Shipwreck of the Singular was written before before Covid landed and published just as the vaccines began to roll out.
It’s central messages are that
- Life expectancy is now falling and this is linked to polypharmacy
- People injured by treatment are the crack through which the science gets in
- The use of antidepressants for children and teens illustrates just how far wrong we have gone
- With the marketing of drugs and vaccines we see business and government policy masquerading as science.
On the first point, this week the CDC has reported that American Life Expectancy is tumbling – with Americans depending on what you read now having life expectancies last seen in 2003 or 1996 depending on which figures you pick.
See Stat News, New York Times, and CDC.
On the third point, very unusually, this week, the New York Times and New York Post carried articles about how we are poisoning our children and especially teenagers with psychopolypharmacy. Both the Democrats and Republicans agree on what is also the central message of Children of the Cure.
The Crack Though Which the Light Gets In
On the second point there have also been developments.
Bri Dressen flagged up an Indian Supreme Court decision to consider issues surrounding the cases of two young women in India whose deaths have been linked to the Astra-Zeneca vaccine.
One of the cases is Karunya Govindam who featured in the Cause and Effect forum some months ago – See Karunya Come Home.
Buenos Aires
There are ongoing events in Buenos Aires. Augusto continues to chase the President of the Republic and all other bodies. At present though, its not possible to put definite shape on what is happening there.
I-Trials remains a key piece of the jigsaw. Why would it park USD $91 million across the Rio de la Plata in Uruguay?
Some of the developments in the last few weeks have already appeared in comments.
For anyone who wants to see Augusto tell his story in English, along with Bri Dressen, Olivia Tesinar, who had the Moderna Vaccine, and Stephanie de Garay who tells Maddies’ Story. These videos are available on React19 – Here.
Vaccine Article
Yesterday, a paper widely circulated as a preprint, written by Peter Doshi and colleagues, Fraiman et al, was published in Vaccine. From the start, Peter has perhaps done more than anyone to counter the Master Narrative sold by the media, Governments and academia.
The first bit of news is that a mainstream journal agreed to publish this paper which is so much at odds with the Master Narrative.
The paper has a stellar cast of authors but even this would not these days enable an article with the conclusion that in the mRNA trials double the number of people with adverse events from the vaccines ended up in hospital compared with those being hospitalized for Covid.
If the point was to reduce the burden on health services these trials did not show that.
Israeli Trials
A week earlier there had been a startling piece of news from Israel claiming that the Israeli Ministry of Health had underplayed the risks from the Pfizer vaccine despite being warned of these risks by some experts. The ignored expert views potentially open up the Israeli government to legal actions by those harmed. See Article Here.
At almost the same time, an article on Vaccine Censorship by Israeli researchers including Josh Guetzkow and colleagues appeared outlining the difficulties in getting a piece published that runs counter to the master narrative.
Brook Jackson
Finally, there is an extended interview with Brook Jackson and others on Rounding the Earth, a forum set up by Matthew Crawford. Warner Mendenhall, one of the lawyers in her Qui Tam case was also there and made some striking posts.
Mendenhall downplayed the chances of success in this case. Very few Qui Tam cases succeed. But in this case, there is an extra factor. The hit to Pfizer should they lose could be of the order of $3.4 Trillion. This is by several orders of magnitude the largest corporate legal case ever filed.
The fourth point still applies. While the above developments hold out fragments of hope that the injured may get recognition and decent treatment, the RSV bandwagon , outlined in Yellow Peril, continues to gather pace. This will need another post, but the shape of this post remains uncertain.
Some months ago several Baronnesses contributed to a debate in the British House of Lords claiming how awful RSV is to children and older adults and how something desperately needs doing in order to prevent the NHS collapsing – see RSV Hansard
Meanwhile Pfizer, as they did with their Covid vaccine, have press-released apparently great results from their RSV trial but not everyone is convinced they are as good as claimed.
Two white mice chat…
The first one asks: “Did you get the Covid-19 vaccine?”
The second replies: “Hey, I am not crazy they didn’t yet finish the tests on humans!”
“The pitfalls are that animals are animals and humans are humans, and although there’s overlap, sometimes there are surprises,”
Josh Guetzkow
Another important article from banned-from-twitter Igor Chudov
Brook Jackson
Ba.5 Booster’s “8-Mice Trial” Actually FAILED
Ba.5 Booster’s “8-Mice Trial” Actually FAILED
Inconsistency of Ba5 Booster makes it uniquely dangerous!
So, the FDA just approved the new Ba.5 bivalent booster, based on a trial of exactly 8 mice.
Today, the FDA approved “Bivalent Ba.5 Booster” because of an unspecified “emergency”. What is the emergency? Joe Biden says there is not one!
But we are giving 171,000,000 doses of this inconsistent concoction to the American people based on this single-page 8-mouse data that nobody even bothered to look at closely.
The booster was tested on, drumroll, 8 mice. That’s it. It will be given to millions of people next week.
How is approving a completely untested product, not medical quackery?
“[Polack] also doesn’t mention his extensive financial involvement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This organization supports industry vaccine trials including Covid and RSV. Fernando is heavily involved through his Gates-sponsored Fundación INFANT in Buenos Aires in RSV trials and research.
“Gates sunk $82,553,834 into Novavax’s RSV vaccine ResVax which was shown to be ineffective in clinical trials in pregnant women.”
Story of ‘disappeared’ mice goes public…
The Conservative Woman is keeping tabs on this issue . The media iin UK s putting out that the excess deaths are a result of lack of access to NHS services resulting from Covid causing build up of untreated serious illnesses . They would rather put countless more people at rxisk of deaths and injuries by promoting more vaccinations during the next few months than come clean with what’s going on and what has corrupted the relationship with citizens they have a duty to look after.
have-the-germans-proved-the-link-between-covid-vaccination-and-excess-deaths/ (also on GBNEWS with Mark Steyn tonight 1st sept 22
Exclusively on TCW
The Conservative Woman
HomeCOVID-19If Covid isn’t causing soaring deaths, is the jab to blame?
Guy Hatchard
August 12, 2022
“Life expectancy is now falling and this is linked to polypharmacy”
And people are targeted and then subject to polypharmacy. In a psych setting not just psych drugs, they obsessively do blood pressure and blood sugar tests to subject people to more drugs. So on the one hand you get treated as trash and then they force you to have these tests.. as if they ‘care’. Of course your blood pressure is going to go up if you are being abused in a hell hole and the food is carbs – chips with everything everyday and the psych drugs make you crave carbs so the blood sugar goes up.
Covid Inquiry
Guided by the science? Questions for the UK’s covid-19 public inquiry
BMJ 2022; 378 doi: (Published 31 August 2022)
Cite this as: BMJ 2022;378:o2066
Read our Covid Inquiry series
The article is too long to include in full . The next round of vaccinations has already stated in UK. The ‘lessons have(nt) been learned – the same, maybe softer, coercion to get vaccinated via public messages including Radio presenters and Jenny Harries have started. J H has already booked hers but when asked how people can get one she bluffed saying she is a Welsh Citizen and didnt give an answer Maybe more seriously she said that if there is a shortage of vaccs the vials can be used to give 4 doses instead of 1. Where is the evidence for doing that? Who gave the authority? Apparently it can be injected under the skin instead on into the muscle but is more difficult to do. What might be the adverse effects? Muscle ache is a common one for the usual method. When skin is damaged I know from a bad experience there can be inflamation fever , aching and infection. Is serious damage likely when the injections are admitted to be difficult to administer? I wouldn’t rxisk it.
Pfizer’s Inside Man
Eye-popping talk from Polly
“I picked Fernando Polack…
Fernando Polack is still working for multiple drug companies (Pfizer, Merck, Novavax, Medimmune, Sanofi, Regeneron, Bavarian Nordic, Janssen) and based on what he’s up to and on the 40+ new RSV vaccine candidates currently in development and on the recent alarmist published reports she’s seen, Polly predicts an upcoming PSYOP involving the Respiratory Syncyntial Virus (RSV), which is a nothingburger that causes the same symptoms as the Common Cold.
Polack is a key player in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trials. He was the lead author on the December 2020 NEJM paper on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Israeli academic Josh Guetzkow notes that he is also one of the directors of i-trials, the site management organisation “paid handsomely by Pfizer to run the trial in Argentina (the largest site of the trial by far)”. Guetzkow adds:
If he raised an alarm about the vaccine safety, his company would have lost a ton of money and would be an unlikely choice by any company to run any trials in the future. So to say that he had an interest in achieving a positive trial outcome would be quite an understatement. There may be other conflicts we’re not aware of.
is conveniently located next door to Freddo, an ice-cream parlour…
GB News Mark Steyn and Kathy Gyngell’s CW – the ones the UK public need to read/watch. The Americans, just might, be able to do something here:
Missouri and Louisiana Attorneys General Ask Court to Compel Department of Justice to Produce Communications Between Top Officials and Social Media Companies
“We have already received a number of documents that clearly prove that the federal government has an incestuous relationship with social media companies and clearly coordinate to censor freedom of speech, but we’re not done. The Department of Justice is cowering behind executive privilege and has refused to turn over communications between the highest-ranking Biden Administration officials and social media companies. That’s why, yesterday, we asked the Court to compel the Department of Justice to produce those records. We’re just getting started – stay tuned.”
“The communications already provided by the Department of Justice to the plaintiff states show, as the joint statement points out, a vast “Censorship Enterprise” across a multitude of federal agencies. In response to Missouri and Louisiana’s interrogatories, defendants identified 45 federal officials at DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the Office of the Surgeon General (all of which are contained in either DHS or HHS) that communicate with social media platforms about “misinformation” and censorship. The joint statement points out, “But in those responses, Defendants did not provide information about any federal officials at other federal agencies of whom they are aware who engage in such communications with social-media platforms about misinformation and censorship, though Plaintiffs had specifically asked for this highly relevant information. Defendants’ document production, however, reveals that such officials at other federal agencies exist—for example, their emails include extensive copying of officials at the Census Bureau, and they also include communications involving the Departments of Treasury and State.”
A senior Facebook official sent an email to the Surgeon General stating, “I know our teams met today to better understand the scope of what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward.” This email chain follows the SG’s “misinformation health advisory” in July 2021:
The same senior official sent a later email to HHS and noted, “Thanks again for taking the time to meet earlier today.” Then, the official continued to discuss how Facebook is taking even more steps to censor freedom of speech:
Josh Guetzkow from Jackanapes Junction
8:42 AM (2 hours ago)
How Did the Israeli Ministry of Health Lie and Manipulate an Expert Report on Adverse Events?Let me count the ways…
Josh Guetzkow
Sep 3
I have been meaning to write about this since Neil Oliver of GB news covered it, and I have tweeted about it several times. But then Etana Hecht covered it in her excellent Substack post, so I figured it was well and covered, and I’m super busy working on something very important. But following a recent twitter thread by Yaffa Shir-Raz and Steve Kirsch’s post about it, I was asked by someone to put the key pieces of information down ‘on paper’ as I understand them, so I did. Here they are:
Summary of key points
On August 2, the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) released a report on adverse events reported following vaccination from Dec. 9, 2021 – May 31, 2022 based on a new reporting system. The MOH tasked a team of medical researchers from Shamir Medical center with experience in pharmacovigilance to analyze the data from the system.
The Israeli MOH misrepresented the findings stating that no new adverse events were found, there was no new signal, and the events were not necessarily caused by the vaccine, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite.
The Israeli MOH artificially minimized the extent of reporting by comparing the number of reports submitted during that period to a much larger number of vaccine doses administered over a longer period of time and a much larger population than the one reporting.
The Israeli MOH sat on these results for nearly 2 months and did not disclose them to the expert committee that met in late June to decide on recommending the vaccine for children under 5.
The MOH tasked a team of medical researchers, headed by pediatric specialist Professor Mati Berkowitz, head of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology unit at Shamir Medical Center, to analyze the data from a new adverse event reporting system they instituted to coincide with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in children age 5-11. They presented their results to MOH officials in early June, the official report was released to the public on Aug. 2.
The official report states that the system was put into place (nearly a year after the start of the vaccine campaign) because the previous patient reporting system could not be validated and was not suitable for analysis. There was another system in place for doctors to report side effects, but the report said the new system was designed to discover side effects that were not reported to doctors. (Of course it does not mention the fact that most doctors would not submit reports if they felt the adverse event was unrelated to the vaccine and/or because they did not want to make waves). In short, for nearly a year Israel did not have a functioning adverse event reporting system akin to VAERS. (During the meeting, the woman in charge of the previous system says she has gotten thousands of reports and doesn’t know what to do with them.)
The Lies and Manipulations of the MOH
The official report claimed there were no new adverse events reported and no new signals. It said there were very small numbers of reports compared to the very large number of vaccine doses, and it also noted that the reports did not necessarily indicate causality.
However, a recorded zoom meeting where the researchers presented their results to senior people at the MOH was leaked, showing that the report hid important facts and manipulated the results. They also did not disclose the researchers’ results to the expert committee that decided on whether to recommend the COVID vaccine for 0.5-4 year olds.
In their presentation, the researchers made the following points:
1. Some of the side effects reported had not been seen in Israel and were not in the published literature. They suggested writing a paper about their findings.
2. They said many of the adverse events (including neurological and menstrual) lasted for months or were still ongoing a year after vaccination, something that the MOH had not seen before and was also unknown to Pfizer (according to an earlier meeting Prof. Berkowitz had attended with Pfizer representatives, who said they did not know of long lasting side effects). Although the official report does include the data on long-lasting adverse events, the summary claims there is nothing new in the findings.
3. The researchers said that many of the reports indicated that the reported adverse events went away and then reappeared after subsequent doses. They refer to this as “re-challenge” and note that this means that the vaccines caused the adverse events. The official report does not mention this but only states the reports are not necessarily related to the vaccine.
4. The researchers were very concerned about what they were seeing.
5. The researchers said they only got cooperation from one HMO to share the data it received from the new reporting system. (Israel’s health system is divided into 5 different HMO-type organizations; each Israeli is required to sign up with one of the HMO’s.) None of the other 4 HMO’s shared their data, including Israel’s 2 largest ones, and the head of the research team said that they are keeping the data ‘close to their chests,’ mentioning Ran Balicer by name. He said the ministry needs to insist that they cooperate (after all, the ministry did hire him to do research on a system they initiated, so why wouldn’t they?). The only one that did share the data (Meuhedet) is very small, representing only about 15% of the Israeli population with a heavy religious population who have lower vaccination rates than the general population.
When the official report came out, it compared the number of reports to the total number of vaccines given out since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. It did not mention that the adverse event reports came only from this small HMO. Furthermore, only people receiving vaccination after Dec. 9, 2021 were likely to report to the system (though others could and did). But only about 10% of all vaccines given out in Israel were given out during the period of the study. Finally, when they reported on the menstrual adverse events, they compared it to the number of vaccines given to both women and men. All of these manipulations made the rate of reported events appear much smaller. And if all of this wasn’t enough, reports of events that resulted in or involved hospitalization were not part of the analyses, as those were dealt with by a different team.
The researchers can also be heard in the meeting asking to get a meeting or have the results conveyed to Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health services at the MOH.
Jackanapes Junction is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
“Safe and Effective”: Wash, Rinse, Repeat –
Josh Guetzkow
A quick rundown on how the @IsraelMOH hid an manipulated the findings of the experts they hired to analyze adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines from a new reporting system they created in December, 2021:…
How Did the Israeli Ministry of Health Lie and Manipulate an Expert Report on Adverse Events?
Let me count the ways…
Josh Guetzkow
1 hr ago
I have been meaning to write about this since Neil Oliver of GB news covered it, and I have tweeted about it several times. But Yaffa Shir-Raz wrote a comprehensive article about it in English on her website, then Etana Hecht covered it in her excellent Substack post, so I figured it was well and covered, and I’m super busy working on something very important.
But following a recent twitter thread by Yaffa and Steve Kirsch’s post about it, I was asked by someone to put the key pieces of information down ‘on paper’ as I understand them, so I did. Here they are:
Summary of key points
1. On August 2, the Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) released a report on adverse events reported following vaccination from Dec. 9, 2021 – May 31, 2022 based on a new reporting system. The MOH tasked a team of medical researchers from Shamir Medical center with experience in pharmacovigilance to analyze the data from the system.
2. The Israeli MOH misrepresented the findings stating that no new adverse events were found, there was no new signal, and the events were not necessarily caused by the vaccine, even though the researchers themselves said the exact opposite.
3. The Israeli MOH artificially minimized the extent of reporting by comparing the number of reports submitted during that period to a much larger number of vaccine doses administered over a longer period of time and a much larger population than the one reporting.
4. The Israeli MOH sat on these results for nearly 2 months and did not disclose them to the expert committee that met in late June to decide on recommending the vaccine for children under 5.
The MOH tasked a team of medical researchers, headed by pediatric specialist Professor Mati Berkowitz, head of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology unit at Shamir Medical Center, to analyze the data from a new adverse event reporting system they instituted to coincide with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in children age 5-11. They presented their results to MOH officials in early June, the official report was released to the public on Aug. 2.
The official report states that the system was put into place (nearly a year after the start of the vaccine campaign) because the previous patient reporting system could not be validated and was not suitable for analysis. There was another system in place for doctors to report side effects, but the report said the new system was designed to discover side effects that were not reported to doctors. (Of course it does not mention the fact that most doctors would not submit reports if they felt the adverse event was unrelated to the vaccine and/or because they did not want to make waves). In short, for nearly a year Israel did not have a functioning adverse event reporting system akin to VAERS. (During the meeting, the woman in charge of the previous system says she has gotten thousands of reports and doesn’t know what to do with them.)
The Lies and Manipulations of the MOH
The official report claimed there were no new adverse events reported and no new signals. It said there were very small numbers of reports compared to the very large number of vaccine doses, and it also noted that the reports did not necessarily indicate causality.
However, a recorded zoom meeting where the researchers presented their results to senior people at the MOH was leaked, showing that the report hid important facts and manipulated the results. They also did not disclose the researchers’ results to the expert committee that decided on whether to recommend the COVID vaccine for 0.5-4 year olds.
In their presentation, the researchers made the following points:
1. Some of the side effects reported had not been seen in Israel and were not in the published literature. They suggested writing a paper about their findings.
2. They said many of the adverse events (including neurological and menstrual) lasted for months or were still ongoing a year after vaccination, something that the MOH had not seen before and was also unknown to Pfizer (according to an earlier meeting Prof. Berkowitz had attended with Pfizer representatives, who said they did not know of long lasting side effects). Although the official report does include the data on long-lasting adverse events, the summary claims there is nothing new in the findings.
3. The researchers said that many of the reports indicated that the reported adverse events went away and then reappeared after subsequent doses. They refer to this as “re-challenge” and note that this means that the vaccines caused the adverse events. The official report does not mention this but only states the reports are not necessarily related to the vaccine.
4. The researchers were very concerned about what they were seeing.
5. The researchers said they only got cooperation from one HMO to share the data it received from the new reporting system. (Israel’s health system is divided into 5 different HMO-type organizations; each Israeli is required to sign up with one of the HMO’s.) None of the other 4 HMO’s shared their data, including Israel’s 2 largest ones, and the head of the research team said that they are keeping the data ‘close to their chests,’ mentioning Ran Balicer by name. He said the ministry needs to insist that they cooperate (after all, the ministry did hire him to do research on a system they initiated, so why wouldn’t they?). The only one that did share the data (Meuhedet) is very small, representing only about 15% of the Israeli population with a heavy religious population who have lower vaccination rates than the general population.
When the official report came out, it compared the number of reports to the total number of vaccines given out since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. It did not mention that the adverse event reports came only from this small HMO. Furthermore, only people receiving vaccination after Dec. 9, 2021 were likely to report to the system (though others could and did). But only about 10% of all vaccines given out in Israel were given out during the period of the study. Finally, when they reported on the menstrual adverse events, they compared it to the number of vaccines given to both women and men. All of these manipulations made the rate of reported events appear much smaller. And if all of this wasn’t enough, reports of events that resulted in or involved hospitalization were not part of the analyses, as those were dealt with by a different team.
The researchers can also be heard in the meeting asking to get a meeting or have the results conveyed to Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of public health services at the MOH.
Josh Guetzkow Retweeted
Tomer Cooks
Exclusive: Proof that the top Israeli health minister lied to the FDA and the people of Israel about the vaccines
This is the most important article on my Substack. The COVID vaccine safety study done in Israel by Prof. Mati Berkowitz (who was hand picked by the MoH to do the study) is irrefutable proof (shown via re-challenge on the same people) that the vaccines actually cause severe side-effects and some of these do not go away over time. It is also proof that when the scientists and Israeli authorities realized the harms, they conspired to cover it up. Thanks to one courageous individual, a recording proving all of this was released to the press.
I highly recommend reading the tweet, watching the GB News interview, and watching this video about the report and reading these two articles: the definitive article by Yaffa Shir-Raz and “Safe and Effective”: Wash, Rinse, Repeat by Etana Hecht.
Wash, rinse, repeat…
Josh Guetzkow
Here’s a long-overdue update on the ins and outs of the comical and whiplash-inducing responses from the CDC about their VAERS safety monitoring. Strap in — it’s a rollercoaster of a ride!…
@justin_hart @ChrisCottonStat @MartinKulldorff @chrismartenson
The CDC Gave Me Whiplash
Can I sue Su?
I guess today is a day for catching up on Substack posts…so here’s a long overdue update on the ongoing saga with the CDC’s safety signal fiasco. Strap in—it’s a rollercoaster of a ride.
To refresh your memory, on June 16 , in a response to a FOIA request I submitted together with Children’s Health Defense, the CDC admitted that they had not monitored VAERS for safety signals from the COVID-19 vaccines, although they said they would. My posts on that story are here and here, and this is a link to my Defender article on their response and the safety signals I found when I analyzed the data they provided.
Now here’s where things get interesting. On July 23, Zachary Stieber of The Epoch Times reported that the CDC reversed itself and stated in an e-mail to him that the “CDC has been performing PRRs since Feb 2021, and continues to do so to date.” That comes from none other than Dr. John Su, head of the VAERS team at the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office. If anybody should be able to provide a definitive answer to that question, it’s him. Sieber’s article was aptly titled “CDC Says It Performed Vaccine Safety Data Mining After Saying It Didn’t.”
But wait, there’s more! …………………………………….
…………………….. more
…………………….. more
…………………….. more
So as usual, the CDC doesn’t know what it is talking about and cannot be trusted to keep simple facts straight. Stay tuned for the next chapter in our ongoing battle to wring the truth from the CDC and FDA.
A wee joke from
“The World’s Most Interesting Doctor”
Edward DowdReposted
New Website
This is the story of Big Pharma FRAUD in 2020, 2021 and now. You can use the following CDC information to hold officials accountable legally, launch lawsuits, educate school boards, sue for maladministration, etc.
From the desk of Ed Dowd
…..and the bar of rwmalone…
Huge respect to J G I wonder how many of the people working in any area of all this are simply not competent to do the job, not necessarily corrupt or been corrupted as yet when appointed at lower levels by those who are blatantly corrupt Who appoints them? they wouldn’t be in a position to challenge at first then would be entangled in something harder, but not impossible as those who do speak out are showing, to get out of.
Josh Guetzkow from Jackanapes Junction Unsubscribe
1:36 PM (3 hours ago)
The CDC Gave Me Whiplash
Can I sue Su?
Josh Guetzkow
Sep 3
I guess today is a day for catching up on Substack posts…so here’s a long overdue
To refresh your memory, on June 16 , in a response to a FOIA request I submitted together with Children’s Health Defense, the CDC admitted that they had not monitored VAERS for safety signals from the COVID-19 vaccines, although they said they would. My posts on that story are here and here, and this is a link to my Defender article on their response and the safety signals I found when I analyzed the data they provided.
Now here’s where things get interesting. On July 23, Zachary Stieber of The Epoch Times reported that the CDC reversed itself and stated in an e-mail to him that the “CDC has been performing PRRs since Feb 2021, and continues to do so to date.” That comes from none other than Dr. John Su, head of the VAERS team at the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office. If anybody should be able to provide a definitive answer to that question, it’s him. Sieber’s article was aptly titled “CDC Says It Performed Vaccine Safety Data Mining After Saying It Didn’t.”
But wait, there’s more! On August 11, Stieber published another article after the CDC reached out to him, doing an about-face on John Su’s assertion and giving me a case of whiplash. Turns out, unbeknownst to the head of the VAERS team, the CDC had not been performing PRR’s since February after all. Apparently, they only got around to doing them starting on March 25, 2022 and stopped on July 31. That article was titled “CDC Admits It Gave False Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance.”
Why the confusion? Get a load of this, from Stieber’s article:
The spokeswoman said it “misinterpreted” both Children’s Health Defense and The Epoch Times.
Children’s Health Defense had asked for the PRRs the CDC had performed from Feb. 1, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2021. The Epoch Times had asked if the response to the request was correct.
The spokeswoman said the CDC thought “data mining” referred only to empirical Bayesian (EB) data mining, a different type of analysis that the FDA has promised to perform on the VAERS data.
“The notion that the CDC did not realize we were asking about PRRs but only data mining in general is simply not credible, since our FOIA request specifically mentioned PRRs and their response also mentioned that they did not do PRRs. They did not say ‘data mining in general,’” Josh Guetzkow, a senior lecturer at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem who has been working with Children’s Health Defense, told The Epoch Times via email.
“There is also no credible reason why they waited until March 25, 2022, to calculate PRRs, unless it was in response to our initial FOIA filed in December 2021, which was rejected on March 25, 2022—shortly after they say they began their calculations.
“It means the CDC was not analyzing VAERS for early warning safety signals for well over a year after the vaccination campaign began—which still counts as a significant failure.”
The CDC also hasn’t released the results of the PRRs.
“PRR results were generally consistent with EB data mining, revealing no additional unexpected safety signals,” the agency spokeswoman said. “Given it is a more robust data mining technique, CDC will continue relying upon EB data mining at this time.”
The CDC is behaving like it has just been caught with the maid in the pantry with its pants around its ankles and is frantically and unconvincingly trying to explain why “this isn’t what it looks like, honey.”
Let’s acknowledge the fact that the head of CDC’s VAERS safety monitoring doesn’t know his right hand from his left, and move on. There are a couple of other important things to note about their response:
The CDC claims they started VAERS safety monitoring only on March 25, 2022. Why then? Well, we had filed our original FOIA back in December. After not hearing from them, I asked the legal team to write to them for an update. The date of that e-mail was…March 22nd. Quite a coincidence, wouldn’t you say? On March 31, they sent a letter to CHD rejecting the initial request for being broad, vague and unduly burdensome.¹ Here is a screenshot, full letter embedded below:
158KB ∙ PDF File
Read now
I don’t know about you, but I find the timing awfully suspicious. I can’t think of any other reason why they would have started conducting PRRs on March 25th of all days — assuming, of course, we take them at their word that they have been (I don’t). They refused to release the PRR calculations to Zack. If they had them and they showed nothing, why would they refuse?
We appealed their response to our FOIA where they claimed that they had not done data mining, and we are still waiting to hear back on that. Ditto for our FOIA to FDA on the data mining they were supposed to do.
The CDC also claimed that Empirical Bayesian Data Mining is a “more robust” technique than PRRs. In their full response to Zack, they wrote:
“As previously mentioned, PRRs can provide a rough means of examining disproportionate reporting but are at best a crude measure prone to many false signals. Therefore, to detect disproportionate reporting, CDC and FDA chose to rely on Empirical Bayesian (EB) data mining. EB data mining is a more robust data mining technique used to analyze disproportionate reporting and is conducted by FDA using VAERS data.”
I beg to differ. This is what I wrote to Zack when he reached out to me for comment:
Here is a 2005 paper from researchers at FDA on analyzing VAERS. The authors conclude that the different methods “may be superior in certain situations but inferior in others.”
Here is a more recent FDA ‘white paper’ discussing data mining methods. They compare the PRR method with the Bayesian Data Mining method they use. Basically the advantage of the Bayesian method is that you have less false positive signals when the number of reported events is very small. But this is not really an issue for most of the COVID-19 vaccine AE’s because there have been so many reported.
Finally, here is an excellent paper from 2020 on adverse event signal detection, showing that each method has its strengths and weaknesses. Although EBDM does a better job of avoiding false positives when the number of events is small, it is also less sensitive to picking up true relationships. So there is a tradeoff. But if you had to pick one method and wanted to err on the side of caution, you’d use PRRs, not the Bayesian method.
The authors of that paper concluded: “No method was superior to the others in terms of the statistical power and sensitivity of detecting true signals. It is recommended that those conducting drug‒adverse event surveillance use not just one method, but make a decision based on several methods.”
So as usual, the CDC doesn’t know what it is talking about and cannot be trusted to keep simple facts straight. Stay tuned for the next chapter in our ongoing battle to wring the truth from the CDC and FDA.
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Josh Guetzkow from Jackanapes Junction Unsubscribe
3:28 PM (2 hours ago)
New Pre-Print Shows mRNA Vaccines Depress Adaptive Immunity and Some Changes Can Be Inherited by Offspring
But what does it mean?
Josh Guetzkow
Sep 3
A couple of days ago I tweeted a link to this post by the brilliant brains behind the Arkmedic blog who brought my attention to this pre-print at BioRXiv from researchers at Thomas Jefferson U in Philadelphia. The paper reports on several experiments conducted on mice with an mRNA-based influenza vaccine candidate. The tweet started to go viral, and within a few hours I had a couple hundred new followers and tens of thousands of impressions. But the tweet contained a significant error, so I decided to delete it, as I do not want to spread false information. Problem was I wrote the tweet before reading the paper myself, relying solely on that blog post. Lesson learned. I promised an update and correction, so here I am.
The paper in question is titled “Pre-exposure to mRNA-LNP inhibits adaptive immune responses and alters innate immune fitness in an inheritable fashion.”
They found that mice given the mRNA vaccine and then exposed intranasally to the influenza strain it coded for were more resistant to infection than the unvaccinated mice. Great, just what you’d hope for. Problem is, the rest of their findings showed that mRNA injections inflict catastrophic damage on the immune system.
mRNA Injections Depress Adaptive Immunity
First, they found that mRNA injections depressed the mice’s adaptive immune system (antibodies and B-cells) following inoculation. They did this by giving the mice an mRNA vaccination for an unrelated disease, then exposing them to influenza and examining their immune response. They found that mice injected with either loaded or empty injections of LNPs showed an equal decrease in antibody and B-cell levels, compared to those injected with a placebo (PBS). “Thus,” the authors conclude, “these data suggest that pre-exposure to this platform can inhibit subsequent adaptive immune responses and that the LNPs play a critical role in this.”
They found this suppressive effect on antibody and B-cell production lasted between 4-8 weeks for antibodies and for B-cells at least 8 weeks (which was the cutoff for the study). They also found evidence suggesting the the effectiveness of the mRNA vaccination wanes with successive shots.
mRNA Injections Increase Susceptibility to Other Infections
They then exposed the mice injected with the influenza vaccine to either the influenza strain or to the bacteria Candida albicans. As noted above, compared to uninjected mice, the injected mice did a better job fighting off influenza infection. However, they did worse fighting off Candida infections:
“the mRNA-LNP exposed mice showed significantly diminished resistance towards Candida albicans infection. They lost significantly more weight (Figure 5D) and we detected approximately a log higher CFU counts in their kidneys (Figure 5E), which are the target organs in this mouse model of disseminated candidiasis. Thus, these data suggest that pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs might alter innate immune fitness.”
They cite another pre-print I referenced in my comments to the FDA’s VRBPAC committee on continued booster doses, which also shows a devastating impact of the mRNA vaccines on the immune system, titled “The BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses.”
Immune Changes Can Be Inherited
OK, now here we get to the biggest bombshell in this paper. They vaccinated male and female mice and had them breed: one pair where neither parent was exposed to the mRNA vaccines, one where both were, one where mom was but dad wasn’t, and one where dad was but mom wasn’t.
The pups were then exposed intranasally to influenza to see what happened. What they found was that all the mice who had one or more parent vaccinated had a better response to influenza than the ones born to two unvaccinated parents. The ones with the mother vaccinated did better than the one with just the dad vaccinated, but even those pups did better than pups with both parents unvaccinated. The heritability waned with successive litters born to the original pair, but by the 4th litter those with a vaccinated mother still saw increased protection.¹ There was variation across the pairings in how quickly the effects waned across successive litters.
OK, but what about the immune suppression and increased susceptibility to other infections, like Candida, that we saw in their parents? Well, I guess the researchers ran out of time or money, or they got bored, because they didn’t bother to check! Or if they did check (why would they not?), they didn’t like what they saw and left it out of the paper. Whatever the case may be, the bottom line is we don’t know if the destructive effects of the vaccination were passed on to offspring.
Furthermore, we don’t know the mechanism by which those traits were passed on. The researchers speculate that the mRNA injections may have made epigenetic changes that were passed on. Epigenetic changes here basically means that although the DNA code remains unaltered, there is a change to the process by which the cells produce proteins from genetic instruction — how the body reads and processes that code, basically. Here is an article Arkmedic shared on transgenerational epigenetic inheritance.
Nevertheless, Arkmedic, who is eminently qualified to weigh in on this paper, favors the hypothesis that the injections induced genetic changes and views the epigenetic mechanism claimed by the researchers as very tenuous—but notes that even if it is epigenetic, it must be affecting germ cells (sperm and eggs). Epigenetic changes to the germ cells is still a very big deal whose full repercussions are unknown.
Some have claimed that the inherited response is due to antibodies passed from the mother to the pups, for example through breastmilk. And that is likely part of the story, but it cannot explain why the pups born to vaccinated dads but not vaccinated moms also had an improved immune response to influenza. Nor why the pups born to 2 vaccinated parents had a better response than those born only to vaccinated mothers. So long story short: the protective immune effects are inherited even if just the dad is injected, so this cannot be simply about moms passing antibodies to their babies.
We don’t know if the detrimental effects of mRNA injection on the immune system are inherited because the authors didn’t test for that — but the precautionary principle demands that we assume so until proven otherwise. We also don’t know the mechanisms of how immune protection is passed on or whether there are genetic changes made or purely epigenetic ones. Nor do we know anything about the nature of those epigenetic changes and how they are inherited. But hey, safe and effective, right?
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The error in my tweet concerned this issue — I stated that the successive litters were successive generations (with 4th generation being the great great grand kids, but in fact it was just a 4th successive litter from the same parents).
Moderna aims to give investors extra boost with 6-in-1 superjab
A six-in-one super jab that will protect against strains of Covid-19, flu and respiratory syncytial virus — similar to a cold — could be introduced by winter 2025, the UK boss of pharmaceuticals giant Moderna has said.
Darius Hughes was speaking ahead of the launch of the UK’s Covid booster programme tomorrow using Moderna’s new bivalent vaccine, which includes protection against both Omicron and the original coronavirus strain.
He said he was confident the company’s messenger RNA technology would give longer-lasting protection. Moderna is desperate to convince investors it can sustain sales of its MRNA vaccines as appetite wanes for booster jabs.
Moderna is already testing separate flu and RSV jabs in the southern hemisphere, where Hughes, 54, said early data was “very promising”.
If …..
React19 is a science-based nonprofit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine adverse events.
A new wave of boosters are rolling out despite testing on humans not being completed. As we’ve seen in the past trials, there have been issues with every manufacturer. By neglecting safety signals, a certain % of people will suffer injuries by this move.
Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming Hardcover – November 22, 2022
by Robert W. Malone (Author)
With contributions from eminent doctors, scientists, and experts in their fields, Lies My Gov’t Told Me offers a comprehensive look at the coronavirus pandemic–where we are today, how we got here, and what’s on the horizon. Challenging the mainstream government-pharma-media narrative, the chapters in this book will not only outrage readers but will also inform and give readers hope.
Extra Boost…
Josh Guetzkow
I keep tweeting about this story because it’s so important.
The Israeli PECC
· 2h
1/11 In a leaked video, a research team commissioned by the IMoH warns: “We’ll have to think medico-legal – how to present our findings to avoid lawsuits. Why? Because of quite a few side effects, we said: ‘OK, it exists and reports exist, BUT STILL GET VACCINATED'”.
1/11 In a leaked video …
Edward Dowd @EdwardDowd
“We think that over time, not only will Josh and I be proven, right, it’s going to be devastating for a lot of institutions, and the implications for our country are going to be very, very dire,” said Dowd.
“This is a crisis of epic proportions that no one seems to be talking about. At the very least, it should be acknowledged, and there should be investigations all over the country to try to figure out the silent killer.”
Edward Dowd, a former Wall Street analyst, BlackRock portfolio manager, and author of the upcoming book “‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022.” (The Epoch Times)
Millennials Experienced ‘84 Percent Rise of Excess Mortality’ Into Fall 2021: Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager
Excess deaths after government’s vaccine mandates must be talked about: author Edward Dowd
Dowd has his own hunch about this sudden increase aligning with the vaccine mandates for big businesses, corporations, as well as federal agencies, but said that even if others disagree, he wants to be able to discuss, debate, and study the data in depth to come to a fair and rational conclusion about this spike in deaths.
In addition to OneAmerica, the Society of Actuaries published a data set also showing very similar results to what Dowd and Sterling found regarding death rates in working-age cohorts.
The problem goes well beyond the effects of the COVID vaccines, according to Dowd. He sees a deep-seated corruption in the public health institutions and in medicine, which he said has crept in over a long period of time but needs to be challenged. That is why he and three other coauthors wrote the Malone Doctrine.
More or Less, R4, aired 4 Sept.
Meanwhile, in the UK, why have excess deaths been rising?
‘Super-Star Actuary’ :
“For me the strongest hypothesis for the current excess deaths we are experiencing is this pressure on the NHS”
Not a whisper
“Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – 19 Jan. 2023
Super-Star Act…
Subscription is free with an option to pay more. J G asks that we share his posts as widely as possible
It’s a very, very SADS world…
Josh Guetzkow from Jackanapes Junction
1:24 PM (5 hours ago)
It’s a very, very SADS world…
Haunting video that captures the madness of our times.
Josh Guetzkow
Sep 5
This video was created by the genius behind Visceral Adventures and is shared with permission. Here is the YouTube link. Please share and retweet.
In the same vein –
Are there side-effects to the new booster?
These are the same as with previous Covid jabs: a sore arm and flu-like symptoms. Headache, chills, fatigue, nausea, fever, dizziness, weakness, aching muscles and a rapid heartbeat are the most commonly reported side-effects. ‘This is your immune response to the vaccination kicking in,’ says Professor Preston.
“People are dropping dead; we’ve never had so many people dropping dead”
“The reality will have to become so overwhelming”
“Unrelenting global propaganda”
“The United States of Pharma”
Edward DowdReposted
Every day I am forced to watch the same horror movie about people clamoring for lethal jabs while unaware of the bodies piling up everywhere. Pharma-media propaganda & censorship is so powerful that it can lead people to be complicit in their own demise.
‘The concern over the very rare clotting disorders observed with the AstraZeneca jab led to the decision to use the Moderna/Pfizer RNA vaccines for boosters,’ Professor Preston says.
The UKHSA points to evidence from a trial of seven different vaccines given as a third dose by University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, which found mRNA vaccines were ‘the most effective’.
Vaccines are very effective …