This post is in part two of the Cause and Effect Forum and it, with other posts centred on the New England Journal of Misinformation, will feature under NEJM-GATE. The third part will focus on RCTs. Once all Ten Cases are in place, it should be possible to print the forum off to support medical exemptions and to ask medical registration boards why they are trying to put doctors out of business.
Spoiler alert, Eric Rubin is editor of the New England J, which Americans think is the leading medical journal in the world
The medical world is changing fast. Just a year ago, some of us, who thought we knew the lie of the clinical trials and pharmaceutical company land, and could talk fluent CRO and ghostwriting speak, began to realize there was a new language and new vistas.
A language of Virtual Trials, with questionnaires on electronic devices that have fixed pre-populated items so that companies can only get the information they want. You might die, end up paralyzed on a new treatment, be unable to function sexually ever again, but none of this will register on the trial device you have been provided supposedly to enable you to participate from the comfort of your own home, while sipping a glass of wine.
A vista where electronic data from places like Hialeah in Florida, Fort Worth in Texas and Buenos Aires (see later this week) are monitored from Japan and fed seamlessly through to a ghost, based in Australia, who will write up the Study Reports for a Contract Research Organization (CRO) like Icon, based in Dublin, to be published in the New England Journal of Misinformation based in Boston.
Who had heard of Science37 who claim to be the world leader in decentralized trials?
Who knew this world now contains not just CROs but also SMOs, and this difference is important.
SMO – Site Management Organization – as a term has been around for a decade but some of us who thought we knew most of what went on hadn’t heard about it. I was aware that Pfizer contracted to Icon, a CRO, who subcontracted to other CROs like Platinum Research Network who subcontracted to what I assumed was a further layer of CROs like Ventavia.
This all fits an outsourcing business model. Organizational is a better word here than business in that universities, public services and the Catholic Church now do it as naturally as businesses. Universities outsource the firing of unvaccinated staff or students to HR companies. This outsourcing is part of what is now going wrong in Long-Term care. See Politics of Care Forum. This is management culture rather than a business or entrepreneurial culture – risk management rather than risk taking. This history is laid out in Shipwreck of the Singular; Healthcare’s Castaways.
It affects the hotel you go to where even if you are met by the ‘owner’ at the reception, the cooking is done by one company, the cleaning by another, booking rooms by a third, and promoting the venue by yet a fourth etc. It’s rare now to find a hotel as these were once understood where you could complain to someone who could put things right, or develop relationships that brought you back.
The Vaccine Trials
The vaccines have given a real push to the SMO business. Rather than CROs running trials in the Russian Federation, Colombia, India, or Africa, SMOs approach American Family Doctors with an appealing message.
Hey Doc, you are obviously a decent guy – we’re here to make life better. We can add clinical research to your portfolio, making your job more interesting, attractive to patients and more lucrative to you. Your name will appear in New England Journal articles as part of the Covid Vaccine Study Group – think how impressed your colleagues will be.
We will take over part of your office suite or a suite next door and move in the research staff who will assess, examine, consent, monitor and keep the books on volunteers for clinical trials. You get to be and get to be paid for being the investigator. You just need to be there to answer queries, sign off on the paperwork and let us email your patient database inviting them in to participate in the latest trial – which will give them free healthcare including meds and vaccines.
With the vaccines, all of sudden family doctors all around the USA, in states like Nebraska were recruiting patients to the tune of several million dollars of income for the 4 months the Covid trial took. They have since moved on to doing Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) trials and hundreds of further vaccine trials – with the mandates these vaccines will bring in their train.
Having spent 20 years supervising the running of clinical trials, Brook Jackson knew the CRO-SMO scene inside out. She changed jobs to Ventavia because it was located close to where she lived. What she found was – clinical trials but not as we know them Jim – as Dr Spock might have said.
Ventavia got going in 2013 in Fort Worth, expanding from there to other sites in Texas. When the Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine trial came along in July 2020, Ventavia jumped on board. There was an eye-watering amount of money to be made that hinged on getting as many patients through the door as possible. They set up centers in Fort Worth, Keller and Houston.
We are seeking call center recruiters in Fort Worth. We’re looking for someone with strong communications skills, sales background, good organizational skills, bilingual is a plus. If interested, please send a resume or inquiries to
The Fort Worth site was at 1307 8th Avenue in suite 202. There were two sub-investigators, Drs Norma Escamilla and Isaac Watemberg one floor down, whom Brook never saw. The Principal Investigator (PI) was Mark Koch, pronounced Cook in Texas not Cock. He was a family doctor who also had a hospital practice and was too busy to be on site other than occasionally when he signed off on documents that Escamilla and Watemberg had supposedly completed.
In suite 202, there were staff to greet volunteers, staff to check for eligibility to participate, get informed consent, take medical histories, do physical examinations including blood pressure, pregnancy tests, baseline blood tests, prepare and give the vaccine, and monitor the volunteer for 30 minutes afterwards.
There were freezers for the vaccine and centrifuges to separate plasma from blood and send to the laboratory, and biohazard disposal facilities that were often not used in the proper way.
Early on the doctor most closely linked to the trial in Houston, Dr Van Tran wanted to close his medical practice during certain times, scheduling “blocks” of time to examine clinical trial participants. But Ventavia decided this was not acceptable as the Houston site would not be able to “hit” its patient cap, maximizing payments from Pfizer. In his case, there was a doctor Renu Garg, an obstetrician who had a prior Pfizer email, one floor up. (See Houston Vaccine Trials in Children).
The staff mostly women, dressed in fetching slate gray uniforms, were hired from local fast-food outlets and other settings. Most had no training. Those giving the vaccines should have had a healthcare background but didn’t and some had no training prior to starting – taking courses afterwards to ensure boxes were ticked.
See Odaro’s Recruitment by David.
The Ventavia Operation:
- enrolled and injected ineligible clinical trial participants, including Ventavia employees, family members, and pregnant women – no pregnancy tests had been done.
- failed to remove ineligible patients’ data from the trial;
- failed to maintain temperature control for the vaccine – when for instance freezers were unplugged and moved around;
- failed to monitor patients after injection as required by protocol – Ventavia did not have the staff or room capacity to handle the number of clinical trial participants being seen every day – post injection people were left waiting in the hallway;
- had a PI who was rarely around;
- used unqualified and untrained personnel as vaccinators and laboratory personnel;
- failed to maintain the “blind” as required, with randomization codes left lying around;
- failed to secure informed consent with forms signed after the fact
- gave patients unapproved compensation – before they complained;
- over-diluted the vaccine concentrate or used the wrong needle size;
- failed to ensure that trial site staff were trained;
- falsified blood pressure figures
- did not centrifuge blood samples properly
- invented clotting times for many bloods
- breached safety and confidentiality regulations not infrequently
Ventavia was required to scan or enter all data from volunteers into the “Complion” Clinical Trial Management System database, so that it could be passed on to Icon and Pfizer. In the scramble to enroll as many participants as possible, quality checking and uploading fell behind schedule. The “back log” of documents often lacked key information, such as patient or doctor signatures and blood draw times.
Ventavia brought in employees’ friends and family members on weekends to help “catch up” on quality control. These temporary employees were not listed on delegation logs, so should not have been accessing anything. Some of these temporary employees were also clinical trial participants – they shouldn’t have been. Some of the quality checking led to a falsification of missing data.
Koch and his sub-investigator signed off on a symptom log that was two months out of date and contained stuff they had not seen or examined
To be clear, if you attended a Ventavia site your prior Covid status might not have been tested, your pregnancy status might not have been tested, your vaccine might not have been active, your bloods or other measurements taken might not have been valid, your data may not have been recorded and might subsequently have been invented, you may have been entered into the trial even though ineligible.
Death in Ventavia
Very few records from this trial have been released but among those that have there are some from Ventavia sites.
A 66-year-old man was the ninth person recruited at Fort Worth. He had a second dose on August 19. Two months later he had a heart attack. This was declared not related to the vaccine. This was not entirely unreasonable in that he had had a prior heart attack 4 years before, but it was more unreasonable than blaming it instead on a failed stent placement – which is bit like saying your broken hip after a fall is down to a failure of the prior hip joint operation.
After his heart attack he was recorded as having pneumonia from which he died 4 weeks later. The data managers asked for clarifications – was this a covid 19 pneumonia and what kind of cough did he have. The respondent at the Ventavia site, the husband of one of the owners of Ventavia, did not seem to know and seems to have invented answers.
Another patient had hepatocellular changes on placebo, which is odd. After an unblinding, she was give 2 doses of the vaccine and after the second was hospitalized with a septic state and a Serious Adverse Event – Hepatocellular injury, which the Data Managers changed without seeing the hospital record.
Boston Stranglers
These Ventavia records are the raw data, not the material that ended up with Icon and later appears in the New England Journal of Misinformation, or even the material that FDA is now releasing slowly.
There is no reason to think Ventavia was any worse than any of the other sites. No-one actually seems to know for sure how many sites there were. EMA thinks 135 in the US, FDA thinks 153. There are pictures suggesting 154 and documents pointing to 155.
Ventavia received an award from Pfizer for their recruitment efforts, having recruited 1500 patients.
Pfizer have meanwhile contracted with Ventavia for a fast-track study on a vaccine for Respiratory Syncytial Virus – RSV. This turns Covid inside out – grandparents won’t be able to visit children without being vaccinated. GSK made the video for this four years ago – see Oh Granny in Reds under the Bed.
Four months after the start of phase 3 of the Covid vaccine trial and 43,000 assessed volunteers later, on November 18 Pfizer announced its completion. Pfizer applied for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for BNT162b2 on November 20. FDA granted them an EUA on December 11, 2020.
The first publication from this trial with Fernando Polack as first author appeared in the New England Journal of Misinformation on December 31 (see next post).
En passant, Pfizer set up a retail outlet, selling teeshirts –
The lead investigator of the trial, Stephen Thomas, was the lead author of the first NEJM article that cited fake results. In a BMJ interview he has made it clear he never saw the data – he only saw aggregated data. Not even the ghostwriter will have seen the data.
Peter Doshi and colleagues have chased this issue of data access – see The New England Journal – Baden et al, The NEJM editors, Lindsey Baden Dan Longo and Eric Rubin, make it abundantly clear that they aren’t bothered what the underlying data looks like – even when an NEJM editor is first author on a paper.
As long as Baden, Longo and Rubin aren’t bothered, indeed are downright hostile to anyone who is bothered, clinical trials will get shoddier and shoddier. From Massachusetts Medical Society documents it appears Eric gets somewhere in the region of $750,000 per year for among other things batting away emails from people like Bri Dressen or the revelations provided by Brook Jackson. Money doesn’t seem to buy backbones.
Rubin was a member of the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee which approved the Pfizer vaccine for Children. His contribution was the immortal line –
‘We are never going to learn how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it’
Based on the Thomas et al and related NEJM propaganda, both mainstream and social media are happy to accuse everyone in the case series featured in this Forum and anyone else harmed worldwide who claims a link to their vaccine of being misinformation mongerers.
Brook Jackson was fired by Ventavia in September 2020. She made efforts to inform people about what was happening, including filing a False Claims Act. This led to a phone call from Mark Barnes, Financial Times Litigator of the Year for 2019 who works for Ropes and Gray and is an author on Responsible Access to Clinical Trials Data an NEJM article from 2013.
She finally got through to BMJ, who published an account of what happened on November 2, 2021. This became one of the most cited medical articles of recent years. It now contains a Video of Brook in the middle of it.
Facebook branded this closer-to-the-truth article than anything that has appeared in NEJM as misinformation. The BMJ have called out Facebook on this issue. Facebook like Gollum seem to be hiding away in the dark somewhere, muttering something about My Precious.
Roughly 84% of the data in the Pfizer trial collected from US centres was generated by commercial entities like Ventavia operating from 101 sites. Roughly 8.5% of the data was generated at 17 academic sites but we don’t know how much of the operation at these sites was commercial.
Assuming the academic sites did ‘trials as we know them Jim’, the data from these sites might account for approximately 5% of the data collected in the Pfizer trial overall. But we have no reason to think these academic sites did trials as we know them – See the Fishy Goings On post later this week.
Brook is as heroic as Frances Kelsey who stopped thalidomide in its tracks. How long will we have to wait to see Brook celebrated in a major medical journal?
Medical Journal? What’s that?
What do you mean there were Adverse Events, Brook?
To be Continued….
The FBI is the primary agency for investigating health care fraud.
Does this fall under their remit?
Hard to believe that Ventavia Research Group are a woman-led organisation.
Working at Ventavia Research Group
“I worked at Ventavia as lower level management. Do not work here. Upper level management is horrible. There is no work home life balance. They tried to make me push out employees who were experiencing personal situations, **including difficult pregnancies**. Management likes to pretend their caring, compassionate and progressive but it’s a facade.”
“The worst place I’ve worked. **Management hires family members to do jobs they have no experience in** and treat staff like dogs. No one listens. Its mass chaos everyday”
“In the beginning it was a good company to work for. This company is growing real fast. They are not employee friendly. **They are just trying to make a name for themselves**, They are hiring a lot of leadership and management people and forgetting about the ones that actually do all the labor work for them. I work with very hard working and dedicated bunch of staff at the clinic site level. **The leadership and management have no idea what goes on at the clinic site level**, only what they hear from those that are snitches and kiss up to leadership. There is a lot of hypocrites and you cannot trust anyone! They don’t take our complains seriously, and care nothing about our life outside the company, because we have no family life!”
Changing the Face of Medicine –
By testifying before the Senate, Tauusig was able to help Kelsey ban thalidomide in the United States for good.
Kennedy acknowledged “Her exceptional judgment in evaluating a new drug for safety for human use has prevented a major tragedy of birth deformities in the United States. Through high ability and steadfast confidence in her professional decision she has made an outstanding contribution to the protection of the health of the American people.”
Kelsey helped shape and enforce amendments to FDA drug regulation laws to institutionalize protection of the patient in drug investigations. These regulations required that drugs be shown to be both safe and effective, that informed consent be obtained from patients when used in clinical trials, and that adverse reactions be reported to the FDA.
Pfizer told The BMJ that it had investigated an anonymous complaint about Ventavia in September 2020 and that “actions were taken to correct and remediate where necessary.”
.”The FDA stated that it was unable to answer The BMJ’s questions, “as it is an ongoing matter.”
Kamran Abbasi, The BMJ’s editor in chief, said, “We should all be very worried that Facebook, a multibillion dollar company, is effectively censoring fully fact checked journalism that is raising legitimate concerns about the conduct of clinical trials. Facebook’s actions won’t stop The BMJ doing what is right, but the real question is: why is Facebook acting in this way? What is driving its world view? Is it ideology? Is it commercial interests? Is it incompetence?
Users should be worried that, despite presenting itself as a neutral social media platform, Facebook is trying to control how people think under the guise of ‘fact checking.’”
Changing the Face
Sir Nick Clegg
The former deputy prime minister was last month handed the grandiose title of Meta’s president of global affairs and put in charge of all of the social media giant’s policy decisions, having worked as vice-president for almost four years.
A spokesperson for Ventavia provided the following comment:
Ventavia is aware of recent accusations in an article written by Paul Thacker [investigative reporter and author of the BMJ article]. Mr. Thacker did not contact Ventavia prior to publication. These same accusations were made a year ago, at which time Ventavia notified the appropriate parties. The allegations were investigated and determined to be unsubstantiated. Ventavia takes research compliance, data integrity, and participant safety very seriously, and we stand behind our work supporting the development of life-saving vaccines.
Changing the Face
Brook Jackson
Official INACTION is right! This product should have never received EUA. Pandemic or not. No excuses. It’s been 1 year 5 months & 22 days since I alerted the FD A to the scientific misconduct & fraud in these trials.
We need ACTION.
A Science investigation shows that FDA oversight of clinical trials is lax, slow moving and secretive – and that enforcement is declining.
Excellent article. Rubin is an absolute partisan political hack, which he revealed on October 8, 2020, in an NEJM editorial, stating who we US citizens should vote for and who should be fired. Unfortunately, big pharm owns his hack magazine and soul.
Parliamentary Bills Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill
Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill
Private Members’ Bill (Presentation Bill)
Originated in the House of Commons, Session 2021-22
Last updated: 21 March 2022 at 16:19
A Bill to require the Secretary of State to establish an independent review of disablement caused by Covid-19 vaccinations and the adequacy of the compensation offered to persons so disabled; and for connected purposes.
Sir Christopher Chope
Current version of the Bill
Bill 44 2021-22 (as introduced)
8 September 2021 Commons
COVID-19 Channel: Pfizer and Moderna CEOs Pocket Huge Salaries
Pfizer and Moderna CEOs Pocket Huge Salaries
Posted by TrialSite Staff
March 21, 2022
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla made news last week when he went on the CBS news program Face the Nation and advocated for a fourth covid vaccine1 of 1
Trialsitenews noreply@trialsitenews.
4:50 AM (2 hours ago)
Team at Prominent German Academic Medical Center Find Risk Factors for Severe Breakthrough Infection Among Pfizer-Vaccinated Patients
Posted by TrialSite Staff
March 21, 2022
Stanford Study: Spike Protein Persists in Patients’ Blood Weeks After Pfizer COVID Vaccination
Posted by TrialSite Staff
March 17, 2022
A new peer-reviewed Stanford University Department of Pathology study
Record Surge of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in Heavily Vaxxed South Korea—What’s Going on?
Posted by TrialSite Staff
March 20, 2022
Not only one of the most vaccinated peoples in the world, but the population of South Korea are also one of the most boosted.
By Sonia ElijahOn March 1, the eagerly awaited new installment of Pfizer’s documents was made publicly available thanks to the recent judicial ruling.
For myself Arthur Sackler is the root of all this evil, he used doctors as marketing machines even ones that didn’t exist and took it a step further by inveigling the art world to add a veneer of classy respectability. The shame is all on the art world – The horrors of what the Sackler family did had to be blindingly obvious before they removed their name and stopped taking money. Even then these art people couldn’t come clean as to why they removed the Sackler name. The cream of the art world helped perpetuated immense suffering and death. Now cyptocurrency guys, the metaverse and people pushing psychedelics want to get into the art world and have a heap of money to do it. I doubt the fine art people have learnt anything.
Brian Sewell was an acerbic fine art critic
“In a 2009 BBC documentary about the UK’s so-called North-South divide, presented by ex-Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, Sewell caused controversy by declaring that the solution to the divide was to send a pox or a plague upon the North so that the people there could all just die quietly.”
In ‘Empire of Pain’ by Patrick Radden Keefe, reference is made to a Hearing before a Committee of The U.S. House of Representatives. The Committee had invited a series of people to speak about the harrowing impact of prescribed opioids upon themselves.
A mother from California spoke about losing her son after taking a single dose, and who then stopped breathing.
This is the human-grief price of the widely reported malpractice in ghost written, manipulated pharmaceutical clinical trials. It is the inevitable outcome of pharmaceutical marketing masquerading as ‘Evidence Based Medicine’.
Until the K.O.L.s’ self-serving propaganda is revised by the prescription drug-induced death or destruction of their own children; then Evidence Debased Medicine will continue to dominate prescribing of psychotropic and other
(ADR – Dominant) ‘medications’. (ADR – Adverse Drug Reaction).
Corrupted clinical trials betray both patients and prescribers, and invalidate clinical guidelines.
(K.O.L.s – Key Opinion Leaders.
Yes indeed if anyone wants a read from that book, some what ironic he references Allen Frances comments who used soem of the same practices re marketing risperidone –
it seems one of their own may have had Aklathisia which they brushed under the carpet –
As for the art world –
“The house is accepting cryptocurrency as an alternate form of payment for the lot, which a Sotheby’s spokesperson called “a precursor” to digital art.”
Is it really…more like precursor to all around human control
The British Museum and Sackler
“The British Museum is grateful for the Foundation’s past support, and the Trustees appreciate their co-operation in coming to this agreement as we now move the Museum into a new era and present our incredible collections in different ways for new audiences,” George Osborne, chair of the British Museum, said in a statement.”
This is just incredible: Is he also grateful for the hundreds of thousands who have died addicted to their drugs and I’ve no doubt an awful lot had AKATHISIA. For twenty years the information has been out there re Sackler. What was planet art world doing ?
“there has been no request for the return of any funds.”
Why on earth didn’t planet art world give the money back..why ?
Why is it that the Art world doesn’t get that it helped create a deluded sick culture of vile abuse and horrric harm and death destroying people and families.
It’s not enough to take a name down. The money has to be removed from art and Sackler family to jail otherwise were on the same path right now
If you read this Alex Greenberger please study on here what Akathisia is and know this: Both Mark Rothko and Diane Arbus – as you well know.. giants of the art – world probably died of psych drug induced AKATHISIA.
The write up of this trial states that “All the trial data were available to all the authors, who vouch for its accuracy and completeness”
I read above that Dr Stephen J Thomas, a KOL* and one of the 29 “authors” (30 if you include the ghost) of the NEJMgate article claims in a BMJ podcast that this was not the case, and that he was only allowed to see the aggregated data.
So who is telling the truth? Thomas or Pfizer’s ghost?
I think we should be told.
* KOL = Key Opinion Leader
Edward Dowd
New England Journal of Medicine is playing games. More breadcrumbs.
Pfizer Vax Trial Manager Brook Jackson’s Shocking Revelations During Her First Sit Down w/ Paine and Former Blackrock’s Ed Dowd
Prepare for a rollercoaster ride here as we trek where few have gone before. I think perhaps this is the first interview of someone who was at Ground Zero of the scamdemic — the so called ‘vax’ trials.
And it is as ugly as you can imagine.
Part 1, Part 2 – Mark Barnes, Pfizer – Peter Doshi, BMJ, Part3 – Sen. R. Johnson, Round Table – Clinical Trial Data Fraud
“They’re not even pretending that they care”
Riveting ‘crumbs’ …
I plan on doing a hit piece on a paper on masking in the Journal of the American Misinformation Association. Doctors can have exceptionally strong opinions about issues not in their field of expertise. And they mostly don’t recognize when they are out of field.
I did a hit piece on the CDC and its mask-recommending incompetence today. I am in field and link a valuable journal article.
We have to continually expose these frauds.
Canadian Immunologist Takes Politically Sensitive Stance in Interpretation of COVID-19 Vaccine Data in the UK
TrialSite Staff
March 22, 2022
Canadian Immunologist Takes Politically Sensitive Stance in Interpretation of COVID-19 Vaccine Data in the UK
TrialSite Staff
March 22, 2022
Last month, a well-known Canadian immunologist, Marian Laderoute, MD, went on the record with a controversial COVID-19 vaccination stance, based on a video discussion by “Uncensored Doctors” interpreting a disturbing trend in the UK COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness. Laderoute suggests that the risk-benefit profile for use of the multiple-dose mRNA vaccines does not justify the use.
This opinion came by way of Marian Laderoute, Ph.D., lead at the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), of human endogenous retrovirus K102 (HERV-K102) .
Her recent observations are based on at least one interpretation of the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines secondary to unfolding data for infection in England. By February 4, 2022, Uncensored Doctors posted a video indicating that the vaccination rollout is a “complete and utter disaster,” leading to thousands of deaths and lifelong disabilities.
This group bases its controversial and contrarian findings on the unfolding data available from the UK Health Security Agency COVID-19 vaccine surveillance reports.
Freedom of Information Requests to UK
This person’s Freedom of Information requests (approximately 3)
Rates per 100,000 by 4 week intervals of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths by Vaccination Status
Response by UK Health Security Agency to Dr. Marian Laderoute on 21 January 2022.
Dear Dr Marian Laderoute, Please find attached the UK Health Security Agency’s response to your internal review request. Yours sincerely, Inform…
Stats on Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine to Include Analysis of 2nd dose, partially vaccinated (<7 days after 2nd dose)
Internal review request sent to UK Health Security Agency by Dr. Marian Laderoute on 8 December 2021.
Awaiting internal review.
Yours faithfully, Dr. Marian Laderoute
1 dose SARS-CoV-2 Pfizer Vaccine Vs 2 vs unvaccinated stats by month (Jan to Sept 2021) and by age
Response by Public Health England to Dr. Marian Laderoute on 29 October 2021.
Information not held.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on
the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Marian Laderoute