Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Healy D, Dunne M, Duignan J & Heffernan S J (1980). The use of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of retroperitoneal abscesses of the appendix. Irish J of Medical Science, 149, 479.
- Healy D, Carney PA & Leonard BE (1983). Monoamine- related markers of depression: change following treatment. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 17, 251-260.
- Carney P A, Healy D, Leonard B E (1984). A double-blind study to compare trazodone with amitriptyline in depressed patients. Psychopathology 17, supp 2, 37-38.
- Healy, D, Carney, P A & Leonard, B E (1984). Biochemical correlates of antidepressant response. Psychopathology, 17, supp 2, 82-87.
- Healy, D, Carney, P A & Leonard, B E (1984). 5HT induced platelet aggregation, a useful clinical index in depression? British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 17, 202-203p.
- Healy D & Egan E (1984). Centrifugal and anticoagulant induced variations on platelet rich plasma and their influence on platelet aggregation. Scandinavian Journal of Haematology, 32, 452-456.
- Healy D, O’Halloran A, Carney PA & Leonard, BE (1985). Peripheral adrenoceptors and serotonin receptors: changes associated with response to treatment with trazodone or amitriptyline. Journal of Affective Disorders, 9, 285-296.
- Healy D, O’Halloran A, Carney PA & Leonard BE (1986). Normal and abnormal variation in platelet 5HT uptake in control and depressed patients. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 20, 345-354.
- Healy D, O’Halloran A, Carney PA & Leonard BE (1986). Platelet 5HT uptake in delusional and nondelusional depression. J Affective Disorders, 10, 233-239.
- Healy D, O’Halloran A & Leonard B E (1986). Increases in platelet 5HT uptake rates following treatment with “uptake inhibiting drugs”. International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 1, 332-339.
- Healy D (1986). Platelet monoamine uptake in depression: both chicken and egg deserve attention. Human Psychopharmacology 1, 48-49.
- Healy D & Leonard BE (1987). Monoamine transport in depression: kinetics and dynamics. Journal of Affective Disorders 12: 91-105.
- Healy D (1987). The structure of psychopharmacological revolutions. Psychiatric Developments, 5, 349-376.
- Healy D (1987). Rhythm and Blues: neurochemical, neuropharmacological and neuropsychological implications of a hypothesis of circadian rhythm dysfunction in the affective disorders. Psychopharmacology: 93, 271-285.
- Healy D (1987). The comparative psychopathology of animal and human affective disorders. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1, 193-210.
- Healy D & Williams JMG (1988). Dysrhythmia, dysphoria and depression; the interaction of circadian dysrhythmia and learned helplessness in the pathogenesis of depression. Psychological Bulletin 103: 163-210.
- Healy D (1988). Neuropsychopharmacology – gazing into the crystal ball; a reply to Arvid Carlsson. Human Psychopharmacology, 3, 221-223
- Healy D & Williams JMG (1989). Moods, misattributions and mania: an interaction of cognitive and neurobiological factors in the pathogenesis of mania. Psychiatric Developments, 7, 49-70.
- Healy D (1989). Neuroleptics and psychic indifference. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 82, 615-619.
- Williams JMG, Healy D, Teasdale J, White W, Paykel ES (1990). Dysfunctional attitudes and vulnerability to persistent depression. Psychological Medicine, 20, 375-381.
- Healy D, Waterhouse JM (1990). The circadian system and affective disorders: clocks and rhythms. With peer commentary by T Wehr, A Lewy. Chronobiology International, 7, 5-24.
- Healy D (1990). Schizophrenia: basic, release, reactive and defect processes. Human Psychopharmacology, 5, 105-122.
- Watts FN, Dalgleish T, Bourke P, Healy D (1990). Memory deficit in clinical depression: processing resources and structure of material. Psychological Medicine, 20, 345-349.
- Healy, D, Theodorou, A, Whitehouse, A M, White, W, Wilton- Cox, H, Lawrence, K M, Kerry, S, Horton, R W, Paykel, E S (1990). Tritiated imipramine binding to previously frozen platelet membranes from depressed patients before and after treatment. British Journal of Psychiatry 157, 208-218.
- Healy D, Paykel ES, White W, Whitehouse AM, Wilton-Cox H, Johnson T, Lawrence KM, Horton RW (1991). Platelet 3H Imipramine and alpha 2 adrenoceptor binding in normal subjects taking desipramine. Neuropsychopharmacology 4, 117-124.
- Healy D, (1990). The psychopharmacological era: notes toward a history. Journal of Psychopharmacology 4, 152-167.
- Healy, D & Waterhouse J M (1991). Reactive rhythms and endogenous clocks: a shift work model of affective disorders. Psychological Medicine 21, 557-564.
- Healy, D, Paykel, E S, Whitehouse, A M, White W, Ashby M, Brown M, Theodorou A E, Lawrence, K M, Horton, R W (1992). Plasma noradrenaline, adrenaline and DHPG responses to clonidine in control and depressed subjects. Human Psychopharmacology 7, 167-174.
- Healy, D, Paykel, E S, White, W, Whitehouse, A M, Wilton- Cox, H, Theodorou A E Lawrence, K M, Horton, R W (1991). Acid alpha-1 glycoprotein in eating disorders and depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 22, 13-20.
- Theodorou A E, Lawrence K M, Healy, D, Whitehouse, A M, White W, Wilton-Cox, H, Kerry S M, Horton, R W Paykel E S (1991). Platelet alpha-2-adrenoceptors defined with agonist and antagonist ligands in depressed patients prior to and following treatment. Journal of Affective Disorders 23; 99-106.
- Healy D (1991). The marketing of 5-hydroxytryptamine: depression or anxiety? British Journal of Psychiatry, 158, 737-742.
- Healy D (1991). What do 5HT reuptake inhibitors do in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Human Psychopharmacology, 6, 325-328.
- Creaney W, Murray I, Healy D (1991). Antidepressant induced suicidal ideation. Human Psychopharmacology, 6, 329-332.
- Healy D (1991). D1 and D2 and D3. British J of Psychiatry 159, 319-324.
- Healy D (1991). The ethics of psychopharmacology. Changes, 9, 234-247.
- Healy D (1991). Alprazolam and panic disorder. Psychiatric Bulletin 15, 682-683.
- Browne I & Healy D (1992). In Conversation with Ivor Browne. Psychiatric Bulletin 16, 1-9.
- McGrath D & Healy D (1992). In Conversation with Des McGrath. Psychiatric Bulletin 16, 129-137.
- Katona C L E, Healy D, Paykel E S, Theodorou A E, Lawrence K M, Whitehouse A M, White W, Horton R W (1993). Growth hormone and physiological responses to clonidine in depression. Psychological Medicine 23, 57-63.
- Healy D (1993). Psychopharmacology and the ethics of resource allocation. British Journal of Psychiatry 162; 23-29.
- Healy D (1992). Altered states of consciousness: Phenomenology and pharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 6, 425- 435.
- Healy D (1993). One hundred years of psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 7, 207-214.
- Healy D, Minors D, Waterhouse J M (1993). Shiftwork, helplessness and depression. Journal of Affective Disorders 29, 17- 25.
- Moore J N P, Healy D, (1993). Interview with Norman Moore. Irish Bulletin of Psychiatry 1, 7-16.
- Healy D (1993). 5HT and physical illness. Journal of Psychopharmacology 7, suppl. 1, pp 107-111.
- Beaumont G, Healy D (1993). The place of clomipramine in the history of psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 7, 378-388.
- Minors D, Healy D, Waterhouse J M (1994). The attitudes and general health of student nurses before and immediately after their first eight weeks of nightwork. Ergonomics 37, 1355-1362.
- Sandler M, Healy D (1994). The Place of Chemical Pathology in the development of Psychopharmacology. J of Psychopharmacology 8, 124-133.
- Watson F L, Pasteur M A, Healy D, Hughes E A (1994). Nine Parallel versions of four memory tests: An assessment of form equivalence and the effects of practice on performance. Human Psychopharmacology 9, 51-61.
- Healy D (1994). The fluoxetine and suicide controversy. CNS Drugs 1 223-231.
- Claridge G, Healy D (1994). The psychopharmacology of individual differences. Human Psychopharmacology 9, 285-298.
- Wheatley D, Healy (1994). The foundation of the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacology 8, 268-278.
- Healy D, Waterhouse J M (1995). The circadian system and the therapeutics of the affective disorders. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 65, 241-263.
- Fear C, Sharp H, Healy D (1995). Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Notes on its History and Nosology. Journal of Serotonin Research 1, Suppl 1, 1-18.
- Fitzgerald K, Healy D (1995). Dystonias and dyskinesias of the jaw associated with the use of SSRIs. Human Psychopharmacology 10, 215-220.
- Fear C, Sharp H, Healy D (1996). Cognitive processes in Delusional Disorders. Brit J Psychiatry 168, 61-67.
- Healy D (1995). Social Phobia. Primary Care Psychiatry 1, 31-38.
- Fitzgerald K, Williams B, Healy D (1997). Shared Care? Some effects of patient access to medical communications. Journal of Mental Health 6, 37-46.
- Sharp H M, Fear C F, Williams, J M G, Healy D, Lowe C F, Yeadon H, Holden R (1996). Delusional phenomenology: Dimensions of change. Behaviour Research and Therapy 34, 123-142.
- Minors D S, Pirmohamed J, Williams G, Edwards R, Healy D, Waterhouse J. (1995). Circadian rhythms of activity and rectal temperature at home and in hospital: the effects of lifestyle. Chronobiology International 12, 199-205.
- Richter D, Healy D (1995). The origins of mental health-oriented neuroscience in Britain. Journal of Psychopharmacology 9, 392-399.
- Adeniran R, Healy D, Sharp HM, Williams J M G Minors D S, Waterhouse J M (1996). Interpersonal sensitivity predicts depressive symptom response to the circadian rhythm disruption of night work. Psychological Medicine 26, 1211-1221.
- Harborne G C, Watson F L, Healy D, Groves L (1996). The effects of sub-anaesthetic doses of ketamine on memory, cognitive performance and subjective experience in healthy volunteers. Journal of Psychopharmacology 10, 134-140.
- Rees W L, Healy D (1997). The Place of Clinical Trials in the Evolution of Psychopharmacology. History of Psychiatry, 8, 1-20.
- Fear C, Healy D (1997). Probabilistic reasoning in obsessive-compulsive and delusional disorders. Psychological Medicine 27, 199-208.
- Fear C F, Healy D (1996). The use of the Emotional Stroop Test to assess neuroleptic activity. Human Psychopharmacology 11, 373-377.
- Sharp H, Fear C F, Healy D (1997). Attributional style and delusions: An investigation based on delusional content. European Psychiatry 12, 1-7.
- Sharp H M, Healy D, Fear C F (1998). Symptoms or side-effects? Methodological hazards and therapeutic principles. Human Psychopharmacology 13, 467-475.
- Healy D (1998). Meta-analysis of trials comparing antidepressants and active placebos. British Journal of Psychiatry 172, 232-234.
- Fear CF, McMonagle T, Healy D (1998). Delusional Disorders. Boundaries of a Concept. European Psychiatry 13, 210-218 (commentaries by P Pichot and H-J Moller and colleagues).
- Healy D, Farquhar G (1998). The immediate effects of droperidol. Human Psychopharmacology 13, 113-120. See also Gwen Jones Edwards and Phil Thomas. An Eye-Opener. Open Mind and Richard Bentall goes Mad.
- Williams B, Coyle J, Healy D (1998). The meaning of patient satisfaction. An explanation of high reported levels. Social Science & Medicine 47, 1351-1360.
- Rogers A, Day JC, Williams B, Randall F, Wood P, Healy D, Bentall RP (1998). The meaning and management of neuroleptic medication; A study of patients with schizophrenia. Social Science & Medicine 47, 1313-1323
- Healy D, Mc Monagle TM (1997). Enhancement of Social Functioning as a Therapeutic Principle in the Treatment of Depression. J Psychopharmacology 11, S25-S31.
- Healy D, Nutt D (1997). British Association for Psychopharmacology Consensus on Statement on Childhood and Learning Disabilities Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacology 11, 291-294.
- Tranter R, Healy D (1998). Neuroleptic discontinuation syndromes. Journal of Psychopharmacology 12, 306-311.
- Healy D, Savage M (1998). Reserpine exhumed. British J Psychiatry 172, 376-378.
- Healy D, Langmaak C, Savage M (1999). Suicide in the course of the treatment of depression. Journal of Psychopharmacology 13, 94-99.
- Healy D (1998). Reboxetine, fluoxetine and social functioning as an outcome measure in antidepressant trials: implications. Primary Care Psychiatry 4, 81-89.
- Healy D, Nutt D (1998). Prescriptions, licenses and evidence. Psychiatric Bulletin 22, 680-684.
- Healy D, Tranter R (1999). Pharmacologic Stress Diathesis Syndromes. J Psychopharmacology 13, 287-290; with commentaries by H Ashton, A Young and N Ferrier, R Baldessarini, A Viguera and L Tondo, L Hollister, P Haddad and I Anderson, P Tyrer, pp 291-298 & Reply by Healy D & Tranter R – In the shadow of the benzodiazepines p 299.
- Healy D (1999). Guest editorial: A failure to warn. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 12, 151-156.
- Healy D (1999). Reboxetine’s effects on a social adaptation self-evaluation scale. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 101, suppl 402, 45-51.
- Healy D (1998). Pioneers in Psychopharmacology. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 1, 191-194.
- Healy D, Healy H (1998). The clinical pharmacological profile of reboxetine: does it involve the putative neurobiological substrates of wellbeing? Journal of Affective Disorders 51, 313-322.
- Healy D (1999). The Three Faces of the Antidepressants. Critical Comments on the Clinical-Economic Framework of Diagnosis. J Nervous & Mental Disease 187, 174-180.
- Healy D (1999). Antidepressant psychopharmacotherapy: at the crossroads. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 3, S9-S15.
- Healy D (1999). Clinical trials and legal jeopardy. Bulletin of Medical Ethics 153, 13-18.
- Fear C F, Sharp H M, Healy D (2000). Obsessive-compulsive disorder with delusions. Psychopathology 33, 55-61.
- Healy D (2000). Some continuities and discontinuities in the history of the physical therapies before and after chlorpromazine. History of Psychiatry 11, 393-412.
- Healy D (2000). A Dance to the Music of the Century. Psychiatric Bulletin 24, 1-3.
- Healy D (2000). Good Science or Good Business? Hastings Center Report 30, 19-23. One of a series of 5 articles on aspects of the Prozac phenomenon with Carl Elliott, Peter Kramer, James Edwards and David DeGrazia. Republished in Zlatna Greda 14, pp 6-9, with commentary on the circumstances surrounding publication.
- Healy D (2000). The case for an individual approach to the treatment of depression. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 61, supplement 6, 24-28.
- Healy D (2000). The assessment of outcome in depression. Measures of social functioning. Reviews in Contemporary Pharmacotherapy 11, 295-301.
- Healy D (2000). Antidepressant induced suicidality. Primary Care Psychiatry 6, 23-28.
- Healy D (2000). Pioneers in Psychopharmacology II. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 3, 351-354.
- Healy D (2001). Evidence biased psychiatry. Psychiatric Bulletin 25, 290-291.
- Healy D, Savage M, Michael P, Harris M, Hirst D, Carter M, Cattell D, McMonagle T, Sohler N, Susser E (2001). Psychiatric bed utilisation: 1896 and 1996 compared. Psychological Medicine 31, 779-790.
- Williams B, Healy D (2001). Perceptions of illness causation among new referrals to a community mental health team: “explanatory model” or “exploratory map”. Social Science & Medicine 53, 465-476.
- Boardman A, Healy D (2001). Modeling suicide risk in affective disorders. European Psychiatry 16, 400-405.
- Williams B, Healy D (2001). Development of an explanatory model for “minor” mental health problems. Journal of Advanced Nursing 35, 108-116.
- Healy D (2001). The dilemmas posed by new and fashionable treatments. Advances in Psychiatric Therapy 7, 322-327.
- Healy D (2001). Psychopharmacology and the Government of the Self.
A) Nature, Medicine, Website publication complete with slides, 28th June.
B) This has also appeared on
C) The has been translated as Psicofarmcologia y dominacion del ego, and appeared complete with slides in the periodical La Insignia.
D) Also published in The Rights Tenet, Spring 2002, pages 6-20 &
E) In Misuzu (Japanese) in November 2004, pp 18-32.
F) Trajectory in Psychopharmacology: The role of the clinician and industry. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2003, 45, 49-56, with response from H Meltzer p 57 and J Kane p 58.
G) La Psychopharmacologie et le Gouvernement de Soi. In Psythère. Revue de Psychiatrie. - Tranter R, Healy H, Cattell D, Healy D (2002). Functional variations in agents differentially selective to monoaminergic systems. Psychological Medicine 32, 517-524.
- Healy D (2002). Conflicting interests in Toronto: anatomy of a controversy at the interface of academia and industry. Perspectives in Biology & Medicine 45, 250-263.
- Herxheimer A, Healy D (2002). Arrhythmias and sudden death in patients taking antipsychotic drugs. British Medical Journal 325, 1253-1254.
- Healy D (2002). Mandel Cohen and the Origins of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Third Edition: DSM-III. History of Psychiatry 13, 209-230.
- Foster J, Finlayson S, Bentall R, Day J, Randall F, Wood P, Reid D, Rogers A, Healy D (2003). The perceived expressed emotion in staff scale. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 10,109-117.
- Harris M, Chandran S, Chakroborty N, Healy D (2003). Mood stabilizers: the archaeology of the concept. Bipolar Disorders 5, 446-452, with commentary by Paul Grof.
- Healy D, Thase M (2003). Is academic psychiatry for sale? British J Psychiatry 182, 1-3.
- Healy D (2003). Lines of evidence on the risks of suicide with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 72, 71-79.
- Healy D, Cattell D (2003). The Interface between authorship, industry and science in the domain of therapeutics. British Journal of Psychiatry 182, 22-27.
- Healy D, Whitaker CJ. (2003). Antidepressants and suicide: risk-benefit conundrums. J Psychiatry & Neuroscience 28 (5) 331-339, with response by Y Lapierre 340-349.
- Healy D (2003). In the grip of the python: conflicts at the university-industry interface. Science and Engineering Ethics, Special Issue Ethical Issues in Research at the University Industry Interface (PA- R). 9, 59-72.
- Healy D (2003). Psychopharmacology 102. What they neglected to mention in psychopharmacology 101. The Clinical Psychologist 56, 10-27. With commentaries by D Antonuccio & W Danton, I Kirsch, R Levant & M Sammons, M Mavissakalian, and Michael Thase.
- Healy D (2004). Shaping the Intimate. Influences on the Experience of Everyday Nerves. Social Studies of Science 34, 219-245.
- Healy D (2004). Conflicting Interests: The evolution of an issue. Monash Review of Bioethics 23, 8-18.
- Healy D (2004). Perspective. Manufacturing Consensus. Hasting Center Reports July-August, 53.
- Healy D (2004). Psychopharmacologie et Histoire: Un Manifeste. Psychiatrie, Sciences Humaines et Neurosciences 2, 3-7.
- Healy D, Harris M, Cattell D, Michael P, Chalasanni P, Hirst D (2005). Service Utilisation in 1896 and 1996: Morbidity and Mortality data from North Wales. History of Psychiatry 16, 27-41.
- Chalassani P, Healy D, Morriss R (2005). Presentation and frequency of catatonia in new admissions to two acute psychiatric admission units in India and Wales. Psychological Medicine 35, 1667-1675.
- Harris M, Chandran S, Chakroborty N, Healy D (2005). Service Utilization in Bipolar Disorder, 1890 and 1990 compared. History of Psychiatry 16, 423-434.
- Fergusson D, Doucette S, Cranley-Glass K, Shapiro S, Healy D, Hebert P, Hutton B (2005). The association between suicide attempts and SSRIs: A systematic review of 677 randomized controlled trials representing 85,470 participants. British Medical Journal 330, 396-399.
- Healy D, Aldred G (2005). Antidepressant drug use and the risk of suicide. International Review of Psychiatry 17, 163-172.
- Day JC, Bentall RP, Roberts D, Randall F, Rogers A, Cattell D, Healy D, Rae P, Power C (2005). Attitudes towards antipsychotic medication. The impact of clinical variables and relationships with health professionals. Arch Gen Psychiatry 62, 717-724.
- Healy D (2005). Contra Pfizer. Ethical Human Psychology & Psychiatry 7, 181-195.
- Healy D, Herxheimer A, Menkes D (2006). Antidepressants and violence: Problems at the interface of medicine and law. PLoS Medicine 3, Sept. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030372
- Healy D, Herxheimer A, Menkes D (2007). Antidepressants and violence: Problems at the interface of medicine and law. Int J Risk & Safety Medicine 19, 17-33.
- Healy D (2006). Manufacturing Consensus. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 30, 135-156. doi: 10.1007/s11013-006-9013-3
- Healy D (2006). The Antidepressant Tale: Figures Signifying Nothing? Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 12, 320-328. Commentary by J Geddes.
- Healy D (2006). Neuroleptics and mortality: a 50-year cycle. British Journal of Psychiatry 188, 128.
- Healy D, Harris M, Tranter R, Gutting P, Austin R, Jones-Edwards G, Roberts AP (2006). Lifetime suicide rates in treated schizophrenia: 1875-1924 and 1994-1998 cohorts compared. British Journal of Psychiatry 188, 223-228. With Commentary by T Turner, 229-230.
- Healy D (2006). Did regulators fail over selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. BMJ 333, 92-95.
- Healy D (2006). The Latest Mania. Selling Bipolar Disorder. PloS Medicine. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0030185
- Tschinkel S, Harris M, Le Noury J, Healy D (2007). Postpartum psychosis: two cohorts compared, 1875-1924 and 1994-2005. Psychological Medicine 37, 529-536. doi: 10/1017/S0033291706009202
- Farquhar F, Le Noury J, Tschinkel S, Harris M, Kurien R, Healy D (2007). The incidence and prevalence of manic-melancholic syndromes in North West Wales: 1875-2005. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia 115, (suppl 433), 37-43.
- Healy D (2007). The New Engineers of Human Souls and Academia. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 16. 205-211.
- Healy D, Le Noury J (2007). Paediatric Bipolar Disorder. An object of study in the creation of an illness. Int J Risk & Safety in Medicine 19, 209-221.
- Healy D (2007). The New Anecdotes. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 9, 131-137.
- Healy D, Savage M, Tranter R, Austin R, Ijaz Q, Hughes JA, Oberholzer D, Gutting P, Roberts AP (2007). Guidelines, Tramlines, and Faultlines. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 9, 238-244.
- Reseland S, Le Noury J, Aldred G, Healy D (2008). National suicide rates 1961-2003: further analysis of Nordic data for suicide, autopsies and ill-defined death rates. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 77, 78-82
- Healy D (2008). Our Censored Journals. Mens Sana Monographs 6, 244-256.
- Healy D (2008). Irrational Healers? Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 77, 198-200. doi: 10.1159/000126070
- Healy D, Harris M, Farquhar F, Tschinkel S, LeNoury J (2008). Historical overview: Kraepelin’s impact on psychiatry. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 258, suppl 2, 18-24.
- Le Noury J, Khan A, Harris M, Wong W, Williams D, Tranter R, Healy D (2008). The incidence and prevalence of diabetes in patients with serious mental illness in North West Wales: Two cohorts 1875-1924 and 1994-2006 compared. BMC Psychiatry 8: 67. doi: 10.1186/1471-244X-8-67
- Healy D (2009). Trussed in Evidence: Ambiguities at the interface of clinical practice and clinical evidence. Transcultural Psychiatry 46, 16-37. doi: 10.1177/1363461509102285
- Healy D, Brent D (2009). Are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors a risk factor for adolescent suicides? Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 54, 69-71.
- Healy D (2009). Perplexity is our product. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 54, 76.
- Tranter R, Bell D, Gutting P, Harmer C, Healy D, Anderson I (2009). The effect of serotonergic and noradrenergic antidepressants on emotional processing in clinically depressed patients. Journal of Affective Disorders
- Healy D, Morgan R, Chinnaswamy S (2009). Transient global amnesia associated with statin intake. BMJ Case Reports. doi: 10.1136/bcr.06.2008.0033
- Healy D, Mangin D (2009). The Once and Future Psychiatry. Academic Medicine 84, 418-420.
- Davies P, Healy D, Davies E, Green P (2009). Selenium and stereotypies in a mental health setting. BMJ Case Reports 2009. doi: 10.1136/bcr.07.2009.2053
- Linden S, Harris M, Whitaker C, Healy D (2010). Religion and psychosis. The effects of the Welsh Religious Revival 1904-1905. Psychological Medicine 40, 1317-1324. doi: 10.1017/S0033291709991917
- Healy D, Mangin D, Mintzes B (2010). The ethics of randomized placebo controlled trials of antidepressants with pregnant women. Internat J of Risk and Safety in Medicine 22, 7-16. doi: 10.3233/JRS-2010-0487
- Healy D, Mangin D, Mintzes (2010). Risky Business. Hastings Center Reports, July, p.7
- Johnston S, Boehm S, Healy D, Goebel R, Linden DE (2010). Neurofeedback: a promising tool for the self-regulation of emotion networks. Neuroimage 49, 1066-1072.
- Linden SC, Jackson MC, Subramanian L, Wolf C, Green P, Healy D, Linden DEJ (2010). Emotion-cognition interactions in schizophrenia: Implicit and explicit effects of facial expression Neuropsychologia.
- Le Noury J, Tatineni R, Healy D (2010). Perceptions of adult ADHD. International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine 22, 55-58. doi: 10.3233/JRS-2010-0492
- Parker G, Fink M, Shorter E, Taylor MA, Akiskal H,Berrios G, Bolwig T, Brown WA, Carroll B, Healy D, Klein DF., Koukopoulos A, Michels R, Paris J, Rubin RT, Spitzer R, Swartz C (2010) Whither Melancholia? The Case for its Classification as a Distinct Mood Disorder. American J Psychiatry 167, 745-746.
- Johnston S, Linden DE, Healy D, Goebel R, Habes I, Boehm S (2010). Upregulation of emotion areas through neurofeedback with a focus on positive mood. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral NeuroScience doi: 1013758/s13415-010-0010-1
- Healy D (2010). Treatment-induced stress syndromes. Medical Hypotheses.
- Linden DEJ, Habes I, Johnston SJ, Linden S, Tatineni R, Subramanian L, Sorger B, Healy D, Goebel R. Real-time self-regulation of emotion networks improves depression. Science.
- Harris M, Farquhar F, Healy D, Le Noury J, Baker D, Whitaker CJ, Linden S, Green P, Roberts AP (2011). The incidence and prevalence of admissions for melancholia in two cohorts (1875-1924 and 1995-2005). J of Affective Disorders, 134, 45-51. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2011.06.015
- Francis AN, Fink M, Appiani F, Bertelsen A, Bolwig T, Braeunig P, Caroff SN, Carroll BT, Cavanna A, Cohen D, Cottencin O, Cuesta NJ, Daniels J, Dhossche D, Fricchione G, Gazdag G, Neera G, Healy D, Klein D, Krueger S, Lee J, Mann S, Mazurek M, McCall V, McDaniel W, Northoff G, Peralta V, Petrides G, Rosebush P, Rummans T, Shorter E, Suzuki K, Thomas P, Vaiva G, Wachtel L. Catatonia in DSM 5, Journal of ECT, 26, 246-247.
- Rosenlicht N, Tsai AC, Parry PI, Spielmans G, Jureidini J, Healy D. Aripiprazole in the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder: A critical review of the evidence and its dissemination into the scientific literature. PLoS Medicine, 8, e10000434.
- Linden SC, Jackson MC, Subramanian L, Healy D, Linden D (2011) Sad benefit in face working memory: an emotional bias in melancholic depression. J Affective Disorders 135, 252-257. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2011.08.002
- Healy D, Le Noury J, Linden SC, Harris, M, Whitaker C, Linden D, Baker D, Roberts AP (2012). The incidence of admissions for schizophrenia and related psychoses in two cohorts: 1875–1924 and 1994–2010. BMJ Open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000447
- Healy D, Mangin D, Antonuccio D. Data Based Medicine. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics.
- Wolf C, Linden S, Jackson MC, Healy D, Baird A, Linden D, Thome J (2011) Brain activity supporting working memory accuracy in patients with paranoid schizophrenia: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuropsychobiology 64, 93-101.
- Healy D (2011). Science, rhetoric and the causality of adverse events. Int J Risk & Safety in Medicine 24, 1-14. doi: 10.3233/JRS-2011-534
- Body D, Edwards IR, Hartigan Go K, Herxheimer A, Labadie J, Healy D (2011). Is there a need for Forensic Pharmacovigilance as a specialty. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 23, 31-42.
- Healy D, Le Noury J, Harris M, Butt M, Linden S, Whitaker C, Zou L, Roberts AP (2012). Mortality in schizophrenia and related psychoses: data from two cohorts, 1875-1924 and 1994-2010. BMJ Open 2012;2:e001810. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001810
- Herxheimer A, Healy D, Menkes D (2012). Case histories as evidence. International J Risk & Safety in Medicine 24, 23-29. doi: 10.3233/JRS-2012-0549
- Persaud N, Healy D (2012). Epidemiological evidence in forensic pharmacovigilance. International J Risk & Safety in Medicine 24, 31-35. doi: 10.3233/JRS-2012-0550
- Healy D (2012). Medical partisans? Why doctors need conflicting interests. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 46(8) 704–707. doi: 10.1177/0004867412454197
- Healy D (2012). Controlled trials and adverse events: lessons from the history of antidepressants and suicide. Radical Statistics.
- Habes I, Krall SC, Johnson SJ, Yuen KSL, Healy D, Goebel R, Sorger B, Linden DEJ (2013). Pattern classification of valence in depression. Neuroimage: Clinical 2, 675-683.
- Healy D, Mangin D, Antonuccio D (2013). Data based medicine and clinical judgement. International J of Risk & Safety in Medicine 25, 111-121. With commentary by Edwards R. Data and Evidence, There is a Difference, IJRSM 25, 123-129.
- Harris M, Farquhar F, Healy D, Le Noury J, Linden S, Hughes A, Roberts AP (2013). The morbidity and mortality linked to melancholia: two cohorts compared, 1875–1924 and 1995–2005. History of Psychiatry 24, 3-14.
- Healy D (2013). Catatonia from Kahlbaum to DSM-5. Australian and NZ Journal of Psychiatry. doi: 10.1177/0004867413486584
- Doshi P, Dickersin K, Healy D, Vedula SS, Jefferson T (2013). Restoring invisible and abandoned trials: a call for people to publish the findings. BMJ 346: f2865. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f2865
- Atigari O, Kelly AM, Jabeen Q, Healy D (2013). New onset alcohol dependence linked to treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Int J of Risk & Safety in Medicine 25, 105-109.
- Atigari O, Healy D (2013). Pro-convulsant effects: A neglected dimension of psychotropic activity. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. doi: 10-1177/0004867413495469
- Healy D (2013). Melancholia: Past and Present. Can J Psychiatry 58, 190-194.
- Atigari O, Healy D (2013). Sustained antidepressant response to ketamine. BMJ Case Reports. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-200370
- Lefever-Watson D, Arcona, A, Antonuccio D, Healy D (2013). Shooting the messenger: the case of ADHD. J Contemporary Psychotherapy. doi: 10.1007/s10879-013-9244-x
- Basa F, Harris M, Syed MA, LeNoury J, Healy D (2014). Mental health admissions in paediatric populations in North Wales: two cohorts compared 1875-1924 and 1994-2008. BMJ Open. 4:e004331. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2013-00433
- Atigari O, Harris M, Hogan C, LeNoury J, Healy D (subm). Incidence, prevalence and outcomes of admissions for Bipolar Disorder: Two cohorts compared 1875-1924 and 1904-2007. Bipolar Disorder.
- Atigari O, Healy D (2013). Etanercept and schizophrenia like psychosis. BMJ Case Reports. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-200464
- Atigari, Hogan C, Healy D (2013). Doxycycline and suicidality. BMJ Case Reports. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-200723
- Healy D, Bechtold K, Tolias P (2014). Antidepressant-Induced Suicidality: How translational epidemiology incorporating pharmacogenetics into controlled trials can improve clinical care. Personalized Medicine 11, 79-88.
- Healy D, Howe G, Mangin D (2014). Sudden cardiac death & the Reverse Dodo Verdict. International J Risk & Safety in Medicine 26, 71-79.
- Brookwell L, Hogan C, Mangin D, Healy D (2014). Ninety-three cases of alcohol dependence following SSRI treatment. Int J Risk & Safety in Medicine 26, 99-107.
- Hogan C, Le Noury J, Healy D, Mangin D (2014). One hundred and twenty cases of enduring sexual dysfunction following treatment. International J Risk and Safety in Medicine 26, 109-116.
- Healy D, Mangin D, Applbaum K (2014). The shipwreck of the singular. Social Studies of Science 44, 518-523.
- Healy D (2014). Psychiatric ‘diseases’ in history. History of Psychiatry 25, 450-458.
- Hogberg G, Antonuccio D, Healy D (2015). Suicidal risk from TADS study was higher than it first appeared. Int J Risk & Safety in Medicine 27, 85-91.
- Healy D. Interview with Steven Katz and Kevin Peters. Dementia 2015; 14; 361-369.
- Naudet F, Falissard B, Boussageon R, Healy D (2015). Has evidence-based medicine left quackery behind? Internal and Emergency Medicine. 2015 Aug; 10(5): 631-4
- Healy D (2015). Serotonin and depression. The marketing of a myth. BMJ 2015.
- Le Noury J, Nardo JM, Healy D, Jureidini J, Raven M, Tufanaru C, Abi-Jaoude E (2015). Restoring Study 329: efficacy and harms of paroxetine and imipramine in treatment of major depression in adolescence. BMJ 2015 Sep 16.
- Atigari O, Harris M, Le Noury J, Healy D (2016). Bipolar disorder and its outcomes: two cohorts, 1875-1924 and 1994-2007, compared. History of Psychiatry 27, 75-84, doi: 10.1177/0957154X15624601
- Healy D, Le Noury J, Mangin D (2016). Links between serotonin reuptake inhibition during pregnancy and neurodevelopmental delay/spectrum disorders: A systematic review of epidemiological and physiological evidence. Int J Risk & Safety in Medicine 28, 125-141.
- Le Noury J, Nardo JM, Healy D, Jureidini J, Raven M, Tufanaru C, Abi-Jaoude E (2016). Study 329 continuation phase: Safety and efficacy of paroxetine and imipramine in extended treatment of adolescent major depression. Int J Risk & Safety in Medicine 28, 143-161.
Healy D, Le Noury J, Mangin D. Enduring sexual dysfunction after treatment with antidepressants, 5α-reductase inhibitors and isotretinoin: 300 cases. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2018;29(3-4):125-134.
- Healy D. Citizen petition: Sexual side effects of SSRIs and SNRIs. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2018;29(3-4):135-147.
- Healy D. The crisis in Cochrane: Evidence Debased Medicine. Indian J Med Ethics. 2019 Jan-Mar;4(1):52-54. Epub 2018 Nov 5.
- Healy D, Le Noury J, Jureidini J. Paediatric antidepressants: Benefits and risks. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2019;30(1):1-7.
- Bérard A, Levin M, Sadler T, Healy D. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Use During Pregnancy and Major Malformations: The Importance of Serotonin for Embryonic Development and the Effect of Serotonin Inhibition on the Occurrence of Malformations. Bioelectricity. Mar 2019. 18-29.
- Healy D, Le Noury J, Mangin D. Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction: Patient experiences of engagement with healthcare professionals. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2019;30(3):167-178.
Healy D. Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction & other enduring sexual dysfunctions. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2019 Sep 23;29:e55.
- Healy D, Mangin D. Clinical judgments, not algorithms, are key to patient safety-an essay by David Healy and Dee Mangin. BMJ. 2019 Oct 2;367:l5777.
- Healy D. Antidepressants for minors: Benefits, risks and Peter Gøtzsche. Bipolar Disorder 2019 Dec;21(8):797-798.
- Healy D. (2020). Love in the dream drugstore. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics DOI:10.20529/IJME.2020.029.
- Healy D, LaPalme J, Levin M. Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction: A Bioelectric Mechanism? Bioelectricity. Mar 2020. 7-13.
- Healy D. Antidepressants and sexual dysfunction: a history. J R Soc Med. 2020 Apr;113(4):133-135.
- Johnson RM, Doshi P, Healy D. Covid-19: Should doctors recommend treatments and vaccines when full data are not publicly available? BMJ. 2020 Aug 24;370:m3260.
- Bijl D, Healy D. Inadequate evaluation of potential side effects of sildenafil in preterm stopped Dutch trial. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2020;31(3):145-148.
- Healy D. Reducing medication has become a privilege of wealth in western settings. Indian J Med Ethics. 2022 Jul-Sep;VII(3):226-229.
- Healy D. Whistleblowing without names is hearsay. Indian J Med Ethics. 2022 Jul-Sep;VII(3):194-196.
- Healy D, Mangin D, Lochhead J. Development and persistence of patient-reported visual problems associated with serotonin reuptake inhibiting antidepressants. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2022;33(1):37-47.
- Healy D, Bahrick A, Bak M, Barbato A, Calabrò RS, Chubak BM, Cosci F, Csoka AB, D’Avanzo B, Diviccaro S, Giatti S, Goldstein I, Graf H, Hellstrom WJG, Irwig MS, Jannini EA, Janssen PKC, Khera M, Kumar MT, Le Noury J, Lew-Starowicz M, Linden DEJ, Lüning C, Mangin D, Melcangi RC, Rodríguez OWMAAS, Panicker JN, Patacchini A, Pearlman AM, Pukall CF, Raj S, Reisman Y, Rubin RS, Schreiber R, Shipko S, Vašečková B, Waraich A. Diagnostic criteria for enduring sexual dysfunction after treatment with antidepressants, finasteride and isotretinoin. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2022;33(1):65-76.
- Gøtzsche PC, Healy D. Restoring the two pivotal fluoxetine trials in children and adolescents with depression. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2022;33(4):385-408.
- Healy D, Germán Roux A, Dressen B. The coverage of medical injuries in company trial informed consent forms. Int J Risk Saf Med. 2023;34(2):121-128.
- Healy D. Diagnosis, Verdict, Conclusion, and Causality. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Mar 2023, DOI: 10.1891/EHPP-2023-0001.
- Healy D. Towards Zombie Psychiatry. Indian J Med Ethics, 2022, 7.
- Selley P, Healy D. Boytchev H. Maternal RSV vaccine: Further analysis is urged on preterm births. BMJ 2023; 381: p1021. See also Healy D, Selley P. Are Journalists the Answer to Clinical Medicines Cause and Effect Problem? on
- Healy D. The Past, Present and Future of Anticholinergic Drugs. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. 2023, 13, 1-9.
- Healy D. Randomized Controlled Assays and Randomized Controlled Trials: A Category Error with Consequences. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 2023.
- Healy D, Laporte J-R, Denoyel A. Pharmacovigilance. An Ethical Issue for Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry and Pharmacists?
- Healy D. Auditing Electroconvulsive Therapy. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 2023.
- Healy D. Zen and the Art of Moodcycle Maintenance. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 2023.
- Gandhi P, Healy D Bozinoff N. The Emergence of Severe Alcohol Use Disorder After Initiation of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Therapy. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2023.
- Healy D, Mangin D. Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction: barriers to quantifying incidence and prevalence. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 2024 Sep 18;33:e40.
- Healy D. Sexual and Fertility Effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors: What Role for Informed Consent? Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Nov 2024.
Book Chapters
- Healy D, Carney PA & Leonard B E (1985). Circadian abnormalities in platelet 5HT reuptake in depression. In Circadian Rhythms in the Central Nervous System, ed Redfern PH et al. Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, 249-252.
- Healy D (1988). Olfactory Bulbectomy and Depression. In Animal Models of Psychiatric Disorders ed Soubrie P et al, 1, 110-114, Karger, Basel.
- Healy D and Paykel ES (1989). The Neurochemistry of Depression. In Modern Perspectives in the Psychiatry of the Affective Disorders, ed Howells, J G, Brunner/Mazel, New York. pps 20-50.
- Healy, D (1990). Rhythm and Blues. In Antidepressants: Thirty Years On, ed Leonard B E, Spencer P CNS Neuroscience Publishers, London, 169-175.
- Healy D (1991). The Role of Irish Members in the Medico- Psychological Association. Plus ca Change. In 150 Years of British Psychiatry ed Berrios G E, Freeman H L, Gaskell, pp 314- 320.
- Healy D, Paykel E S (1992). Neurochemical Correlates of Affective Processes. In Asbury A K, McKhann G M & McDonald W I, Diseases of the Nervous System, Harcourt Brace and Jovanovich, PP 815-830.
- Lynch T & Healy D (1993). In Conversation with Tom Lynch. In Talking About Psychiatry, ed Wilkinson G, Gaskell Press, London.
- Healy D (1993). Dysphoria. In Symptoms of Depression. ed Costello G Wiley J., pp 24-45.
- Healy D (1993). Neuropsychology, pharmacopsychology and schizophrenia. in Schizophrenia: Aspects and Controversies ed Bogte H, Verhoeven W M A, Foundation of Neuropsychiatry, Maastricht, pp 30 – 40.
- Healy D (1995). Involving users in mental health services in the era of the word- processor and the database. in Community Care: Evaluation of the Provision of Mental Health Services ed Crosby C, Barry M, Avebury Press, Aldershot, 209-231.
- Healy D, Watson F (1995). Human volunteers in human psychopharmacology: Problems and opportunities. in Hindmarch I, Stonier P eds. Human Psychophar-macology: Materials and Methods, Vol 5, J Wiley, Chichester, pp 63-87.
- Healy D (1996). Psychopharmacology in the new medical state. in Eds Healy D, Doogan D Psychotropic Drug Development: Social Economic and Political Issues, Chapman and Hall, London, pp 15-39.
- Healy D, Doogan D (1996). Psychopharmacology in a time of transition. in Eds Healy D, Doogan D, Psychotropic Drug Development: Social Economic and Political Issues, Chapman and Hall, London.
- Healy D (1996). Irish Psychiatry in the Twentieth Century: Notes Towards a History. in 150 Years of British Psychiatry, Vol 2 ed Freeman H & Berrios GE, Athlone Press, London, 268-291.
- Healy D (1996). The history of British Psychopharmacology. in 150 Years of British Psychiatry, Vol 2 ed Freeman H, Berrios GE, Athlone Press, London, p 61-88.
- Bentall R, Day J, Rogers A, Healy D, Stevenson R C (1996). Side effects of Neuroleptic Medication: Assessment and impact on outcome of psychotic disorders. in Hdbk of Mental Health Economics and Health Policy, Vol 1 Schizophrenia Ed Moscarelli M, Rupp A & Sartorius N, J Wiley & Sons Chichester, p 133-148.
- Healy D (1998). Drugs & Industry. In Ban TA, Healy D, Shorter E (eds). The Rise of Psychopharmacology & The Story of the CINP, Animula, Budapest. p 51-55.
- Healy D (1999). The Origin of the Antidepressants. In Freeman HF (Ed), A Century of Psychiatry, Volume 1, Mosby London, pp 169-173.
- Healy D (1999). Arvid Carlsson. In Freeman HF (Ed), A Century of Psychiatry, Volume 1, Mosby, London pp 180-181.
- Healy D (1999). Psychopharmacology 2000. In Freeman HF (ed), A Century of Psychiatry, Volume 2, Mosby London, 352-358.
- Healy D, McMonagle T (1998). The Prophylaxis of Affective Episodes, O’Mahoney G, Lucey JV, Understanding Psychiatric Treatment, J Wiley & Sons, pp 115-131.
- Healy D (2000). The Antidepressant Story. In Nowotny H, Folkers G, Sternwarten-Buch Vol 2, Haffmans Sachbuch Verlag Zurich, pp 269-302.
- Healy D (2001). The Antidepressant Drama. In Weissman M ed. Treatment of Depression. Bridging the 21st Century. Proc Am Psychopathological Assoc Meeting March 1999, APA Press, Washington D.C pp 7-34.
- Healy D (2001). The SSRI Suicides. In Newnes C, Holmes G, Dunn C (ed), This is Madness Too. PCSS Books, Ross-on-Wye, pp 59-69.
- Healy D (2001). Fifty Years of Depression. In Dawson A, Tylee A (eds.) Depression: social and economic timebomb. BMJ Books, London, pp.45-48.
- Randall F, Wood P, Day J, Bentall R, Rogers A, Healy D (2001). Enhancing appropriate adherence with neuroleptic medication: Two contrasting approaches. In Morrison AP (ed). A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis. Brunner-Routledge, London, 281-298.
- Healy D (2002). Antipsychotics: The Historical Record. In Green B (ed). Focus on Antipsychotics, Petroc Press, Berkshire, pp 4-9.
- Healy D (2002). Depression. In The New Dictionary of Pastoral Studies, ed Carr W, et al, SPCK Press, London, pp 92-94.
- Healy D, Kuhn R, Simon P, Broadhurst A, Shorter E, Battegay R, Voelkel A, Cahn CH (2002). The Imipramine Dossier. In Ban T, Healy D, Shorter E (ed), From Neuropsychopharmacology to Psychopharmacology in the 1980s. Animula, Budapest, pp 281-352.
- Healy D (2004). Psychopharmacology at the Interface between the market and the New Biology. In Rose SPR, Bateson P, Perils and Progress, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 232-248.
- Healy D (2005). Psychopharmacological histories through the looking glass of advancing years. In Curran S, Bullock R (eds), Psychopharmacology for the Aged, Practical Aspects, Ratcliffe Medical Press.
- Healy D (2004). You Have No Right to Present this Research. In Bruneau W, Turk JL (ed.) Disciplining Dissent. Lorimer Toronto, pp 53-73.
- Healy D (2004). The Foundation of the British Association of Psychopharmacology. In Ban T, Healy D, Shorter E, Psychopharmacology Retrospective, Animula, Budapest.
- Healy D (2004). Good Science or Good Business. In Chambers T, Elliott C (eds). Prozac as a Way of Life. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill S Carolina, 72-79.
- Healy D (2005). The Medico-legal interface between Law and Science: From Thalidomide to Prozac. In Tomossy G, et al.
- Healy D (2004). Drug Regulation and the introduction of psychotropic drugs in the United Kingdom. In Ban T, Healy D, Shorter E. Reflections on Twentieth Century Psychopharmacology. Animula, Budapest, pp 94-97.
- Healy D (2004). Michael Shepherd, Founder and Vice-President (1957-1958). In Ban T, Healy D, Shorter E. Reflections on Twentieth Century Psychopharmacology. Animula, Budapest, pp 577-578.
- Healy D (2004). The History of the British Association for Psychopharmacology. In Ban T, Healy D, Shorter E. Reflections on Twentieth Century Psychopharmacology. Animula, Budapest, pp 628-630.
- Healy D (2005). Shaping Discontent. The Roles of Science and Marketing. In Pietekainen P (ed). Modernity and Its Discontents: Sceptical Essays on the Psycho-medical Management of Malaise. Stockholm: Ax:son Johnson Foundation, pp 33-48.
- Healy D (2004). A l’heure des antidépresseurs. In Chapelle G (ed). Le Moi. Du Normal au pathologique. Éditions Sciences Humaines, Auxerre, 319-325.
- Healy D (2006). The New Medical Oikumene. In Petryna A, Lakoff A, Kleinman A (ed) Global Pharmaceuticals. Ethics, Markets, Practices. Duke University Press, Durham, pp 61-84
- Healy D (2006). Psychopharmacology and the Quantities of the Brain. In Ban T, Ucha Udabe R, (Ed) The Neurotransmitter Era in Neuropsychopharmacology in a Historical Perspective. Editorial Polemos, Buenos Aires, pp 247-254.
- Healy D (2007). Folie to Folly, The Modern Mania for Bipolar Disorders and Mood Stabilizers. In Tone A, Watkins ES (ed). Medicating Modern America. Prescription Drugs in History. New York University Press pp 42-62.
- Healy D, Le Noury J (2007). Bipolar Syndrome by Proxy. The Strange Case of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder. In Olfman S (ed). Bipolar Disorder in Children: Cutting Edge Controversies. Praeger Press, 12-27
- Healy D (2008). The Intersection of Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. In Wallace ER, Gach J (eds) History of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. New York, Springer, pp 419-437.
- Healy D (2008). Birth, Ritalin, Prozac, Viagra, Death. In Bennett , Carney T, Karpin I (eds). The Brave New World of Health. Federation Press, Sydney p 112-127.
- Healy D, Moore N (2008). Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders. In Boxtel CJ van, Santoso B, Edwards IR (eds). Drug Benefits and Risks: International Textbook of Clinical Pharmacology. IOS Press, p 675-684.
- Healy D (2008). Academic Stalking and Brand Fascism. In Turk J, Thompson J Universities at Risk: How Politics, Special Interests and Corporatization Threaten Academic Integrity. Lorimer Press, Toronto p 108-137.
- Healy D (2009). Notes Towards A Future History of Treatments for Cognitive Failure. In Treating Dementia. Do We Have a Pill for That? Ed. Jess Ballenger, Peter Whitehouse, Constantine Lyketsos, Peter Rabins and Jason Karlawish. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore pp 25-41.
- Healy D (2010). From Mania to Bipolar Disorder, Yatham L, Maj M (eds) Bipolar Disorder: Clinical and Neurobiological Foundations, J Wiley & Sons, New York, pp 1-7.
- Healy D (2011). Dependence on Drugs. HAI Holland.
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Abstracts, Reviews, Consensus Statements, Letters
- Healy D, Carney A P, Leonard B E (1984). Abnormalities in the Circadian Regulation of 5HT Uptake into the Platelets of Depressed Persons. Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology.
- Healy D, Carney A P, O’Halloran A (1984). Use of a Microcomputer to rate Depression in a West of Ireland Population. Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology.
- Healy D, Paykel E S, Theodorou A E, Horton R (1988). The effect of treatment with and withdrawal from antidepressants on platelet 3H Imipramine binding in volunteers. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2, 2
- Healy, D (1988). Antidepressants and Mania. American Journal of Psychiatry, 145, 706-707.
- Healy D (1988). Rhythm & Blues: the role of the circadian rhythm disturbances in the pathogenesis of the affective disorders. J Psychopharmacology, 2, 3 abstract.
- Healy D (1987). Depression & Mania; Modern Lithium Treatment. Journal of Psychopharmacology 1, 274-275.
- Healy D, Paykel ES, Whitehouse AM, White W, Brown M, Ashby M, Theordorou AE, Horton RW (1989). Plasma noradrenaline, adrenaline and DHPG levels in depression before and after clonidine. J Psychopharmacology 3, 4.
- Healy D (1990). Prescribing rights for psychologists? The Psychologist 556-557.
- Healy D (1991). Biological bases of dementia. Journal of Psychopharmacology 5, 437-444.
- Creaney W, Murray I, Healy D (1992). Antidepressant induced suicidal ideation. Journal of Psychopharmacology 6, Abstracts of Annual BAP Meeting, 120.
- Healy D, Calvert J, White W, Whitehouse AM Paykel E S (1992) Acid Alpha-1 Glycoprotein levels in Depression. Journal of Psychopharmacology 6, Abstracts of Annual Meeting 1991.
- Healy D (1991). Altered States of Consciousness: Phenomenology and Pharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology Abstracts of Annual Meeting.
- Healy D (1992). Pandora’s Box. Journal of Psychopharmacology 6, 444-446.
- Healy D (1991). The Anxiolytic Jungle. Where Next? Psychological Medicine 21, 791-812.
- Healy D (1991). Medical Choices; Medical Chances. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 8, 189
- Healy D, Creaney W (1991). Antidepressant induced suicidal ideation. British Medical Journal 303, 1058-1059.
- Healy D, Waterhouse (1992). Endogenous Rhythms, Reactive Clocks and Non-Specific Drugs. Journal of Psychopharmacology A29, abstract 113
- Healy D (1993). The psychological treatment of insomnia. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 10, 62.
- Healy D (1990). A new science of insanity. New Scientist 128, 34-38.
- Healy D (1990). Prescribing rights for psychologists? Psychologist 3, 556-557.
- Healy D (1991). The Hamilton Scales. British Journal of Psychiatry 158, 877.
- Healy D (1991). Sounds from the Bell Jar. British Journal of Psychiatry 159, 755-756.
- Todrick A (1991). Imipramine and 5HT reuptake inhibition. Journal of Psychopharmacology 5, 263-267. (ed D Healy).
- Healy D (1991). Symposia summaries. J Psychopharmacology 1, 437-438.
- Healy D (1992). The Diagnosis of Depression. Human Psychopharmacology 7, 154.
- Lynch T & Healy D (1992). In Conversation with Tom Lynch Psychiatric Bulletin 16, 65-72.
- Healy D (1992). Psychopharmacology for the psychotherapist. Human Psychopharmacology 7, 68.
- Healy D (1992). The Scientific Basis of Psychiatry. British Journal of Hospital Medicine.
- Healy D (1992). The indemnification of psychopharmacology. BAP Newsletter Autumn 1992.
- Healy D, Waterhouse A M (1992). Reactive rhythms, endogenous clocks and non-specific drugs. Journal of Psychopharmacology, Abstracts of Annual Meeting Summer 1992, A 29.
- Healy D (1993). Grangegorman. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 10, 130-131.
- Lader M, Healy D et al (1992). The Medical Management of Insomnia in General Practice. Royal Society of Medicine, Round Table Series no 28.
- Healy D (1993). Grangegorman. History of Psychiatry 4, 297-298.
- Healy D (1992). The Beta-Adrenergic Receptors. Human Psychopharmacology 7, 357.
- Healy D (1993). The Aspirin Wars. BAP Newsletter Spring 1993.
- Healy D (1993). Matching the Drug to the Patient’s Needs. The prescription of hypnotics. Prescriber 4, 12, 36-45.
- Healy D (1993). Oedipus at Delphi. British Journal of Psychiatry 163, 119 – 121.
- Healy D (1993). Human Psychopharmacology: Materials and Methods Volume 4. Human Psychopharmacology 8, 223.
- Healy D (1993). Beyond the Receptor: the role of Molecular Biology in Psychopharmacology. Journal of Psychopharmacology 8, 69-70.
- Healy D (1994). Human Psychopharmacology: Materials and Methods Volume 4. British Journal of Psychiatry 164, 428-429.
- Healy D. (1993) ‘Make Believes’ in Psychiatry or the Perils of Progress. Human Psychopharmacology 8, 448.
- Healy D (1993). Brain Dead, Brain Absent, Brain Donor. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine 10, 170-171.
- Healy D (1993). The psychological treatment of insomnia. Irish J of Psychological Medicine 10, 62.
- Healy D (1994). The Psychological Management of Schizophrenia: Problems and Opportunities. British Journal of Psychiatry, Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual General Meeting Cork 1994.
- Harborne G, Healy D, Watson F L, Groves L (1993). The neuropsychological effects of ketamine: the dog that didn’t bark. Journal of Psychopharmacology, Abstracts of BAP Annual Meeting, 1993, A19.
- Pasteur M-A L, Watson F L, Healy D (1993). The cognitive effects of paroxetine in healthy and depressed elderly subjects. Journal of Psychopharmacology, Abstracts of BAP Annual Meeting, 1993, A18.
- Healy D (1994). La Mettrie: Medicine, Philosophy and Enlightenment. Irish J Psychological Med 11, 50.
- Healy D (1994). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. J Psychopharmacology 8, 191.
- Healy D (1994). Psychobiology & cognitive therapy of the neuroses. J Psychopharmacology 8, 279.
- Healy D (1994). Listening to Prozac (Kramer versus Kramer). Psychological Medicine 24, 1048-1050.
- Wilkinson G, Fahy T, Russell G, Healy D, Marks I, Tantam D, Dimond B (1995). Case reports and confidentiality. British Journal of Psychiatry 166, 555-558.
- Nakielny J, Healy D (1994). The fluoxetine and suicide controversy. CNS Drugs, 2, 252-254.
- Healy D (1994). Beyond the receptor; the significance of gene expression for psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacology 8, 69-70.
- Healy D (1995). Biology of Depressive Disorders. Human Psychopharmacology 10, 68.
- Healy D (1994). Cocaine. Drugs of Abuse: A comprehensive series for clinicians. Human Psychopharmacology 9, 447.
- Healy D (1995). From fasting saints to anorexic girls. Irish J Psychological Medicine 12, 41-42.
- Healy D. (1995). Cocaine: Physiological and Physiopathological Effects. Human Psychopharmacology 10, 163.
- Healy D (1995). Clinical Evaluation of Psychotropic Drugs. Human Psychopharmacology 10, 249.
- Healy D (1994). Psychobiology and cognitive therapy of the neuroses. Journal of Psychopharmacology 8, 279.
- Healy D (1995). The proscription of prescription. The Psychologist April 1995, pp 223 et seq.
- Healy D (1995). Current insights on obsessive-compulsive disorder. Human Psychopharmacology 10, 248.
- Healy D (1995). Critical Issues in the Treatment of Affective Disorders. Human Psychopharmacology 10, 357.
- Healy D (1995). Bipolar affective disorder. in Mental Health. A Technical Document produced by the Welsh Health Gain Panel of Review. Ed Farmer A, p 145-156.
- Healy D (1995). Clinical Psychopharmacology. Human Psychopharmacology 10, 495.
- Healy D (1995). Clinical Measurement in Drug Evaluation. Human Psychopharmacology 10, 494.
- Watson F, Harborne CG, Tipper ST, Healy D (1995). Ketamine, negative priming and the breakdown of integrative perceptual processes. J Psychopharmacology 9, 3, A3, abstract 170.
- Johnstone F, Rickard I, Healy D (1995). The costs of psychotropic medication. British Journal of Psychiatry 167, 112-113.
- Healy D (1995). Alzheimers and Parkinson’s disease. J Psychopharmacology 10, 257.
- Healy D (1996). The NMDA receptor. J Psychopharmacology 10, 171.
- Healy D (1996). Drugs and Addictive Behaviour. J Psychopharmacology 10, 257.
- Healy D (1996). Biological Psychiatry. Human Psychopharmacology 11, 429.
- Healy D (1996). Handbook for the Treatment of the Seriously Mentally Ill. Human Psychopharmacology 11, 527.
- Guest JF, Hart WM, Cookson RF, Lindstrom E (1996). Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of long-term treatment with risperidone for patients with chronic schizophrenia. British Journal of Medical Economics 10, 59-67. Based on Delphi panel contributions for DH and others.
- Healy D (1997). In Brodie’s shadow. J Psychopharmacology 11.
- Healy D (1997). Narrative, history and accuracy. J Psychopharmacology 11, 95.
- Healy D (1997). Blues in the Night. The Nursing Times. April 9th.
- Healy D (1997). Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs. J Psychopharmacology 11, 96.
- Healy D (1997). Reply to AJ Goudie – what is the clinical significance of the discontinuation syndrome seen with clozapine? J Psychopharmacology 14, 191.
- Healy D (1997). Architects of the Great Depression. Times Higher Education Supplement June 18th
- Healy D (1997). Child and adolescent clinical psychopharmacology. Human Psychopharmacology 12, 168.
- Healy D (1997). Pleasure and Quality of Life. Human Psychopharmacology 12, 168.
- Healy D (1997). History of Psychiatry. Human Psychopharmacology 12, 398.
- Healy D (1998). Deconstructing Psychopathology. Psychological Medicine 28, 744-745.
- Healy D (1998). The Invention of Depression. Openmind
- Healy D, Farquhar G, Watson F, Tipper S (1998). Varieties of hallucinatory experience and their neural basis. J Psychopharmacology 12, A2, abstract 5.
- Tansey EM, Christie DA, Reynolds LA (1998). Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine. Vol2. Drugs in Psychiatric Practice. Pp 133-205. I have a number of contributions in this.
- Mortimer A, Healy D, Gray R, Peveler R, Pratt P, Sharma T, Turner T (1998). Consensus statement on schizophrenia standards in care for maintenance therapy and poorly responding/treatment intolerant patients. CINP meeting Glasgow July, Int J Neuropsychopharmacology.
- Healy D, Savage M, Thomas P (1998). Abusive Prescribing. Openmind September.
- Healy D (1998). Conquering Schizophrenia. Human Psychopharmacology 13.
- Hirschfeld RM, Keller M, Bourgeois M, Baldwin DS, Healy D, Humble M, Kasper S, Montgomery S (1998). Focus on social functioning in depression. Int J of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2, 241-243.
- Healy D (1998). The Management of Depression. Int J Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2, 313.
- Healy D (1999). Staying Sane. Psychological Medicine 29, 496-498.
- Healy D (1998). From Placebo to Panacea: Putting Psychiatric Drugs to the Test. Human Psychopharmacology 13, 591.
- Healy D (subm). Noradrenaline, serotonin and social functioning: an overview of implications for the patient. Psychiatric Services.
- Healy D (1999). Differential effects of reboxetine and fluoxetine on social functioning: implications for treatment. In Depression and Social Functioning: the role of reboxetine, a new selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor. Pennine Press, Macclesfield, pp 49-54.
- Healy D (1999). The clinical and theoretical significance of differences between reboxetine and fluoxetine on measures of social functioning. In Improving Social Functioning Through Effective Antidepressant Therapy: the role of reboxetine, a selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor. Pennine Press.
- Healy D (1999). The Discovery of the Antidepressants. In Depression and Social Functioning: the role of reboxetine, a new selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor. Pennine Press, Macclesfield pp 4-10.
- Boardman A, Healy D (1999). Suicide rates in primary care affective disorders. J Psychopharmacology 13, abstract P140.
- Healy D (1999). Trouble in the Freudian Gulf. British Medical Journal 318, 949.
- Healy D (1999). On the History of Lunacy. British Medical Journal 319, 63.
- Healy D (1999). History of the Treatment of the Schizophrenias. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 12, S-135-3, p 281.
- Healy D (1999). Prescriptions, licences and evidence: a reply. Psychiatric Bulletin 23, 442-443.
- Hirschfeld RM, Montgomery SA, Keller M, Kasper S, Schatzberg A, Moller HJ, Healy D, Baldwin D, Humble M, Versiani M, Montenegro R, Bourgeois ML (2000). Social functioning in depression. J Clinical Psychiatry 61, 268-275.
- Healy D (1999). Loss of anxiety and increased aggression in a 15 year old boy taking fluoxetine. Psychopharmacology 13, 421.
- Healy D (2000). The Evolution of Hypnotism. British Medical Journal 320, 1015.
- Healy D (2000). Sitting on it. Feature on Drug-induced akathisia. Openmind, March p 18.
- Healy D, Langmaak C, Savage M (2000). Suicidio en el curso del tratamiento antidepresivo. Revista de Toxicomanias 25, 4, 31-40.
- Healy D (2000). Medicating Schizophrenia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 188, 717-719.
- Healy H, Cattell D, Tranter R, Jaffar K, Healy D (2000). Better than Well on antidepressants. J Psychopharmacology 14, 3, abstract PC22.
- Healy D (2000). Antidepressant associated suicidality. J Psychopharmacology 14, 3, abstract PC23.
- Healy D (2001). From neuroplegics, through neuroleptics to antipsychotics. World J Biological Psychiatry 2, 15, 167S.
- Healy D (2001). When Interests Conflict. Pharmaceutical Executive, August p 98.
- Thuillier J. Ten Years that Changed the Face Of Mental Illness (Les Dix Ans Qui Ont Change La Folie. Martin Dunitz, London 1999 Translated from the French by G Hickish & D Healy
- Deniker P. Clinical Psychiatry in Europe: An Historical Perspective. Royal Society of Medicine Press, London, Translated by D Healy & Alden Press (2004)
- Deniker P. European Clinical Psychiatry. An Historical Perspective. Pierre Deniker Association, Paris, Translated by D Healy & Alden Press (2007)
- Pinel P. Traite Medico-Philosophique sur L’alienation Mentale. J Wiley & Sons, London, 2008. Translated G Hickish, D Healy, L Charland.