This post is partnered with a Timeline on Sex, Fertility, France and Serotonin on RxISK MAiD I am on a listserve that includes Trudo Lemmens a vocal opponent of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) in Canada. Canada seems to be going about MAiD particularly enthusiastically. Quite apart from Trudo being a long standing friend, I am impressed with the coherence, morality and … [Read more...] about Liberty, Equality and Fertility
Pharmageddon and Our HealthCare Climate
This post centers on one member of our twin greatest problems - the changing climate of healthcare - as do HealthCare Gone Mad and Pharmageddon and Fertility., and older posts - Healthcare and the Global Climate and all posts in the Politics of Care Forum. There are linked posts on, starting with The Cradle of Civilization and forthcoming posts on A Sex and … [Read more...] about Pharmageddon and Our HealthCare Climate
God Does Not Roll Dice. Should Doctors?
This lecture If God Doesn't Play Dice, Should Doctors was given at the invitation of Leeza Osipenko and Consilium Scientific on May 18th 2023. Consilium are playing a big part in encouraging us all to think more about the quality of proofs we turn to in medicine in particular about Randomized Controlled Trials. There are many excellent lectures on their site. With lectures … [Read more...] about God Does Not Roll Dice. Should Doctors?
Freeing Teresa – Uplifting 2024
I was asked by Shepherd Books to list my 3 favorite books for 2023. My list is Here - Freeing Teresa came top, followed by Wonder Drug and Escape from Model Land. The overall Shepherd Best Books for 2023 List Is Here. Freeing Teresa is different to anything else. It's uplifting as well as dramatic. In 2024, the world desperately needs more of us to follow the lead … [Read more...] about Freeing Teresa – Uplifting 2024
In Secula Seculorum
This post is twinned with No Room at the Inn. In Secula Seculorum are Latin words that resonate for anyone of a certain age with a Catholic background. Intoned in a sonorous and rhythmic way at ceremonies, they conjured up the sacred and holy. Looked at rather than listened to, they conjure up the opposite - secularism. The words mean forever and ever. Worlds … [Read more...] about In Secula Seculorum
Coming Clean on Neonatal Deaths
This post by Peter Selley needs reading in conjunction with Uterine Roulette, Lonesome Heroines and Silent Health. It is about our rights to information rather than about vaccines per se. There is an industry playbook here put in place with SSRI drugs over 30 years ago that needs recognizing and tackling. GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) are dragging their feet about being transparent … [Read more...] about Coming Clean on Neonatal Deaths
Silent Health
This post links to last week's Silencing Safety and Women and Children First and this week's Lonesome Heroines on RxISK. For decades, Jack Noble has been an inspiration for anyone in my and I'm sure other circles, who is concerned about the way medicine is going and the influence of pharma. He's a straight-talking Bostonian, now living in Texas, who can't easily be … [Read more...] about Silent Health
Women and Children First: The RSV Iceberg
This post written by Peter Selley and goes hand in hand with Silencing Doctors by David Healy on, which takes you in between the lines of what is written here and in two articles published today - a BMJ Consent Article and Vaccine contre la bronchiolite: Pfizer Essais en zone d'ombre by Ariane Denoyel for Blast, a French investigative journalism unit. The RSV … [Read more...] about Women and Children First: The RSV Iceberg
Pharmageddon and Fertility
This post needs reading in conjunction with Has Healthcare Gone Mad and A Medical Triumph. This image of declining British fertility from 1880 was repeated across the Western world and more recently the whole world. The usual explanations are in terms of social and economic factors and are typically seen as a good thing. Progressives see women getting more control over the … [Read more...] about Pharmageddon and Fertility
Has Healthcare Gone Mad?
This talk was given at the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry on October 28. The Video version of HealthCare Gone Mad is linked here. The slides and text are below. There will soon be an official ISEPP link to the talk and a Q and A, which will be added here as soon as its … [Read more...] about Has Healthcare Gone Mad?