Frances is now in her early 70s. She had a decades long career working as a clinical research associate primarily in oncology trials, linked to cancer or medical institutes, where she often had responsibility for adverse event reporting and went through FDA audits at trial sites – the kind that haven’t happened at Ventavia sites.
Serum Reaction
In May 2012, she was persuaded by a friend to avail of the services of an allergist in the hospital where she was working who was offering a treatment for environmental allergies – of which she had a number.
Prior to this, she good health with mild hypertension, occasional insomnia and anxiety linked to social stressors.
She had the injection in her left arm. Her right hand became swollen 36 hours later to double its normal size. It was painful.
Two days later she went into work and developed bad pain in her right hip. She went home, lay down and then couldn’t move. She went to her local ER where she was given painkillers and steroids.
A member of the allergist’s team later told her that she had a serum reaction but that it would clear up within a month when her body detoxed.
It didn’t clear up. She went to a rheumatologist who put her on methotrexate but too low a dose. She continued to have flares, which moved from her hands to her feet to almost anywhere in her body in an unpredictable fashion. It left her doctors stumped because there was no one joint that could be injected to put the problem right at least temporarily.
She often went to work with icepacks on her hands.
She switched rheumatologists and her new doctor doubled the dose of methotrexate. To do this she had to have isoniazid to ward off a tubercular reaction – this is standard practice in high tuberculosis regions.
In May 2013 she developed heart symptoms and ended up with a double bypass operation in November 2013.
After this her rheumatologist added Enbrel to her treatment mix and this helped a lot. She continued work but although much better was unable to work a full week and retired in 2016.
Even though she was now doing better, there were problems she never had before. Methotrexate left her immuno-comprised and so, if there were colds or other viruses going round, she got a more severe dose than anyone else. This limited her ability to fly or do things involving crowds.
In November 2020, she had a flare up in her right foot. This led to pain and swelling and required an addition of prednisone to manage.
Frances was therefore not perfect when she went for her vaccine in April 2021 – one of the immune compromised people who we were told needed vaccination and protection.
Pfizer vaccine
Frances had the Pfizer vaccine on April 17 2021. In the next 3 days she developed flares in multiple regions of her body. She had to increase her prednisone to 40 mg per day.
By May 9, she was unable to walk because her feet were so painful. She had to be carried from her bedroom in a chair to an ambulance and be brought to ER, where she stayed overnight. She needed solumedrol and Dilaudid for pain.
She went home and has since had to have a range of assistive devices installed at home to make living possible – chairs for the bath, grab-rails for the toilet etc.
Her problems have been diagnosed by Dr Diklich in her hospital record as having an allergic reaction to the Covid vaccine.
She was readmitted on May 29 in severe pain, unable to move her legs and with loss of bladder control. She had to call the ambulance from a position of being stuck on the toilet.
Her condition was so severe and unpredictable at the point of admission that the doctors asked whether she wanted to be resuscitated in the event of something going badly wrong. She said no.
Since then, it has been accepted that Enbrel is no longer helping and for 9 months now she and her rheumatologist have been grappling with possible alternates.
She had leflunamide which cause immediate problems and had to be stopped.
An infusion of Orencia and weekly injections caused problems and was stopped by her rheumatologist. She was also getting swelling at the injection sites on her thighs.
She has been confined to her house up to this primarily because her feet are so swollen it is not possible to get footwear on them to tackle wintry conditions. She does exercise by Zoom and may be able to get out more soon.
For 9 years, Frances viewed her problems as a serum reaction. It was when she noticed that the Ontario Hospital Association recognized that an allergic reaction could happen to polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and to the closely related polysorbate, which is in the J and J vaccine, and that this could provide a basis for a medical exemption, that she began to suspect this is what had happened her.
The Centers for Disease Control, CDC, are even more clear in stating that PEG does cause serious reactions and might provide a basis for exemptions.
Reactions to PEG can be compensated but Frances’ doctor has told her that her pre-existing reaction would disqualify her for this.
Frances’ doctor has written her a medical exemption letter. This means she does not have to get a further dose but in the absence of a further dose she cannot access anything that requires a vaccine passport.
She is now aware of the many things that PEG is a component of – from Metamucil to Miralax and many drugs, cosmetics, skin creams, lotions, soaps, hair products and shower gels.
Miralax has a long history of being blamed by parents for causing bad reactions in children.
She has reported her reaction to Public Health Ontario and the Federal Government with no response.
Recently she visited an allergy specialist and was tested for a PEG allergy and told she is not allergic to PEG. The allergist offered no thoughts about her current problems – if not PEG, then what?
There are loopholes in testing for PEG allergies which mean that people with undoubted PEG allergies can test negative. She depends on the specialist to have been on top of the job and unafraid to rock the vaccine boat.
In one sense PEG is irrelevant. Unless you disbelieve Frances, and the doctors who believe her, there is a clear reaction of the vaccine. It would be satisfying to be able to explain the mechanism and an explanation might open up a treatment option, but it is not necessary to know the mechanism in order to establish a harm.
A negative allergy test opens up the possibility of reconsider some treatments for her arthritis that she has been avoiding because many of these contain PEG. Despite the negative test, it would take a certain amount of guts to try a PEG containing medicine. Even if not allergic to PEG in the sense allergists use that word, how safe is it for her to take anything containing PEG? How safe is it for her to depend on an allergist who may not have ruled out all options in this case?
She is waiting to try Actemra. She has little option as her rheumatoid condition is out of control.
History of Solvents
Polyethylene Glycol is closely related to Ethylene Glycol which in 1937 a chemist in Tennessee dissolved the new wonder drug, sulphanilamide, in leading to at least 107 deaths and the creation of FDA as we now know it. ED is on the left and PEG on the right.
Diethylene Glycol (antifreeze) was used to sweeten some cheap wines in the 1980s and also led to deaths.
The most current solvent scandal involves sodium valproate, also called valproic acid, used as an anticonvulsant for epilepsy and in mood disorders and when taken by pregnant women causes birth defects – with these also occurring trans-generationally.
Valproic acid was used in Germany during World War II as a butter substitute and then as a diluent for drugs, until Georg Carraz in Lyon recognised that it had its own actions – it was anticonvulsant. See Pierre Lambert and the CLRTP and the extraordinary history of Lyon psychopharmacology with the discovery of the use of valproate for manic-depressive illness and how Carraz’s breakthrough brought him major problems rather than fame.
Two Years Later
Short of dying, Fran had a very rough ride post-vaccine. Whatever it was that caused the problem added to the substantial difficulties she already had. As noted she was tested for PEG allergy and told it was not that – but it is not clear the allergist did the job properly. It is increasingly clear though that Covid and the vaccines can reawaken prior or dormant auto-immune or infective conditions and this may have been a factor.
Whatever aggravated her prior disability led to a fall in June 2022 and a hip fracture. She was left out of contact with anyone for 24 hours before being found.
Having researched the post-vaccine problems more, she now thinks that she had a Guillain-Barre reaction after both shots. This is what led to the May 29 episodes when she was paralysed from the waist down and stuck on the toilet. This is the kind of presentation that is all too often likely to be diagnosed as ‘functional’ but isn’t functional.
People like Fran shouldn’t be the one’s who have to do the research to put the pieces of the jigsaw together. They are often quite remarkable in the way they take on this job and work things out.
Kimberly Milhoan, MD
Replying to
And counter to any known principles of informed consent. Nothing is entirely safe and nothing is entirely effective.
Dr June Raine, new Head of the MHRA, stressed that the vaccine had undergone substantial clinical trials involving more than 20,000 people and that the results were very robust.
“The vaccine looks like any ordinary vaccine,” she said. “Adverse effects include some soreness and possibly a mild temperature, but these are very short-lived. The Commission on Human Medicines has reported very favourably on the benefits in comparison with the risks.”
She said that there was nothing to suggest any contraindications for people with epilepsy.
Women were to be prescribed the drug if necessary, not warned of any potential risk, and there would be no leaflet explaining possible side-effects in the packets. Doctors would be warned, but not the women whose foetuses might be affected.
People who are allergic to PEG or polysorbate should not get an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine,” they explain.
Leanne Dinwiddie
Replying to @KDMilhoanMD and @DowdEdward
Then nothing should be mandated and they need to stfu about safe and effective then. Oh and all good until it’s a loved one Injured or killed by safe and effective,also know for a fact they don’t tell you about all the side effects only the headache,sore arm,tiredness junk.
Frances had the Pfizer vaccine …
“Dr June Raine, new Head of the MHRA, stressed that the vaccine had undergone substantial clinical trials involving more than 20,000 people and that the results were very robust.
“The vaccine looks like any ordinary vaccine,” she said. “Adverse effects include some soreness and possibly a mild temperature, but these are very short-lived. The Commission on Human Medicines has reported very favourably on the benefits in comparison with the risks.”
She said that there was nothing to suggest any contraindications for people with epilepsy.”
I talked to a woman whose eleven-year-old son was given Miralax for abdominal pain and took a a gun and shot his father dead. No history of criminality or behavioral problems before this. Why in God’s name are they giving this stuff to kids as a laxative? What’s wrong with prunes?
This might sound bizarre to most readers but there is a large volume of reports to FDA and elsewhere of events like this in children, linked to PEG
This makes me wonder about the social phenomena of shooting rampages at schools. Are these kids medicated?
Is it an American phenomena?
Are american youth more medicated than other countries’?
At the moment yes. Not just American youth but American fetuses. There is a rapidly escalating consumption of drugs during pregnancy.
Obedience Pills from Patrick Hahn is a very sobering read on the medicating children pandemic. But not to worry the rest of the world is bound to catch up soon
Rapid Response:
PEG in the Pfizer vaccine: not a good start
Dear Editor
The day after the roll out of the Pfizer vaccine commenced the MHRA were forced to issue a belated warning about the risk of anaphylaxis with particular suspicion surrounding the ingredient Polyetheline Glycol (PEG). MHRA Chief Executive June Raine said in a statement:
“Any person with a history of anaphylaxis to a vaccine, medicine or food should not receive the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine”
It was indicated that the issue may not come to light because people susceptible to allergic reactions had been excluded from Pfizer’s trials in the first place [1].
It is troubling this issue should have been revealed only after the product was offered to the public since it is apparent from the Reuter’s report that it was a known risk. In particular, I would point out that Children’s Health Defense, an organisation with which I am associated, including its chairman Robert F Kennedy Jr, wrote to the US government alerting it to the issue of PEG in relation to the rival Moderna product in August [2,3].
[1] Alistair Smout, ‘ UK issues anaphylaxis warning on Pfizer vaccine after adverse reactions’, Reuters 9 December 2020,…
[2] Lyn Redwood, ‘ Breaking: CHD Responds to News of Life-Threatening Reaction to Pfizer COVID Vaccine. Will Regulators Take Action?’, Children’s Health Defense 9 December 2020,…
[3] Robert F Kennedy Jr, Lyn Redwood, Harold Gielow, Letter to Dr Jerry Menikoff (Director, Office for Human Research Protections, Department of Health and Human Services), 26 August 2020,…
The mention of Enbrel for arthritis caught my eye. Enbrel, like Humira and Remicade, is part of the TNF inhibitor group of monoclonal antibodies. Those drugs are a major source of immune-suppression in their own right. Patients are vulnerable to a range of diseases we are all exposed to, but most people’s immune systems are able to resist. That includes TB as well as histoplasmosis and even some cancers. It also includes Covid-19: People on TNF blockers are more likely to get the virus, and risk serious illness if they do.
A recent study suggested the Pfizer vaccine might give these folks even less protection than patients on other immune-suppressing drugs. Three months after the second shot, levels of neutralizing antibodies were sub-par in 8% of healthy people, and 36% of “immune-suppressed” patients in general. For those taking TNF blockers, the number was 67%. At six months those numbers were 17%, 58% … and 100%.
Early in the pandemic, doctors rushed to reassure patients on Humira or Enbrel that they weren’t at high risk of Covid-19 (based on data that looked awfully sketchy to me). And if they did catch the virus, maybe their TNF blocker would protect them from excess inflammation! Based on that last idea, trials of Humira as a Covid-19 treatment were launched. However, all seem to have been halted before publication. Hmmm.
I think it likely that people on Enbrel or Humira would be extra vulnerable, both to Covid-19 AND to any irritant found in the Covid vaccines. But rather than give such warnings, the authors of that recent study just said that people on TNF blockers should be first in line for Covid booster shots. Why a third shot would solve the problem is beyond me.
The only thing that happened when Dawn died was that she had her Covid jab before her death.”
There is nothing else for me to hang my hat on. It is the most likely reason, in my conclusion. It is more than likely Dawn died in response to the Covid jab.”
Covid Pfizer vaccine 11 days after dose, inquest told
Pathologist said the mother-of-two may still be alive had she not had the Covid vaccine
Maryam Zakir-Hussain
1 hour ago
“Today I heard from Dr Ghataura and during the course of the evidence he expressed a change of view that in the balance of probabilities, it is more likely than not she died from acute myocarditis due to her recent Covid-19 immunisation.
“I give the narrative conclusion that her death was caused by acute myocarditis, due to recent Covid-19 immunisation. Ashley, you will have something to say to your children to explain why their mother died so tragically.”
The Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) confirmed on 9 September 2021 that Covid-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and AstraZeneca can be used as safe and effective booster doses, as well as the Moderna vaccine.
Furthermore, a major study of vaccine side-effects in the US published in March 2022 found no link between two Covid jabs and the number of deaths recorded after vaccination.
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said 9 per cent of reported side-effects after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were mild.
I was poisoned with Cipro 10 months ago and I am still recovering (neuropathy, brain fog and anxiety). I had a allergic reaction so thank god I stopped the Cipro after 3 days, I cannot imagine what my life would be like if I took the full treatment.
I took my first Pfizer jab 2 months before but after Cipro I am terrified to take the second and nobody will give me a medical exemption only if I had myocarditis after the first jab. I think PEG is a common ingredient. They cannot reassure me I will be okay but refuse to give me an exemption.
This is a very cool post. I mention Dr. Healy’s blog frequently.
Speaking of autoimmune reactions…
Did you know that the reaction to poison ivy is an autoimmune reaction? It turns out that the urushiol class of compounds in dermotoxic plants are actually haptens which bind with human proteins which new compound is taken by langerhans cells to lymphatic tissue which then creates antibodies to the new proteins resulting in inflammation of skin cells and the characteristic rash.
Some of you may wonder why I mention this just now….
Yes this is interesting
Free for all here…
Sounds like this pathologists initially missed the acute myocarditis…why did that happen and has it been happening before and maybe subsequently…
‘Subsequent to her death, a toxicology and post-mortem examination were undertaken and initially, Dr Ghataura said he was unable to provide a cause for Dawn’s death, stating the post-mortem findings were ‘unascertained.’
‘Today I heard from Dr Ghataura and during the course of the evidence he expressed a change of view that in the balance of probabilities, it is more likely than not she died from acute myocarditis due to her recent Covid-19 immunisation.
‘I give the narrative conclusion that her death was caused by acute myocarditis, due to recent Covid-19 immunisation. Ashley, you will have something to say to your children to explain why their mother died so tragically.’
“Dr Sukhvinder Ghataura stated that the postmortem showed showed Mrs Wooldridge had been healthy at the time of her death and the toxicology report had found no signs of alcohol or drugs in her system at the time.
The only points noted were inflammation of the heart, fluid in her lungs alongside a small clot on her lungs. These, alongside menstrual irregularity and complaints of pain in her jaw and arm in the days after the vaccine – the pathologist suggested, were linked to myocarditis.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
In interviews with The Defender, pilots injured by COVID-19 vaccines said despite a “culture of fear and intimidation” they are compelled to speak out against vaccine mandates that rob pilots of their careers — and in some cases their lives.
Exclusive: Pilots Injured by COVID Vaccines Speak Out: ‘I Will Probably Never Fly Again’
In interviews with The Defender, pilots injured by COVID-19 vaccines said despite a “culture of fear and intimidation” they are compelled to speak out against vaccine mandates that rob pilots of their careers — and in some cases their lives.
Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
Some of these accounts are “hair-raising and deeply disturbing,” according to Maureen Steele, a paralegal and head of media relations for the John Pierce Law Firm.
“The FAA has failed at its duties in the most spectacular fashion, causing pilots to lose their lives, livelihoods and careers.
“The federal government, including the FAA, has not helped one single person injured by the COVID-19 vaccine.
“They [the federal agencies] have not publicly acknowledged there is a problem. They haven’t even so much as adjusted their ‘guidance’ to prevent this from happening in the future.”
Fernando Polack, unearthed –
Ed Free Thinker & Oracle Retweeted
Pfizer fraud or not? (Sites 1231 and 4444) (16 minutes)
stkirsch Published May 9, 2022 10,393 Views
Hey, he stumbles across
Fishy Business in the Rio de la Plata
On the edge of your seat yet?
“Hey, it’s the same guy…………..!
You really really have to watch this
Sounds about right. Doctors naming and adding drugs for this that and the other disease, affliction, flavor of the decade. Hubris and greed my friends clandestinely woven into your medical system so that your Dr knows not which part they play in the problem. The mental health system and big pharma’s “industrialization” of intangible diseases of the mind. Perfect isn’t it? If you can’t nail down what causes a person’s mental suffering but keep “looking” for the holy grail and naming incidentals, (ie Serotonin, Dopamine) excluding other likely more important factors (traumatic abuse, crazy upbringings mosaic’d w/ severe neglect…those aren’t money makers or sexy) well then you can develop a market to get more even more people to take your newest money maker and keep then brainwashed (shhhh’s don’t tell them your biggest secret, most of those neuroactive drugs are addictive & at the least create dependency). Ask the patient or check out QuarterWatch 2016 Annual Report Part I: Consumers at Risk from Drug Withdrawal Symptoms (google it) if you are curious. If we ask the patient, then it may take a good 10-15 years to get a modest acknowledgement on the label and then years more for your doctor to get clued in. Your doctor likely knows not much about any of your meds and their individual side effects drug to drug interactions, adverse drug reactions, or proper dosing adjustments for renal function and such. They usually don’t care much for chemistry or biochemistry or pharmacology. Ironic isn’t it? as they have a license to prescribe. They definitely won’t appreciate the unknown side effects that are listed maybe on the label in fine print- ie hair loss, circulation problems (fingers turn red white blue at the supermarket and in air conditioning), nausea every day, weight loss, abdominal pain, diarrhea, chest pain, shortness of breath, severe memory loss the kind which makes you get through school only by literally writing everything down, calcium loss so that you’ve broken bones you shouldn’t have, got root canals you likely wouldn’t have needed, of and those mood changes and outbursts worse than any disease they could have given you and and almost forgot severe fatigue, altered sleep/dreaming. Don’t forget to mention all the extra testing and treatment you got for the broken bones, testing for the chest pain shortness of breath and diarrhea. At least they didn’t find cancer yet. If you manage to get off the drugs all those side effects go away (they have in entirety) and you get withdrawal or damage from the drugs effects but no one can say for sure what’s what. You find your own solutions cause no one else had any. Complex B and Magnesium from Thorne supplements (they independently test and verify products) work pretty well for nerve damage & restoring systems along with good gut health, exercise sleep and purpose in life. You carry on thankful you survived.
See this article written by David Healy for more on the guy behind that site who is also the first author in the Pfizer NEJM paper. Here are a few excerpts:
About 5,800 volunteers were enrolled, half getting the active vaccine. This is almost 4 times more than the next largest centre in this trial. Amazingly 467 doctors were almost instantly signed up and trained as assistant investigators in the study. Fernando was in command as Pfizer’s Principal Investigator.
Neither Augusto’s pericardial effusion, nor another volunteer’s penile vein thrombosis, appear to have found their way into the reported side effects of this trial.
You can also watch this video on Polack that was done by “Amazing Polly” St. George on October 4, 2021 (start at 3:20).
Prof Norman Fenton
This really is an astonishing find…
Prof Norman Fenton Retweeted
Josh Guetzkow @joshg99
Replying to @Jikkyleaks and @chrismartenson
Agreed. Very fishy. Here is David Healy’s article on the guy behind that trial site in Argentina:
‘Fernando is one busy fellah and connected up the wazoo to boot.