Peter Selley and I have many friends in and a soft spot for The BMJ - the journal for members of the British Medical Association. One of us has read every issue since 1970. We thought there might be some response to our post Are Journalists the Answer to Clinical Medicine's Cause and Effect Problem, which, in the nicest possible way, accused The BMJ of cooking up the equivalent … [Read more...] about Not The BMJ News
Are Journalists the Answer to Clinical Medicines Cause and Effect Problem?
This post by David Healy and Peter Selley does not question the good intentions of anyone mentioned. But sometimes good intentions can land us in a mess. In 2001, Study 329, a clinical trial comparing paroxetine to imipramine and placebo was published; it claimed paroxetine was effective and safe (1). Jon Jureidini and other clinicians drew attention to problems with the … [Read more...] about Are Journalists the Answer to Clinical Medicines Cause and Effect Problem?
Peeking behind the Curtain for a Wizard
This post by Patrick Hahn about The Day the Science Died reminds us that we have lived through some extraordinary times but seem inclined as perhaps people were after World War II to not dwell on things and just get on with life - for a decade or two until the memories came back. - see The Day The Science Died. I’m not a medical doctor. I don’t even play one on TV. So why … [Read more...] about Peeking behind the Curtain for a Wizard
De La Revolucion Francesca A La A. I.
MEDICINA: DE LA REVOLUCIÓN FRANCESA A LA INTELLIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL Diapositiva 1: En pleno siglo XVIII en Francia médicos como François Quesnay y otros fisiócratas crearon la palabra economía, que dio lugar a expresiones como Laissez-Faire y Emprendedor. Proponían la idea de que los organismos humanos se pueden autorregular, lo que podríamos llamar homeostasia. Adam Smith … [Read more...] about De La Revolucion Francesca A La A. I.
From the French Revolution to A.I.
This is the second of two lectures organized by Fanny Dargent who has a longstanding interest in adolescence and its problems and the dangers of psychotropic medication, along with Ariane Denoyel, who has authored the French version of this lecture below, and the author of Génération Zombie, the leading book in French on these issues. The first lecture centres on the case of … [Read more...] about From the French Revolution to A.I.
Quil’s Mangent Des Médicaments
This is the first of two lectures organized by Fanny Dargent who has a longstanding interest in adolescence and its problems and the dangers of psychotropic medication, along with Ariane Denoyel, who has authored the French version of this lecture below, and is the author of Génération Zombie, the leading book in French on these issues. The talk centres on the case of Romain … [Read more...] about Quil’s Mangent Des Médicaments
Femmes Enceintes et Essais Cliniques
Peter Selley, un collègue médecin, avec qui je suis en contact depuis près de deux ans, il y a un an a commencé à parler d'essais cliniques sur le VRS. Je n'y ai prêté aucune attention, mais il apparaît maintenant qu’il a eu beaucoup plus de flair pour “lever un lièvre”. Par “un lièvre”, j'entends une histoire qui révèle quelque chose d'important sur le monde dans lequel … [Read more...] about Femmes Enceintes et Essais Cliniques
Women, Pregnancy, and Clinical Trials
A year ago, Peter Selley, featured below got interested in the trials for an RSV vaccine. I paid no heed but Peter had smelt a story. Soon after I smelt a related story about efforts to enrol pregnant women in clinical trials. Sixty years after we introduced Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) into the regulations governing the licensing of drugs, aimed at forestalling … [Read more...] about Women, Pregnancy, and Clinical Trials
Si Dieu ne joue pas aux dés, Quid des médecins
Voici une conférence donnée à l’invitation de Consilium Scientific le 18 mai 2023, organisée par Leeza Osipenko. Consilium joue un rôle essentiel dans la remise en question de la qualité des preuves dont nous disposons en médecine, en particulier pour ce qui concerne les essais cliniques randomisés contrôlés (ECR). Ces derniers mois, ils ont été à l’origine d’excellentes … [Read more...] about Si Dieu ne joue pas aux dés, Quid des médecins
Does God Play Dice?
I am due to give a lecture on Thursday. This LINK and the Link below will let people sign in for this. If God Doesn't Play Dice, Should Doctors? This talk presents a new history and analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) making the … [Read more...] about Does God Play Dice?