Infection Super-Spreaders, with Michael Hengartner’s comment... I cannot recommend rejection, as this would mean to reject about 90% of clinical research and call into question everything EBM has achieved, including the Cochrane collaboration. .. opens up an unsettling vista. Calling into question EBM, and the Cochrane Collaboration, has echoes that are little short of well … [Read more...] about TRUST ME I’M NOT A DOCTOR
Infection Super-Spreaders: Whose Department?
This is a murky story that like Study 329, to which it links, doesn’t leave anyone looking good. First the journal – Frontiers in Psychiatry – which is one of the Frontiers group of journals. As outlined in Neo-Culturalism - a must read to get what is going on here and being done to all of us - there is no-one at home in Frontiers. There is a vacuum where once the soul (or … [Read more...] about Infection Super-Spreaders: Whose Department?
Stormy Weather II
SWI There was a fuss after Stormy Weather. A colleague got in touch to ask if my twitter feed had been hacked - he'd been copied in on some weird stuff. I went on twitter to check - I rarely check things out. And noticed 250 notifications - the first few of which were all about Fake News and the like and seemed semi-angry and semi-amused. It turned out there were only … [Read more...] about Stormy Weather II
Stormy Weather I
If it appears in the New York Times it must be true but in truth we have no evidence that Stormy Daniels or Donald Trump or Joe Biden have PSSD or PFS or any related conditions - although there was considerable gossip at one point claiming Donald was taking Finasteride. Probably just Fake News. There is a fairy tale quality to the story you see here - an Arabian Night's … [Read more...] about Stormy Weather I
Swallowed Whole or Murdered: Malcharist
Patrick Hahn has written the first Riff on Malcharist which is now posted on Samizdat reproduced below. What Paddy Chayefsky’s Network was to the Twentieth Century, Paul John Scott’s Malcharist is to the Twenty-First. This is a novel that takes the reader deep inside the Pharmaceutical Empire which invents diseases, creates “patient advocacy organizations” to sell these … [Read more...] about Swallowed Whole or Murdered: Malcharist
Samizdat announces the release of Malcharist by Paul John Scott. This is a grippingly realistic page-turner about the corruption of clinical trials told through the crisis of conscience of a medical ghostwriter. Set in Manhattan in 2010 and laced with dark humor throughout its fast 352 pages, it finds Shivani Patel in its opening chapters in a Town Car with a private driver, … [Read more...] about Malcharist
Righteous Anger
There are 2 more Riffs on Children of the Cure, with more on the way and 1 on The Decapitation of Care. The image above isn't quite right - might be better to have Lilly, Pfizer, Merck and GSK represented on the name plates. The illustrations in the Riffs however are the usual compelling imagery from Bill James. Patrick Hahn who has been writing extensively on aspects … [Read more...] about Righteous Anger
The Spooking of Ichabod Crane
There are 3 more Riffs on the 329 theme, with 3 more to come. Julie Wood the prime moved behind the site, which provided much of the underpinning of Children of the Cure has written a Riff on the book which can be found in full on Samizdat under Sympathy and Pills or here as Warning May Cause Hostility, Insomnia and Akathisia. For anyone not familiar with the … [Read more...] about The Spooking of Ichabod Crane
Riffs on Children of the Cure – Ode to Beethoven
Samizdat now features 3 Riffs on Children of the Cure, with more on the way. The first was by Max Fink - above - a second has come from Heather Roberts, below, who has posted further reflections on Olly's Friendship Foundation Facebook page and a third from Bob Fiddaman, further down again. Bob also features at the moment on RxISK's current venlafaxine withdrawal … [Read more...] about Riffs on Children of the Cure – Ode to Beethoven
Lulu to the Rescue?
When Samizdat published Children of the Cure on Amazon, there was discomfort in some quarters. The discomfort was practical for some. Mark Carter from Auckland told us it would take 154 NZ dollars to buy two copies and have them posted to him – he had to go through as for some strange reason does not seem to do print versions of Children, unlike … [Read more...] about Lulu to the Rescue?