations to the public about the benefits and harms of their covid-19 vaccines? Drug companies certainly have a history of deceptive and illegal practices.
DeSantis says Florida law prohibits fraudulent practices, “including the dissemination of false or misleading advertisements of a drug and the use of any representation or suggestion in any advertisement relating to a drug that an application of a drug is effective when it is not.”
In response to DeSantis’ petition for a grand jury, Dr Anthony Fauci appeared befuddled on CNN.
“I don’t have a clue of what he’s asking for,” said Fauci. “Vaccinations administered over the past two years have saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations and approximately $1 trillion in costs. So what’s the problem with vaccines?”
Josh Guetzkow Retweeted
Adam Rowland MSc
Well on the pace…
Brook Jackson
Turns out the independent Data Safety Monitoring Board in Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID vaccine clinical trial (C4591001) was not so independent after all.
@barnes_law @CovidLawCast
Show this thread
Brook Jackson
Excuse me, Vanderbilt. Hi there. I think this one belongs to you. I’ve been looking for the “other one” that also belongs to you: FERNANDO POLACK.
Would you kindly pass along a message to him? AUGUSTO ROUX
@VUMChealth @pfizer@US_FDA @FDACBER @CDCgov
@thecoastguy in a powerful and extraordinary call to action on the covid mRNA vaccine scandal
Neil Oliver – GB News…
1 of 1
Florida governor seeks accountability for COVID response ‘blunders and falsehoods’
Maryanne Demasi, PhD from Maryanne Demasi, reports
1:14 AM (7 hours ago)
DEC 17
Florida governor Ron DeSantis (background Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo)
This week, Florida governor Ron DeSantis announced the establishment of a “Public Health Integrity Committee.”
The committee will be tasked with making critical assessments of the health policies issued by the CDC, the FDA and other public health agencies, as well as conducting surveillance into sudden deaths of individuals that received the covid-19 vaccine in Florida, based on autopsy results.
In part, it’s borne out of the escalating distrust of Federal health agencies and the collusion between the Federal government and Big Tech to censor the views of doctors who contradict the scientific narrative.
The committee, led by Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, will include eminent doctors and scientists such as Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kuldorff, Tracy Beth Høeg, Joseph Fraiman, Christine Stabell Benn, and more.
“People feel like they’re beholden to the CDC,” Ladapo said during a roundtable discussion this week. “We will be issuing recommendations that make sense and are scientifically valid.”
DeSantis also announced he would petition Florida’s Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury to investigate any “crimes and wrongs” regarding covid-19 vaccines.
“I think people want the truth … I think people want accountability,” said DeSantis. “You need to have a thorough investigation into what’s happened with the shots,” he added.
If the court agrees, the grand jury would be given 12 to 18 months to investigate criminal or wrongful activity in Florida relating to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent covid-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission.
The Petition in more detail
The 20-page grand jury petition, dated December 13, 2022, provides multiple citations of public health claims, where the accuracy of those claims is now being questioned.
For example, Dr Anthony Fauci unequivocally asserted in May 2021, that vaccinated people were “dead ends” to the virus because the vaccines prevented transmission.
And the White House issued a press briefing prior to Christmas last year, threatening “a winter of severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated.
The petition states that the CDC also promoted the belief that the covid-19 vaccines prevented transmission. In turn, President Joe Biden imposed vaccine mandates on the American people, including healthcare workers and members of the military.
President Biden said it was because “unvaccinated people spread the virus” and “the best way to slow the spread of covid-19 and to prevent infection by the Delta variant or other variants, is to be vaccinated.”
In addition, the Federal government, medical associations, and other experts suggested that it was “an ethical or civic duty” to be vaccinated and that failing to do so would be “selfish and harmful” to others.
The petition suggests that much of the understanding about the benefits and harms of covid-19 vaccines was driven by manufacturers issuing their own press releases.
The Chief Executive Officers of Moderna and Pfizer actively promoted impressive efficacy statistics via media statements and used their websites to promote the theory that vaccines could help end the pandemic by achieving “herd immunity.”
In January 2021, just as the rollout of the vaccines was underway, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel stated that his company’s vaccine could produce antibodies to provide “protection potentially for a couple of years.”
It only took 6 months before breakthrough infections became rampant and people were told they would need boosters to see them through.
In October, the Florida Department of Health issued guidance that healthy children may not benefit from the covid-19 vaccine and recognised that the harms of vaccine-induced myocarditis, particularly for adolescents 16 to 17 years of age, may outweigh the benefits.
The petition suggests that vaccine manufacturers exaggerated the risk of covid-19 in young people, citing the example of when Pfizer’s CEO Anthony Bourla claimed the delta variant posed a “substantial threat” to children.
In addition, vaccine manufacturers downplayed the harms of myocarditis in young people, claiming it was an “extremely” or “very” rare adverse event that was “typically mild.”
This contradicted an analysis by Florida’s own Department of Health, which found an increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related deaths among males 18-39 years old within 28 days of receiving an mRNA vaccine.
The petition also states that countries like France, Canada and Switzerland have found a connection between covid-19 vaccines and increased rates of myocarditis or pericarditis and points to a German study of autopsies performed on people who died unexpectedly at home within 20 days of receiving an mRNA vaccine, indicating that myocarditis “can be a potentially lethal complication.”
One of the concerning aspects, is the excess mortality from heart attacks that rose significantly during the pandemic, especially among individuals ages 25 to 44.
Did the pharmaceutical industry make fair and accurate representations to the public about the benefits and harms of their covid-19 vaccines? Drug companies certainly have a history of deceptive and illegal practices.
DeSantis says Florida law prohibits fraudulent practices, “including the dissemination of false or misleading advertisements of a drug and the use of any representation or suggestion in any advertisement relating to a drug that an application of a drug is effective when it is not.”
In response to DeSantis’ petition for a grand jury, Dr Anthony Fauci appeared befuddled on CNN.
“I don’t have a clue of what he’s asking for,” said Fauci. “Vaccinations administered over the past two years have saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations and approximately $1 trillion in costs. So what’s the problem with vaccines?”
Maryanne Demasi, reports is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber
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1 of 1
Florida governor seeks accountability for COVID response ‘blunders and falsehoods’
Maryanne Demasi, PhD from Maryanne Demasi, reports
1:14 AM (7 hours ago)
Open in app or online
DEC 17
Florida governor Ron DeSantis (background Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo)
This week, Florida governor Ron DeSantis announced the establishment of a “Public Health Integrity Committee.”
The committee will be tasked with making critical assessments of the health policies issued by the CDC, the FDA and other public health agencies, as well as conducting surveillance into sudden deaths of individuals that received the covid-19 vaccine in Florida, based on autopsy results.
In part, it’s borne out of the escalating distrust of Federal health agencies and the collusion between the Federal government and Big Tech to censor the views of doctors who contradict the scientific narrative.
The committee, led by Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, will include eminent doctors and scientists such as Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kuldorff, Tracy Beth Høeg, Joseph Fraiman, Christine Stabell Benn, and more.
“People feel like they’re beholden to the CDC,” Ladapo said during a roundtable discussion this week. “We will be issuing recommendations that make sense and are scientifically valid.”
DeSantis also announced he would petition Florida’s Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury to investigate any “crimes and wrongs” regarding covid-19 vaccines.
“I think people want the truth … I think people want accountability,” said DeSantis. “You need to have a thorough investigation into what’s happened with the shots,” he added.
If the court agrees, the grand jury would be given 12 to 18 months to investigate criminal or wrongful activity in Florida relating to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent covid-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission.
The Petition in more detail
The 20-page grand jury petition, dated December 13, 2022, provides multiple citations of public health claims, where the accuracy of those claims is now being questioned.
For example, Dr Anthony Fauci unequivocally asserted in May 2021, that vaccinated people were “dead ends” to the virus because the vaccines prevented transmission.
And the White House issued a press briefing prior to Christmas last year, threatening “a winter of severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated.
The petition states that the CDC also promoted the belief that the covid-19 vaccines prevented transmission. In turn, President Joe Biden imposed vaccine mandates on the American people, including healthcare workers and members of the military.
President Biden said it was because “unvaccinated people spread the virus” and “the best way to slow the spread of covid-19 and to prevent infection by the Delta variant or other variants, is to be vaccinated.”
In addition, the Federal government, medical associations, and other experts suggested that it was “an ethical or civic duty” to be vaccinated and that failing to do so would be “selfish and harmful” to others.
The petition suggests that much of the understanding about the benefits and harms of covid-19 vaccines was driven by manufacturers issuing their own press releases.
The Chief Executive Officers of Moderna and Pfizer actively promoted impressive efficacy statistics via media statements and used their websites to promote the theory that vaccines could help end the pandemic by achieving “herd immunity.”
In January 2021, just as the rollout of the vaccines was underway, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel stated that his company’s vaccine could produce antibodies to provide “protection potentially for a couple of years.”
It only took 6 months before breakthrough infections became rampant and people were told they would need boosters to see them through.
In October, the Florida Department of Health issued guidance that healthy children may not benefit from the covid-19 vaccine and recognised that the harms of vaccine-induced myocarditis, particularly for adolescents 16 to 17 years of age, may outweigh the benefits.
The petition suggests that vaccine manufacturers exaggerated the risk of covid-19 in young people, citing the example of when Pfizer’s CEO Anthony Bourla claimed the delta variant posed a “substantial threat” to children.
In addition, vaccine manufacturers downplayed the harms of myocarditis in young people, claiming it was an “extremely” or “very” rare adverse event that was “typically mild.”
This contradicted an analysis by Florida’s own Department of Health, which found an increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related deaths among males 18-39 years old within 28 days of receiving an mRNA vaccine.
The petition also states that countries like France, Canada and Switzerland have found a connection between covid-19 vaccines and increased rates of myocarditis or pericarditis and points to a German study of autopsies performed on people who died unexpectedly at home within 20 days of receiving an mRNA vaccine, indicating that myocarditis “can be a potentially lethal complication.”
One of the concerning aspects, is the excess mortality from heart attacks that rose significantly during the pandemic, especially among individuals ages 25 to 44.
Did the pharmaceutical industry make fair and accurate representations to the public about the benefits and harms of their covid-19 vaccines? Drug companies certainly have a history of deceptive and illegal practices.
DeSantis says Florida law prohibits fraudulent practices, “including the dissemination of false or misleading advertisements of a drug and the use of any representation or suggestion in any advertisement relating to a drug that an application of a drug is effective when it is not.”
In response to DeSantis’ petition for a grand jury, Dr Anthony Fauci appeared befuddled on CNN.
“I don’t have a clue of what he’s asking for,” said Fauci. “Vaccinations administered over the past two years have saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations and approximately $1 trillion in costs. So what’s the problem with vaccines?”
Maryanne Demasi, reports is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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Taking the opportunity to pass on the letter from UKMFA with links.
11:01 AM (5 hours ago)1 of 2
Merry Christmas from the UKMFA Team!
UK Medical Freedom Alliance office@ukmedfreedom.org via mlsend.com
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from the UKMFA Team
We would like to thank all our supporters for your encouragement, responses to our “Calls to Action” and donations throughout 2022.
As a busy and fruitful year for UKMFA draws to a close, we are reflecting on all we have achieved this year…
Successful and effective NHS Back to Normal and Time to Pause campaigns. We have also just launched a new Medical Ethics Matter campaign.
Many new Open Letters sent and published on a variety of topics
Media interviews and articles, and an increased public voice and social media following.
Submissions to important Public Consultations.
Collaboration with national and international campaign groups.
We have become the UK’s most recognised and respected organisation advocating for every individual’s right to Informed Consent, Bodily Autonomy and Medical Choice.
We will now be closing for a much-needed break over the Christmas period in preparation for 2023, which looks to be another exciting year for UKMFA with many new projects and initiatives planned!
Wishing you all a very Joyful and Peaceful Christmas with all those you love!
UKMFA Fundraising
We are really grateful for all donations, no matter how small. Your donations enable us to continue to lobby for your right to informed consent and medical freedom to be upheld, and to provide resources to educate and empower the public.
We are the only organisation solely focussing on medical freedom in the UK. To donate please click on button below and follow the instructions.
Donate to UKMFA
You can donate via DonorBox or through Buy Me a Coffee.
Thank you for your continued support!
Check for the latest updates
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“NHS Back To Normal” – Stop Mask Mandates and Visitor “Time to Pause” – Children’s Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout
11/02/22 UPDATED 23/02/22 v3
Medical Ethics Matter
UKMFA are calling for a national conversation about fundamental ethical principles of the practice of medicine with which to frame healthcare and NHS policies.
Open Letters -Jump to:
Medical Ethics and Informed Consent
COVID Restriction Policies
COVID Testing
Face Mask Policies/Mandates
COVID Vaccine/Status Passports
COVID Prevention, Treatments and Natural Immunity
Scottish Excess Mortality Data
Open Letters to Individual Media Figures
Freedom of Information Requests
UKMFA in the Media
Below you can find media interviews by members of UKMFA.
Unity News Network | Dr Elizabeth Evans Supporting Medical Choice and Informed Consent
UNN’s geopolitical correspondent Anthony Webber talks with Dr Elizabeth Evans from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance.
Watch Video
CHD Europe Community Event: Hands Off Our Children – Stop the mRNA Gene-Based Shots
UKMFA CEO, Dr Elizabeth Evans’ presentation on “A Crisis in Medical Ethics”, at the Children’s Health Defense Europe Community Conference in Brussels on 12th November 2022.
Watch Video
GB NEWS | Calvin Robinson – Common Sense Crusade
UKMFA Director, Dr Elizabeth Evans, and Laura Dodsworth discussing the moral and ethical implications, following the Pfizer Executive admission in EU Parliament that Covid jabs never tested for effect on transmission of virus and that the public were knowingly and deliberately misled by Governments and Health Authorities, in order to coerce them into taking a Covid vaccine, that they may not have wanted or needed, but took solely to protect others.
Watch Video
GB NEWS | Neil Oliver
UKMFA Director Dr Elizabeth Evans and Prof Gus Dalgleish, speaking about the grave safety concerns and ethical issues that should prompt the immediate halt to the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines to children, as requested in the Children’s Covid Vaccine Advisory Council (CCVAC) open letter to PM Liz Truss delivered last week.
Watch Video
Statement: CCVAC Open Letter to Liz Truss – Halt Covid Jabs for Children
Outside the gates of Downing Street, UK Medical Freedom Alliance Director, Dr Elizabeth Evans explains why the Children’s Covid Vaccine Advisory Council (CCVAC) are urging the new PM, Liz Truss, to halt the rollout to under-18s. She focuses on the fundamental ethical requirements of all medical treatments – to be proportionate, necessary and to “first do no harm”.
The Daily Sceptic
Home Author
Dr Elizabeth Evans
BMJ Article Calls for Governments to “Neutralise Misinformation” and Ban Dissent in Pandemics
A shocking article in the BMJ has called for sceptical groups to be “investigated” and for Governments to “neutralise misinformation” and ban dissent during pandemics.
Time for Doctors and Politicians to Stop Ignoring the Devastating Data on the Vaccines and Change Course
Dr Elizabeth Evans of the UKMFA writes that she is calling now for the medical profession and politicians to engage with the huge amount of published science and data and change course on the Covid vaccines.
Time For the NHS to Drop All Covid Restrictions and Get Back To Normal
When you enter a healthcare facility you could think you had entered a time warp and were back in the bad old days of lockdown 2020: gallons of hand sanitiser, Perspex screens, masked staff and even security guards.
Why the Covid Vaccine Rollout in Children Should Be Stopped Immediately
It is vital that we maintain our ethical principles and put the safety of children as our top priority. There is no scientific or ethical justification to support the rollout of Covid vaccines in children.
Taking a Liberty…
Justin Trudeau
Dec 15
Officiel du gouvernement – Canada
Let’s keep doing everything we can to stay safe and healthy – make sure your COVID-19 vaccinations are up to date.
Jean-Yves Duclos
Dec 14
Today marks the 2-year anniversary of the start of Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine campaign. 95,565,309 vaccines have been administered since December 2020!
America, be very afraid: astonishingly, Canada is now euthanizing 10,000 of its citizens a year – and some of the horrific stories of its ultra-permissive policy will horrify you… Special report by TOM LEONARD
next year, Canada is set to allow people to die exclusively for mental health reasons.
Dr. Trudo Lemmens, University of Toronto professor of health law and policy, said the Canadian system might create an ‘obligation to introduce [suicide] as a part of ‘mental health treatment’.
He added: ‘Imagine that being applied in the context of mental health. You have a person suffering severe depression, seeks help from a therapist and is offered the solution of dying,’ he continued. How easy it would be, he said, to convince patients who weren’t in their right mind that suicide was a good option.
Canada is also considering extending euthanasia to ‘mature’ minors — children under 18 who meet the same requirements as adults.
Killing fields of liberal Canada: Shocking figures reveal thousands including those who aren’t terminally ill are choosing to end their lives under the world’s most open assisted suicide system as fears emerge scheme could be rolled out to children
Michael Fraser was 55 when his GP euthanised him at his home
More than 10,000 last year alone used the assisted suicide programme
This was up 32.4 per cent on the previous year- 3.3% of all Canadians who died
Canada may extend its euthanasia programme to the mentally ill and children
As British politicians look abroad for guidance, they will find in Canada a system that has borne out all the worst fears of euthanasia’s opponents and which — for many — is nothing less than a licence to kill.
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The mystery of the surge in deaths from unknown causes that wasn’t, and the studious indifference of German regulators to sustained excess mortality in the era of mass mRNA vaccination
DEC 18
From Corona Realism, a graph of quarterly billing data from 2016 to 2021 provided by the German association of public insurers to a member of the Bundestag, upon his request. Blue marks the billing code for “sudden cardiac death,” orange the code for “cardiac arrest,” and grey, yellow and green code for death by unknown causes.
From Corona Realism, a graph of quarterly billing data from 2016 to 2021 provided by the German association of public insurers to a member of the Bundestag, upon his request. Blue marks the billing code for “sudden cardiac death,” orange the code for “cardiac arrest,” and grey, yellow and green code for death by unknown causes.
This graph of billing data from public German insurers, which seems to show a dramatic increase in deaths from unknown causes coinciding exactly with the vaccination campaign of 2021, takes us to the heart of a small, ambiguous drama that unfolded last week in the German media and on Twitter.
Corona Realism (On Twitter)
The data set presented by Tom Lausen for all those with statutory health insurance in Germany has already been compiled by
replicated: In 2021 there was a dramatic increase in:
⚰️I146.1 (Sudden cardiac death)
⚰️R96-R99 (Sudden death with no known cause) What’s going on?
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3:30 pm · 12 Dec 2022
To shed light on the frequency of vaccine injuries in Germans, Martin Sichert, a member of the Bundestag, submitted a request for billing data to the Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinung, or KBV, the association of German public insurers. The KBV complied, and what Sichert and his data analyst, Tom Lausen, found, is what you see in the chart above. (On twitter) Sichert’s party, the right-populist Alternativ für Deutschland, then held a press conference on their findings, demanding that Germany’s vaccine regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institut, conduct a broader investigation into the problem of adverse events.
The KBV responded by pleading that the sudden increase in deaths was down not to the vaccines, but to “pandemic-related excess mortality.” This was implausible for many, many reasons, and so immediately afterwards, the public insurers’ own research institute provided a different, more curious excuse. … (I am blocked from using any more info or links from the site)
DEC 18
From Corona Realism, a graph of quarterly billing data from 2016 to 2021 provided by the German association of public insurers to a member of the Bundestag, upon his request. Blue marks the billing code for “sudden cardiac death,” orange the code for “cardiac arrest,” and grey, yellow and green code for death by unknown causes.
From Pulse Today. ( A medical magazine) . Gillian E. doesn’t seem to have noticed there is next to no ‘collaboration’ existing in uk right now to save the NHS
Home Sponsored Adopting a Prevention-First Mindset this Winter
Sponsored Content: This content has been developed and paid for by Pfizer UK
Adopting a prevention-first mindset this winter
Dr Gillian Ellsbury,
Senior Medical Director
Vaccines UK, Ireland & Nordics at Pfizer
Earlier this year, a study conducted by researchers from the University of Bristol at the Pfizer Vaccine Centre of Excellence found that during the peak of the pandemic, over half of hospitalisations from lower respiratory tract diseases including pneumonia, were caused by non-COVID-19 related infections. This in itself was surprising, but perhaps more so was that the incidence of lower respiratory tract disease was comparable to figures pre-pandemic,3 despite the restrictions in place.
I am sure I am not alone in having concerns about how rates of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) could rise with no restrictions in place. Having spent 13 years working as a GP, I have seen first-hand the devasting impact that RTIs can have, especially during colder months. This year, we can anticipate that a rise in these infections could slow NHS recovery post-pandemic, with general practice appointments remaining high and fewer GPs to attend to patients.4 The public health burden of RTIs should not be overlooked.
Collaboration is essential to support NHS recovery – Having worked as a GP myself, I understand that healthcare professionals are under enormous pressure, even more so during winter. I am sure that COVID-19 is just the tip of the iceberg. To reduce strain on health services, the pharmaceutical industry, the government, and the scientific community need to work together to get vaccines and treatments to those who need them. The pandemic showed us the value of effective collaboration in helping to accelerate the delivery of solutions to patients. We need to continue to build on and strengthen these partnerships beyond COVID-19, to prevent disease and support the NHS to tackle future healthcare challenges.
The right measures today, can save lives tomorrow – Vaccines are one of the most effective public health interventions of all time – ranking second only to clean water for their capacity to prevent disease.5 While I was practising as a GP, I spent a lot of time speaking to people about vaccination and heard first-hand the factors which might make people vaccine hesitant – for example nervousness, lack of knowledge, or lack of time. To reduce barriers, we should continue to support people to understand the possible benefits and potential risks of vaccination, emphasising the role it can play in protecting us and those around us from serious illness. By ensuring that allied health professionals are trained to administer vaccines, we can bolster capacity for routine immunisation for respiratory infections alongside COVID-19. Those who aren’t vaccinated and become ill need access to effective treatments to reduce the likelihood of severe outcomes and hospitalisation. Let’s make use of all the tools we have in our arsenal.
Investing in prevention beyond COVID-19 – I recognise that without a paradigm shift in the way that governments think about the value of prevention and vaccination, healthcare professionals can only do so much. However, positive progress is being made. As highlighted in the NHS Long Term Plan, there is a strong need to focus on prevention to support people staying healthier for longer. Investment in vaccines has been proven to be cost-effective –
… we cannot get complacent. We must be proactive in our approach to prevention to help people stay healthier for longer.
Thanks Annie ‘As British politicians look abroad for guidance, they will find in Canada’
They’ve found it in UK already and not only during the pandemic when huge numbers of vulnerable people were killed using DNR’s Just a few examples.
This was written in 1911
J Gen Intern Med. 2011 Jul; 26(7): 791–797. Published online 2011 Feb 1. doi: 10.1007/s11606-011-1632-x
PMCID: PMC3138592PMID: 21286839
Hospital Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders: Why They Have Failed and How to Fix Them
Jacqueline K. Yuen, MD,1 M. Carrington Reid, MD, PhD,corresponding author1 and Michael D. Fetters, MD, MPH, MA2
Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders have been in use in hospitals nationwide for over 20 years. …….
and in 2021
UK Parliament a ‘debate in ‘Hansard -with concerns addressed about the wearing of jackets (sick bucket full already)
Volume 699: debated on Wednesday 21 July 2021Hansard
Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders: Guidelines
Hannah Bardell
(in the Chair)
Given the extreme heat, both in London and here in the Boothroyd Room, if Members want to speak or intervene without their jackets, that is permitted. I am sure the public will have sympathy. I have also advised the Doorkeepers that they may take their jackets off.
Martin Vickers
(Cleethorpes) (Con
That this House has considered guidelines for Do Not Attempt Resuscitation orders.
It is a pleasure to take part in this debate under your chairmanship, Ms Bardell.
Misuse of Do Not Resuscitate orders is national scandal costing lives – Martin Vickers
By Martin Vickers
29th Jul 2021, 11:03am
Martin Vickers MP has spoken out about the widespread use of Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) orders over the course of the Covid pandemic.
Having read of a research project carried out by the University of Sheffield which revealed that 31 per cent of the patients in the study who were admitted to hospital for Covid were issued with DNAR orders, I was appalled;…..
Callous and inhumane: Amid growing scandal of ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders being imposed on elderly patients by the NHS, Dr MAX PEMBERTON gives his damning verdict
Scandal of 500 care home patients given DNR orders without consent: Watchdogs’
PUBLISHED: 00:00, 18 March 2021 | UPDATED: 08:28, 18 March 2021
The care watchdog investigated the ‘blanket use’ of the notices in social care amid the crisis and highlighted 508 cases which may have breached human rights law.
The Care Quality Commission report said overall around 30 per cent of people with a DNR in place – and 28 per cent of relatives – were not aware it had been applied.
Weasel words from Rachel CLark-Rachel Clarke
Fri 19 Mar 2021 13.52 GMT
We could not be more vulnerable. For a clinician to exploit this power in any way at all is monstrous, an affront to decency.
No one is suggesting that any of the medics who, since March last year, signed more than 500 “do not resuscitate” (more accurately, “do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation”) forms without first discussing the matter with the patients or their families had any intention of shortening life.
Using Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders on people with learning disabilities is a “national human rights scandal”.
do not resuscitateCharity Mencap has said it received reports last month of people with learning disabilities being told they would not be resuscitated if they fell ill with Covid
But Mencap has said in some cases they have applied the orders purely because the person had a learning disability.
The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has asked the CQC to investigate the use of DNR orders and the watchdog is due to report back this year.
(Anybody seen this Report?)
New York scraps do-not-resuscitate order during coronavirus pandemic
By Carl Campanile
April 22, 2020 11:56am Updated
New York scraps do-not-resuscitate order during coronavirus pandemic
Study reveals New York hospitals have been left on terminal list by COVID-19
New York state officials have scrapped controversial new guidelines that directed emergency service workers not to attempt to revive anyone without a pulse when they arrive on a scene during the coronavirus pandemic.
State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker “rescinded” the “do-not-resuscitate” order put out by his Bureau of Emergency Medical Service on Wednesday — just hours after The Post exclusively reported on it.
“This guidance, proposed by physician leaders of the EMS Regional Medical Control Systems and the State Advisory Council — in accordance with American Heart Association guidance and based on standards recommended by the American College of Emergency Physicians and adopted in multiple other states — was issued April 17, 2020 at the recommendation of the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, and reflected nationally recognized minimum standards,” the Health Department said in a statement.
There are countless reports by the media which seem to have stopped in 2021 in UK There are countless numbers of people everywhere without safeguards.
The word for disposing of animals used to be ‘culled’ now it’s ‘euthanised ‘ Neither of these words apply to DNR orders which killed vulnerable people since 2011 till a killing spree during the pandemic.
Christine goes Flat-Out; don’t muck about, those Europeans…
Brook Jackson Retweeted
Christine Anderson
.@IamBrookJackson filed law suit against Pfizer in 01/21 – 2 yrs ago! And yet hardly any coverage of it in MSM. I hope this law suit answers my question raised in COVI committee:
Who lied? Did BigPharma lie to govts or did govts lie to the people?
33,274 views 13 Sept 2022 BRÜSSEL
Dear fellow citizens,
A few days ago I already announced it: Big Pharma’s attempts to evade our questions in the official EU COVID investigation committee with empty phrases and excuses have now come to an end.
This time, when the top manager of AstraZeneca tries the same trick, she gets quite a nasty surprise. Some colleagues from different European countries and different factions support me in putting the screws on her.
Witness in my latest video how AstraZeneca’s Executive Vice-President for Europe and Canada simply can’t get out of stuttering!
Kind regards,
Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP (AfD)
Deputies are fed up!
Big Pharma under cross-examination!