This post is mostly Peter Selley’s.
Covid flooded us with talk of immunity and vaccines. The word vaccine was redefined so mRNA agents could be called vaccines, even though they do not confer immunity or stop transmission as traditional vaccines do.
The RSV vaccines are the latest. Given to older folk, they meet traditional definitions of a vaccine.
Maternal RSV ‘vaccines’ given to mothers while pregnant act like a traditional vaccine for the mother – who doesn’t need an RSV vaccine – but not for her child. The child gets passive immunity from antibodies the mother makes but we don’t usually say mothers vaccinate their babies when passing antibodies across the placenta or by breast-feeding.
Astra-Zeneca’s Nirsevimab (Beyfortus) is the front runner in the effort to make money out of the looming RSV pandemic. Abrysvo: Pfizer’s maternal RSV ‘vaccine’ is trailing.
Nirsevimab is a monoclonal antibody given after birth.
- Is it a vaccine? Not a traditional one but if FDA allow it to be called a vaccine, as it appears they do, arguing the point is pedantic.
- Does it confer immunity? No
It is a drug that may provide temporary protection against RSV bronchiolitis.
- Is it effective? Probably
- Is it safe? Nobody knows.
A monoclonal antibody is a laboratory-made protein designed to carry a drug to a specific place. This never works as cleanly as hoped for. The RxISK Drug Search Tool shows monoclonals catching up on traditional ‘unclean’ drugs on both the range and volume of side effects.
In this case, the plan is to mimic the immune system’s ability to fight off a virus like RSV. If we can do this for RSV, why not all viruses? Because companies have softened us up with so much RSV Pandemic marketing – RSV today, tomorrow the World.
Some monoclonal antibodies like adalimumab (Humira) have been effective in helping patients with serious diseases like Ankylosing Spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. And amazingly effective at making money – until recently Humira was the most profitable drug in the world.
Like any drug, monoclonals have side effects which should be weighed up before being handed out to people with a bit of psoriasis, or allergic rhinitis (runny nose). Humira for instance messes up the immune system – making ordinary infections both more likely and more severe. It also puts people at risk of infections and cancers not normally seen, and a host of other problems. Stacy London – What Not to Take.
Humira is not licenced for children under six. Live virus vaccines are contra-indicated in people being treated with Humira.
Before Nirsevimab there was the unpronounceable Palivizumab, another monoclonal antibody introduced for RSV in 1998.
Up till now, Palivizumab has been administered seasonally by injection to about 5% of newborns who are high-risk – those born preterm or with heart or lung conditions. It seems to be effective at preventing serious RSV infections and hospital admissions. There is no evidence that it prevents deaths in children. Nor does it treat bronchiolitis caused by RSV. It needs to be injected monthly, and it is expensive – now that its price has been hiked to make Nirsevimab look better.
(Just as the palivizumab patent was due to expire in 2015, along came nirsevimab. Both were made by Astra-Zeneca. Palivizumab was sold to a Swedish company, Sobi, in 2019. As part of the deal, Sobi receives a proportion of A-Z’s USA nirsevimab profits).
Nirsevimab is now marketed by Sanofi as a souped-up Palivizumab, with the claim that a single injection will last in the baby’s body for six months before any benefit wears off. It is one of the few RSV products Bill Gates and his Foundation does not support.
Palivizumab and Nirsevimab are designed for RSV but not for infants and neither drug had been designed for neonates.
Monkey Business
Before new products are trialled in humans, pre-clinical safety trials are performed in laboratory animals. International guidelines “Good Laboratory Practice” (GLP) ensure that the animals are well cared-for.
Nirsevimab was tested in cynomolgus monkeys. Some of these trials were not GLP compliant. There was no safety testing in newborn monkeys.
An MHRA response to a freedom of information request states: “Nonclinical safety of nirsevimab in juvenile toxicity studies has not been evaluated. Evaluation of nirsevimab in young cynomolgus monkeys (3.1 to 4.2 years old) in the GLP 1-month repeat-dose study (1468-038) did not identify any potential for test item-related toxicity or pharmacological effects on developing organ systems.”
This is nowhere to be found in EMA’s review of the evidence.
The youngest monkeys in nirsevimab safety studies were over 3 years old. No trials were done on newborn monkeys, or any newborn animals or preterm animals.
Despite this, tiny babies are now on the receiving end.
New England J Misinformation
We expect data from drug company commercial trials should be made available to researchers once the trial has been completed, although nothing happens smoothly. We also expect trial results will be published in a reputable peer-reviewed journal. Ethical Committees may “insist” on this.
If a Pharma Company doesn’t want to have their results peer-reviewed, it looks like NEJM is plumbing new depths and companies can now just write them a letter.
“NEJM adheres strictly to the following policies regarding Letters to the Editor”.
- May include up to 400 words
- May be signed by up to 3 authors
- May include up to 5 references and 1 figure or table
Given these instructions Eric Rubin’s handling of AstraZeneca’s letter below is Jaw-Dropping:
This letter has:
- 611 words,
- 242 pages of protocol and 42 pages of supplement attached
- 17 authors
- 14 references
- 17 figures or tables in the attached appendix.
Eric Rubin, NEJM’s Editor-in-Chief, invariably sends a proforma response when I write:
“I am sorry that we will not be able to publish your recent letter to the editor. The space available for correspondence is very limited, and we must use our judgment to present a representative selection of the material received. Many worthwhile communications must be declined for lack of space.”
Would Eric, who is paid $750,000 per year, write the same note to a pharma company?
This PhD thesis in letter form is titled: Safety of Nirsevimab. A better title might be: Danger of Nirsevimab for RSV in Infants with Heart or Lung Disease or Prematurity”.
Nirsevimab was compared in a trial with Palivizumab in vulnerable babies that might have been eligible for Palivizumab. More than twice as many children died in the Nirsevimab group: (Table S5). But of course the investigators said all deaths were unrelated to the product.
This trial is a “noninferiority trial”. Noninferiority trials test whether a new experimental treatment is not unacceptably less efficacious than an active control treatment already in use. It is non-inferior to Palivizumab in terms of efficacy. Trying to find the right word to describe its safety is tricky.
Would anything here persuade a parent to opt for Nirsevimab over a long established Palivizumab? But of course parents won’t be given this option.
Opioid Epidemic
NEJM has a track record of causing immense harm on the back of industry friendly letters. A brief letter by Jane Porter and Herschel Jick in 1980 claimed on the basis of unreported research that when people who were truly in pain were treated with opioids they rarely became addicts. Dr Jick was known by companies as someone who could usually come up with the right results.
There was never a research paper to support this claim but the few Porter and Jick NEJM 1980 lines were trotted out and widely cited by Purdue Pharma to justify a mass use of Oxycontin that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans from 1996 onwards.
Hearing Secret Harmonies
AstraZeneca has run another Pivotal trial of Nirsevimab code-named Melody. The average age of the babies injected in the trial was 3 months.
“Hospitalization for RSV-associated lower respiratory tract infection occurred in 6 infants (0.6%) in the Nirsevimab group and in 8 infants (1.6%) in the placebo group. The company claims 62.1% relative efficacy. There is a 1 child in 100 difference – a 1% absolute efficacy.
Imperfect Harmony
A-Z have also recently finished a Harmony trial of Nirsevimab given to babies in France, Germany and the UK. This has not yet been published. Relative efficacy can always be made to sound good but what about safety? We don’t know.
The Nirsevimab excipients are different to Palivizumab’s. Excipients are the chemical baggage that goes with the injection, be it a vaccine or a monoclonal.
Palivizumab has 47 mM histidine, 3.0 mM glycine and 5.6% mannitol
Nirsevimab has L-histidine, L-histidine Hcl, L-arginine Hcl, Sucrose and Polysorbate 80. Polysorbate is related to polyethylene glycol. This is a good reason to test Nirsevimab in preterm animals.
We are not told how much Polysorbate 80, nor that this has been linked with reports of hypersensitivity and anaphylactic shock. And an unusual syndrome in premature neonates—characterized by thrombocytopenia, pulmonary deterioration, ascites, and liver and renal failure, secondary to vasculopathic hepatotoxicity: the E-Ferol problem.
The Second Coming
The results of the Melody trial have been hijacked by various countries around the world and used to, if not mandate, then heavily promote immunisation of ALL newborn babies. Spain leads the way, followed by France and Luxembourg. This winter in some regions of Europe over 95% of unsuspecting babies have had their shot before leaving the maternity unit.
Nirsevimab was never tested in babies who are only one or two days old and no other monoclonal antibodies have been licenced in babies.
The RSV Season is fast approaching in the Southern hemisphere. Chile, some Australian states, and other countries are gearing up.
The guy with the beard is Gabriel Boric, President of Chile. He and others have lined up to pay homage at the arrival of a consignment of Beyfortus at Santiago Airport. Enough for every baby born this winter, all of whom will be injected before they leave the maternity unit.
Here is the first baby born at Gustavo Fricke Hospital – after the arrival of Beyfortus.
And below is the child being Beyfortized (it’s not clear immunized is the right word).
If you can speak Spanish or turn on subtitles, here is one of ten You-Tube news items on the Arrival of Beyfortus in Chile.
Judgement Day
Surely nothing like this could happen in the ‘Developed’ World.
Selley Complaint to Rob Okunnu CEO,
Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health
Dear Rob
I am complaining formally about the Open Letter the RCPCH sent to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the Chancellor on 18 March 2024, as well as information on the College’s website covering the same content – vaccination for RSV. The material in the lobbying letter and on the website may have implications for the reputation of the College and its position as a registered UK charity.
I was disappointed not to get a response to my initial concerns sent to the outgoing and incoming Presidents by email on 23 March. I now understand I have to make a complaint to get a response.
My first complaint is as follows: The final sentence of the letter to the Secretary State says:
“You can act now to relieve pressure on health services this coming autumn and winter as well as help prevent infant and child mortality.”
Where is the evidence that any immunisation programme for RSV will “help prevent infant and child mortality”?
The Charities Commission allows charities to use emotive material like this in their campaigns, but only where this is justified in the context of the aims of the campaign. “Such material must be factually accurate and have a well-founded evidence base”. The clinical trial reports of nirsevimab, which, to be correct is not a vaccine – it is a monoclonal antibody, showed an excess of deaths in the babies treated with it compared to placebo or to an older treatment.
The letter later states that:
“Evidence shows that rolling out an RSV vaccine to infants could result in 108,000 fewer GP consultations, 74,000 A&E visits and 20,000 fewer hospitalizations solely in those under one. The pharmaceutical company Sanofi has estimated that RSV in children under 5 in the UK costs £80 million each year in loss of earnings, NHS costs and reduced productivity.”
On this point, my second complaint is that referring to the evidence the website contains links to Sanofi commissioned and funded “research” in an obscure non-medical journal. Is it right to display this without explaining that Sanofi markets nirsevimab as Beyfortus for RSV prevention?
As I understand the word evidence, there is none. The evidence noted above stems from modelling – that is from speculation dependent on parameters fed into a model.
In respect of other material that comes closer to what most people would view as evidence, none of the signatories to the letter have access to the study data that supports Beyfortus or Abrsyvo for RSV prevention. Not even the MHRA has seen the data.
The studies are protected by commercial confidentiality agreements. All companies will tell you studies of this kind are done for regulatory approval, in order to secure markets and make money. They are not designed to inform clinical practice.
Appropriately perhaps, on April Fool’s Day, Yale University issued a notice that researchers there had been granted $4 million to evaluate whether these products are of benefit in practice to patients – as at present we have no evidence designed to inform clinical practice.
Most recommendations for immunisation programmes are derived from “evidence” in ghostwritten articles; one entire trial was published as a letter to the NEJM that had not even been peer-reviewed.
It is not encouraging that in this material, there are more child deaths on nirsevimab than on the older palivizumab.
I think any incorrect information should be corrected.
It is worrying that the studies were done in 3 month old babies but for matters of convenience in several countries it appears day old infants are being given nirsevimab before leaving maternity wards.
Giving a monoclonal antibody like this is a vast experiment. One might have thought the College would do better to alert the parents involved or at least hint at this.
In terms of the Sanofi commissioned study, if there are roughly 600,000 births per year in UK, and, seasonally, all births are protected by an injection – will 108,000 fewer GP consultations, 74,000 A&E visits and 20,000 fewer hospitalisations (most of which are for <24 hours) lead to savings?
Sanofi has estimated that RSV in children under 5 in the UK costs £80 million each year in loss of earnings, NHS costs and reduced productivity. The costs for giving the roughly 300,000 babies born in each RSV season a nirsevimab injection at £300 per dose comes to £90 million in drug costs alone, excluding administration. This would have to be repeated annually to the age of 5 to cover the period that gave rise to the £80 million Sanofi estimate.
My third complaint is that the letter and website inappropriately include a quote from Professor Ian Sinha, a member of the Asthma + Lung UK Council of Healthcare Professionals. One of his roles is to “provide intelligence and clinical perspective to inform priority setting and influencing work.” His organisation relies heavily on drug company financing.
The three major manufacturers of RSV preventative products, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Sanofi all donate money to Asthma + Lung UK. Dr Sinha is an “influencer” for an organisation financed by the pharmaceutical industry. Is he adding marketing value to your mission or is the College adding marketing value to his mission?
I have no reason to believe the College stands to benefit in monetary terms from this exercise. I think you have been duped into commercial activities – you come for free.
You have offered a splendid example of great company marketing. You could do some good by recognizing this and using it to educate doctors, politicians and the public as to how doctors risk becoming part of the distribution network for company products, getting people to live the lives companies want them to live. Doctors should instead act as independent professionals who know when to use company products to help people live the lives they want to live.
Loose Ends
- Watch here for any RCPCH response.
- Is Pfizer’s RSVpreF (Abrysvo) maternal vaccination, which has no advantages over Beyfortus, dead in the water?
- Nirsevimab may have a palivizumab like place for vulnerable babies.
- Breastfeeding is better on average than any of these options.
- We are unlikely to have the results of Yale’s April Fools research for several years and may not be able to depend on them when we do.
- Companies aiming at making money get away with what they can get away with.
- Regulators reflect prevailing thinking rather than lead it – they are not to blame.
- Doctors from Chile to Britain have become unpaid members of company marketing departments. There are none left with views that regulators might reflect.
- If patients were doctors’ first priority, they might suggest this RSV scenario runs as counter to common sense as an idea several decades back that we could give strong opioids to people with minor pains without running into problems.
- Who needs Vaccine Mandates when even Presidents queue at airports for the arrival of the Celebrity. Drugs are today’s Celebrity Sacraments, bringing the Good News of Salvation with them.
Our doctors should be immunizing us against company marketing. They have, instead, become vectors for rather than protectors against infection. They risk being viruses – in between living and non-living replicants that have no independent existence outside a host’s body. There is a Black Hole, a vacuum, at the heart of what was a medical galaxy.
Breaking News
On Friday April 12, the American Association of Pediatrics issued a statement worth reading for a flavor of how the game is played – the price rise, the ostensible trigger to the statement, is almost irrelevant.
Sanofi raising price of RSV immunization nirsevimab
No less that the RCPCH, the AAP seems to have become a retail Mall for company products.
Al (Pfizer) and Pascal (AZ)
We desperately need a Tom Lehrer to sing something like:
Gather round while I sing you of Al and Pascal,
Men whose allegiance, is ruled by expedience.
Call them Nazis, they won’t even frown.
“Ha, Nazi Schmazi,” say Al and Pascal.
Don’t say that they’re hypocritical,
Say rather that they’re apolitical.
“Once the stock market’s up,
Who cares if the vaxes fail?
That’s not our department,”
Say Al and Pascail.
‘Our doctors should be immunizing us against company marketing. They have, instead, become vectors for rather than protectors against infection. They risk being viruses – in between living and non-living replicants that have no independent existence outside a host’s body. There is a Black Hole, a vacuum, at the heart of what was a medical galaxy.’
NEJM, a ‘Jane Porter and Herschel Jick’ type letter, To The Editor, co-signed
Eric A.F. Simoes, M.D.
Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO
GSK’s trials of a similar product were halted over a rise in preterm births and neonatal deaths.
Prefusion F Protein–Based Respiratory Syncytial Virus Immunization in Pregnancy
Authors: Eric A.F. Simões,
Aurora, Colorado, noted for it’s fame, or should that be reframed…
Hello, I’m Ava!
What can I help you learn more about today?
Harmonies and Melodies
The rsv money-tree
Eric gives away for free
To go-shop at Sanofi
The newborn monkeys did not have a test
This is Peter Selley at his best
The loose ends and the rest…
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A Message from Japan to the World
Delivered by Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.
APR 11, 2024
Thank you very much for giving me this valuable opportunity to send my message about human rights abuse in the time of COVID-19. My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine.
The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which usually takes longer than ten years to less than one year. Operation Warp Speed. This operation was used to cover up the misconceptions of the genetic vaccines. Under the pretext of saving time, an extremely dangerous method was selected.
That is, intramuscular injection of viral genes to produce toxic spike proteins directly in human tissues to stimulate immune system. Because this is a completely new method and misconceived method that has never applied before in human history, it is impossible, therefore, for most of doctors to give proper informed consent. However, due to irresponsible government and media campaigns to promote vaccines, 80% of the Japanese has been vaccinated.
Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world. And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history. I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children, is an extreme violation of human rights. However, Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, has been insisting that there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines. And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic. This is an unbelievable, crazy situation.
The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called self replication replicon vaccine, and plans to start to supply it in this fall and winter. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is providing a huge amount of subsidies for this project. And factories to produce new vaccines are being built one after another in Japan. I visited these factories directly.
Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X proposed during the Davos conference this year. It is speculated that the movement by the Japanese government is part of CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation’s 100 days mission, which aims to shorten the time to one third of Operation Warp Speed. Namely, they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in hundreds of days. This is possible only by ignoring the human rights perspective. Amendments to the WHO, International Health Regulation (IHR), and the so called Pandemic Treaty, which are about to be adopted at the 77th World Health assembly this year, are attempting to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans.
If such things continue, there is high risk that Japan made vaccines will be exported under the guise for false trust. If Japan were to become a vaccine perpetrator, it would leave irreparable harm to future generations. Therefore, the actions of Japanese government MUST BE STOPPED by international collaborations.
Although it has already been three years since I started to give lectures to educate Japanese people about the dangers of vaccines, it is still difficult to penetrate through the sound barriers of mainstream media. If we tell the truth about vaccines on YouTube, it is deleted within a day. The reality is that we are facing censorship and speech suppression almost every day.
Therefore, I put my hope in the publication of a book with the last version of speech and published a book with a title “Withdraw From WHO” It is difficult to stop this movement because it is now politically hopeless to change the situation of the Japanese government. The message I would like to cover convey to the world is that when Disease X occurs in the future, you should never trust the Japan made vaccine that was developed in a short period of time in order to protect human rights in cases of control that transcend national boundaries.
I believe that sharing the truth and countries is so important and that this is a step towards unity and solidarity. Only through the process of information exchange between all countries in the world, we can find hope in the midst of despair. I do hope that my statement will help all of you to protect your healthy life and your family. Thank you very much for your attention.
– Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.
We have a ‘ Tom’ (s) (Lehrer) in Japan In one of the countries portrayed as one of the most ‘respectful’ of authorities tens of thousands gathered to speak out. In UK we wait until the harms are undeniable and form committees to argue over compensation.
3 of 7
DEVELOPING: Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO’s Pandemic Treaty
Aussie17 from PharmaFiles by Aussie17 Unsubscribe
Apr 13, 2024, 8:59 AM (2 days ago)
DEVELOPING: Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO’s Pandemic Treaty
“Let’s stop the third atomic bomb with our hands, in the hands of the Japanese people!”
APR 13
April 13, 2024, will be etched in the annals of modern Japanese history as tens of thousands of citizens across the nation came together in a series of pandemic rallies. The protests centered on the widespread opposition to the Pandemic Treaty, with escalating concerns over “infectious disease” and “public health” becoming potent tools for an unprecedented push towards what is perceived by many as a totalitarian surveillance society.
From the bustling streets of Ikebukuro to the gatherings at Higashi-Ikebukuro Central Park, the sheer scale of participation speaks volumes. Organizers aimed for a monumental turnout of 100,000 protesters to demand answers on crucial issues, such as the stark increase in excess deaths and the lack of transparency on the adverse effects following vaccinations.
The protest not just opposed potential mandatory vaccinations but also the perceived overreach of health authorities and their ties with global pharma, echoing a distressing sentiment of disenfranchisement among the populace. Demonstrators criticized the lack of explanations for a sharp increase in excess deaths and demanded accountability and clarity on vaccine-related casualties. ”
Eminent speakers, including Professor Masayasu Inoue and modern history researcher Chikatsu Hayashi, provided compelling pre-demonstration speeches that laid bare the concerning dynamics between global health authorities and pharmaceutical agendas. Professor Inoue highlighted the concerning trend of our health being weaponized in what he termed as “a third world war fought with information.” He urged the public to resist introducing genetic vaccines into their bodies, implicating a significant portion of WHO’s funding comes from pharmaceutical giants and private interests like the Bill Gates Foundation. This follows Japan’s Message to the world delivered by Prof Inoue a few days ago.
A Message from Japan to the World
APR 11
A Message from Japan to the World
Thank you very much for giving me this valuable opportunity to send my message about human rights abuse in the time of COVID-19. My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine.
Modern history researcher Prof Chikatsu Hayashi’s address was a rallying cry to resist the encroaching shadows of global totalitarianism, symbolically referring to the proactive stance against it as “stopping the third atomic bomb with our hands.” His poignant discourse highlighted a national movement poised against not only the Pandemic Treaty but also the underlying structures threatening Japan’s sovereignty and the well-being of its citizens.
April 13 marked not just a protest against a treaty but a stand against a future where health becomes a lever for control and surveillance. The massive turnout signifies a critical moment in Japan’s civic engagement. It’s a call from its people for autonomy, transparency, and the reassessment of global health governance that resonates beyond its borders. Today, Japan stands at the forefront, questioning, challenging, and seeking change for a future where health policy respects national sovereignty and individual rights.
Signing off for now
Video Sources here, here, here.
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PharmaFiles by Aussie17 i
I checked with some Japanese colleagues on the news here. They find it credible and the people involved credible. They also report that this is not featuring in the mainstream media. It features in places where people who know where to go can find it.
In their presentation, they pointed out that the number of people recognized as having died (at least cannot be denied) from SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and receiving benefits under the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Victim Relief System is 423 at the begining of this year,
On the other hand, MHLW received more than 2000 death cases which doctors considered at least possible causality to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. However only 2 were classified as “causality cannot be denied” and tens were denied and others were classified as “impossible to assess causality” (Cases in which the causal relationship between the vaccine and death cannot
be evaluated due to lack of information, etc.)
There is a degree of double standards here.
I hope to have more detail soon.
what is MHLW please? re ‘received more than 2000 death cases’. above
ministry of health
The Gates Foundation has already decided that universal Maternal Vaccination is the way forward, before all the results are through, ploughing $127.5 million into various projects.
I hadn’t realised that Bill’s charity had bought the rights for producing Abrysvo in developing countries from Albert.
This raises so many fascinating questions. What is Bill’s interesting in RSV, particularly vaccines for RSV and why get involved in Africa – this is not the first time he has cast his eye that way.
Helps to have Shabir Ahmed on the team?
Shabir Ahmed Madhi Honourary CBE
Nationality South African
is professor of vaccinology and director of the South African Medical Research Council Respiratory and Meningeal Pathogens Research Unit at the University of the Witwatersrand, and National Research Foundation/Department of Science and Technology Research Chair in Vaccine Preventable Diseases. In January 2021, he was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand.
He was executive director of South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases from 2011 to 2017, and has served on several WHO committees in roles pertinent to vaccines and pneumonia. In 2018, he co-founded the African Leadership in Vaccinology Expertise (ALIVE) and was appointed Chair of South Africa’s National Advisory Group on Immunization (NAGI).
His research has included studies on…. and in pregnant women, the influenza and respiratory syncytial virus vaccines.
Since the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, he has been leading COVID-19 vaccine trials in South Africa, including the first in Africa. In 2021 he stated that the first and foremost method of ending COVID-19 in South Africa is to implement a mass vaccination regimeHe was executive director of South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases from 2011 to 2017, and has served on several WHO committees in roles pertinent to vaccines and pneumonia.[3] In 2018, after spending four years as deputy-chair of South Africa’s National Advisory Group on Immunization (NAGI), he became its chairperson.[3] In the same year he co-founded the African Leadership in Vaccinology Expertise (ALIVE), based at the University of the Witwatersrand, with the aim of expanding expertise in vaccinology in Africa.[3]
His research has included studies on the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.[3][9][10] This research led to the WHO recommendations on the delivery of this vaccine in low and middle-income countries.[3]
Rotavirus vaccine
Madhi led the first study that showed that a rotavirus vaccine could significantly prevent severe diarrhoea due to rotavirus during the first year of life in African babies.[11] It was published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2010.[12] The paper provided one of the key pieces of evidence for the WHO recommendations of universal rotavirus vaccination.[3]
Flu vaccine
In pregnant women, he studied the effectiveness of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus vaccines.[3][9][10] He led one of the largest studies evaluating the immune response to influenza vaccination in pregnant women.[13] His work showed that the risk of flu halved in women given the flu vaccine. In addition, the risk to their newborns in the first 24 weeks of life was also reduced. The findings were presented at the 16th International Congress on Infectious Diseases and he reported that his “data support the recent WHO recommendation in terms of prioritizing pregnant women for influenza vaccination, not just for the protection of the mother, but protection of the infant as well”.[14]
Later, he became involved in the clinical development of a vaccine against Group B streptococcus for pregnant women.[3]His research has included studies on the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.[3][9][10] This research led to the WHO recommendations on the delivery of this vaccine in low and middle-income countries.[3]In
2016 he received the European Developing Clinical Trial Partnership Scientific Award.[3]
In 2023 he was made an Honorary Commander of the Order of the British Empire
Oxford COVID-19 vaccine trial begins in South Africa
Dr. Shabir Madhi, Professor of Vaccinology at Wits University and Director of the South Africa Medical Research Council (SAMRC) Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit (VIDA) who leads the South African Ox1Cov-19 Vaccine VIDA-Trial.
Dr. Shabir Madhi, Professor of Vaccinology at Wits University and Director of the South Africa Medical Research Council (SAMRC) Vaccines and Infectious Diseases Analytics Research Unit (VIDA) who leads the South African Ox1Cov-19 Vaccine VIDA-Trial.
Wits University is collaborating with the University of Oxford and the Oxford Vaccine Group on the South African trial. The South African Ox1Cov-19 Vaccine VIDA-Trial aims to find a vaccine that will prevent infection by SARS-CoV-2,(adenovirus). The vaccine has been engineered to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
Shabir Madhi, Professor of Vaccinology at Wits
The vaccine was developed at the Oxford Jenner Institute and is currently on trial in the UK, where
The vaccine being used in the South African trial is the same as that being used in the UK and Brazil.
2013 to date Member: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Global Health Program Scientific
Advisory Committee
.CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Shabir Ahmed Madhi
Wits VIDA Research Unit › wp-content › uploads › C…
28 Feb 2022 — 2013: Advisor: RSV Vaccines for Maternal Immunization. PATH. 11 July 2013.
2013: Advisor: RSV Vaccines for Maternal Immunization. PATH. 11 July 2013.
Washington DC.
The way it is ‘working’
Albert Bourla
Had a great meeting with @JPN_PMO and other leaders at the US-Japan Business Council’s (@USJBC ) CEO roundtable. I’m glad to see Japan’s continued commitment to collaboration and public-private partnerships for drug discovery.
@Pfizer has been in Japan for >70 years. Our partnership during the pandemic is a testament to the importance of this collaboration, and we’re committed to helping to drive even more impactful collaboration between US and Japanese companies. I look forward to continuing to work with the Japanese government to improve pandemic preparedness, to advance critical biopharmaceutical technologies, and to shape pro-innovation proposals that enhance the country’s biopharmaceutical sector.
(Photo credit: Ian Wagreich at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, @USChamber)
Bill Gates
From 1990 to 2019, child mortality worldwide was cut by more than half. It’s one of the most important things humanity has ever done—and now, we have the opportunity to do it again:
How to cut child mortality in half… again
We already know how to save millions of newborn lives.
“We also need to ramp up vaccine distribution efforts, with an emphasis on reaching the 60 million “zero-dose” kids in lower-income countries who’ve never received a single immunization and now make up half of all childhood deaths from diseases with effective vaccines.”
That’s according to a former pharmaceutical executive turned Big Pharma critic and whistleblower known as ‘aussie17‘ on X (Twitter).
Follow up to Japanese Mass demonstrations (above) Thanks to
Aussie17 from PharmaFiles by Aussie17
1:33 PM (3 hours ago)
A Heart-Wrenching Moment at Japanese Press Conference: A Mother Recounts Her Son’s Death Amid Landmark Class Action Lawsuit
“Please, this is the truth. It’s neither a lie nor a made-up story. Don’t look away from reality. Why is vaccination not halted? How long will this situation be ignored?”
APR 18
April 17, 2024, marked a turning point in Japan as individuals harmed by COVID vaccine side effects unveiled a class action lawsuit against the government at a press event. Japanese citizen journalist Lizzy, who provided video clips (SOURCE) and reporting on the conference, highlighted this as a moment of significant shift,with numerous mainstream media finally addressing the issue.
This shift in narrative momentum came just after a massive protest on April 13, 2024, witnessed by tens of thousands of Japanese citizens taking a stand against WHO, vaccine mandates, and the continuous overlooking and undermining of those suffering from vaccine-related injuries.
Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO’s Pandemic
April 13, 2024, will be etched in the annals of modern Japanese history as tens of thousands of citizens across the nation came together in a series of pandemic rallies. The protests centered on the widespread opposition to the Pandemic Treaty,
Relatives of individuals who lost their lives following vaccination gene therapy have initiated legal action against the government in the Tokyo District Court. Their grievance centers on the claim that the vaccine’s risks were inadequately communicated. The lawsuit includes the families of eight deceased men and women post-vaccination, and five individuals who have suffered severe side effects such as complete paralysis from the waist down. These incidents have been officially recognized by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as vaccine-related. The attorney representing the plaintiffs stated, “The government must admit to the occurrence of significant medication-related injuries, offer a sincere apology to the victims, their families, and the public, and ensure adequate compensation for the harm caused.”
A major highlight of the press conference was the deeply moving testimony of a mother, identified as plaintiff number 7 in the lawsuit, as she recounted the tragic loss of her 19-year-old son following the administration of a mandated COVID vaccine experimental gene therapy.
“My son had to take the third vaccine for his job. He was apprehensive because the first two doses had already made him really sick,” the mother painfully recalls. Her voice trembles as she narrates how her son, coerced by his employer and adhering to mandates, felt compelled to comply. Merely days after, her worst fears materialized. “As a result of getting vaccinated for the sake of his company and to protect himself, he lost his life at the young age of 19” she laments, the rawness in her voice mirroring the depth of her loss.
This mother’s account transcends a mere recounting of events; it serves as a stern reproach towards the systemic breakdowns and moral shortcomings that have punctuated the worldwide campaign for COVID-19 immunization. Her poignant tale brings to the forefront the profound sense of loss, betrayed trust, and sheer indifference to individual welfare that have ensued from these efforts. More than a narrative of grief, her words form a powerful critique against the systemic inadequacies that precipitated her son’s premature death.
The vaccination mandates, promoted by both governments and Big pharma, have come under criticism for their misleading assurances. “He was happy that the side effects were the least severe after the third dose. He said he would go to sleep as usual the day before his cardiac arrest happened. Yet, such a thing has occurred,” the mother disclosed. This statement reflects the widespread disillusionment experienced by many who depended on assurances that the vaccines were ‘safe and effective’—a message too readily embraced by healthcare professionals and propagated by health authorities who were expected to exercise vigilance but ultimately failed the people who trusted them.
The actions of pharmaceutical companies in manipulating clinical data, the suppression of dissenting voices within the medical community, and the unwavering commitment to a fake “safe and effective” narrative despite the increasing number of victims are now needs to be critically analyzed. “Please, this is the truth. It’s neither a lie nor a made-up story. Don’t look away from reality. Why is vaccination not halted? How long will this situation be ignored? I hope there are as few people as possible enduring the suffering we go through every day.” the mother implores, seeking acknowledgment of her truth. Her anguish echoes with those who are navigating their own journeys of sorrow and seeking answers to similar questions.
The government’s reticence, the pharmaceutical industry’s obfuscations, and the medical community’s conformity have contributed to a crisis not just of health, but of faith—faith in our institutions, in science, and in the very fabric of societal care and responsibility. The time for change is now. It’s time to listen, to act, and to ensure no more candles need to be lit for lives lost too soon.
. This post is public so feel free to share it.
If anybody wants to keep up with the thread there is free subscription to Ausie17
Malaysian Doctor with Large Facebook Following Apologizes for COVID Vaccine Guidance
APR 19
Welcome Dr. Syafiq Nordin to the group of doctors who’ve had a change of heart about the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Syafiq, a Malaysian doctor with nearly 10,000 followers on Facebook, has made a public apology for his role in administering the Pfizer vaccine during the pandemic. He admits to having regrets following recent disclosures surrounding Pfizer and feels a part of the weakness within the industry that has come to light.
He offers a heartfelt apology, especially to those who sought his medical advice during the mass vaccination period,
There are Reasons for sharing especially from those living in more authoritarian regimes who are taking more risks in speaking out as widely as possible-
This is the English translation of his Facebook post from yesterday (April 18, 2024). I’ve verified its accuracy, but it’s possible that it might be removed by Facebook’s moderation team if it becomes widely noticed.
Loose ends…
New federal report calls out clinical trials for excluding pregnant women
While trying to avoid harming pregnant women, scientists are creating greater risks by allowing drug manufacturers to distribute medications without testing them during pregnancy, the report concludes.
“Because of the culture of exclusion, we are not dealing with the world as it exists today — we’re still stuck in 1960,” Margaret Riley, lead author of the report, told The Fuller Project in an interview. “Here it’s a real problem because we have this illusion that doing nothing is better than doing careful research…Like many issues impacting women, it’s done with the notion of protection that actually harms.”
MHRA still won’t release critical data on vaccinated pregnant women
We have reported before on the basic failings of the MHRA in their duty with respect to safety monitoring of the covid vaccines. Now, we can reveal a new scandal as a result of a Freedom of Information Request by the tenacious Cheryl Grainger about the 2000 pregnant women who were vaccinated in the first half of 2021 who the MHRA were supposed to have been monitoring.
Why is the MHRA hiding critical safety data on the covid vaccines?
“It’s the default. It’s even worse than a default — it’s a default that isn’t even thought through,” Riley said. “There is such an assumption that you don’t want to include pregnant or lactating women … just saying nope, we’re not going to include them.”
Neil Oliver reposted
Jim Ferguson
Japanese study finds mRNA injections cause cancer
A newly published Japanese study confirms UK Professor Angus Dalgleish’s concerns about mRNA injections causing cancer. After the findings of the study were published, Australian Professor Ian Brighthope has classified the injections as class one carcinogens.
More than a year ago, Professor Dr. Angus Dalgleish, a renowned oncologist practising in the UK, first published his concerns that his patients with melanoma were relapsing after several years of being in remission.
“I could find none of the usual causes but on further investigation, I realised that they had all had a booster covid vaccine between three weeks and three months before their cancer’s resurgence, the time in which their immune repression fails,” he wrote in The Conservative Woman on Monday.
After raising the alarm that the vaccine boosters could induce cancer relapse, he became aware of literally dozens of people who had not had cancer before developing leukaemia and lymphomas after the boosters.
In November 2022, Prof. Dalgleish wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal that harmful effects of Covid injections be “aired and debated immediately” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.
A few weeks later, he reported that other oncologists had contacted him to say they were seeing the same phenomenon of the recurrence of cancer in many melanoma patients who had been stable for long periods.
“Since pointing this out publicly I have been contacted by many physicians and patients from all over the globe saying that they are not only seeing the same phenomenon but also an increase in other cancers especially colorectal, pancreatic, renal and ovarian,” he wrote at the beginning of this week.
Many people had covid vaccines against their will, Prof. Dalgleish said. “Others gave in to the bullying of the NHS and GPs who hounded them with texts and calls (which I myself received regularly) about the importance of having a booster even though they presented no evidence that it could be beneficial.”
Adding, “Having worked in vaccine development for a decade I remembered an adage that if a vaccine needs a booster, it doesn’t work!”
#mRNA #Cancer
A newly published Japanese study confirms UK Professor Angus Dalgleish’s concerns about mRNA injections causing cancer. After the findings of the study were published, Australian Professor Ian Brighthope has classified the injections as class one carcinogens.
‘In November 2022, Prof. Dalgleish wrote an open letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, urging the journal that harmful effects of Covid injections be “aired and debated immediately” because cancers and other diseases are rapidly progressing among “boosted” people.
A few weeks later, he reported that other oncologists had contacted him to say they were seeing the same phenomenon of the recurrence of cancer in many melanoma patients who had been stable for long periods.
“Since pointing this out publicly I have been contacted by many physicians and patients from all over the globe saying that they are not only seeing the same phenomenon but also an increase in other cancers especially colorectal, pancreatic, renal and ovarian,” he wrote at the beginning of this week.’
Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan!/
During the COVID-19 pandemic, excess deaths including cancer have become a concern in Japan, which has a rapidly aging population. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate how age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) for different types of cancer in Japan changed during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022). Official statistics from Japan were used to compare observed annual and monthly AMRs with predicted rates based on pre-pandemic (2010-2019) figures using logistic regression analysis. No significant excess mortality was observed during the first year of the pandemic (2020). However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer (including ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer) after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022. AMRs for the four cancers with the most deaths (lung, colorectal, stomach, and liver) showed a decreasing trend until the first year of the pandemic in 2020, but the rate of decrease slowed in 2021 and 2022. This study discusses possible explanations for these increases in age-adjusted cancer mortality rates.