On Wednesday February 10, I gave a lecture at the Therapeutics Initiative (the T.I.) in Vancouver about the Permanent Sexual Dysfunctions SSRIs and other drugs can cause. See Sex and Evidence Based Medicine. The damage done by these drugs often extends beyond a total and complete inability to feel sexual desire and pleasure to a total inability to feel pleasure of any sort … [Read more...] about I can’t breathe
Being Black
You're a black man walking down a street with a friend. A cop car pulls up and two cops get out and spread-eagle you and your friend up against the car or a wall. They rough you up while they search you. You ask why have they stopped you and they say they don't need to tell you. [There are moves toward having police wear bodycams that record exactly what happens but you … [Read more...] about Being Black
Medically Assisted Death in Canada
Policy Options, a Canadian forum, published the piece below by Jocelyn Downie, David Wright and Mona Gupta, all of whom I know, as a contribution to a wider debate on the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation currently under review in Canada, and especially the question of where does mental illness fit into this mix. The Downie and colleagues published piece is … [Read more...] about Medically Assisted Death in Canada
MAiD in Canada: Enduring Sexual Dysfunctions
See accompanying MAiD in Canada and TRD. Illustration: Lost in Medication © created by Billiam James Canada put Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation in place in June 2016. This allowed for medical assistance in dying in cases where death was reasonably foreseeable. In 2019, in Truchon v Attorney General of Canada, the Superior Court of Québec declared the … [Read more...] about MAiD in Canada: Enduring Sexual Dysfunctions
Sex and Evidence Based Medicine
The University of British Columbia in Vancouver hosts The Therapeutics Initiative an independent group who evaluate all medicines for effectiveness, harms and value in a regular series of Drugs Bulletins dealing with new drugs or emerging problems with older drugs. They were set up in 1994 just when evaluations of this type and Drugs Bulletins were falling out of favour. … [Read more...] about Sex and Evidence Based Medicine
High Noon: Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My….?
In early December 2020, Ian and Tania Morgan had to attend the inquest of their son Samuel in Swansea, South Wales. Sam died in January 2020, a week after he had been put on citalopram by his family doctor, Dr Adams. Sam was pretty close to a healthy volunteer. A 25 year old, sporty, successful at College, with a girlfriend - there was very little wrong with him. He likely … [Read more...] about High Noon: Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My….?
Shipwreck of the Singular: Healthcare’s Castaways
Shipwreck of the Singular, which Samizdat has just published, took more time to write than all my other books combined. The others tumbled out - often in just a few weeks. Unpublishable Pharmageddon took 3 weeks. But it then took 4 years to find a publisher. I took on an agent to help get a publisher. Faced with Shipwreck, the same agent said it would never be published. She … [Read more...] about Shipwreck of the Singular: Healthcare’s Castaways
Sex, Drugs and a Leap Year Proposal
See Sex, Drugs and Bureaucrats for the start of this correspondence. You will need both posts to understand next weeks Suicide, Drugs and Bureaucrats. February 26 Rasi to Healy Thank you for your letter of 31st January 2020 regarding SSRIs and PRACs latest recommendation on the risk of persistent sexual dysfunction after treatment with serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake … [Read more...] about Sex, Drugs and a Leap Year Proposal
Sex, Drugs and Bureaucrats
This post accompanies a Health Canada Warns post on RxISK. The Health Canada statement is classic bureaucratise. They "could not confirm, nor rule out, a causal link between stopping SSRI or SNRI treatment and persistent sexual dysfunction" because "the available studies were not designed to assess this effect" Exactly - deliberately designed not to detect. So the … [Read more...] about Sex, Drugs and Bureaucrats
Shifting Vaccine Confidence
Before 1980 Roughly through to 1980, vaccines were public goods. They were mostly made by national bodies who were publicly funded, although pharmaceutical companies were dipping their toes in the water. They were used for diseases that a national community thought were serious and worth getting vaccinated against – like polio. Few national communities would have … [Read more...] about Shifting Vaccine Confidence