In comments after a recent post on RxISK, POGO mentioned that Josef Witt-Doerring has done two interviews with me so far and posted them on his site.
Antidepressants and Mass Shootings/Murder Suicide:
Update April 19 – Josef has posted a new cast
Guidelines and Clinical Practice
On the IAI TV site there are a number of posts
There are posts on
What’s Wrong with Us – Is it Time for A.I. to do More to Help Doctors
Doctors in the Age of Google. Is it Time for Us to Rid Ourselves of Medical Authority
Are Doctors Bad for Us? Medicine, Trust and Power.
Your Life in the Balance. Should we Trust Doctors Less than We Do?
Doctors and the Danger Industry. Can Big Data Improve the Effectiveness of Drugs
Madness Incorporated. Are Psychiatric Diagnoses Real?
The Persecution of Heretics. How Inconvenient Science Gets Shut Down.
Sex Lies and Pharmacology.
Demystifying Science
An interview done in January 2023 has also appeared on Demystifying Science podcast with Anastasia & Michael Shilo
The Podcast called the Headless Horsemen of Regulatory Deviance is in the link here.
And a YouTube version Hidden Toll of Health features here.
Kate Lister runs a great Betwixt the Sheets podcast on the history of and everything else about Sex
She quizzed me about Psychiatric Drugs and Sex. It was fun.
Dr Drew
Dr Drew has a set of famous After Dark and other Podcasts. On October 4 2023 he posted an interview with Emily Grey and myself about Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD). Dr Drew and Sex.
Carlat Psychiatry Report
The Carlat Psychiatry Report, another respectable and famous venue for information on healthcare, also ran a podcast on – The Other Side of Psychiatric Drugs.
There is a great set of podcasts on which was set up by Heather McCarthy and Lee Ford. When they were looking round for a name I suggested something like Fierce Sisters because the epitomized the drive women have in getting to grips with harms done to their children in particular.
Both Heather and Lee had children badly harmed by fluoroquinolone antibiotics and after taking and winning legal actions and demanding and getting regulatory change they have continued the chase with these podcasts
They have 3 interviews with me
The Quaking Swamp Journal
Linda Pannozzo, a journalist based in Nova Scotia, has been running a substack for several years – The Quaking Swamp Journal. As for so many people, the pandemic left her feeling uncertain about what she could trust. There seemed to be no middle ground between being pro or anti-vaccine. This is very much the same ground that led to some of us forming Samizdat – See NeoCulturalism.
Linda interviewed me twice in November 2023. The first result of this is In Secrecy we Trust. This opens with a quote, a variation on the drug and the lamppost theme, which Linda attributes to me – but which I think she invented. Its a great variation on the original
“Companies and doctors are now using clinical trial data, or the lack of it, as a drunk uses a lamppost – for support rather than illumination.”
Part Two of In Secrecy We Trust came out a Week later
Renegade Psychiatrist
Ethan Short, a psychiatrist, has a series of podcasts due to run twice a week through December on Spotify under the heading Renegade Psychiatrist starting with a teaser –
James Moore
James hosts Let’s Talk Withdrawal
Prescribing Practice, Medicine Safety and Pharmaceutical Regulation
I was recently told that its important to tell readers to subscribe to YouTube channels – like David Healy or Josef’s
Subscribing doesn’t mean paying money. It just means follow. And the more followers a channel has the more likely it is to register with Google.
All of the channels, podcasts and substacks mentioned here are worth subscribing too in this sense – all seeks as Linda and Samizdat seek a middle ground.
Recent Healy posts to You-tube include
I thought they were great, searching questions, young and determined to find answers, a real breath of fresh air, listening to David and David always simpatico to their youthful exuberance.
PODCAST INFO: Anastasia completed her PhD studying bioelectricity at Columbia University. When not talking to brilliant people or making movies, she spends her time painting, reading, and guiding backcountry excursions. Michael Shilo also did his PhD at Columbia studying the elastic properties of molecular water. When he’s not in the film studio, he’s exploring sound in music. They are both freelance professors at various universities.
I think we all got a lot out of Anastasia, Michael with David, and a very relaxed and informative hour and half or so it was.